Today, we speak to freshman Chemistry major Spencer Feldman from Livingston, NJ (Essex County). Spencer is currently residing on campus in Holly Pointe Commons. He tells us a little more about why he chose Rowan and what he likes to do on campus.

Why Rowan?
I chose Rowan because of the location. Also, when I came here I felt that this was a true college campus. It felt easy and simple here. It’s not a huge campus, it’s not a small campus. It’s just enough!
What do you like to do on campus?
Whenever the courts are open, I run around and play basketball. If Holly Pointe To-Go is open, I’ll get food or I’ll go get food at Grill Nation. Other than that, I hang out with my friends outside, walk around campus and go to the Gazebo. We’re always hanging outside because of [Covid-19], we can’t really go indoors together too often. We also go to [Rowan] Boulevard and there’s outdoor dining so there’s a lot to do!
How’s living in Holly Pointe?
It’s nice living on the first floor. The ceilings are higher and the food is really close too, so that’s always nice!
What do you like about Rowan so far?
I actually like how it’s still alive on campus right now. There’s a lot of other colleges that are kind of empty right now. At Rowan, there’s still a lot of things happening, and we can still get the college experience.
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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major