Today, we feature sophomore Matthew Kresge, a Computer Science major with a minor in Mathematics from Douglasville, PA. Matthew tells us more about his fashionable hairstyle.

Why Rowan?
Honestly, I knew I wanted to go a little bit away from home. I kind of wanted to go to a school that I knew a lot of classmates weren’t going to go to, so I thought this would be the right school for me.
What did you use to get your hair color?
I use Arctic Fox for my hair.
How did you decide on the color?
So, when I first dyed it, I bleached my hair because it was a brown. It turned blonde, then when I dyed it again, it turned into a darker blue. This is like two weeks of fading so it turned into this shade of green! At first, my parents were very hesitant to let me dye my hair, but now they don’t really care.
Have you dyed your hair before?
Before this, I dyed my hair red, like a very bright red, and then it faded into orange.

Like what you see?
Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major