Alumni Success Story: Lauren O’Donnell from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, where Rowan alumna Lauren O'Donnell works

Rowan alumna Lauren O'Donnell from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)Today we are speaking with Lauren O’Donnell, a Psychology alumna from the 2000 class. Originally from Chatham (Morris County), O’Donnell now lives in South Jersey and works as a Reward and Recognition Program Lead for the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. 

“What really caught me when I first visited Rowan was how beautiful and comfortable the campus is, it just felt right.

“Rowan really gave me a strong foundation — one class in particular was Organizational Behavior. It really was not at all what I expected it to be, but it was the best class and really confirmed that I wanted to pursue the business world instead of the clinical side of my degree (Psychology).”

How did Rowan help you achieve your goals?

“Rowan always had amazing opportunities to get involved with the university, lots of clubs, events, there was always something going on. I was involved in Greek Life and because of that I met a lot of great friends, who helped me a lot. I also learned a lot of leadership skills and how to work well in group settings.”

How did Rowan help you with any job opportunities?

“The Career Advancement Center was great and helped me set up some of my first interviews. Not only did they help but all of the other connections I made through networking, my World Religion professor wrote me a letter of recommendation.”

What is your favorite accomplishment at your current job?

“I currently am working my dream job and absolutely love it, but my biggest accomplishment would be the event we held at the Philadelphia Zoo and over 11,000 employees were in attendance.”

What is some advice you would give to future graduates?

“Be proactive, ask questions and don’t be uncomfortable with making the initial contact with the job you want.”

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Story by:
Justin Borelli, senior advertising major