Student-Produced Show Comments On Social Injustices In Our Own Backyard

Lab Theatre advertisement for Rowan University

Come see Lab Theatre’s original production of It’s Happening at Home, opening tonight at 8 PM in Bunce 159 and on Saturday at 2 PM and 8 PM. General admission $10, Rowan students FREE with valid ID. All profits go towards Sandy Hook Promise.

It’s Happening at Home, a devised theatrical work by Rowan students, shines a light on the travesty happening right in our own backyard.

photo of Rowan students in original production created on campus
The cast of the show

Director Molly Jo Gifford, senior theatre major says, “We like to think of injustice as an outside entity, but it is crawling in our everyday lives. Our sisters, neighbors, friends, and family are plagued everyday with injustice and misery caused by our society’s refusal to take responsibility.”

Gifford adds, “With an extremely talented and collaborative production team and cast, this show will give a voice to the problems we see in our world and offer people a safe space to view and process these topics.”

Gun violence, rape culture, domestic abuse and racism are a few of the topics addressed in this original piece. The piece emphasizes the importance of education and how society has taught us to relay information through our cultures, media, music, and politics. The process of Lab Theatre, the SGA club sponsoring the work, is an educational experience in itself. 

Kerry Jules, Lab Theatre Vice President, says, “Lab theatre is excited to be able to bring this original work to life. We hope it not only sits with the audience, but inspires action. While we’re a club, we take great responsibility to educate as it is embedded in our mission statement and in our department to continue to do works relevant in our society today.”

The production team consists of students from freshmen to seniors, ranging in a variety of theatre and dance majors, coming together in collaboration to create a work of art ready to address issues Rowan students can relate to. Come be a part of this revolutionary work.

Like what you see? Register for a tour or open house. 

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Vanessa Vause, junior public relations major and advertising minor