Alumni Success: B.A. in Mathematics Grad Bri Arnold

Bri surrounded by leaves.

Today we feature Bri Arnold, an alumna from the Class of 2019 who holds a B.A. in Mathematics. Bri transferred to Rowan from Monmouth University in 2016. She lived on campus during her sophomore year in Holly Pointe Commons and lived off-campus during her junior and senior years. Bri is from Toms River, NJ (Ocean County), and currently lives in West Chester, PA. 

Bri poses by a white door.

What made you want to come to Rowan? I met my current fiance, who is also a Rowan graduate, while he was a student at Rowan and I was a freshman at a different university. After visiting the campus so much and seeing all that Rowan has to offer, I fell in love with the University and I transferred. It was the best decision I ever made.

Bri and her fiancé pose in front of a sunset in their Rowan gear.

What field are you in? I graduated with a degree in Mathematics, but I am in the field of data analytics. I work for Chemours, a DuPont spin-off, based in Wilmington, Delaware, in internal audit, but I’m not really an auditor. I just do the fun stuff.

Bri poses by the Rowan Arch in her graduation attire.

How did your degree help you get into the field of internal audit? My math degree helped me, but what really helped the most was my minor in Statistics. When you have mathematics as a degree, you usually go in one of two directions, which are theory math and applied math. I chose to go the route of applied math, and I went into the industry. The statistics helped me out because I learned how to analyze data sets; take large data sets and draw conclusions in the ways that my auditors want to see it. 

Did you have any internships while you were at Rowan? The summer before my Junior year, I participated in a research program with the College of Science and Mathematics. When I was a senior, I was an intern at Chemours. They offered me a full-time job, and I am still working there today.

Bri poses with friends at Rowan.

What did you love about Rowan? The best decision I ever made was transferring to Rowan. The location of Rowan is great, because it’s so close to Philly, it’s pretty close to Atlantic City, and Wilmington, and all these other places where there are job opportunities. It’s in a good area, and I don’t think I would have had the opportunities I had at Rowan at any other college. My professors were open and wanted to help, and they wanted to make sure that you knew the material, and not just that you went to class and then took an exam. They were totally invested in your education. Transferring to Rowan is the best decision I ever made, and I don’t think I would be where I am now if I never went to Rowan. I’m so grateful I transferred. 

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Photos provided by:
Bri Arnold