Rowan Research: Rewriting Revolutionary War History [VIDEO]

Looking down at three students crouched on the ground, iarchaeologist Burials of a Revolutionary War battle near Rowan University.

Uncovering History: The Red Bank Battlefield Discovery, Led by Rowan University History Professor * Header photo shows a student simulation that does not include actual human remains In a groundbreaking revelation discovered in 2022, researchers at the Red Bank Battlefield in National Park, NJ (Gloucester County), unearthed human remains from the October 1777 battle between […]

Professional Goals of One Rowan University Biomedical Engineering Student

A Brief Glimpse Inside the Biomedical Engineering Program at Rowan University Meet Nia Bellopede, a senior Biomedical Engineering major from Sewell, NJ (Gloucester County.) When we spoke with Nia this summer as a rising senior who had recently completed her junior year, she shared that one of her most immediate goals was for this fall: […]

Meet Our Researchers: Andra Garner Studies How Climate Change Impacts Natural Hazards [VIDEO]

Three globes.

How One Rowan University Climate Scientist is Shaping the Future of Coastal Cities Meet Andra Garner, a leading climate scientist and assistant professor in Rowan University’s School of Earth & Environment who focuses on investigating the effects of climate change on hurricane patterns and sea-level rise. Have you ever wondered how understanding and mitigating the […]

75 Things Out-Of-State Students Love About Rowan University

A student wearing a Rowan yellow dress and Rowan brown graduation gown tosses her graduation cap in the air in front of the Rowan University arch sign.

This story is a part of Rowan’s centennial series to celebrate 100 years of Rowan University. Rowan Blog contributor Jordyn Dauter, a junior from Quakertown, PA, double majoring in elementary education and dance, collected these insights from fellow students.  David Martinek, a graduate student in the MS Teaching: Theatre program from Glen Burnie, Maryland:“I like […]

How Physics Took Nicholas Kurth to Switzerland To Work With CERN

Nicholas stands outside the science building wearing a lab coat.

A Dive Into the Physics Major at Rowan University With a Graduating Senior Tell us more about your CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) experience. “I knew about this opportunity at CERN for over a year before I applied because when I was applying to LSU to go do research work for them, I saw […]

Empowering Dreams: Meet Sreypich Heng, A Rowan University International Computer Science Senior Pursuing a Career in UX/UI Design

A close up of Sreypich with Bunce behind her.

This story is the first in a multi-part series highlighting the aspirations, hopes and dreams of a few of Rowan University’s international students. Read the other stories.  What is your long-term professional goal or dream career? “My long-term professional goal, or dream career, is to become a skilled UX/UI designer. I wouldn’t have thought that […]

How Political Science Majors Can Grow Through Research and Internships: A Conversation with Professor Markowitz

The student government association president sits at his desk for a interview.

Like most political science majors, Professor Lawrence Markowitz was originally set on entering law school after he had completed his undergraduate degree. However, after a brief internship in law that exposed him to what big law was like, some time off and a tour of Western Europe exposed him to the alluring complexities of international relations. He has since then become an expert on and published work on a variety of topics from political violence to state building with a focus on post-Soviet Eurasia and is the current chair of the political science department at Rowan University.

Transitioning from one field of study to another presented new opportunities to learn not only in the classroom but by working as well, “I interned for human rights on international affairs, then decided that I wanted to go into the field, but knew I needed a little bit more of a regional focus and a little bit more language skills.” The 1990s changed the landscape of international politics as the Soviet Union fell, providing Professor Markowitz with an opportunity that most people for close to 70 years only could dream about. As he waited to see which university would be his home for his master’s degree, he says, “While my applications were being reviewed, the year before I started my master’s, I went overseas to Moscow and did a study abroad language study for about five months in Moscow.” Even after starting his master’s degree in the fall of 1995, trips to Armenia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Russia again all helped add to his depth of knowledge–something that can be seen and heard when sitting in his class. 

Professor Markowitz stands in front of a slide labed "The Politics of Multiculturalism" with his hand pointing to some of the bullet points such as "Why is multiculturalism important?" and "How does multiculturalism matter?". There is a student in the foreground taking notes.

What Professor Markowitz does for students extends outside the classroom setting, helping to guide students through their academic career. The vision he has for his department has been carefully put together to maximize the potential of students, “In political science, the faculty spends a good amount of time talking about and thinking about putting together a curriculum that builds multiple skills and helps broaden students in a variety of ways. Obviously on the most superficial level, we want you to cover the basic topics, themes, and theories and to know the material in political science. That’s the obvious. Underlying that, we’re developing a lot of the skills and less tangible abilities that will serve you over the long term.” The benefits of the skills you learn exceed being able to think more analytically or write better, “For example, how to impose and support an argument through compelling logic and evidence. If you go into law, that is obviously relevant, but in any field you’re going to be able to do that. You want to ask for a raise? That’s a good tool to have–the ability to craft an argument and to think through how to support it.”

Even when diving into the specifics of what you learn, Professor Markowitz ensures that students leave class with a better understanding of the world around them. The experiences he’s had in his own studies, research, and travels are all passed onto the students to provide a well-rounded approach to the topics covered in class. Helping students craft well thought out opinions on the world comes from taking a look at the world around them and analyzing the pros and cons in the differences, “If you just look at your experience in the U.S. and you look at the U.S. and try to interpret the U.S. American politics and the world around you and the economy, without having that broader perspective, you only have a limited view. In comparative politics and in the Russian politics class I teach we talk about themes, such as in the comparative politics class I teach, one day we do welfare states, we look at social programs, we look at Germany’s pensions and version of social security and its health care.” As much as Professor Markowitz seeks to help develop his students ability to learn and think critically outside the classroom, opportunities outside the classroom are equally as important. 

While many students think primarily of internships, there are other opportunities that are available to students as well. Research opportunities are also available to students, an opportunity that helps a student branch out, “Students in their undergrad years, if they can work with a professor on a research paper project or conduct research for their classes, that is a big opportunity and advantage. In other words, they’re working on a paper and have a wide range of themes, but develop over time where your interests are.”  Traditional internships are always available to students. The benefits to those are clear, “But also: not just research, but doing work within organizations or on campaigns, getting involved in various ways in politics;  there’s a lot of opportunities for that.” There was also an emphasis on how lucky students are to have three major cities (New York, Washington DC, and Philadelphia) all within relative proximity to campus for tangible hands-on experience. Opportunities are boundless to those who look for them, with the staff helping students find positions for them to not only grow in, but find success as well. With both the Rowan Institute for Public Policy and Citizenship (RIPPAC) offering internship opportunities and the College of Humanities & Social Sciences offering a wide variety of internships, the possibilities available are varied.  Rowan’s study abroad program also adds a layer of depth to the chances that students can create for themselves by immersing themselves in the cultures they’ve spent time studying in the classroom. 

As much as Professor Markowtiz sees opportunities for students’ growth within their own fields of study, he also believes that students should expand their horizons by taking classes outside of what their area of focus is. Undergraduate studies provide students with the opportunities to explore a variety of interests, “First of all, even before selecting, but also after selecting a major, they should take a wide range of classes and explore. We’re one of the few countries on the planet, historically one of the few countries where you have a liberal arts education and you can take a range of classes and just take something in art or biology just because you want to learn about biology.” But when picking classes, students should not just choose randomly, but pick based on how it could relate to future careers, “If they go into law, then political science is a good major, but then the question is, ‘What kind of law might they be interested in?’ They don’t have to decide for sure, but if they are randomly thinking they might want to go into corporate law, then doing a minor or CUGS (Certificates in Undergraduate Studies) in something in finance or business makes sense. If they want to go into family law, then maybe doing a minor in psychology makes sense.” Finding a balance to broadening your horizons and narrowing down what a student is key to academic success. 

Professor Markowitz is standing in front of the board with his hand out stretched lecturing to his students.

Rowan’s political science department gives students the tools they need to succeed through lessons taught in the classroom, to the doors that lead to the professional world. When asked about what makes this university produce graduates who are so competitive, Professor Markowitz was quick to give credit to his colleagues, “We have a lot of faculty, especially in our College of Humanities & Social Sciences, who research within these fields. Most of them are at the high levels in their particular sub-field; they’re specialized. They are experts and they’re among the top experts in the broader fields that they’re in.” The staff aims not just to research for their own benefit, but to also help students stay on the cutting edge of information, to help them stay competitive in their fields of study. Professor Markowitz is not wrong when he says, “They’re not someone who is never interacting with undergrads and they don’t know how to talk about their research topic in everyday terms. We have that great mix, we have a dozen people or so in every discipline that have that kind of specialization and expertise. For the price tag, it’s a pretty good deal.”

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Story by:

Thomas Ubelhoer, sophomore political science and international studies double major

Behind the Lens: Our Favorite Summer Shots

Dramatic sunset photo over the athletic field with the marching band on the field at Rowan University.

We’re lonely in the summer without you, Profs. Welcome home! Here are our photographers’ and videographers’ favorite shots, stories and moments from this summer:

Four Rowan University alumni stand holding a Rowan flag on a rock in Delta Lake in the Grand Tetons.
#RowanEverywhere, a few Rowan alumni shared this pic with us from Delta Lake in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. Go Profs!
Rowan University marching band with a dramatic sunset behind the drum.
Introducing Pride of the Profs, Rowan’s new marching band. This no-filter sunset was from just last night.
Three Rowan University students work in the community garden.
Fighting food insecurity with homegrown produce, the Community Garden is for all! They donated 75 pounds of produce to the on campus food pantry, The Shop, this summer. Story here.
A Rowan University student engrossed in work, with a line of toy dinosaurs in front of him.
Dinosaurs aren’t just for kids. In this story and video on the class Breathing Life Into Fossils, Thomas talks about paleoart.
A Rowan University faculty and student work in a blueberry field for research.
Blueberry fields forever … using math to predict crop yields for farmers, this video highlights hands-on student research.
A full half-circle rainbow over Engineering Hall at Rowan University.
Rainbows for dayssssss after summer storms behind Engineering Hall and Rowan Hall. (Notice the reflection creating a full-circle rainbow.)
A Rowan student wraps each of his arms around one parent and pulls them in for a hug.
How adorable is this family? We’re launching a parent portal with helpful info for new college parents, and a Rowan blog series just for parents and families.
A Rowan University student intern at NASA standing with his arms folded across his chest with the NASA building behind him.
It isn’t rocket science … until it is. Benjamin landed an internship with NASA and our team traveled to Washington, DC to put together this video on his experience. How cool is that?
Bunce Hall at Rowan University with the 100 banner in between each column to celebrate the university's centennial.
Celebrating Rowan’s centennial. Happy 100th birthday to us!

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Meet Some of Rowan’s New Transfer Profs

Pink sunset above the iconic roof of Bunce Hall.

Today we’re excited to feature more incoming transfer Rowan Profs. Ella Haulenbeek will transfer from Rowan College at Burlington County; Tanisha Sharma will transfer in from Stockton University; and Leah DeLuca is joining us from Camden County College. 

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward to at Rowan University? (Personally, academically, anything!)

Ella Haulenbeek: I’m looking forward to making long lasting friendships and becoming more immersed in my psychology career!

Tanisha Sharma: I am looking forward to seeing what classes I would take, what research I could join and where I could find leadership opportunities.

Leah DeLuca: I am looking forward to meeting and collaborating with other education majors.

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club that you’re involved in that you’d like to continue at Rowan? (If any.)

Ella Haulenbeek: I’m hoping to continue my choir experience after not having participated in it since high school.

Leah DeLuca: I am involved in [honor society] Kappa Delta Pi at Camden County College and would like to continue my work with Rowan’s Kappa Delta Pi.

Lea DeLuca with her family on a dock.
Welcome to Rowan, Leah!

Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself at Rowan? Grow a new skill? Try a new interest? Starting a new activity, sport or club? Learn a language? Be a part of?

Tanisha Sharma: I would love to further explore my leadership skills, along with my perseverance. The latter because my desired path requires a lot of work and consistency therefore, my academics will greatly test the amount of perseverance that I contain.

Please share an interest, hobby or like that you have! (Gaming, cartoons, your pets, music, painting, working out, etc.)

Ella Haulenbeek: I love gaming, makeup, and shopping!

Tanisha Sharma:  I love listening to music, especially while driving or cleaning.

Leah DeLuca: I enjoy traveling with my husband, kids and Irish doodle pup! We have set out to see every lighthouse along the Eastern Seaboard.

A selfie of Tanisha Sharma next to a body of water.
Welcome to Rowan, Tanisha!

What major are you pursuing and why?

Ella Haulenbeek: I’m pursuing a psychology major so I can provide therapy and counseling services to those who need it.

Tanisha Sharma: I am pursing biochemistry. I am pursuing this because I intent to apply to a medical school (hopefully Cooper Medical School) after my undergraduate and this major will take care of all of my academic prerequisites.

Leah DeLuca: Health and physical education. All children can find joy in healthy and active lifestyles regardless of physical ability. I want to help children find that joy and encourage them to try new activities.

Do you have advice for other transfers who haven’t committed to a school yet?

Ella Haulenbeek: Don’t feel pressured to go somewhere based off of the opinions of others, go somewhere that’ll make you happy.

Tanisha Sharma: I would recommend to them to see which school best suits their needs regarding housing or being a commuter or regarding the professional field in which they would like to pursue a career.

Leah DeLuca: Transferring from a community college to Rowan was an easy process.

Where are you going to live this upcoming year?

Ella Haulenbeek: On campus

Tanisha Sharma: Not sure

Leah DeLuca: Commute from home

Ella Haulenbeek after graduating.
Welcome to Rowan, Ella!

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked, that encouraged you to commit?

Ella Haulenbeek: My brother went to Rowan and he was treated very well, it seems like a welcoming environment!

Tanisha Sharma: The thing that attracted me to Rowan was its concentration in the medical field. The research that Rowan conducts is huge attraction for me as I would like to pursue plenty of hours in research.

Leah DeLuca: Proximity to my home.

Like what you see?


Story by:

Thomas Ubelhoer, rising junior political science and international studies double major 

Impact of Growing Up in Mumbai on Desire to Major in Environmental Science

Kriish poses for an outdoor portrait in front of a tree while wearing a bright orange shirt.

Can you describe the environmental science program? “There are both environmental studies and environmental science majors. What is unique about the environmental science program is that we are able to understand the underlying science behind the environment, while combining biology, geology, and other components. We use this technology to better map, restore, assess, and understand […]

From Political Science Student to Political Operative

Connor talks to two people.

Originally intent on a completely different major, that changed after Connor attended Dr. Lawrence Markowitz’s talk on Russian collusion in American elections. Although he quickly changed majors to political science, he did not want to lose other areas of interest that had been a big part of his life growing up, causing him to pick […]

Chem E Major Shares: Challenging the World for a Sustainable Future Through Material Science

Sarah S in a lab coat doing chemical engineering research.

Rowan Global graduate student Sarah Salazar is completing a master’s degree in chemical engineering, working with others to challenge the future of plastic.  “Chemical engineering really is everything. Everything that we touch in our lives has been impacted in some way by a chemical engineer,” Sarah says. “What I love about it is that here […]

#PROFspective: Senior Lauren Cooper Says “Opportunities for Molecular and Cellular Biology Majors are Endless”

Rowan University Molecular and Cellular Biology major Lauren conducts research inside Discovery Hall.

Lauren Cooper is a senior here at Rowan University, from Sussex County, NJ. Lauren is majoring in Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) along with her minors in pre-medical and chemistry.  Why did you choose Rowan? I chose Rowan because it felt like home when I stepped on campus. I loved the size of the school, […]

Getting to Know the Molecular & Cellular Biology Major with Lauren Staman

Lauren Staman, a senior Molecular & Cellular Biology major, speaks with us about the field, her experience conducting research at Rowan University, and tips for students looking into the major. Can you describe molecular and cellular biology? It’s basically a field of biology that’s very specialized yet interdisciplinary. It deals with the inner workings of […]

This Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. Student is Advancing Drug Delivery through Research

Today we feature Camila Vardar, a Rowan Global Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. student originally from Puerto Rico. Camila is conducting her Ph.D. research project on contact lens implants for secondary cataract prevention. She completed her undergraduate at Yale University. Camila discusses the process of her research project, why she chose Rowan for her Ph.D., and her plans […]

#PROFspective: Biological Sciences Major Aryana Marquez on Her Undergraduate Research with Anti-Cancer Drugs

Rowan Biological Sciences major Aryana M. works in a lab.

Today we highlight Aryana Marquez, a third-year Biological Sciences major with a minor in Chemistry. Marquez discusses her research with organic synthesis of cancer-treating pharmaceuticals, medical school goals, and being a woman of color in STEM.  Why did you choose Rowan? I applied to 11 schools; I think I got into about seven of them, […]

History, Anthropology Graduate Kathryn Seu Pursues M.A. in Holocaust and Genocide Education

Kathryn holds a textbook. in inside

Today we speak with Kathryn Seu, a recent Rowan University graduate with degrees in History and Anthropology. She will continue her studies by pursuing her master’s degree in Holocaust and Genocide Education, the first program of its kind, through Rowan Global. Kathryn is from West Berlin, NJ (Camden County) and is student association president of the Rowan Center for the Study of Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights (RCHGHR). In this article, she discusses her experience within her studies at Rowan, her goals and her responsibilities as within RCHGHR. 

Why did you choose to pursue a master’s?

For my career goals, it feels like the natural next steps. I would like to pursue [a degree] higher than a master’s eventually, so it seems like for what I want to do and with research, it helps to have more of an advanced degree — especially with a specialized field. It definitely helps more to have academic experience.

Kathryn reads from a text inside James Hall.

Why did you choose to study Holocaust and Genocide Education?

Rowan is the only university to offer Holocaust and Genocide Education. You can get degrees in Holocaust and Genocide Studies or Conflict Studies, but Rowan is the only one that has the education aspect. I think it’s really important, especially with so much negativity and hate speech that we see almost everywhere, that we encourage accessible education to these subjects.

Most states don’t require Holocaust education in public school curriculum, so some people don’t even get that education. I think it’s really important to emphasize that and make it accessible for as many people as possible.

Are there any notable differences between the undergraduate program versus the graduate program?

Mostly the course load is different. It’s also interesting because you have a different relationship with your professors. It’s more professional rather than superior and inferior. Rowan already has small class sizes and the master’s or higher education classes are much smaller, so you have more time to have more in depth conversations because you’re not in a classroom with 25 people, it’s more like 10 people. Pretty much everyone knows each other. It’s easier to have a tighter community. 

What are your career goals?

I would like to pursue an even higher education and apply for some Ph.D. programs this summer. I would like to go into some sort of research position or public advocacy. I think it’s really important and I love doing research. There’s just so much that we can learn and you can draw connections from the past to the present. I think it’s really important to spread that information to everyone.

What is Rowan Center for the Study of Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights (RCHGHR)?

This is a center on campus for interdisciplinary studies to help grow the next generation of educators. The center is run by the professors, but the student association focuses on student-led events on campus like International Holocaust Rememberance Day in January and student-led discussions.

Kathryn holds a candle at International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Kathryn at Rowan’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day event

Some of our more popular discussion events were “Antisemitic Tropes in Media” and “Rights on the Reservation,” which was about indigenous rights in America. The main goal is to get students and faculty alike more involved with talking about the Holocaust Genocide and human rights.   

What was your role or involvement with the RCHGHR?

For the student association, I am the president, and one of the big responsibilities was planning International Holocaust Remembrance Day. That was at the beginning of January, and I would only have a couple of weeks to work it out because we weren’t a charter, so we didn’t have our own budget. It was really nice to have other organizations coordinate to help bring food, candles and lighters.

We have meetings every other week, and I would work on a presentation or a discussion topic. For example, the one that we had before the end of the semester was about The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and why it’s not a good book. Meetings are around discussion topics like this to get more people involved.

Why did you choose to be involved with the RCHGHR?

I took a Historical Methods class with Professor Manning and at that time I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with history and anthropology. I thought I was going to be an Egyptologist for a while, but after I took that class I thought that this might be it. Professor Manning told me about the student association and recommended that I joined so I did. I did that for a semester and at that time the President was graduating and thought that I should take on that role after he left.

Are you currently involved in any other activities or clubs at Rowan?

For the past two semesters I was involved with the Mixed Martial Arts Club as a recreational activity. I was also involved with Phi Alpha Theta, which is the National History Honor Society and Lambda Alpha, which is the Anthropology Honor Society.

What is your most memorable experience at Rowan?

My situation was unique because I did my undergrad in three years and I started in Fall of 2019 and then we immediately went online next semester. I really only had three semesters in person, but even still, the whole experience was very memorable. Probably the most memorable experience was getting to speak at graduation, which was a pretty big deal to me.

Kathryn speaks at commencement.
Kathryn speaks at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences commencement ceremony.

What class during your studies in Holocaust and Genocide Education do you find most memorable? Why?

I just got back from a study abroad trip for the class, Nazi Germany & the Holocaust. It was 13 days and we were in Germany, Poland, Czechia and Austria. We got to see and do so much. We went to so many museums that I can’t even begin to list how many. It was really impactful because the furthest I had gone was Florida. This trip was the most memorable and the most enriching for my education because I had never been to a concentration camp before. I had never seen all these sights that we talked about.

It was really powerful to be there because we read about this all the time, but going to all these museums, talking to the locals, and seeing all these places and memorials in real life was really impactful.

Kathryn holds a textbook inside Campbell Library.

How do you think Rowan has prepared you for your future endeavors?

My education at Rowan has been incredibly interdisciplinary. I feel like I’ve gotten so much out of my two majors and undergraduate programs than what I’ll get in graduate school. With Holocaust and Genocide Education, the principles that you learn can be applied to other areas of history. You’ll sometimes hear it referred to as the “hard histories,” like the Holocaust and slavery. The same principles of education can be applied to different areas, and I think that has been the main thing that Rowan has been able to do for me, and I’m very grateful for it.

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Story by:
Jessica Nguyen, elementary education and literacy studies graduate

Photos by:
Tyler Allen-Williams, radio/TV/film major
Kathryn Seu
University Publications

A Champion and Voice for Graduate Students: Amit Dhundi, President of the Graduate Student Government Association

Amit Dhundi, a Rowan Global Ph.D. in Engineering student with a concentration in Chemical Engineering from Pitman, NJ (Gloucester County), shares his continuous work and contributions to Rowan as a graduate student and President of the Graduate Student Government Association.

Emerging from a family of academics, Amit is well-versed in the realm of scholastic success.

Amit came to Rowan as an international student from India in 2018, in which he graduated with a master’s in Chemical Engineering in 2020. Shortly thereafter, he joined Rowan’s Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Institute (AMMI) as a project manager before returning as a PhD student.

Amit posing for a portrait in engineering hall.

“That was a tough time to graduate because of the lockdown and companies were not hiring,” he explains. “I worked for a year as the project manager at [AMMI] and I later joined at the same lab as a Ph.D. student in the summer of 2021. So I became a student, an employee, and then went back as a student. Apart from that, I was also a student worker at the Chemical Engineering department when I was pursuing my master’s.”

As of now, Amit engages in research that is funded by the U.S. Army.

“My research involves the development of a new polymer formulation and fabricating 3D printed parts, which are really great properties for the Army. Specifically, my work involves synthesizing these different formulations in the lab, so this requires knowledge of chemistry.”

Aside from his ongoing investigations, Amit is also the President of the Graduate Student Government Association (GSGA). Ultimately, the mission of the organization is to serve as the official voice and representation for Rowan University Glassboro graduate students at a university level. The GSGA is also a tool for graduate students as they navigate their educational careers. 

“GSGA brings all of these graduate students from different colleges, institutions, and centers to a common place. It is a place for everything like graduate student concerns, needs, professional development, and also advocacy when it comes to some issues that they are facing,” Amit says. “Any graduate student from the Glassboro and South Jersey campuses are welcomed to be a part of this organization, regardless of their major.”

Amit on campus via his scooter.

As an advocate for community, the GSGA championed Amit’s vision of collective ambition. 

“I have been at Rowan for four years and I was always seeking a place for graduate students to gather and get to know each other — especially from different disciplines, backgrounds and colleges. I think it’s really great that we have so many different colleges. Rowan has such a vast campus where the students can come together and learn from each other through different experiences, backgrounds, mindsets and views on a situation. This was what I was seeking, which is what brought me to this organization.”

Due to the demanding schedules of graduate students, the GSGA holds virtual meetings every Monday at 4:30 p.m. to accommodate their members. 

“Each meeting lasts at most half an hour. This is the best way to ensure that most of the graduate students can come together. I am always open to changing it based on people’s needs,” Amit shares. “It starts with something as simple as greeting each other and getting to know any developments about the student life here or their experiences they have had as a student or in the college. Also, if there are any issues or anything that they would want to be a part of the graduate community at Rowan, we see how the GSGA could help them.”

Amit studies at a desk in an academic building on campus.

As President of the association, the catalyst that led to Amit’s role was roused through multiple agents. 

“I have been in both roles at Rowan as a graduate student and as an employee, so I feel as if I have seen both sides. It’s important to me that I use this experience in order to chart out a better path that works for both groups. I think it’s important to be proactive and understand the concerns of others in order to come up with a solution. That’s one thing that I thought I could impact on the graduate community across the university.”

Amit working in an lab on campus.

“Another thing is, I come from a family of academicians. My dad was a mechanical engineering professor in India and he was the Dean of the Federal Level Engineering Institute,” Amit shares. “My mom has a master’s degree in art and a degree in education. She was a teacher. I wanted to put to use the experiences that I had growing up and the experiences here for the betterment of the graduate student community.”

“This association is also relatively new, so while I’m here I will do my best. Also, I will be around for three years so I thought that I could give much more. I don’t have that deadline nearing me for graduation,” he says. 

Since the organization is relatively new, Amit’s responsibilities as President include raising awareness of the GSGA to the graduate student community. His other duties include communicating with the university and administration about any issues, concerns, or developments that the community might be facing or want to see. 

Amit’s commitment to the GSGA has yielded a multifaceted appreciation for the organization. Since graduate students spend more time collaborating with university staff because of the nature of their academic work, the GSGA aids in raising funds as well as increased recognition for the university. Additionally, the recent addition of the organization has incited a need for more involvement through a platform that allows for effective and professional communication. Amit views this demonstration for growth as the driving force for success. 

Amit posing on a spiral staircase in engineering hall.“I think being a part of this process and development is like being a catalyst. I’ve learned many things about myself and it’s a great opportunity to communicate with so many people across the administration hierarchy and the graduate community. This helps me and will help other graduate students in their professional lives. It gives me an opportunity to come out of the Rowan College of Engineering and get to know people.”

When asked about his goals and aspirations for the future of the GSGA, Amit responds: “One of my goals is having more events in order to see a part of a larger community. The second thing is for the graduate community to come out of the shell of their respective colleges and departments to present an academically diverse group which can work together for the benefit of graduate students. Once the GSGA is active across the university, I think that would be the right time to reach out to the university administration for funding because we don’t have as much funding right now. This funding would be used for social events in order to come together and raise awareness about the association. This would just be the beginning of a long journey.”

To spur recognition for the organization, Amit strives to increase acknowledgement of Rowan’s graduate programs in ranks such as the U.S. News. This platform is recognized as a leader in college and grad school rankings. 

  Amit standing in front of the College of Engineering banner.

“U.S. News is used by everyone who goes to university. For example, international students use this as a tool to see if a university is legitimate. Even students in the U.S. start the decision-making process about universities based on U.S. News,” Amit explains. “I know engineering graduate programs have been recognized, but as an association we would like all graduate degree programs at Rowan to be mentioned or listed in U.S. News. I believe this will not only help the incoming graduate students, but Rowan University will also benefit because its programs would get more recognition.” 

A development in the awareness of graduate programs such as the GSGA would also suggest graduate student admittance into campus events. Throughout the year, Rowan University holds signature events and traditions such as the Hollybash. Started in the spring of 2016, this event is a full afternoon outdoor festival that features rides, lawn games, performances, food trucks, novelties and more. Hollybash also sponsors a large concert, which has seen guests such as Andy Grammar (2018) and Mike Poser (2017). Customarily, undergraduate students are the predominant attendees of this event. 

Amit posing with his electric scooter.“What struck me earlier this year is there is this thing called a Hollybash that we have on the campus each year and there were some graduate students, including myself, who wanted to attend it, but we were told that it was only for undergrads,” Amit shares. “I understood because undergrads pay fees for these activities and the graduate students don’t pay that much towards such events. I think the undergrads get two tickets, but I wondered what if graduate students were made available to a facility where we could buy those tickets at a discounted price because it’s a university event.” 

Amit adds, “It would be so much fun for us to attend it as well and be a part of that university celebration. And then I realized that there may be other similar events. I think that if graduate students were expected to pay a certain amount to get in, I’m sure there are so many students who would want to be a part by buying these tickets in order to be active in the student life at Rowan University. Making this facility available is something I would like to bring up to the administration.”

In a dialogue about Rowan’s current focus, Amit advocates for an integration in which graduate programs are examined alongside the university’s undergraduate programs. 

“I somehow want to be involved in making that infusion in which graduate programs are also considered. This is important because the university higher administration has said that we have really good plans and ambitions as a university,” Amit shares. “We started as an R3 university, which is a category for primarily teaching. We have now come to the R2 category, which is impressive, and which means that we are doing research and teaching. We are actually aiming for the R1 category, which is majorly a research university with some teaching. When you talk about research, you of course need graduate students because they are an important part.”

Amit working on research in a lab.
Amit working on research in a mechanical engineering lab.

He adds, “I feel like it is high time for the university to make that infusion on its approach to communication. I think that graduate students make a big impact and we need to start making that change now.”

When asked what Amit would like others to take away from GSGA, he responds: “I would really like the graduate community to reach out. In the past the GSGA had one meet-up event, and I understand that it was a small event, but still it was a good occasion for graduate students from different disciplines to come together to get to know each other. We would like to have similar events in the future. I want to stress that we really value students from different disciplines and backgrounds. Especially because this is a new organization, we are looking for graduate students to join and come onboard with this association.”

If you are interested in joining the Graduate Student Government Association or would like more information, you can contact the organization at

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Story by:
Jessica Nguyen, elementary education and literacy studies graduate

Inside the M.S. in Biomedical Engineering Program with Rowan Global Student Brennen Covely

Brennen leans against a wall inside Engineering Hall.

Gloucester County native Brennen Covely graduated from Rowan University with a degree in Biomedical Engineering and two patents to his name. He returned to pursue his master’s degree through Rowan Global and leads a novel research project studying fetal alcohol syndrome. Brennen takes us through his research and gives us a more detailed look into […]

Beyond the Classroom: Biomedical Engineering Major Ashleigh Jankowski Interns for Biotech Startup

Today we feature Ashleigh Jankowski, a senior Biomedical Engineering major and Chemistry minor and a Manufacturing Engineer Intern for the startup biotech company Vectech. Ashleigh serves as Service Chair for Society of Women Engineers and President of the Biomedical Engineering Society and is a member of the Food Insecurity Committee and Rowan Unified Sports. Since […]

Passing the Torch: Future Public Health Educator Keyanna Meade

After transferring from Monmouth University, Nutrition major Keyanna Meade from Marlton, NJ (Burlington County) found many opportunities at Rowan. 

Keyanna poses under the Rowan arch.

Keyanna enjoyed getting out into the community to do research.

“I joined Dr. Vaughn’s lab in my junior year in the fall semester, and I absolutely loved it. It is a little independent and a little teamwork-based. We meet weekly,” she said. “I think getting involved with research in the community is something different. Everybody knows about research within the lab, but it was nice to do research within the community and for the community. “

Beyond research opportunities at Rowan, Keyanna made connections and found an internship.

“I interned with New Jersey Food Democracy Collaborative (NJFDC) over the school year. I just got signed on to a project where we’re going to do a food audit for Atlantic City. Dr. Vaughn reached out to a colleague of hers and recommended me to work with them.

Keyanna walks in her graduation outfit.

Keyanna recommends that other students get involved with research where they can.

“If you can do research, definitely do research. Doctor Vaughn is always looking for people to help. Definitely surround yourself with opportunities like internships or a work-study that’s focusing on your majors so that it helps you in the future.”

Keyanna advises her high school senior self to be more involved.

Make sure you get involved. Make sure you speak to your counselors about different things that you’re interested in. Look at other opportunities that you’re interested in, and even if it’s just like an idea or a little thing, just see where it can take you because you never know what your interest is. It might take you into college and you never know if you might switch your major or decide that you no longer want to do that major. Definitely take advantage of internships and other opportunities.”

In the future, Keyanna would like to be a public health educator.

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, junior communication studies and public relations double major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, junior business management major

Faculty #PROFile: Insight on the Perspective of Dr. Alicia Monroe

Dr. Monroe has a thought provoking look on her face and is looking off.

During her time here at Rowan University as both an instructor for the Africana Studies department and assistant director at the Office of Career Advancement, Dr. Alicia Monroe can be seen as a beacon for students who are facing uncertainty in their own careers and futures. In her perspective, Dr. Monroe wants to let students know that she understands the trials and tribulations that they might be facing and wants to create a safe space for students to be able to flesh out their own ideas in a safe environment.

In this Faculty #PROFile we learn more of Dr. Monroe’s thinking on her self-created course around Black Lives Matter as well as her own thoughts on academia for students.

Dr. Monroe is in a conversation with another person. Using her hands to emphasize her points.

For Dr. Monroe, education is a pivotal part of the academic journey. By being able to comprehend and understand the perspectives of others, Dr. Monroe would argue is just as important. The effervescence of this idea inevitably gave foundation to Monroe’s Black Lives Matter course here at Rowan University, where it explores different dimensions of society that is often overlooked due to it being controversial or tucked underneath the carpet. However, the current state of the Black Lives Matter course came through not only the preserving of Dr. Monroe, but also through the request of the student body. 

Originally, the course was a part of a coordinating project used to supplement and help students in poor areas. Although many of the different aspects of the project had drastically helped enrich the education of the students involved, Dr. Monroe wanted to give these students opportunities to gain college credits that would help them further along their academic journey. 

“[W]e really wanted these students to have opportunities to earn college credits. So, I was asked, ‘Dr. Monroe, you’re the educational guru, you’re the educational wizard, can you develop this course?.’ I already had a lot on my plate but I replied that I would consider it. I was told that I needed the course in two weeks. You don’t develop curriculum in two weeks, especially not a credit-bearing course curriculum. However, I had been doing extensive research on Black Lives Matter, such as the backdrop of Trayvon Martin and all of the unfortunate killings that had increased from there. I noticed that it was finally starting to gain traction and the media attention that it deserved.”

Dr. Monroe is posing and smiling directly at the camera.

In Dr. Monroe’s perspective, she had wanted this course to not only be be just subjected to the Black Lives Matter cause but for it to apply to aspects that affected a wider population. Although the course may be titled “Black Lives Matter,” Dr. Monroe reassures students that the class affects the entirety and not just a selected group. This can be seen in the various amount of students and their different backgrounds attending each of her classes as they range from white, hispanic, Black and many other minority groups.

The course covers a wide range of different subjects that Dr. Monroe considers important to bring up through class discussion such as climate change, the recent rise of the AAPI (Stop Asian American Pacific Islander Hate) or even giving more context to cases such as Ahmaud Aubrey’s that wouldn’t be presented on television. 

“When there were attacks on the AAPI community, we spoke about that. We don’t only focus on a specific race, we focus on the movement and what it is directed on. We had conversations on climate change. I argue that social media has skewed the overall appearance of the movement but if you look at the content it’s so much bigger. Although the core element is Black and brown lives, it’s so much bigger than that,” she explains.

In Dr. Monroe’s eyes, she looks at the bigger picture, the ability to have conversations with others and ultimately reach an understanding. This premise of respectability and the ability to have these difficult conversations is something that is primarily not taught in classes. For her, she wants to normalize these conversations and allow her students to be able to format their own thoughts and opinions on core events throughout the country. 

“When I had offered this idea of the course, I had told the coordinators that the course was going to be focused on the research that I have discovered as well as focus on the constructs of race, class and culture. This is what it was all about, the respect of diverse world views, the respect that everyone has a voice, the respect of what is truly fair and just,” Dr. Monroe says. “We can have that level of conversation and it can develop into a credit bearing course.”

From her exhaustive research on the subject matter, Dr. Monroe was able to successfully undergo teaching the course in the summer semester of 2016. However, it was not green lit to continue for the upcoming fall semester. As a result, the course was shelved for multiple years until students expressed their desire to have a course that catered to their own feelings in 2019. In her recollection of the moment, Dr. Monroe states: “Dr. Chanelle Rose had approached me with the sentiment of her students. Dr. Rose had said, ‘I need a course, students are asking for a course that really reflects some of the contemporary issues that they are grappling with. They need a space to release but also be guided into the right formats of collective action.’ I replied, ‘There is a Black Lives Matter course that I developed two to three years ago.'”

Dr. Monroe is having a conversation with another woman across a table.
Dr. Alicia Monroe works with colleague Altonia Bryant (right) in the Office of Career Advancement

Dr. Monroe’s harbored no hard feelings as to why her course ultimately was placed on the back burner for some time; instead, she saw it as a reflection of the status of the country and University at the time. During this lapse, Dr. Monroe kept up with her research with most current events that were applicable to the Black Lives Matter movement and bided her time; she says she knew eventually that it was going to be needed to further the conversation on injustice for those that didn’t have the ability to use their voice. 

It’s with these students that motivated Dr. Monroe to keep upholding her teaching values and instill confidence in students and let them understand their own value and worth. Whether it’s through the classes that she is heading or even students that come to her for advice on their own future, Dr. Monroe places a great amount of emphasis for these students and how they come to mold her own futures through her guidance.

The education process can be seen as an ever moving and fluid system. Each stage of this system makes up an intricate cog of modern day academia. For Dr. Monroe, she’s played a vital role in almost every phase of learning; she states she is a “Pre-K through 20 educator.” Her experience is invaluable information for any student facing their own academic issues. Instead of treating each unit in the process of learning, Dr. Monroe’s motivation in progressing has been fueled by gaining an entire understanding of the developmental process. 

“I’ve spent a number of years in pre-k through 12, starting off from the classroom and moving up to every level from department supervisor, assistant principal to a middle school, a principal to a high school as well as becoming an assistant superintendent. I had moved up deliberately because I wanted to identify each role in this whole hierarchy of learning,” she says.

Dr. Monroe is laughing and pointing her finger.

As a result of her dedication to her work and her students, Dr. Monroe has exemplified the characteristics of a model educator. Whether it’s through her own spread of her research and rhetoric or through her own unique framework through the educational process, she’s committed herself to create an effect on her students that goes beyond teaching and guidance. 

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Story by
Lucas Taylor, Senior English education major

Photography by
Valentina Giannattasio, first year dance and marketing major

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John Woodruff and Dr. Amy Accardo seated together with a copy of their book.

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Student Leader Lauren Repmann on Biomedical Engineering Major, 3D Printing Club Success

Lauren sits on a bench next to a white, sphere sculpture.

Today we speak to Lauren Repmann, a senior Biomedical Engineering major with a minor in Chemistry. Lauren is an on-campus resident from Laurence Harbor, NJ (Middlesex County). She is the 3D Printing Club founder and co-president, president of the Women in Engineering Club, and a student mentor for the Engineering Learning Community. Lauren works off campus at Tranquility Path Investment Advisors as an Administrative Assistant, and on campus at the Office of Admissions as an Admissions Ambassador.

Lauren poses in the woods.

What inspired you to choose your major?

My mom works as an engineer at AT&T, and I always knew that I wanted to follow in her footsteps. When it came time for me to choose my college major, I wanted to pursue a field that combined engineering with medicine, and Biomedical Engineering was the perfect choice.

As I look back on this decision, I see that there are so many other benefits of choosing Biomedical Engineering that I wasn’t aware of. I’ve developed a genuine understanding of how to approach problems and sticky situations from a logical perspective, and this skill will be useful for all aspects of my life. I’ve also gained confidence in my technical abilities, so much so that I founded a 3D Printing Club at Rowan University.

Most importantly, I’ve recognized the importance of using engineering to set an example for younger female generations. Engineering is known to be a male-dominated field, and reaching out to elementary, middle and high school girls about a potential career in engineering can help to reduce this stigma.

Lauren poses in front of a fountain.

Tell us something interesting thing that you’ve learned in a class this semester.

It’s my last semester as a Rowan student, and I wanted to take a fun class to celebrate! I’ve always enjoyed taking pictures, so I chose to enroll in Honors Digital Photography with Jenny Drumgoole. The coolest thing I’ve learned so far is how to take long-exposure photos. This type of photography is great for taking night-time photos because the camera shutter stays open for a long period of time to record the light. Even if the area where the photo is being taken seems dark, the long exposure photography style will allow light to creep in from peripheral areas. I’ve made lots of awesome photos with this technique, and I’ll definitely continue to use this skill after this course.

Lauren poses in a clearing.

Take us through one typical Rowan day for you.

My typical day at Rowan starts at Engineering Hall. I serve as the co-president of Rowan’s 3D Printing Club, so I’m always in the 3D printing lab to make sure everything is running smoothly. While I’m in the lab, I usually make finishing touches on my homework assignments and get ready for my classes. After about two hours in the lab, I leave for my 11 a.m. classes. My biomedical engineering course load this semester is very heavy, but I’m thankful to have my friends who always want to collaborate on homework and assignments! I usually spend some time with them after my classes are over at 2 pm.

After that, I run back to Engineering Hall to make progress on my engineering clinic project. I work in Dr. Staehle’s Systems Biology and Neuroregeneration laboratory, and my project focuses on assessing the toxicity of exogenous chemicals, including DEHP and BP-3, on planarian flatworms. After catching up on my experiments, I run down the hall to one of the engineering clinic classrooms to teach my Engineering Learning Community seminar. I currently have 18 freshmen engineering students as my mentees, and we have done lots of fun and productive activities together. My favorite has been the icebreaker bingo tournament. It really helped me to get to know my mentees! Once my seminar ends at 5 p.m/, I run down to the first floor of Engineering Hall to close the 3D Printing Lab, then my day is over! Finally getting back to my apartment after each long day is rewarding! I change into my comfy clothes, eat dinner and ice cream, call my parents, do some homework, then start all over again the next day!

Tell us about one club, organization or group of friends that makes you feel like Rowan is home.

Whenever I step foot in Rowan’s 3D Printing Lab at Engineering Hall, I feel like Rowan is home. When I was a sophomore, I became very interested in 3D printing. The ability to take an idea and turn it into an object that I could hold intrigued me. I taught myself how to use OnShape, a popular CAD software, and I produced lots of cool models that I wanted to 3D print! When I approach one of Rowan’s 3D printing labs to ask about printing my models, I was told that the printers are primarily used for academic purposes. I knew I was not the only student who wanted to print personal models, and I also knew that Rowan University’s 3D printing lab had the resources to offer a personal printing service.

With that knowledge, I worked with a friend to draft a 3D printing plan to present to the technicians at the Engineering Hall 3D printing lab. The technicians were completely on board with our idea, and we then began the club petitioning process through the Student Government Association. On October 12, 2020, we officially became a Rowan club, and in January 2021, we received funding to purchase filament and supplies.

Since then, Rowan’s 3D Printing Club has grown at an exponential rate. We have 75 members who consistently attend our meetings and events, and we even won Rowan’s Outstanding Student Organization Award for the Spring 2021 semester. I’ve always felt that home is a feeling that you have the power to create. Through this club, I’ve not only created the feeling of home for myself, but also for all the other Rowan students who want to become more engaged in 3D printing. There is a genuine sense of community and passion that one can sense immediately upon walking into the room during one of our general meetings or workshops, and that is my Rowan “home” feeling that I will cherish for my entire life.

See Lauren and learn more about the 3D Printing Club in this video. 

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, junior communication studies and public relations double major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major 

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Inside the M.S. in Biomedical Engineering Program with Rowan Global Student Brennen Covely

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Reaching New Heights: AJ Pingol Shares His Experience as a Biomedical Engineer

AJ Pingol, a recent College of Engineering graduate from Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County), shares what it’s like to be a Biomedical Engineering major at Rowan University

What made you choose biomedical engineering (BME)?

Like a lot of people, I’m someone who loves to play video games. When I play video games, I never play on easy mode; I always have to challenge myself.

I knew after I earned my undergraduate degree that I had to pick something that was going to challenge me intellectually and push me to be out of my comfort zone. This is why I chose biomedical engineering.

The reason why I chose Rowan specifically is because I realized how invested they were in their students — invested into what I wanted to do as a career and provided me with the best resources possible to get there. So I think that the combination of the challenge and the kind of community that’s here ultimately led me here to becoming a BME.

AJ sitting while working on a laptop.

Did you know that you wanted to do med school to begin with? 

Yes, I knew I wanted to go to med school to begin with. So I think something so great about biomedical engineering is that I’ve gotten the chance to work directly with physicians. The current project that I’m working on allows us to work directly with local physicians working with patient data to ultimately better these outcomes for the patients.

And I’ve realized … I love having my hands on both sides of the process of helping the patient. And I think that the biomedical engineering majors, they definitely don’t get enough praise because they deal with the more behind the scenes work of what patients don’t see. I’ve realized how important biomedical engineering is to the whole process and I’ve gained this wider perspective of health care for patients.

As far as the research lab experience, do you get that early into your career?

So you definitely can even start as soon as you’re a freshman. I think something so special about biomedical engineering, and specifically the biomedical engineering program at Rowan, is that everybody is so open about teaching and inviting everybody to the lab. In STEM, it can be a little intimidating to go up to someone who is an innovator and has all of these different accolades in the field, but the atmosphere here is so open.

At Rowan, the overall goal is to see everyone succeed. 

What impact do you hope to have on this field?

I think everybody has that one professor that makes you think “Wow, that  professor really made an impact on my life.” Something that I realized going through my BME classes was that I felt that way about every single one of my professors. Each one empowered me in a different way to either push myself to new heights or try something new. I think that kind of empowerment really impacted me and showed me who I really wanted to be.

I want to continue to empower other people, whether it’s through education or through research. I hope to make an impact to create a better patient experience and better healthcare in general. 

AJ sitting while working on a laptop.

Can you share  an “aha” moment you had where you knew you made the right decision?

BME is a major that makes you put your hands in a bunch of different pots. For example, the research program I was involved in was 100% coding based. To be honest, I’m not that great at coding (well, wasn’t that great at coding).  So you can imagine someone who doesn’t have any experience with coding could be intimidating. The research is so impactful that you feel like you don’t want to mess up. But the faculty here, the research groups, and the friends that I’ve made are all so uplifting. In this program I’ve gotten the opportunity to find myself in discomfort to see new heights and how far I can push myself.

So eventually, I was able to use coding to help patients directly and I could see that direct impact. That culmination of all this time and hardwork from being a novice in the field makes being in this program so unique.

What ultimately made you decide to come to Rowan?

What drew me to Rowan was the environment of unity and togetherness that exists here. Rowan emphasizes being different and innovative, especially in the BME program. They do a great job of supporting your individual goals. I found so much support for what I want to do and that’s why I chose Rowan. 

Final thoughts?

When I think of Rowan BME, I think of finding who you are and seeing what you can do. BME definitely is not an easy major, and it’s like that way for a reason — to help you see that you can push yourself to new heights to succeed. I think it’s great because it brings out the best in people. 

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

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A Series of Chances Led Biomedical Engineering Major Brandon Hickson to His Perfect Fit

Brandon works in a biomedical engineering lab.

Meet senior Brandon Hickson of Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County), a Biomedical Engineering major and member of the Honors College. A last-minute change of plans brought Brandon to Rowan University’s College of Engineering. Later, a cancelled research experience sparked a new passion and career path for Brandon in the medical field. Read on to learn more about Brandon’s story and future plans. 

What made you choose biomedical engineering?

Growing up, I was fascinated with LEGOs and building things and constructing something out of nothing. And as I got older and got into middle school in high school, I realized that I had a passion for people as well. And I knew that I couldn’t live and do something for the rest of my life without incorporating both of those things into my life.

And I found out that biomedical engineering was really the thing that was perfect for me, because it combined the human component of biology and interacting with patients and people. But then also the mathematical and technical side of engineering meant a lot to me. And I feel like I found my perfect fit here at Rowan.

Brandon stands next to a Henry Rowan quote.
What impact do you hope to have in your field?

No matter how big or small it is, on every single level, I hope to impact the patient directly. Patient interaction is huge with me. I have had a family history of medical issues where over the years, we’ve had several different doctors and engineers who have had profound impacts on our lives. And I think that is something that goes very much unsaid that the people who work behind the scenes have a profound impact on the way that people live their lives and the success that they encounter. And I would love to be a part of that success in different people’s lives.

Share an “aha” moment that you’ve had within your discipline that made you feel passionate about your major.

My “aha” moment, believe it or not, happened when COVID was at its peak. I had a cancelled Biomedical Engineering research program at the University of Delaware. And through that cancellation, I ended up working at a doctor’s office in the area. Through that experience, I realized that medicine is actually my true calling.

The work that I have done in biomedical engineering has allowed me to have an appreciation for the overall holistic view of health in the human body, and to one day integrate that into a practice that I will hopefully have on my own. So as of now I’ve wanted to shift over to pre-med studies in addition to biomedical engineering, and I can’t wait to see what that’s going to bring.

Close up of Brandon in the lab.

Can you give one piece of advice for any student who is looking into this major and aren’t sure if it’s right for them?

I would say learn from me, and don’t come in with a very closed-minded approach. I graduated high school and thought that I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life and had the next 10 to 15 years planned and ready to be executed. And I had a giant curveball thrown my way. And I feel more at peace now with my professional career than I ever have. So definitely have an open mind when it comes to deciding what you want to do with your future and how you live your life because you’re only going to have one college experience. And you’ll hear this a million times, but live it how you would want to live it. Don’t let other people dictate what it is that you’re going to do with your life.

Portrait of Brandon leaning against a chair.

Why did you choose to come to Rowan?

I chose to come to Rowan because of the size of it. Believe it or not, I originally planned on going to the University of Maryland, and at the last minute decided to come here because of the streamlined approach that the engineering program takes with its students.

The class sizes are extremely small, so much so that the faculty can have a one on one relationship with multiple if not all of their students. And that is not really the case at any other university, especially any other university that has a program as prestigious as this one. Any other university, you would be simply a number on a page, or a name in a book. But here you’re a person who has wants and needs and desires for their future, and the faculty here make sure that that happens. 

Brandon works in the biomedical engineering lab.

The engineering program starts day one [your first] year and is meant to cultivate you to what you would eventually want to do for the rest of your life as you graduate. And you have faculty that are always pushing you along the way for excellence to make sure that you attain all that you seek out to achieve in life.

See our video with Brandon here.  

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Beyond the Classroom: Biomedical Engineering Major Ashleigh Jankowski Interns for Biotech Startup

Reaching New Heights: AJ Pingol Shares His Experience as a Biomedical Engineer

Student Leader Lauren Repmann on Biomedical Engineering Major, 3D Printing Club Success

Roshni Gandhi: Combining Innovation and Research in Biomedical Engineering

Roshni looks through microscope.

Roshni Gandhi, a Biomedical Engineering major and future doctor, is a student in the accelerated engineer/physician program who shares her profound research and experiences.

I always knew I wanted to be an engineer first and then a doctor. I think biomedical engineering is super special, because it allows me to combine my passion for medicine and engineering. It also allowed me to diversify my skill set so I’ll have experience to help innovate new medical therapies and medical technologies in the future.

What is your ideal vision? What do you ultimately want to be doing in three more years?

I hope to be treating patients as a doctor first, but I’d also like to use my engineering background to be able to innovate and meet some of the unmet needs and challenges patients have as well. There are some gaps in therapies that are available to patients and I want to fill them. I hope to be able to combine my medical and engineering background to treat patients and be an innovator. 

Roshni working in lab.

Can you share an “aha” moment that you had throughout your time in the program that made you feel like you made the right decision to choose Rowan?

Through my clinic course, I’m working on research with one of the professors here. I remember when I first got involved with his research, he was telling me about a project I could work on that involved developing an injection that’s able to regenerate bone within the body. At that moment, I just remember thinking, “Wow, this is so cool.”

One day, someone who’s suffering from osteoporosis can use this medical therapy so that they have extra bone where they may not have had before. I also remember thinking “I’m working on research that one day will be able to  really help patients.” 

What advice would you give to someone who is considering this route?

I think biomedical engineering is really cool because it places an equal emphasis on innovation and research. So if you’re interested in designing new things, and hands-on technical work with machines and things like that, it’s a great choice for you. If you’re interested in research, that’s also a path you can take within biomedical engineering.

I think the faculty and staff here at Rowan are super supportive. I think everyone goes into engineering thinking, “this is going to be so hard, I don’t know how I’m gonna make it.” But they’re really there to help you. They work with you step by step as you progress from freshman year to senior year to help develop the skills you need to think like an engineer. By the end of it, you have this new skill set, this new way of thinking to be able to solve any problem.

Roshni looking at camera in lab.

Explain a research experience that you really enjoyed. 

I really enjoy working on this injectable hydrogels project. I get to go into the lab work on developing a biomaterial called the hydragel. It’s a very new type of biomaterial that you can add into the body, which is something the BME department is really big on.

I’ve also had the opportunity through some of the skills and projects I’ve been working on through my BME classes to cofound a startup company. The project helps meet some of the unmet needs of Parkinson’s patients and the amputee population. I’ve been able to come up with some devices to be able to help those individuals, and our first device is actually on the market. I think it’s the coolest thing to be able to do both research and innovation here.

Why did you choose Rowan?

I think Rowan’s program really stood out to me because we have small classroom sizes. From day one, I got to meet the professors. They knew my name. They’re working on different things with me, really getting to know my story and offering resources to help me.

The student community is also great. We’re always helping each other, which is so fundamental as an engineering student to be able to work on things together. This helps us develop a community that helps us reach our goals.

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos by:
Joe Gentempo, art graduate

Rowan Beekeeping Club Launches: A Q & A with President Michael Hoban

Today we introduce the newly-founded Beekeeping Club. We talk to Biological Sciences major Michael Hoban, club president, as he discusses what the Beekeeping Club is, what members will do on a daily basis and his personal responsibilities within the club. 

What is the Beekeeping Club? What is the goal of this club? What will members of this club do on a regular basis?

The Beekeeping Club is a club that values and encourages anyone and everyone to join! Members can be individuals who either know nothing about beekeeping or have heard about it and are interested in learning the practice of it.

Because winter is the off-season for beekeeping, the winter semester will be focused more so on learning about the practice and the importance of beekeeping. Within the spring semester, members will be able to actually go out to the bee hives and collect honey. The sole purpose of this club is education and being able to apply what you’ve learned to hands-on experience. 

Honey collected by students in the Social Insect Lab.
Honey collected by students in the Social Insect Lab

What is your personal role and responsibilities associated with the Beekeeping Club? How did you get involved with this?

Dr. Kruse created this club with the help of team members from her Social Insect Lab. During the summer, Dr. Kruse sat down with her student researchers and basically asked us if we would be interested in creating this Beekeeping Club. Because we have hives on campus, she thought it would be a good idea to introduce beekeeping to the entire Rowan community. 

Within this club I am the President; however, it is important to note that all members of this club have equally important roles. Instead of taking the lead, I love working with all the other members to collaborate and make decisions.

Students from the Social Insect Lab working with the honey extraction machine.
Students from the Social Insect Lab working with the electric honey extractor

What do you think your favorite part of this club will be? 

I am just excited to see everyone’s reaction when we actually step outside to the hives in our suits. A lot of individuals tend to be scared of bees, especially bees in big volume. However, I am excited to see the reactions of members when seeing a hive open for the first time right before their eyes.

Close up of the electric honey extractor machine.
A close-up view of the electric honey extractor machine

How can students, professors, and peers purchase the extracted honey collected by the Social Insect Lab? 

Right now we sell the honey at any club fairs we attend. However, we hope to have more fundraising events to sell our honey as this is our main source of profit which allows us to purchase more hives and build the club.

Honey available for purchase from the Social Insect Lab bee hives.
Honey available for purchase from the Social Insect Lab

What are your goals and aspirations for the future for this club? Do you have a passion for saving the bees? Do you aspire to spread awareness on saving the bees? 

I hope every member learns the importance of a honey bee. Yes, it is fun to do all of this and extract our own honey and work closely with hives, however, I hope if members learn anything, they learn why we created this club and how important bee conservation is. I also hope members help educate other members of the community that may not be in the club. It would be awesome if members teach others what they learn.

Students and members of Social Insect Lab displaying collaborative effort of extracting honey.
Students and members of Social Insect Lab display the collaborative effort of extracting honey.

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Story By:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major

Photos courtesy of: 
Michael Hoban and the Beekeeping Club

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Jeramie stands inside a local ShopRite as part of the research he worked on in his program.

A chef by trade, Rowan Global student Jeramie Cooper says he’s combining health and “something he’s always loved” into a new career path through the Nutrition and Dietetics program.  “I just want people to be healthy, it’s what I want to be able to bring to other people,” Jeramie says. “So that’s pretty much my […]

Faculty PROFile: Molecular Biophysicist Dr. Nathaniel Nucci

Learn more about Dr. Nathaniel Nucci, associate professor and Biophysics coordinator within the Physics department at Rowan’s College of Science and Mathematics.

How long have you worked at Rowan?

I’ve worked at Rowan for seven years. This is my eighth year as a faculty member.

What is your area of expertise?

I’m a molecular biophysicist. That basically means that I study the physics of biological molecules. My main area of expertise is focused on understanding how the structures of proteins and the changes to those structures influence how proteins function. This is important because understanding how protein structures relate to function allows us to understand how living systems work, and by “work,” I mean that in the true physical sense.

Proteins are the molecules that do most of the work in our bodies, from moving our muscles to digesting our food to dictating how our tissues develop as we grow. Understanding how structure-function relationships can sometimes go wrong due to mutations or other factors is key to understanding the sources of most diseases. 

Dr. Nucci smiles inside his researvh lab.

What inspires you to continue teaching?

I LOVE the process of discovery that students go through in my classes. Helping them grow and broaden their worldview is incredibly fulfilling. Every one of my students leaves at the end of a semester with a different perspective than they had at the beginning of the semester, and with that expansion of knowledge and understanding comes power! Power to affect change in the world and power to pursue career paths that will help them be happy and fulfilled. At least, that’s what I aim for! 

What advice would you have for someone who is considering biophysics, but maybe doesn’t quite understand the field or what you can with the degree?

I came to Biophysics as a discipline because I was interested in living things. I thought they were fascinating (and still do!), and I wanted to understand how they work. While my biology and biochemistry/molecular biology courses helped me understand the parts and how they fit together, it wasn’t until I took a Biophysics course and saw the way the math helps quantitatively explain how life works that I found the level of understanding I was searching for.

So, to those considering the Biophysics major, I’d say … if you want to understand biological systems, living things (human or otherwise), or health-related problems and you like math, then the Biophysics major is the best of the bio-related majors at Rowan for you.

Dr. Nucci working in lab.

Share an “aha!” moment you’ve had within your discipline that made you feel passionate about your field. 

This is challenging because I’ve had so many! The first was when I read a book as an undergraduate called “Cells, Gels, and the Engines of Life.” It got me thinking about all of the components of cells, especially the ones that most scientists ignore.

But the biggest moment of amazement for me, I think, was when I saw a talk by Dr. Klaus Schulten at a Biophysical Society meeting about 10 years ago. In his talk, he presented computer simulations of an entire cell where the workings of all the molecules were visualized. This was an amazing achievement that required the efforts not only of his group but of the entire biophysics community because without the hundreds of researchers in the room having learned so much over the previous decades, the simulations would never have been possible.

That moment made me feel like our work was a part of a greater, and incredibly awesome, whole.  

What is one thing you wish people knew about your academic discipline or your research focus? 

It’s not at hard or as complicated as it sounds! When I tell people that I’m a biophysicist, they usually say something like “wow,” but my training is no different than anyone else’s. The work we do and our field in general is approachable and fun! It’s interdisciplinary, so we get to do lots of different things and focus on the problems we are interested in. It’s like an intellectual playground!

Dr. Nucci examines equipment in his lab.

Is there anything that I didn’t ask you about the Biophysics program that you’d like to share with incoming students?

I think it’s important for students to understand that our Biophysics majors get to bridge communities at Rowan. They are integrated in to the Physics department community, but they also get to build relationships with students and faculty in other majors across the college. That’s pretty unique, and it usually helps them have a pretty strong network by the time they graduate.  

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#PROFspective: From Colorado to Glassboro, Biomedical Engineering Major Katie Driscoll

Katie works in a biomedical engineering lab.

Today, we speak with senior Biomedical Engineering major Katie Driscoll of Durango, Colorado. She holds minors in History, Chemistry and Arabic Studies and is part of the Honors College. Here, Katie shares insights on her major, including the research work she’s been part of since her first year here at Rowan, and talks about the importance of getting involved on campus.

What made you come all the way here to New Jersey?

I just felt really at home when I visited the Biomedical Engineering program. It felt like everyone was super excited about Rowan’s potential for growth. And everyone was really happy to be here, students and faculty alike. So it really kind of felt like a welcoming place. 

Why Biomedical Engineering? 

I decided to major in Biomedical Engineering because it is a super well-rounded major. I wanted to know about a lot of things, and I wanted to have a lot of skills coming out upon graduation. So that was kind of my focus coming into undergrad.

Portrait of Katie Driscoll.

What do you want to do with this degree? 

I’m not really sure exactly what I want to do yet. But that’s a really good thing about this degree is you can do pretty much anything coming out of an undergrad in Biomedical Engineering. There are a lot of different paths open, whether it’s industry, med school or grad school, I feel really comfortable and confident going into anything.

Can you tell me a little about your experience in the lab? Have you done any research? 

I started research at Rowan in my freshman year with Dr. Vega, which was really cool, because it’s rare that you get to actually do hands-on research as a freshman in any research university.

I currently work in his biomaterials lab, looking at how the mechanical environments of stem cells affect their behavior. And that is for future use and tissue engineering applications.

Can you share an “aha” moment either with a faculty member or in a class where you knew you made the right decision?

So my freshman year when I started research in Dr. Vega’s lab, he was going over protocols with all of us and teaching us how to do everything. And we were imaging some cells on a fluorescent microscope and one of the labs, and he put the image up on the computer, and I just remember thinking that all the cells against the black background really looked like space. They looked like their own little, little galaxies. And I thought that was the coolest thing ever. Because you always see the pictures or the cells in a textbook, but to see it in real life, and all lit up, that was really different. 

What advice would you have to an incoming student who just chose this major?  

I would say definitely get connected with faculty in the department as early as possible because they are some of the most supportive people that I’ve met at Rowan. And if you know the faculty, you’re going to feel a lot more at home in the program. And also just get involved super early, whether it’s in research or in clubs, whatever you want to do, just kind of day one freshman year go in with a plan of how you’re going to get involved on campus.

Katie performs an experiment in a lab.

Can you share with me some things that you’re involved in or things that have had an impact on your college career?

I’m pretty involved with research here through Dr. Vega’s lab. This is my third year in his lab. And then I am also involved with Rowan Food Recovery Network. It’s a club that focuses on taking food from the dining halls that would otherwise get thrown away and redistributing it to community partners to reduce food waste and help with community hunger. So that is one big thing that I do. 

I’m an assistant resident director through the Office of Residential Learning (University Housing). I also am the Vice President for Rowan Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), which is like a pre-professional club that we have through our department. And that’s been really impactful to get to meet different people from industry and grad school and have them talk about their experiences.

Can you tell me a little bit more about that?

BMES is like our major specific club, and we meet every other week. And we usually have people from industry or have our own professors talk about their research. And it’s just a really great way to get connected within the major. Because a lot of the faculty will come to the meetings, people like freshmen through seniors come, and you can kind of network with each other, and talk to each other.

We also do some community service events. And we also usually, in non-COVID times, we have the BMES games, which is where everyone — it’s like a field day for our department. But all the professors also come out and they compete with us. So it’s a really fun environment.

You said that you’ve been working in a lab for three years. So are you able to start working in a lab early into your college career, you don’t have to be a junior, senior? 

You can start day one. I walked in, and I just emailed the head of the department … it’s that accessible. And he set up a meeting with me as a freshman, which I don’t think that’s really found at any other university. And he was able to get me connected with Dr. Vega. And I started in his lab, like my first month, freshman year. We also have other freshmen in our labs, we have sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

As an out-of-state student, do you have any advice for the transition process to come here? 

Rowan is a place where it’s really easy to make friends. Even though a lot of people here are from New Jersey, and there’s not as many people from out of state, it’s super easy to get integrated with the community. I’ve never once felt out of place.

Katie views a microscope in the lab.

Is there anything else that you want to share?

I’d like to reiterate how excited everyone in this department is to be here. And I think that’s really rare in other schools; faculty just kind of like their jobs. But like, every single one of our faculty members are super passionate, not just about their research … instructors are super passionate mentors. I think that’s a really rare combination to find at another university. 

See Katie with the Rowan Food Recovery Network in this video

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Gardening For All: An Inclusive Community [VIDEO]

The Borgerson family and Jenna see the raised beds at the Williamstown Organic Community Garden.

“Having an inclusive garden makes it easier for other people to access, whether it includes people in a wheelchair, using a walker or a cane,” says junior Charlotte Borgersen.

Inclusive Community Gardens is funded by the Division of Disability Services, New Jersey Department of Human Services.

A Rowan team, under the guidance of Dr. Spencer, has partnered with seven area community gardens, reviewing each and making changes such as reducing sensory stimuli, adding Braille and images to signage and designing paths and beds that are more accessible.

Read more about this project and one of the students behind the research here.

For more on our M.A. in Wellness and Lifestyle Management program, click here

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Beyond the Classroom: Nutrition Major Keyanna Meade on Her Community-Based Research

Keyanna sits on the steps by Engineering pond.

Today we feature Keyanna Meade, a senior Nutrition major and transfer student from Burlington Township, NJ (Burlington County). She is part of the Minority Association of Premedical Students MAPS and will be president of Helping Our People Excel through Wellness (H.O.P.E. through Wellness) this year. Keyanna shares her experience as a nutrition research assistant under the direction of Dr. Nicole Vaughn.

Why did you choose Rowan to study your major?

I chose Rowan because it was kind of close to home. After also hearing about all the great programs they had for my major, I decided Rowan was the best place to transfer to prepare me for my future endeavors.

Keyanna Meade.
Keyanna Meade

What does everyday life at Rowan look like for you? Can you walk us through a day in your shoes?

My schedule looked pretty similar day to day. I would often start my day by going to work, and then I would come to campus. When coming to campus I would attend class and then typically I would head to the gym. After leaving campus I would usually head home and cook myself something to eat. My day usually ends with completing homework and relaxing.

How did you start your research process? Why did you decide to start research in the nutrition field?

I have always been interested in being part of research and studies that were more community based rather than just conducting research out of a lab. By being a nutrition major, I’ve learned it is important to be educated on topics like, why individuals are food insecure and why certain diseases are more prevalent in certain communities … to name a few.  

I was thrilled to find when I was looking on the Rowan Announcer that Dr. Vaughn was looking for a research assistant. I sent over my resume and applied for the position, and that’s how this all started.

Keyanna laughing by Engineering pond.

Can you talk about what you are researching and why? 

This summer I worked on a project that basically created a food system flow chart of all the nutritional programs provided in New Jersey. I was a part of the summer undergraduate research program (SURP), and my day-to-day consisted of a lot of researching, interviewing directors of programs, participants and stakeholders, and I was even part of the funding process.

For the flowchart we used something called Lucidchart. Our chart basically starts off with the Farm Bill, then the USDA, the Department of Agriculture, Department of Health, and then the bottom of the flow chart is where it reaches the county level and the consumers.

This whole flow chart creation process took about 10 weeks, and we are currently still editing it and sending it over to stakeholders to approve the accuracy.

Can you describe the research methods you have used in the past or are currently using?

One of our data methods is qualitative. We also conduct a lot of interviews for the community-based research we conduct.

Portrait of Keyanna Meade.

What research skills have you acquired during your academic and/or research career?

Throughout this process my communication, critical thinking, writing and leadership skills have definitely improved.

What have you learned so far in your research process?

I have learned a lot through this experience. Specifically, I have learned how important it is to help out in your community and ways that you can give back because a lot of individuals are hungry, starving, homeless … and they are unaware of the programs available to them, so I think it is very important to not only give back to your community, but to spread knowledge on the programs available.

This whole process led me to wanting to get my master’s in Public Health. I want to help more on a community base and a whole population rather than just one individual at a time.

Keyanna Meade in front of Prof Statue.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industries major

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Community Garden: Fighting Food Insecurity From Home

From Teacher to Student: Career Change Brings Nutrition and Exercise Science Major Kerry Perez to Rowan

How Communicating With Professors is Different Than Communicating With Your High School Teachers

Rowan Blog contributor Nick Flagg shares:Despite being a high school student only four years ago, it feels like a different lifetime. The world of academia opens up when you move on to college, especially when talking about how you both work and communicate with your teachers. And being both a Theatre and Advertising major, I feel as though I can speak on a range of experiences with various professors.”

I have noticed that the biggest difference between college and high school is that high school teachers tend to do a constant check-in with all their students, while professors expect you to reel them in as needed. The transition from high school to college takes maturing in communication skills. If you need help, you need to communicate that more to a college professor than you would to a high school teacher.

Going to college is much more of an individualized experience. It is not that the resources are more limited compared to high school; in fact, there might be even more. Moreover, there is an expectation for you to speak up when you need something. I believe high school is an experience catered to all, whereas college is what you make of it.

Though college is still a place for growth and trying things out, it is rewarding when you know what you want and set up a game plan to reach your goals. The student-to-professor relationship should be nothing less than professional, but nothing short of believing that these people are here to help you succeed. They are here to help you meet those goals and land a job after you graduate.

A faculty member speaks with a student.

I have found myself engaging more in conversation with my professors than I did with high school teachers. Hearing about their personal journey is what makes me want to focus on creating my own.

I think I speak for many college students when I say that high school feels like a general educational experience compared to college. Don’t get me wrong, I believe high school is a wonderful educational experience that everyone needs. But here I am as a Theatre and Advertising major, still waiting for the day when I will need to know that the Mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell.

All jokes aside, high school allows you to see into many different courses and extracurriculars that should propel you to decide what you want to do after high school. College is where the lens focuses in on your future career, and plops you into a community of people interested in the same work as you.

When I am talking with faculty and students in my college, I feel more at home. When talking with my college professors, I am hearing many first-person experiences that set me up to figure out my own path. Getting to talk to the people who are “doing the thing” is what makes your career goals feel like a reality.

When I talk with my theatre professors, I am talking with people who have done professional work in performance. When I am talking with my advertising professors, I am talking with people who have done professional work with advertising agencies. And in most cases, aside from teaching, they are still working in their given industries. Asking your professor questions shows you are engaged and lets them know you are interested in professional opportunities beyond the classroom.

In my sophomore year at Rowan, I was fortunate enough to be a part of a research project with my Acting and Speech professor, Michael Dean Morgan. I got to work with other students to facilitate interviews with Broadway actors in New York City. Because I was able to communicate with my professor and show that I was interested in getting experience in the field work, I was able to directly hear more about the industry of my work and gain networking tools.

Pictured from left to right is Professor Michael Dean Morgan and students Nick Flagg and Maggie O'Connor from their trip to NYC in 2019.
Pictured from left to right is Professor Michael Dean Morgan, author Nick Flagg and Maggie O’Connor from their trip to NYC in 2019.

Reaching out to your professors is crucial in college. Always checking in and asking for help is beneficial for all students. We cannot do this alone. Talking with professors forms a connection that potentially brings you closer to a job in your industry. 

The first step is always showing up. And each day you show up, treat your attendance like you would treat an interview. Ask questions, engage yourself, and maybe shoot an email or two. High school is where your teachers help you figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life. College professors are here to offer the resources to help you get there. 

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Story by: 
Nick Flagg, senior theatre and advertising major

Alumni Success: Julia Reilly, Chemical Engineer at Dupont

Rowan hall and Engineering Pond at night.

Today we feature Julia Reilly, a Rowan Chemical Engineering alumna who graduated in 2019. Julia is currently a chemical engineer at Dupont, a specialty company that makes products in the safety, healthcare, electronics, mobility, and construction spaces. Julia is from Bucks County, Pennsylvania, but she currently lives in Washington, D.C. 

A headshot of Julia.
Julia Reilly

Why Rowan?

My guidance counselor suggested I look into Rowan. Being from Bucks County, I had never heard of it. I went to Rowan’s Honors Accepted Students Day, and Rowan was better than I thought. I met many people at the event, and I loved it. 

Did you have any internships while you were at Rowan?

I had an internship at FMC Corporation, an agricultural sciences company, as well as an internship at Dupont. After my internship at Dupont, they interviewed me for a full-time role in the company during the fall semester of my senior year. I got the job, and it was nice to not have to worry about finding a job during my second semester of senior year. The job was in the Field Engineering and Supply Chain Development Program at Dupont, where I still currently work. 

Julia poses in front of some trees in a blue shirt.

Do you have any advice for Chemical Engineering students at Rowan?

I’d advise students to reach out to professors early on and offer to work in their labs. I started working in Dr. Joseph Stanzione’s lab my freshman year, and it was a great opportunity. I built a good relationship with him and gained valuable experience as I was trying to build my resume. This definitely helped me to secure an internship early on.  

How did Rowan help to prepare you for the job you have today?

Rowan has great chemical engineering classes that teach good fundamentals. My favorite part of the Chemical Engineering department are the special topics classes, such as mixing and process safety courses. These classes are not commonly offered at other schools and help Rowan’s Chemical Engineering program and Rowan alumni to stand out.

Julia poses in front of some trees and shrubbery in a blue shirt.

What do you hope to see in the future of Rowan?

I personally hope to see Rowan expand the Chemical Engineering program. Also, I hope they’ll continue to make diversity, equity and inclusion a priority in the engineering department specifically. It is important to me that they improve the diversity of both students and faculty and make the department an inclusive space for all to thrive.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, junior communication studies and public relations double major

Beyond the Classroom: Rowan Global Wellness and Lifestyle Management Major Discovers Passion for Research

Jenna stands by the entrance sign for the Williamstown Organic Community Garden.

Meet Jenna Bottiglieri, who graduated from Rowan with a degree in Exercise Science and is now pursuing her master’s degree in Wellness and Lifestyle Management through Rowan GlobalLearn more about Jenna and how her work with two health research and grant programs helped her zero in on her career goals.

Seeing a new installation of wheelchair-accessible raised beds for the first time while visiting the Williamstown Organic Community Garden, Jenna Bottiglieri witnessed part of her research come to fruition. 

Jenna, a student in the M.A. in Wellness and Lifestyle Management program, serves as project coordinator for Inclusive Healthy Communities, a grant-funded initiative that works with South Jersey towns on projects that make spaces more welcoming for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

Jenna talks with the Borgersen family by the raised garden beds.
Jenna (second from right) checks out one of the new, accessible raised beds in the Williamstown Organic Community Garden with the Borgersen family, clients whom she worked with from both Rowan’s Get FIT program and the Inclusive Healthy Communities project. Standing, from left: Kim and Brenda. Seated, from left: Charlotte and Nathan.

She also coordinates the Shop Fresh Foods Rx program, a research study combining nutrition outreach and education for South Jersey residents who are pre-diabetic and food insecure. 

Jenna’s work on these research projects has altered her academic career trajectory; she now wants to pursue another advanced degree in public health policy either at the master’s or doctoral level.

“I think that it’s so interesting being involved in research. And that’s definitely something I would like to continue, in my next degree, and after that, and actually, in my career … continuing some kind of research,” Jenna says. 

A chance discussion set Jenna on a continued path at Rowan in graduate studies and sparked her passion for health research. As an undergraduate Exercise Science major, Jenna headed into her last two semesters unsure of where to go next. One of the highlights of her college career had been volunteering and then working for Get FIT, a Rowan fitness and nutrition program for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

She describes the program as “fitness oriented but also very socially oriented.” Rowan students and volunteer staff work one-on-one with each client. “They’re able to exercise together, they talk together. And it’s really just a great program for everyone,” she says.

Jenna at the Williamstown Organic Community Garden.
“I definitely see myself leading a nonprofit organization or working for a state Department of Health,” Jenna says.

Jenna worked all the way up to program coordinator for Get FIT, run by Dr. Leslie Spencer, professor of Health Promotion and Wellness Management. She and Jenna were to conduct a study on the social impact of Get FIT on clients and caregivers before the Covid-19 pandemic paused both their research and the in-person client sessions. At the height of the pandemic, Jenna then organized a virtual Get FIT program

When Jenna shared her uncertainty about her future with Dr. Spencer, the professor suggested Jenna look into the Wellness and Lifestyle Management master’s program through Rowan Global. Here, Jenna says she could expand her health and wellness knowledge beyond the anatomy and kinesiology-based training she received as an undergraduate. She also appreciated the online format that allows her to craft a flexible schedule around her research.

“That was really helpful, because I wasn’t really ready for that commitment of going back onto campus right after I graduated. So this ended up being perfect from not only just the criteria that I’m learning in the curriculum, but also the structure of the courses definitely just aligned with my schedule,” Jenna says.  

She now works with Dr. Spencer on the Inclusive Healthy Communities project, a grant from the Division of Disability Services, NJ Department of Human Services. Jenna explains the university’s work has three main components. A Rowan team, working with master gardeners, has partnered with seven area community gardens, reviewing each and making changes such as reducing sensory stimuli, adding Braille and images to signage and designing paths and beds that are more accessible. 

Jenna poses with the Borgersen family, Backyard Gardens LLC and the Sustainable Monroe Township.
Jenna (fourth from left) with the Borgersen family, Patrick McDevitt of Sustainable Monroe Township (center) and Alex Seidel and Brian Pearsall (standing, left) of Backyard Gardens, LLC, who designed and built the garden’s accessible raised beds.

Jenna says the second and third parts of the project include a collaboration with five area group homes; the Rowan team has subcontracted area master gardeners to build garden spaces and organized cooking classes for its residents. 

“The goal is to hopefully use what they grow in the garden,” Jenna adds.

Her work with Dr. Nicole Vaughn, assistant professor of Community Health, on the Shop Fresh Foods Rx program analyzes data collected throughout a four-month period with 20 participants, whom Jenna recruited throughout South Jersey. Participants receive groceries and dietician-created recipes, then attend sessions on food, fitness, nutrition and managing stress. For the last four weeks of the program, Jenna says participants will shop for their own healthy groceries using the skills they learned from the program. 

“The goal is to see if this lifestyle change will prevent their onset of type 2 diabetes,” she explains. 

Jenna speaks highly of her faculty, recalling: “My friend Brianna … we work together in Dr. Vaughn’s lab, and we met working together on Shop Fresh Foods Rx. We had been discussing a topic like nutrition knowledge and social media, because we go on social media, [and] there’s so many things that are just not true. And we actually ended up presenting this to two professors in our department (Dr. Dara LoBuono and Dr. Dylan Klein). 

Jenna chats with the Borgersen family.

“And they were extremely happy to hear us out there even though it sounded very ambitious, they were all very supportive. The professors are so helpful at Rowan, they really want you to succeed and get involved within the research.”

She adds, “I just wish other students would get involved in research because it really is a really great experience, especially at Rowan. There’s so many opportunities.”

See Jenna’s work with the Inclusive Gardens project in this video: 

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Beyond the Classroom: Idea Challenge Winner, Steminist Squad Founder Talia Tomarchio

The Steminist Squad leader and volunteers pose in front of Business Hall.

Today we speak to Talia Tomarchio, a recent graduate with a degree in computer science, a minor in neuroscience and an honors concentration. Talia is a transfer student from Rowan College at Burlington County and a first-generation college student. Talia founded the Steminist Squad, an online community for women in STEM industries. Her business won first place at both Rowan’s 2020 Idea Challenge and the 2021 Rohrer New Venture Competition and was a semi-finalist in KPMG’s Ideation Challenge. 

Talia poses on the bridge behind Wilson Hall.

What kinds of career-related opportunities have you had beyond the classroom? 

I performed research with Dr. Anthony Breitzman (from the Dept. of Computer Science) this semester on analyzing Myers–Briggs personality types through Twitter tweets. I was planning on getting an internship last summer, which would be my first summer at Rowan. I applied for research for undergraduates (REUS) through the National Science Foundation, but because of COVID-19, all the opportunities I applied to got canceled. I reached out to Dr. Breitzman, and he allowed me to do research with him! We started our research over the summer, and we continued it through the fall. I also founded an online community for girls in STEM called Steminist Squad. 

Can you tell me more about the community? 

It started out as an online chat server on Discord where girls can talk about their major, post internships they found, share resources and help each other with homework. It has now grown into a professional development resource and supportive community of like-minded individuals. We also have an inspirational social media presence and a podcast that is coming soon. 

The Steminist Squad walks to Business Hall.

How did you come up with Steminist Squad? 

After coronavirus broke out and closed campus last spring, I was taking a few courses in the summer and realized the impact that online learning had on me as a student. I felt disconnected and missed the campus environment, and I’m sure that I wasn’t alone. That feeling inspired me to create a community to connect women from different colleges and communities, and that was the start of the journey to what is now Steminist Squad! 

What was your experience like entering the Squad in idea challenges and competitions? 

It boosted my confidence by practicing my pitch so many times! I met so many new people and learned a lot from the mentors and teachers. I also gained valuable insight on how to pivot the business direction to reach more women and help them. 

What knowledge or skills have you developed through The Idea Challenge and New Venture Competition that you will take with you for future endeavors? 

There are a few major takeaways that I learned from these experiences. I learned the basics of entrepreneurship, like business models, customer discovery and financials. I developed teamwork skills by leading a team of volunteers for two semesters, and my presentation skills have [dramatically] improved. 

The Steminist Squad sits in Business Hall.

Has there been anyone from Rowan that helped you start and keep this community going?

Jessica Vankawala, a junior Biomedical Engineering major in a PreMed program with Cooper Medical School, and Kayleigh Ostberg, a junior Bioinformatics major, have been essential volunteers from the Bantivoglio Honors College. Kadie Davis, a Biomedical Engineering major with a Chemistry minor, also volunteered in the Spring 2021 semester. 

Tapan Soni, once my cybersecurity teaching assistant and now a professional cybersecurity analyst, is an active and vital member of our online server. With the support of Dr. Kristen diNovi and Dr. Susana Santos [featured here], and guidance from Dr. Eric Liguroi [featured here] and Brandon Graham [featured here], I was able to transform this from an idea to reality. 

How do you feel you are helping others with the Steminist Squad? 

Being a first-generation student, I often think about the other girls who don’t have the support or confidence in themselves to be successful in school or in life. So, I feel like a part of me understands what they are going through and wants to give them a way to feel included and supported. If it doesn’t get any bigger than this and I end up helping one girl gain confidence in what she is capable of, I will be happy. 

The Steminist Squad sits in front of Business Hall.
Talia (second from left) with Squad members Jessica Vankawala, Kayleigh Ostberg and Kadie Davis.

What are your future plans for the Steminist Squad, now that you have graduated?

I am planning on taking this summer to grow Steminist Squad. I was accepted into the Rowan Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Summer Accelerator program, also known as StartupRU, where I will further develop my startup with the help of mentors and resources. I hope to have a fully functioning model by the end of the summer so I can start recruiting more Squad members for next semester!

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Rachel Rumsby, junior communication studies and public relations double major, and Talia Tomarchio, computer science graduate

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Rachel Rumsby, junior communication studies and public relations double major

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Talia (second from left) with Steminist Squad members Jessica Vankawala, Kayleigh Ostberg and Kadie Davis

Meet #Rowan2025: Exploratory Studies Major Maria Celeste Lopez Vasquez

Photo of Science Hall and flowers in the foreground.

Today we feature incoming first year and first-generation college student Maria Celeste Lopez Vasquez. Maria will major in Exploratory Studies and commute from Camden, NJ (Camden County). Maria attended Camden Academy Charter High School. Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward in college? In college, I’m looking forward […]

Professional Goals of Engineering Entrepreneurship Majors

Kenyon looked to the side outside of Rowan Hall.

Today, we feature the long-term and short-term goals of two students in the Engineering Entrepreneurship program. 

Kenyon sits inside the Engineering Bridge.

Kenyon Burgess, a sophomore from Jackson, NJ (Ocean County), is taking advantage of the programs Rowan has to offer to reach his goals.

Currently, Kenyon is on an engineering research project and is also attending events held by the College of Business for networking and personal development. These are all steps he’s taking to be prepared for his next steps after graduation.

His long-term goal is to own his own business where he can utilize his engineering experience. 

Michael sits by Engineering Pond and Rowan Hall.

Senior Micheal Lampasona, from South Plainfield, NJ (Middlesex County), is taking charge of his future by actively expanding his network, self-educating through reading books and watching videos, and reaching out to business professionals to ask them questions regarding his interests in different industries.

In his last semester, Micheal wants to continue to search the technical and business fields to see what industries he gravitates towards for his career. His long-term goal is to own and develop real estate by investing in and developing multi-unit (30+) properties.

He says: “Engineering entrepreneurship will support my dreams and goals because it gives me the best of both the technical and business world. I know that the world of technical sales, product development, project management, technology commercialization, and operations in manufacturing is what I was born to do.”

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Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

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Quintin Stinney, sophomore radio/TV/film major

Faculty PROFile: Dr. Lisa Abrams’ Innovative and Inclusive Efforts Break Down Barriers to Education

Dr. Lisa Abrams sits in Robinson Hall.

Dr. Lisa Abrams, assistant professor of Psychology, joined the Rowan faculty in 2014. Dr. Abrams recently earned the Excellence in Online Learning Award from Rowan Global Learning and Partnerships for her work.

Dr. Lisa Abrams stands near a board for the Psychology department in Robinson Hall.

Dr. Lisa Abrams went above and beyond to assist students in transitioning to a “new normal.” 

Rowan Global’s Excellence in Online Learning Award primarily highlighted two of her courses, Statistics in Psychology and Research Methods in Psychology. Well before Covid-19, these courses were offered both in-person and online when created four years ago to accommodate the fully-online Psychology program here at Rowan. Dr. Abrams coordinated and developed these classes herself. 

Course materials within these classes are free thanks to the Textbook Alternative Program (TAP) grant provided by the university. After receiving the grant for both courses, Dr. Abrams and a colleague searched for free resources for students. She felt confident they would find a proper alternative to save students money. 

She found an open-source textbook that also had permissions to allow students to download the free textbook as a PDF. “For the rest of the course, there is nothing else [the students] have to pay for,” she says. Even the statistical software options, Jamovi and SPSS, used in the statistics course were free to the students. 

“Early on, I recognized that the textbook prices were a bit like a barrier for my students,” Abrams says. “And it’d be a month into the class, because they couldn’t get it. So it definitely takes away that issue.”

She also designed a one-credit course called Navigating Psychology for students who are new to the major. This course provides faculty with benchmarks to later measure students’ learning outcomes in the program. For the roughly 500 students who take the class each year, professors incorporate an introduction to the program into the course material, explaining who’s who within the psychology department, how students can meet with their college advisors, school policies, Rowan’s academic integrity policy and more. 

Many students have attested the most important takeaway they received from the course was simply knowing essential, practical and timely information about psychology and the resources available to them at Rowan. The course serves as a roadmap to succeeding in Rowan’s psychology program and the university community in general. 

Dr. Abrams strategically considered what it must be like for students to take on “the mental load of existing in a pandemic” as well as having to switch to a remote or hybrid college experience. In doing so, Dr. Abrams had to choose the most meaningful assignments to keep in the course. 

Dr. Lisa Abrams sits inside Robinson Hall.

Since creating her statistics course four years ago, Dr. Abrams redeveloped parts of it last spring. She made the quizzes as access gates to the next module to make sure students would not skip ahead and rather learn on schedule. The quizzes were designed more so as a practice test that would only accept a certain grade to move on, but can be taken as many times as needed to learn the material. Each quiz is different because the questions are chosen from a pool of questions that are given to different students and narrowed down. 

She made this major change because she realized the importance of formative assessments. She aimed to make assignments that tested students’ knowledge without making them overly intimidating. Then the students will receive feedback immediately to quickly understand what they can improve on. This can guide the students to alter their study habits and remain on track with Dr. Abrams’ course goals. By doing multiple quizzes within a chapter, the students can find their level of understanding easily and at multiple points in the course. 

Dr. Abrams’ favorite part of student engagement focuses less on the actual course material and more on developing positive relationships with the students. She enjoys being able to guide students in their learning process as well as making the teaching process easier — building trust between students and the professor can help students ask more questions. 

She misses one-to-one interactions with students outside of class, which she still experiences now through Zoom or phone calls. Dr. Abrams continues to make time for students outside of class, which is invaluable for students, especially during the pandemic. 

Her current research focuses on the topic of teaching, with multiple projects in the works at different stages. Dr. Abrams shares: “I tested if team-based learning is effective in teaching statistics in psychology. I have a project that is in big data collection right now about inclusive teaching practices and what students and faculty think about them and how much [the faculty] are using these types of strategies.”

Dr. Lisa Abrams smiles outside on Rowan's campus.

Dr. Abrams wishes people knew that psychology is a science. She explains that psychology uses the same scientific method used in other “hard sciences” to test all theories and in every field within psychology. She knows that many people misconceive this science because it deals with humans, making it appear “softer in a way.” She appreciates the fact that Rowan placed psychology under the College of Science and Mathematics (CSM), which did not match Dr. Abrams’ experiences at other colleges.

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Story by: Marian Suganob, public relations major

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: From North Jersey To Utah, Chemical Engineering Major Jacob Molinaro

Stock image Mountain View.

Meet Jacob Molinaro, a Chemical Engineering major with minors in both Math and Chemistry who transferred from the County College of Morris and is originally from Essex County, NJ. He is taking remote classes at Rowan from his current residence in Utah. He shares more about his decision in choosing Rowan and what he loves about South Jersey.

Jacob taking a selfie of himself while climbing a mountain.

What are your professional goals? And how is Rowan helping to support you in those goals?

My goal is to get my Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and lead research in the field of renewable energy and energy storage. My time at Rowan has provided me with the educational background and experience to be competitive as I apply to my graduate programs and indirectly inspired me to follow this career path.

As a sophomore, my department head sent me an email encouraging me to apply to an REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program in Ohio. Following his advice, I applied and was admitted to the program and discovered my passions for both research and the field of electrochemistry.

How does your field impact the world? What impact would you like to have on the world in your field?

The field of chemical engineering is extremely diverse, incorporating manufacturing, research and development and process design. Without chemical engineering, we would find many of the everyday products we use would be unavailable. I specifically would like to work in the growing field of renewable energy and energy storage, which is becoming increasingly important as we strive for more sustainable and ecologically friendly alternatives to fossil fuels.

What inspired you to choose your major?

Excellent chemistry teachers in high school (for both Honors Chemistry in 10th grade and AP Chemistry in 11th) fostered my interest for the subject, but I have always been more interested in applying chemistry to real-world problems rather than understanding the technicalities of it. Hence, I went into chemical engineering (applied chemistry).

As a student from North Jersey, how did you become aware of Rowan University?

At the time I applied, there were five strong chemical engineering programs in the state of New Jersey that my community college made me aware of. I applied to all of them, and upon being accepted to Rowan, I came to visit and loved it!

How long is your trip/drive “home” to North Jersey?

This is an amusing question. As the question is intended to be answered, it is two hours up the NJ Turnpike/Garden State Parkway to where I lived in Essex County from my apartment in Marlton. To go visit my parents in Pennsylvania is about three hours.

However, at the moment my wife and I are living in Orem, Utah while I do all of my classes remotely. My wife, Kaitlin, is a travel nurse and is supporting a hospital here in Utah. Back to New Jersey from HERE is about 35 hours of driving.

Jacob posing with his wife for a wedding photo.
Jacob and his wife, Kaitlin, at their wedding.

What are some of the benefits for you, living this distance from home?

When I’m back in NJ it is nice to be close enough to my parents to go visit over the weekend and help out around the house, but far enough away that we’re not getting unexpected dinner guests every other evening while I need to be studying for an exam or my wife is getting home from a long shift at the hospital.

Here in Utah, the largest benefits are by far the accessibility of my favorite hobbies. I’m a runner, climber, mountaineer and skier; the whole Salt Lake City area is absolutely amazing for these activities. In the past two weeks I’ve been to the climbing gym, two different ski resorts, been up two mountains, and been able to run and hike in between classes.

Between my own personal travels and moving around with Kaitlin’s travel nursing, I’ve been to 49 of the 50 states, and Utah is probably tied for second with Montana among my favorite states (only second to Wyoming!). Utah residents are also doing a great job with social distancing and mask-wearing, so COVID-19 cases are low here and places like the ski resorts and climbing gyms are able to stay open and operate at reduced capacity.

What are a few interesting or new things (to you) about Rowan’s South Jersey area that you would share with future out-of-state students?

After living in the “sixth borough on NYC” in Essex County, I’ve really appreciated that South Jersey is much more rural. If it hasn’t come across yet, I’m not at all a city person and really appreciate some good nature. The accessibility to different parks and preserves throughout the Pine Barrens has been really special. There’s also a great running community, some really awesome little towns (I work as a barista in Haddonfield and love it there, for example), and a bit more of a laid back feel than you’d be used to in North Jersey.

What off-campus, local fun places do you recommend students check out?

Parallel to 322 and off of Delsea Drive there’s a really awesome bike path that runs about seven and a half miles to Sewell. That’s a fun ride/run, and I would definitely recommend students check it out. Duffield’s Farm Market in Sewell is a great place to visit in the fall for pumpkin picking and year-round for affordable fresh produce. It’s a bit of a drive, but I love the Black Run Preserve a bit north in Evesham Township.

Closer to campus, Pitman is always worth a visit for great restaurants and a fun main street. Overall, I’d encourage any new students to just drive around and get to know both Glassboro and the surrounding towns. There’s a lot of neat stuff to be seen, regardless of whether you’re interested in getting outdoors or visiting a town.

Why did you choose to transfer to Rowan University?

Of the three schools I was accepted for transfer to, Rowan was the most affordable (by a long shot!) and the most rural. I had spent two years at that point living in the extremely urban sections of northern New Jersey and was ready for a little farmland nearby!

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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

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We are #RowanPROUD to be included on Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society’s 2021 Transfer Honor Roll, which recognizes select nationwide colleges and universities that foster dynamic pathways for transfer students.

Leadership #PROFspective: Roshni Gandhi, Advancing Outreach and Mentorship for Women Engineers

Roshni stands by a glass window inside an academic building on campus.

Today we feature Roshni Gandhi, a leader at Rowan University. Roshni served as the President of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) during the 2019-2020 school year. She is from Old Bridge, NJ (Middlesex County) and is a senior Biomedical Engineering major. Roshni is part of the 3+4 BME/MD program with Cooper Medical School, where she completes her Biomedical Engineering degree in three years and then begins medical school for four years. Roshni is also the president of Alpha Epsilon Delta Pre-Health Society and was an SGA Representative of the Biomedical Engineering Society last year. 

This story is part of a series spotlighting campus leaders during Women’s History Month. 

What is your role in your organization?

I was the President of SWE during the 2019-2020 school year (we switched eboards at the beginning of this year). SWE is the Society of Women Engineers and is a professional development organization that helps foster a community between female engineering students and hosts career development events like networking opportunities with big industry partners and mentorship programs. This is very important because studies have shown that fostering connections like these are extremely important in retaining females (and minorities) in the STEM fields, and specifically engineering.

Roshni stands inside Science Hall.

What have you learned in your role as a leader?

I am forever grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to serve as a leader for our Rowan community, as I genuinely believe it has helped me build my character and allowed me and my peers to work towards something we believe in and enjoy! I’ve learned how to adapt to new situations — especially with COVID and having to move to a virtual platform mid-semester, the importance of fostering connections and maintaining good relationships with those individuals, and most importantly I’ve learned that so many people are willing to help you bring your ideas to life or to further the mission of your organization, and for that I cannot thank them enough — whether it be faculty and staff at Rowan or people from industry and academia beyond our own university.

What’s your favorite memory as a leader?

My favorite memory as a leader at Rowan has to be being able to help start new outreach programs through SWE and the College of Engineering. It’s really exciting to be a part of something new that will hopefully continue on over the next several years. Our new outreach program – The SWEET program, or Society of Women – Engineers Engineers in Training, is aimed at introducing middle school students to STEM and engineering and getting females interested in it from early on. Our first summer program is going to run virtually this summer, during the month of August. Our SWE team is really hopeful that we can make a positive impact on these young students and give them the confidence to pursue a career in STEM if that is what they’re interested in.

Who inspires you and why?

As a student conducting research in Dr. Vega’s research lab, someone I look up to and am thankful to have as a mentor is my graduate student on the project, Kirstene Gultian, who is getting her Ph.D. in biomedical engineering. She accomplishes so much in the lab, while working as a teaching assistant, and helping with extra-curricular programs as well. She’s a strong leader within our lab, able to balance a number of different tasks at once, and always willing to help everyone.

Roshni stands next to a glass window inside an academic building on campus.

What’s the most significant barrier to women today?

One of the most significant barriers to women today is still representation of females in industry, in the workspace, and in leadership roles. Without the representation, so many women are not given the opportunity to hold leadership positions when compared to their male counterparts due to implicit biases. As such, I think our newest SWE program that we co-founded with PSEG during my time as president is really great in helping female engineering students make industry connections with successful female engineers already working in industry at PSEG.

The program offers mentorship (pairing of SWE students with PSEG mentors) and career advancement events for our SWE members. Through SWE’s international platform, we get to connect with women engineers from all across the world, who offer mentorship and other resources as well, and it is so inspiring to see how much they have and continue to accomplish.

What advice would you give to the next generation of leaders?

Something I’ve learned during my leadership positions over the past few years is: Don’t be afraid to just ask! Sometimes you’ll have an idea that seems crazy or hard to organize and you won’t be sure how to make it come to life or if anyone will support you in making it happen, but lots of times if you just ask, you can make it happen!

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Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations major and 
Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major

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Jabreeah Holmes, senior radio/TV/film major

Leadership #PROFspective: Yashaswi Parikh, Uplifting Leader, Cofounder and Copresident of Rowan SASA

Yashawhi standing behind Bunce Hall.

Today we speak with Yashaswi Parikh, cofounder and copresident of the Rowan South Asian Students Association as well as sunshine chair of Alpha Phi Omega (APO). As sunshine chair, she works to bring joy and happiness to the organization! Yashaswi is a senior Biological Sciences major and Spanish minor who is part of the 3+4 […]

#PROFspective: Junior Biochemistry Major, Student-Athlete Caitlyn Cordell

Catie poses, sitting on a bench.

Today we speak to Caitlyn Cordell, a junior Biochemistry major with a Psychology minor from Middletown, Delaware. Caitlyn is a first-generation college student who lives off-campus. 

Catie poses in front of a brick wall wearing a Rowan soccer shirt.

What is a typical Rowan day for you?

I typically start with breakfast, go to class anytime from 9:30-1:45, eat a snack between classes, I have soccer practice starting at 2, then I eat some dinner and do homework. After that, I will watch a movie or hang out with some friends if I am caught up on my work.

Could you share with us one moment during your time at Rowan that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right major for you?

One time I felt inspired that my major was right for me was when I got accepted into a research program at Cooper Hospital. I felt like all my classes had prepared me well and I made the right decision.

Catie poses by the Campbell Library wearing a Rowan soccer shirt.

Could you tell us a little bit about your transition into Rowan as an incoming student?

I was really excited to be living on campus for the first time, to make new friends, and study subjects I was interested in. I think my professors did a really great job of being accepting and creating a comfortable environment in their classrooms. This allowed me to connect with other students in the class easier and I made some of my best friends because of that welcoming feeling.

What are your professional goals?

I want to go to medical school and become a physician.

Catie poses outside wearing a Rowan soccer shirt.

How has Rowan helped to support you with your professional goals?

The science department has prepared me for my medical school exam and given me an excellent foundation of knowledge. The Pre-Health Society at Rowan has been a very beneficial club, the meetings help keep me on track for success. They also host cool workshops on topics such as vital signs, suturing, or getting to view and touch different brains.

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Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

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Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

#PROFspective: Biomedical Engineering Major Ashleigh Jankowski

Ashleigh sits on a ledge outside of Engineering Hall.

Today we speak to Ashleigh Jankowski, a sophomore Biomedical Engineering major with a minor in Chemistry from Catonsville, Maryland. 

Ashleigh poses outside of Engineering Hall with her face reflected on a reflective surface.

What is a typical Rowan day for you?

In the morning, I go to do research in Engineering Hall. I do research for Dr. Byrne’s biomedical engineering lab. Usually, after that, throughout the day I have various classes, and I usually grab a quick lunch from the Student Center. Typically, a nap fits in there somewhere. I work in the evenings as a Classroom Support Technician for Rowan’s IRT Department. After I get off work, I either do homework or hang out with my housemates. We watch movies together, play games, bake, and more.

Could you share with us one moment during your time at Rowan that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right major for you?

In doing research with the Byrne Lab, I have realized that majoring in Biomedical Engineering was definitely the right choice for me. We have weekly meetings where fellow teammates present their work. It was in the first of these meetings that I attended where I realized that being a BME is something I genuinely enjoy and can get excited about.

Ashleigh poses outdoors in a wooded area.

Could you tell us a little bit about your transition into Rowan as an incoming student?

I was very nervous but super excited. At first, my transition was rough, but it was self-inflicted. I kept my head down and didn’t go out. But, with the coaxing of my wonderful roommate, I began attending RAH and SUP events, which is where I came out of my shell and met some of my best friends.

What are your professional goals?

I intend to pursue a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering once I complete undergrad, and after that, I intend to pursue a research career in biomedical engineering.

Ashleigh poses by the pond at Engineering Hall.

How has Rowan helped to support you with your professional goals?

Rowan offers so many opportunities to help support me in achieving my educational and professional goals. I am a part of multiple student organizations, including the Society of Women Engineers, Women in Engineering (WIE), and Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), that provide networking opportunities as well as workshops for academic growth. Professors are more than supportive, offering help when needed in class and advice on career-based matters. Getting the opportunity to do research starting my freshman year has also been a big help in supporting my goals. I am learning through experience how to do hands-on research, how to work in a lab team, how to formally present data, and how to write a paper for publication. All of these things are going to benefit me in the long run as I pursue a Ph.D. and a successful biomedical engineering career.

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Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

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Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Jordan Jiosi

Jordan sitting at a table in Wilson with a window behind him.

Today we feature first-generation college student Jordan Jiosi from Medford Lakes, NJ (Burlington County). Jordan is a double major in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) and Mathematics (Statistics) and is in a Combined Advanced Degree Program for an MS in Computer Science. Jordan is a transfer from Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC) and tells us […]

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Passionate About Inspiring Women in Male-Dominated Field, Talia Tomarchio

Talia poses against a dark background.

Today we speak to Talia Tomarchio, a senior Computer Science major with a minor in neuroscience and an honors concentration. A Burlington County native, Talia is a transfer student from Rowan College at Burlington County, and a first-generation college student who lives off-campus in an apartment. Before COVID-19, she was a tutoring monitor for the computer science department and a front desk assistant. She is also a part of the Association of Computing Machinery’s Committee on Women, and Rowan’s Equestrian Team. Talia is also a winner of Rowan’s 2020 Idea Challenge.

Talia poses against a black backdrop.

What wakes you up in the morning?

Two things. One would be helping others. I really want to inspire women to be comfortable in a male-dominated industry. My other passion would probably be neuroscience, the subject I’m studying for my minor. I want to eventually get a job to take artificial intelligence or machine learning and integrate it with neuroscience and help the world that way. It’s a stretch, but my goal is to find a way to positively help people’s mental health through computer science. I would love to do that. That is my ultimate goal in life. Maybe I could analyze behavior patterns or create an app to help mental health. I am not sure exactly what I would do, but that is what I want to contribute to society.

How would you tell a fellow student interested in your major that they’re choosing a worthwhile field?

I think Computer Science is growing to be one of the largest majors at Rowan. We’re also accredited by the Computing Accreditation Committee of ABET. I really like the computer science department at Rowan because you know all your professors, so you don’t feel uncomfortable going to them. I think that computer science is a worthwhile degree to earn because there are so many options for fields to go into. For example, there are fields such as cybersecurity, data science, and artificial intelligence. There are many paths a computer science graduate can go down, and the degree is always going to be valuable.

What inspired you to know that you were in the right major for you?

I’ve always wanted to go into computer science, even as a little kid. I have always been good with computers. I wasn’t pushed toward the field, I just enjoy it. Nobody in my family ever had a technical background either.  I always wished I could learn how to program or code or become a software engineer, but I never had the confidence to do it. I traveled for a little while after my first year of college, and then I decided to “go for it” after I returned. I think that the support from the computer science department faculty at Rowan really helped me build my confidence. 

Talia poses against a black backdrop.

Has there been a faculty or staff member that’s really helped you to connect with the next step for your career?

The first one would be Dr. Anthony Breitzman, the Data Science Coordinator for the Computer Science Department. I performed research with him this semester on analyzing Myers-Briggs personality types through Twitter tweets. When you do research, you usually are a graduate student. I was a little intimidated because I was an undergrad, but Dr. Breitzman reassured me contrary to my perfectionist mentality, that I don’t have to know everything right now and that I will always be learning even after I graduate. I also asked him for career advice, on what kind of career path options I could go down.  Working with him really helped build my confidence. 

The second person would be Dr. Kristen diNovi, the Assistant Dean of the Honor’s College. She has been so supportive of me for all of my endeavors, and so helpful every time I asked her for advice. She connected me with Dr. Susana Santos and the Entrepreneurship Department in the Rohrer College of Business. They helped me grow Steminist Squad, my nonprofit organization that won the 2020 Rowan Idea Challenge. 

How was your transition into Rowan?

My first time going to college, I went to Rutgers out of high school. Then, I took some time off and I traveled the country. I lived in Florida and on the West Coast for a bit, and then I came back and decided to finish school. I am a bit older than the average undergraduate student, but I feel that it made me take my studies more seriously.  The transition to Rowan was really great. At first, I was a bit overwhelmed because I wanted to be involved in everything. I tried to take on more clubs and activities and classes than I could handle, but I overcame it with the support of the Computer Science Department faculty and staff. Micheal Schillo, my advisor, and Dr. Jennifer Kay, a professor in the department, told me it is okay to slow down. With their support, I was able to realize that I did not need to be involved in every single club and activity. From that experience, my advice to other students that feel overwhelmed is to seek support and utilize your resources, because they are there at Rowan, and know that it’s OK if you are not perfect.

Why Rowan?

I think it goes back to the fact that everyone knows everyone here. At first, I wanted to go to a big school, but I felt like I was just a number there. Rowan’s faculty to student ratio is perfect for me. I can get personalized help or tutoring or raise my hand in class at Rowan. I like the small school feeling at Rowan, even though Rowan isn’t small.

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies, and public relations double major

Photos provided by:
Talia Tomarchio, senior computer science major

#PROFspective: Senior Chemical Engineering Major and Transfer Student Bob Patterson

Bob poses on the stairs by the Engineering building.

Today we speak to Bob Patterson, a senior Chemical Engineering major and transfer student from Drexel University. Bob commutes to campus from Philadelphia, PA. 

Bob poses outdoors by the Engineering Pond.

What is a typical Rowan day for you?

On a typical day for me at Rowan pre-COVID, I would spend a lot of time finding parking. Then, I would attend all my classes. In the Chemical Engineering department at Rowan, many classes are structured to emphasize group work, so many times after class you’ll find me with a group in a study room and working on homework, projects, and exam preparation at night.

Could you share with us one moment during your time at Rowan that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right major for you?

It happens all the time! Every time that I’m in class and I learn new chemical engineering concepts, I am reminded that I’m doing something really cool that I love. Rowan affords me those moments daily, from professors and staff who have built something great here.

Transferring from Drexel University (top 40 nationally in Engineering), I can say that the program at Rowan is just as good. Here at Rowan, there are cutting-edge and ample undergraduate research opportunities with a real focus on undergrads. There are many industry partnerships, and the program here at Rowan College of Engineering has been established for a long time.

Every junior and senior chemical engineering class here at Rowan is just as good as what is offered at Drexel, and at less than half the price! Even out of state, my tuition is less than half I was paying at Drexel. If you’re looking for a great engineering education that compares to the expensive private schools, Rowan gives a comparable option at a fraction of the price. The facilities are new, they upgraded the existing building and built another brand-new engineering building a few years ago. Newness matters.

I feel like it won’t be long for Rowan to become a prestigious option as well, they are on the fast track with their curriculum and investments. Take it from someone who was 18, didn’t know any better, and accumulated student loans well over $100k. I’m 31 years old now, and how much debt you accumulate over your 4-year bachelor’s degree matters. Rowan affords you the opportunity to have your cake and eat it, too (great degree and less debt).

Bob sits outside Engineering Hall.

Could you tell us a little bit about your transition into Rowan as an incoming student?

A little nervous, but that’s ok! I’m very simple though, no-frills necessary for my transition. I just got a plan together, signed up for the courses I needed, and I’ll be graduating this summer!

What are your professional goals?

My professional goal is to really make a difference somewhere. A chemical engineering degree opens so many doors that I didn’t have while I took gap years and couldn’t work where I wanted. Eventually, I want to get my Ph.D. and have my own research lab. Like I mentioned earlier, I have a lot of student debt, so I’ll go into the industry, get a high-paying job, cut down on that debt and who knows next from there! With the degree, my future is looking bright!

Bob sits outside Engineering Hall.

How has Rowan helped to support you with your professional goals?

Rowan Engineering has prepared me to go into whatever profession I want. I have learned so much about so many aspects of science, applied physics, cutting edge research, chemical processing, the list goes on. I’m so happy with the opportunity that was given to me here, and I am grateful for how the amazing education has prepared me for what’s ahead.

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major

#PROFspective: Chemistry Major Conducting COVID Research, Phillip Lakernick

Phillip standing outside.

Today we feature senior Phillip Lakernick, a double major in Chemistry and Computing and Informatics from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County). What opportunities has Rowan been able to give you? I have been doing research this semester with COVID and researching drugs that’ll help out in some way. It is all electronic for me, I […]

#PROFspective: NASA Grant Recipient Emilio Vega

Emilio standing outside of the Science building.

Today we feature Emilio Vega, a senior Physics major with a minor in math and a certificate of undergraduate study in health physics from Monroe, NJ (Middlesex County). Emilio talks about his research and his time here at Rowan. Why did you choose your major? I first fell in love with physics when I was […]

Molecular & Cellular Biology Majors: Professional Goals

Today we hear from three Molecular and Cellular Biology majors about their professional goals. They talk about both their short- and long-term goals, as well as how Rowan prepares them to achieve those goals. “My short-term professional goals include securing an internship as a research assistant and going to a graduate school with an accredited […]

#PROFspective: Translational Biomedical Sciences Major Neha Alaparthy

Viles of blue liquid.

Today, we speak to Neha Alaparthy, a Translational Biomedical Sciences major from Princeton, NJ (Mercer County). Neha is a junior and looks forward to joining the club Active Minds. She talks about why she chose her major and her time here at Rowan. What inspired you to choose your major? Growing up, I have always […]

Alumni Success: B.A. in Mathematics Grad Bri Arnold

Bri surrounded by leaves.

Today we feature Bri Arnold, an alumna from the Class of 2019 who holds a B.A. in Mathematics. Bri transferred to Rowan from Monmouth University in 2016. She lived on campus during her sophomore year in Holly Pointe Commons and lived off-campus during her junior and senior years. Bri is from Toms River, NJ (Ocean County), and currently lives in West Chester, PA. 

Bri poses by a white door.

What made you want to come to Rowan? I met my current fiance, who is also a Rowan graduate, while he was a student at Rowan and I was a freshman at a different university. After visiting the campus so much and seeing all that Rowan has to offer, I fell in love with the University and I transferred. It was the best decision I ever made.

Bri and her fiancé pose in front of a sunset in their Rowan gear.

What field are you in? I graduated with a degree in Mathematics, but I am in the field of data analytics. I work for Chemours, a DuPont spin-off, based in Wilmington, Delaware, in internal audit, but I’m not really an auditor. I just do the fun stuff.

Bri poses by the Rowan Arch in her graduation attire.

How did your degree help you get into the field of internal audit? My math degree helped me, but what really helped the most was my minor in Statistics. When you have mathematics as a degree, you usually go in one of two directions, which are theory math and applied math. I chose to go the route of applied math, and I went into the industry. The statistics helped me out because I learned how to analyze data sets; take large data sets and draw conclusions in the ways that my auditors want to see it. 

Did you have any internships while you were at Rowan? The summer before my Junior year, I participated in a research program with the College of Science and Mathematics. When I was a senior, I was an intern at Chemours. They offered me a full-time job, and I am still working there today.

Bri poses with friends at Rowan.

What did you love about Rowan? The best decision I ever made was transferring to Rowan. The location of Rowan is great, because it’s so close to Philly, it’s pretty close to Atlantic City, and Wilmington, and all these other places where there are job opportunities. It’s in a good area, and I don’t think I would have had the opportunities I had at Rowan at any other college. My professors were open and wanted to help, and they wanted to make sure that you knew the material, and not just that you went to class and then took an exam. They were totally invested in your education. Transferring to Rowan is the best decision I ever made, and I don’t think I would be where I am now if I never went to Rowan. I’m so grateful I transferred. 

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Photos provided by:
Bri Arnold

TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Geology Major Callie Stockton

Callie sitting on a wooden bench outside.

Meet Callie Stockton, a junior Geology major with minors in Astronomy and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). She is from Tabernacle, NJ (Burlington County) and transferred from Rowan College of Burlington County (RCBC). She’s also part of the Physics & Astronomy Club and the GEO Club. Here, Callie talks about her transition to Rowan. How has […]

Rowan Student Leaders Alexa Bassano, Sydney Ramos and JT Kurtz Share Their Insights

Read firsthand accounts from three Rowan students who talk about the benefits of their on-campus leadership positions. 

First up is Alexa Bassano, a junior Biological Science major from Brick Township, NJ (Monmouth County). Alexa is a Resident Assistant at Mimosa Hall, a member of Rowan Emergency Medical Services and the Director of Collegiate Alumnae Engagement of Alpha Sigma Tau sorority. She explains: “Each role has benefited me in a different way. Now more than ever, people are thanking me for my service with EMS. As an RA, my residents tell me how much they appreciate me referring them to resources or just showing them where a building is. To me, those little things are just me doing my job, but that gratification reminds me I am a part of something bigger. Being involved and helping people just makes me so happy, whether it comes with a ‘thank you’ or not.”    

Lexi in front of library columns
Lexi Bassano

Next, Sydney Ramos is a junior Human Services major from East Brunswick, NJ (Middlesex County). When talking about her role as a student leader, she shared her experience from the very beginning. “Overall, I have to thank Res Life for making me the leader I am today. As a freshman, I really kept to myself and didn’t explore what options were out there for me. But as soon as I found RLUH, I knew I was where I needed to be: in a family atmosphere with amazing people I really respect.” Sydney is a Resident Assistant at Mimosa Hall and a new member of the United Latinos Association

Sydney on bridge
Sydney Ramos

JT Kurtz, a senior Computer Science major from Egg Harbor Township, NJ (Atlantic County), is also heavily involved on campus. He is the Assistant Resident Director of Nexus Properties, a learning assistant for the Computer Science department, a researcher in the Psychology department, and a member of the Filipino Club. “In all of my roles, I want to be a valuable resource for the people around me,” he says. “I want to push people to be the best they can be and get them to success. By coming up with innovative ways to work and help others, I get to learn and grow every day.”

JT with tree in the back
JT Kurtz

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major 

Junior Major Moments: Alex Marzocca Gains Confidence for a Career in Finance and Accounting

Alex pictured in professional attire.

Today we feature double major in Finance and Accounting, Alex Marzocca from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County).  

Close up photo of Alex.

Can you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? 

My favorite experience with a faculty member is with my finance professor, Joseph Henry. His method of teaching is the best I’ve ever experienced. He reinforced everything explained during lectures with math-based examples on Excel. Not only that, he also allowed me to assist him with his Excel-based finance research. It was a fantastic learning experience for me! 

What is the most amazing or interesting thing you’ve learned in your major this year? 

The most interesting thing I learned in my major this year was the complexity involved in pricing a stock option. The scholastic calculus combined with the statistics included in the model are quite intricate especially, when the equation is extrapolated. 

What pre-professional experiences are helping to support your growth? 

A pre-professional experience that helped support my growth is the internship I had with a boutique real estate investment bank over winter break. I was made aware of the opportunity through a personal connection, and my time there provided me with hands-on finance and real-estate experience.

The experience will certainly be helpful as I begin my search for full-time employment. More importantly, it instilled a confidence in me that I have the skills needed to contribute and be a valuable member of a professional team.

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Story by: 
Melanie Sbaraglio, recent public relations and advertising graduate

Photos courtesy of:
Alex Marzocco

Senior Reflects: Bio Major Aaron Krivchenia Prepares for a Career in Ecology

Aaron standing outside science hall

Today we feature recent Biological Sciences graduate Aaron Krivchenia. Aaron is from Aaron poses for a portrait.Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County) and shares his research experience during his time at Rowan.

Are you involved in any academic or social clubs?

I am a Brother of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity. We do not have many brothers who study biology, but they are always there to extend a helping hand and aid in networking. I’ve done plenty of mock presentations in front of them, which helped me prepare for conferences I’ve attended. 

What got you interested in your intended field?

I’ve always been interested in ecology. I grew up in the woods and would always search for stream beds. It grew my passion. 

What is your favorite accomplishment?

When I presented a poster at the ESA International Conference in Kentucky summer of 2019. The poster covered a high-resolution spatial survey of cyanobacterial indicators: phycocyanin and chlorophyll in a small reservoir, Dow Lake, in Athens, Ohio. The data was from Dr. Ruhl’s dissertation, so old data but new questions. For ESA, about seven of us presented and for AAAS it was just me and Dr. Ruhl in attendance. For these, I mostly went to panels where people discussed their research. I’m more interested in the science being done. I wish I tried doing some more professional development, but now I have a better idea of what to do for next time. 

Aaron poses outside by Science Hall.What did your research beyond the classroom entail?

I worked in environmental conservation, which I started in second semester sophomore year. Professor Dr. Richmond of Bio 4: Intro to Ecology promoted the position and I immediately showed interest. My work at the lab includes seasonal sampling of small polymictic reservoirs for: seasonal zooplankton community composition, environmental tests, water quality tests, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, ph level, nitrogen, and phosphorus. For seasonal sampling, we went out weekly during the summer, typically on Mondays, to five reservoirs in South Jersey: Malaga, Elmer, Palantine, Parvin, and Rainbow, of which the latter four are in a series meaning they are a part of the same watershed, kind of like Russian nesting dolls. At each site we would toss buckets into the damn and outfall, collecting the data using a variety of probes and chemicals. We also ran 10L of water from each site through a mesh strainer to collect zooplankton for subsequent taxonomic identification in the lab.

Aaron poses by a gazebo.We have a variety of projects being done with the data we collect. My specific project involved conducting a study with an ultimate goal of creating a predictive model for cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (cHABs) across South Jersey. I surveyed 26 small reservoirs collecting data for various environmental variables and photo indicators phycocyanin and chlorophyll. We also took raw water samples back to Science Hall and with the help of Dr. Carone, developed a qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction) to account for cyanobacterial cell densities. This was also done for the weekly sampling which gave us temporal data — how the cyanobacterial composition varies across the season. 

What knowledge or skills have you developed through this opportunity that you will take with you for future endeavors?

Everything I’ve done is applicable to my future in ecology. I learned GIS, analysis software, and my writing and public speaking abilities have improved. I’m more confident talking about science and my work in a way people outside of my industry can understand. I’ve also learned how to conduct good science, be diligent about methods and materials I’m working with. 

What are your next steps or goals?

Right now, I’m searching for jobs in wildlife, private entries and eventually will attend graduate school.

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#Rowan2020 Instagram Contest Winner Gianna Floria

Gianna poses in front of a freshman residence hall in her graduation regalia.

Today we feature #Rowan2020 Instagram contest winner Gianna Floria. Gianna is a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Lakewood, NJ (Ocean County). Gianna lived on campus during her time at Rowan.

Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes. 

My favorite experience with a faculty member was going to New Orleans with Dr. Chelsie Young and two of the other research assistants in my lab for the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) research conference this past February. It was my first time at a research conference and in New Orleans so it was thrilling!

Gianna presents her research poster with her professor.

What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?

My favorite personal moment at Rowan was giving my first lecture as a learning assistant this past fall. In preparation for this class, I was so anxious and I asked my roommates to sit through my lecture to rehearse at least four times. Each time they gave me feedback and empowered me to be the best I could be. The morning of, my roommate Jenna made me coffee and each of my roommates made sure to do something to wish me luck. The lecture went better than I could’ve ever expected, and seeing the students’ reactions as well as the reaction of the professor I was assisting, was incredible. I will never forget that feeling and each person that contributed to it. 

What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? 

After Rowan, I plan to go to graduate school to get a Ph.D. in research social psychology with a research emphasis in human sexuality studies. I want to use this research to eventually curate a more progressive, comprehensive, and inclusive sex education program in America. Rowan’s incredible psychology department introduced me to the broad spectrum of psychological studies and I’m forever grateful for it.

Dr. Lisa Farkas teaches the best Psychology as a Professions and Practice course and because of her, I had my curriculum vitae and personal statement ready for grad school! Kristine Sietz’s Psychology of Human Sexuality class opened my eyes to the enticing academic world of human sexuality and how truly awful the state of sex education is in America, which gave me my drive to change it. Dr. Chelsie Young introduced me to the world of social psychology when I became a student in her class during her first semester here at Rowan. After a couple of meetings with Dr. Young, she had helped me figure out my entire career path. I then became a learning assistant in her social psychology classes, discovered my love for teaching, joined her Rowan Emotions, Alcohol, and College Health  (R.E.A.C.H.) Lab and discovered my love for research.

Gianna sits in front of Robinson Hall wearing her graduation gown and holding her cap.

How did the clubs and organizations you joined at Rowan enhance your experience?

I didn’t join many clubs throughout my time at Rowan and that is the one thing I do regret. I was in the Animal Advocacy club for a short period of time, which introduced me to many friends. Joining the R.E.A.C.H. lab was probably one of the best things I have done at Rowan, as I met amazing peers and was able to learn so much from them. I also got vital research experience and career development skills through our weekly labs, and through this, I was able to submit research for and go to the SPSP research conference.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors, or mentors? 

I’d love to thank my parents and family of course, for supporting me unconditionally throughout my college career. I’d like to thank my three roommates, Rachel, Jenna, and Elena, for not only being my friends and roommates, but for being the brilliant, ambitious, and admirable women they are. They have always pushed me to be the best I can be, and I’m so grateful for it. I’d like to thank my group of best friends in my hometown for being a safe haven of love and laughter when being on-campus became way too stressful for me. I’d like to also thank Dr. Chelsie Young for taking a chance on me. I had no idea what I was going to do with my degree when I met Dr. Young, and through her guidance, I know exactly what I want and how to get it. I aspire to one day be the patient and incredible mentor that she is.

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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, rising sophomore communication studies and public relations double major

Senior Reflects: Psychology Major Nicole Byrne Shares Her Favorite Rowan Moments

Basketball court inside Esby Gym

Today we feature senior Nicole Byrne, a psychology major and neuroscience minor from Brick, New Jersey (Ocean County) who used to walk to campus everyday from her home she called “Lil Bed.” She originally transferred from Stockton University.

Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? My favorite experience with a faculty member during my time at Rowan was being Dr. Martinez’s learning assistant (LA) for an entire semester. I had her as a professor and I loved how she taught. When I became her LA, our relationship expanded to something more. She was there for me through graduate school applications and through bumps in the road. I learned so much from her and I am beyond grateful for the relationship we established. She was a mentor that listened to me whenever I needed it. I loved hearing her hilarious stories about her kids and she loved my crazy stories about my family. It was an amazing experience to be able to open up to my professor.

What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? I was able to volunteer and be a ref at the Unified Sports this last semester. I had a blast. Being able to hangout and ref my favorite sport was one of the most memorable moments that I was able to receive while my time here at Rowan. The Green Team thought I was hilarious with the random and weird moves I would do with the basketball during time outs. It was the purest and the most fun I have had in a long time! 

What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? I was fortunate enough to be a student researcher at Rowan University’s Schizophrenia-Spectrum research lab. My fellow classmates, graduate students and Dr. Dinzeo taught me so much and helped me realize that I have a passion for research. I wouldn’t have gotten the necessary tools to get into my dream graduate program if it wasn’t for that lab and the members in it. They will always have a special place in my heart!

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? I want to give a HUGE shout out to my little sister Brittany who is still at Rowan University and my other sister Chelsea who has inspired me every single day. I want to thank my friends, teammates, my “B-Town” longtime friends and Jeremy Brown. Without the love and support they all give me each and every day, I wouldn’t be where I am today!  

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Pharmaceutical Sciences Grad Student Discusses Her Research

A passionate graduate student who works on computer-aided drug and molecular dynamic simulations, Holli-Joi Sullivan’s research primarily focuses on different cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. First drawn into this field after taking a course with Dr. Chun Wu, Holli-Joi has been in love with the work that she does every day since. A graduate student in […]

Future Chemical Engineer Shares Her Research Experience with ExxonMobil

“In high school, I was extremely interested in chemistry and Rowan Chemical Engineering major Casey Wagner sits outside Engineering Hall.pharmaceuticals. I thought about first going to pharmacy school, but I was more interested in how drugs were actually made rather than the dispensing of drugs to patients,” shares Casey Wagner, senior Chemical Engineering major from Sicklerville, NJ (Camden County).

Four years later, she’s conducting research for ExxonMobil.

While working as a research assistant at Rowan over the summer, Casey bumped into her past professor, Dr. C. Stewart Slater. He encouraged her to join his fall clinic team to help ExxonMobil with a project involving the flushing operations of its lubrication plant. Casey explains, “It seemed like an awesome opportunity as a student who wants to go into industry.”

She continues, “The project is still in the beginning stages of development. So far our team is researching how we can relate other industries to the oil industry. Being able to visit the lubrication plant in Paulsboro, NJ and see Rowan Chemical Engineering major Casey Wagner works in an engineering the operations are completed was an awesome experience. Being able to contact engineers and operators who are working at this plant to ask them questions and learn from their experiences has been a great experience for my future.

“Overall, I’ve been very happy with the professional experience I’m gaining from being a part of this project. I’m extremely happy with the way the communication is between the students and ExxonMobil workers. I feel like we are slowly narrowing our focus as a unit and getting closer to finding plausible options for the plant.

“I have gained some very valuable research experience from being a part of this project. Obviously, as engineers, we have to create unique ideas for our own experiments all the time. Reading about previously done work in contrasting industries and finding correlations between those different industries within the oil industry is very important for this project. This procedure is important no matter where I work in the future.

“Also, working with different groups of people whether it be within the same company or at a different company has given me valuable professional experience. Learning different terms and expressions used by other engineers and chemists has been helpful.”Rowan Chemical Engineering major Casey Wagner works in an engineering lab.

Casey feels Rowan best prepared her for this opportunity through the engineering clinics. Every semester, all engineering majors are enrolled in clinics, which provide students with an opportunity to join projects they are interested in. She continues, “It definitely prepared me for work after college and for deciding whether I want to continue my education or move on to working in the industry.”

She knows if she ever has any questions, Dr. Slater or Dr. [Mariano] Savelski will always answer them. She shares, “Dr. Slater this past year has been a guiding hand for me and is someone who I know I can always go to for help with future careers.”

Like what you see, learn more about chemical engineering!


Story and photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

Future Pediatrician Shares Her Summer Lab Experience At Rowan

Alyssa Sanders a tbs major in lab room

Translational biomedical science major Alyssa Sanders in her summer lab experience internship

Meet Alyssa Sanders, a rising junior from Pitman (Gloucester County) majoring in Translational Biomedical Science (TBS) from the College of Science & Mathematics. This summer, she was able to take an internship offered at Rowan where she got the chance to do research on many projects, one of which was called The Drug Delivery Project.

“Some people put [TBS] as an advanced biology degree. So, you’re basically taking what you learn in the classrooms and then applying it to research,” Alyssa said.

According to Alyssa, a TBS major needs to take 12 credits of research hours to be able to graduate. With a bachelor’s in TBS there are many things a person can do. “We can go on to getting our Ph.D., go to med school or go right into the working field and become a research assistant,” she said.

Translational biomedical science major Alyssa Sanders in her summer lab experience internshipAlyssa will become the first doctor in her family; both her parents chose different careers outside of the medical field. “I really want to become a doctor, so I liked how it [the TBS major] kind of had a built-in premed track. I want to be a pediatrician,” she said.

This summer, Alyssa worked alongside Dr. Nathaniel Nucci, assistant professor from the departments of Biomedical & Translational Sciences and Physics & Astronomy. “What I did mainly over the summer was purified proteins,” Alyssa said. “So, we purified red fluorescent proteins (RFP), that way we can use it during the school year since purifying protein is very time consuming.”

The Drug Delivery Project was one of the many projects Sanders did research for this summer. For this project, purifying RFP was the goal. “For The Drug Delivery Project, we are trying to find out a new way to deliver drugs to the body. Sometimes proteins are too big, or they are hydrophilic and they really can’t cross your blood brain barrier, or your body ceases them and signals them out because they are too big, even though they are trying to help you get better but the body will destroy them,” Alyssa explained.

“So, we are trying to use a mechanism like a bubble to engulf the proteins to disguise them, so the body won’t send signals out to destroy them. And then it can go to different parts to your body and actually be delivered to the body,” she said.

Alyssa started to do work in the lab last spring because that is when she had to start getting credits for her major. Dr. Nucci saw that she was working hard and doing an excellent job, so he offered her the summer internship.Translational biomedical science major Alyssa Sanders and a biophysics major in lab room

“Nucci would definitely be like a mentor that is coming to my life through this opportunity because he knows so much. He’s a biophysics professor, but he knows everything. He knows stuff about chemistry, organic chemistry and he knows stuff about any field of science basically,” she said.

If there is one thing that Alyssa has learned through her internship this summer is, “that science does not go according to plan and as Nucci says, ‘A lot is research for a reason. You can’t just search at once, you gotta keep doing it over and over again.’”

Her advice for anyone interested in her major: “It’s very hard. It’s not something that you can be like, ‘oh yeah this will be fun or easy.’ It’s not an easy major, but it’s worth it. If you want to go to medical school or get your Ph.D. it is definitely a major that is going to prepare you for that, because you have to take your harder classes like organic chemistry, biophysics and advanced classes that will prepare you.”

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Story by:
Iridian Gonzalez, senior journalism major

A Student’s Mission to Making the World Better

Young male student leaning against bridge with stone building in the background

Joseph Salvo, a native of Italy, came to the United States six years ago without being able to fluently speak English. Now, living in Hammonton, NJ (Atlantic County), Joseph is a graduating college senior who leads a personal research project exploring the potential correlation between community health and cancer diagnosis. Learn more about what this political science and economics double major is doing to make the world better.

Joseph came to the United States during his junior year of high school when his family decided to make a fresh start here. He knew he wanted to go to college, but wasn’t sure where he wanted to attend. Rowan University for him became a prime choice for its location and known Young male student inside a white gazebo leaning against the railingaffordability. Although, once here Joseph quickly realized that the professors were another strength Rowan held. “The professors are all extremely accessible,” Joseph continues, “and they make themselves available beyond what I would consider their duty.”

Political science was a perfect fit for Joseph because of his desire to better understand the intricacies of government and because of his interest in law. Rowan’s department pushed him early on during his freshman year to research and receive an internship – better preparing him for the potential roles he could fill after college. Joseph attributes his current internship at New Jersey’s Superior Courts located in Atlantic City to the resources provided to him through College of Humanities & Social Sciences, which houses the political science and economics department. Joseph works in the Children’s Court Unit – associated with Family Court – and helps handle Young male student grabbing a library book off the shelfcases involving children at risk of abuse or being cared for by unfit parents. “Through working here I have the opportunity to see the behind the scenes action; being a part of the process that most people aren’t witnesses to.” Joseph explains, “Gaining this experience further prepared me for more intense and involved work.” Through Joseph’s hard work and assistance from his professors at Rowan he gets to be a real help to children who aren’t in the best situations.

Young male student working on a desktop computer with maps on the screen
Joseph conducting data analysis of his research in Robinson Hall.

Further into his college career, Joseph’s professors encouraged him to create and develop his own research project as a goal to demonstrate his ability and growth gained during his time at Rowan. “I was interested in how cancer plays a role in people’s lives – there’s already demographics with disadvantages and I wanted to see if cancer further attributes to any inability these demographics have,” Joseph revealed. Currently, Joseph has already reviewed lifestyles and genetic markers that attribute to cancer. Having discovered prostate cancer being passed down in families; while breast cancer can better be associated with lifestyles such as eating habits and living environments.

The second phase of Joseph’s research that he plans to continue with will be assessing areas with high cancer diagnosis and attempting to discover any environmental similarities among these regions. His end goal is to produce a cost-benefit analysis to highlight the current cost of health care Young male student sitting at a table studying and writing notesassociated with cancer treatments and compare them to the cost of transitioning to more environmental-friendly methods. Overall, Joseph clearly has a mindset a strong ambition to make the world a better place for everyone to live in.

“I did not expect Rowan to be so fulfilling, I walked in with lower expectations. However, Rowan met all my needs and then some. People both in academic resources and professors have always gone above and beyond to help me. I really appreciate this and am thankful for choosing Rowan.” Joseph stated. And Rowan is thankful to have such a dedicated and hard-working student who’s already making positive changes to the world. What goals do you have in your life that Rowan can help you achieve?

Like what you see? Come visit us!

Story and photography by: Alexander Belli
Senior, public relations and advertising double major

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