Rowan Rec Offers Career Opportunities

Laura Bartoli posing behind Rowan's Rec Center's desk.
Laura Bartoli, junior marketing major from Vernon, NJ, works more efficiently with a busier schedule. Laura started working at Rowan’s Rec Center her freshman year in the main office and as job positions opened, so did Laura’s career opportunities. She started personal training and eventually, marketing for the Rec Center.
Her job’s at the Rec reinforce the importance of self-accountability and adaptability.  Laura explains even though it’s a student run job, slacking off is not an option. More importantly, being exposed to a setting with people from different backgrounds allows her to keep an inclusive mindset she can apply to any work environment.
Laura Bartoli handing Rowan student their student ID.

The Rec always holds such a positive atmosphere, which carries into employees attitudes. “Every day you’re surrounded by people who want to see you succeed which influences my bad days into good ones.” Laura appreciates how understanding the Rec staff is and willing to adjust schedules to properly balance work and school.

Laura encourages students to work on campus because it’s the best decision she’s made at Rowan. It exposed her to so many people and explore different positions she’ll transfer anywhere.

Laura posing on the second floor of Rowan's Rohrer College of Business.

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Story and photography by: Alyssa Bauer, junior public relations major