Meet #Rowan2024: Radio/TV/Film Major Allison Bruce

Selfie of incoming Rowan student Allison in her home

Meet future freshman Radio/ TV/Film major Allison Bruce. Allison is excited to become a Rowan student and hopes to get involved in a music program. 

Allison posing for a selfie.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan? 

I am looking forward to meeting new people and all of my professors. 

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? 

I would like to find a way to continue being a part of the music program. I was in percussion ensemble in high school and I would love to continue that! 

How or why did you choose your major?

I was honestly not sure what I was going to major in until last summer when my sister got me an internship with her friend at Bridgeport Speedway. I was assisting him in filming the races there, and it was so much fun so I decided to be a Radio/TV/Film major! 

Photo of Allison sitting in a velvet chairHow did you get to know campus?

I attended an open house to get to know campus, I have friends that have taken me to a few places around campus. I am excited to keep learning about Rowan. 

What music do you like?

I really like music and I listen to just about everything. The only genre that I don’t like as much would be heavy metal. 

Night owl or morning person?

I am such a night owl. I stay up way too late way too often!

Why Rowan? 

I chose Rowan because I have a few friends here already, but the program and atmosphere seemed really helpful and accommodating. I can’t wait to start this fall! 

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Story by: 
Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate

Photos contributed by:
Allison Bruce