Today, we ask six Geology majors about where they would like to see themselves long-term.

“To be a paleontologist and either be a college professor or a museum curator. I want to focus on either paleoneurology or paleopathologies,” says junior Kayla Bagley, a Geology major with a concentration in Paleontology and a transfer from Ocean County College from Jackson, NJ (Ocean County).

“I want to be a career academic researcher, professor and science writer. Doing so would combine all of my passions of discovery, community engagement and communication. In this capacity, I hope to publish some high-impact research about our planet’s processes, while also making it a better place for people,” says senior Tara Lonsdorf, a Geology major with GIS minor and Certificate of Undergraduate Studies in Technical and Professional Writing from East Windsor, NJ (Mercer County).

“I hope that my climate-heavy course load, research and future internship will help me join a career where I can help the environment and help people understand how important our impact on it is while doing something I’m passionate about. I would like to become a climate scientist,” says first-generation college junior James Milward, a Geology major with a Global Climate Change concentration and with a GIS and Geography minor from Pitman, NJ (Gloucester County).

“My long-term professional goal is to be a successful professional geologist working for a government agency or a private business doing some form of hydrology, or general environmental consulting,” says senior Matthew Vitale, a Geology major from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County).

“I would like to be a paleontologist and do research,” says senior Kyle Macauley, a Geology major from Jackson, NJ (Ocean County).

“My dream goal is to become a volcanologist and work at an observatory. However, I’m open to a variety of careers, as long as I’m able to maintain a balance between time spent in the field and in the lab,” says junior Mairen Flanagan, a Geology major with a Chemistry minor from Point Pleasant, NJ (Ocean County).
Take a look at Discovery Hall, home to our Geology program, here:
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Story by: Bianca Torres, senior Music Industry major
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