Today, we speak to Jamal Samah, a Rowan Global student in the Engineering Management master’s program from Deptford, NJ (Gloucester County). He earned his Mechanical Engineering undergraduate degree at the University of Pittsburgh but decided that Rowan’s graduate program was the right fit for him. He tells us more about his online program and why he chose Rowan.

“I chose to pursue a master’s in engineering management because I work in a business office and want to grow and move into a management position,” Jamal says.
What inspired Jamal to pursue the master’s program in Engineering Management was the combination of engineering and business he’s noticed as he progresses in his career. He currently works in Philadelphia and looks forward to furthering his career into management.
He was part of the online master’s program even before COVID-19 and finds it suits his lifestyle — the online program works around his schedule.
When asked why he chose Rowan, Jamal shares: “I like having a college that’s local … and some of the other programs I just found were a little too expensive. So, it was a combination of cost and location.
“I have three courses left. They’re 100% online, which benefits me because I get the flexibility. You have all your lectures online. If I have to stay up to midnight, I can do that. The faculty supports me even more than when I went for my undergrad. I can send an email and they’ll get back to me at any time. I don’t have to worry about office hours. I like the online format.”
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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major