Today we feature first-generation college student Paige Smith, a junior Elementary Education major from Alloway, NJ (Salem County). She is a transfer from Salem Community College, and this past fall was her first semester at Rowan.
Why Rowan?
I have always dreamt of going to Rowan. For the area that I live in Rowan has always been the school to go to. They also have a great education program so that was a big factor as well. It is also close to home and I already have friends here. It felt more like home here.

What makes Rowan feel like home?
The community reminds me of schools I have already been to. I also really like my professors and I felt like I made the right decision. It feels like home to me because of the community.
Why was it the right decision for you?
After I started taking my classes I feel like what I have been learning I have been implementing at work as well. I am a teacher at a daycare in Mullica Hill. It is a daycare and infants to up to pre-K. I am in the pre-K room and I am an assistant teacher. So I can tell it is working and that I am learning, especially now that I am doing my specialized program and not general classes I feel like it has been helping me a lot. I really like my professors I had a really good semester even though it was online.

How do you feel with your first semester over.
Good. I am glad, I hope eventually we will be in person but it was a good semester.
Do you have a professor in particular who made an impact on you?
Christine Barden, lecturer, for Structures of Math 1. She made me feel really welcomed. Even though it was online she always checked up on everyone she was always very personal and she always cared about the grades and I have never had a professor like that. She was very nice and she made it feel like we were in person.

Any clubs?
I am in the honors program. It is hard to be in class and work so much. But the B.L.A.S.T. program, I liked that a lot. They taught me everything I need to know for campus like registering for classes. It was nice having peers to ask. They made presentations on it, they were always there to help. Having mentors available all the time was nice.
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Story and photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore Music Industry major