Meet #Rowan2024: Mechanical Engineering Major Emma Redmond

Selfie of Emma holding a drawing of Rowan.

Today we feature Mechanical Engineering major Emma Redmond. She is from Mantua, NJ (Gloucester County) and will commute to Rowan in the fall. 

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan? I am looking forward to meeting all of the new people at Rowan, and making some new friends! Selfie of Emma.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? I would love to continue playing my flute when I am at Rowan. 

How or why did you choose your major?​ I chose my major because I went to a vocational-technical high school on an engineering track, and I have really discovered how much I love solving problems in my own way!

How did you get to know campus? I came to a tour my junior year with my Gloucester County Institute of Technology class, and attended a STEM workshop at Rowan as well which was a blast! 

What music do you like? I enjoy alternative rock, classic rock, and K-pop mostly. Selfie of Emma in Rowan attire.

Night owl or morning person? Morning person, my puppy gets me up early. 🙂 

Why Rowan?​​ I chose Rowan because not only do in-state students get great tuition prices, but the engineering program is fantastic. I feel like I will be challenged, will gain real-world work experience, and it being very close to home is another plus.  

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