#PROFspective: Senior Biomedical Art and Visualization Major Amanda Rosa

Amanda sits in front of Science Hall.

Amanda Rosa, a senior Biomedical Art and Visualization major and Dance/Biology minor from Freehold, NJ (Monmouth County), sums up her Rowan experience. 

On your busiest day, what personal, academic, non-academic and social responsibilities are you juggling?

On my busiest days, I juggle at least three classes, rehearsal or practice with my ballroom partner, sorority obligations with Theta Phi Alpha and looking for my future job! 

Amanda stands by a tree on campus.

Did you ever have a moment of uncertainty within your major? How did you get through the challenge?

I did have a moment of uncertainty with my first two majors, and then I switched to my current major, which is Biomedical Art and Visualization. This major is challenging, and sometimes I questioned if I was good enough to finish and continue it. I got through it by talking to my teachers, asking them what they thought and going to them for continual guidance.

Tell us about one moment that made you feel like Rowan was the right fit for you.

I chose Rowan because it was close to home and I needed a place where I could drive home if needed. It was just far enough away that I could stay on campus, but close enough at home was in striking distance. I really felt at home at Rowan during my sophomore year when I found my current major because not many schools offer it.

Tell us about your transition into college and how you pushed through any challenges. 

My transition into college wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. In high school, I was in a college-prep program where we took many AP classes. The humanities program at Howell night prepared me well for college. My biggest challenge was finding the right major for me. It took two tries but eventually, after a lot of research, I found the right one.

What advice would you give your high school self about choosing a college?

Come in open-minded. I was positive that I wanted to go to school out of state, but I’m glad I gave Rowan University the chance. Think about what’s gonna be best for you, and your family. Now I’m lucky enough to have my brother joining the Rowan family in the spring. You may not always end up going to the college that was your first choice but don’t worry: you’ll find the good in wherever you end up.

Amanda sitting on a red chair and table set.

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Photography by:
Quintin Stinney, sophomore radio television and film major