(Weekly) Daily Dish – Chicken & Veggie Pasta

I see so many students (especially my roommate) eating plain pasta, which gets old… fast. I always try to add a type of protein and veggie(s) into my pasta to enhance the taste and quality of the meal – it adds a couple of steps but is well worth it!


  • Pasta
  • Chicken
  • Spinach
  • Mushrooms
  • Pasta Sauce


  1. Cook pasta according to labeled directions.
  2. Slice or cube chicken, saute in medium-large sized pan until cooked.
  3. While pasta water is boiling and chicken is cooking, chop mushrooms. Throw mushrooms and spinach into the pan.
    Photo of cooking mushrooms and pasta.
  4. Once pasta is cooked and drained, mix into pan. Add pasta sauce and stir. Enjoy!

    Photo of cooked chicken, pasta, mushrooms and spinach in a pot.
    Photo of the final chicken and veggie pasta meal.

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Story and photography by: Alyssa Bauer, junior public relations major