Meet #Rowan2024: Growing as a Writer, Padmini Rao

Photo of Padmini sitting on a large staircase

Meet Writing Arts major Padmini Rao. She is a first-generation college student and is excited to explore new writing opportunities at Rowan. 

What is something you’re looking forward to at Rowan? 

I’m looking forward to all the new experiences Rowan holds for me. I look forward to creating new bonds, extending my knowledge and growing as a writer. 

Headshot of PadminiWhat is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan? 

I was the president of my school’s poetry club, Young Poet’s Society. From the time I was a freshman I’ve seen it grow from a small club to publishing school magazines. I’m excited to see what Rowan University offers and the range it comes with! I’d [also] love to indulge in swimming! 

How or why did you choose your major? 

I had been awfully torn between choosing a major for my passion or career and my passion won! Creative writing is what I’ve grown up with and what has grown with me. I look forward to enhance my skills as a writer. 

How did you get to know campus? 

I have friends that go to Rowan, I’ve visited them and taken a tour individually. I have also toured with a guide so I’m pretty familiar with the campus!

What music do you like?

Hip-hop/R&B soul, but I’ve got a soft spot for pop and rock. In fact I’ve made some songs myself.

Night owl or morning person?

Weirdly both, I honestly prefer naps in the middle of the day. 

Why Rowan?

Its writing program intrigued me, and I wanted to explore more! 

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Story by: 
Melanie Sbaraglio, public relations and advertising graduate

Photos by:
Padmini Rao