How to Take a Break with No Break

Angela stands outside Business Hall on campus.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Across the United States, college students’ beloved week off, Spring Break, has been cancelled for many universities. This was a designated slot in the semester to take a break. Some vacationed in Miami, others headed to local East Coast shores and some ventured across the globe to enjoy a week of fun, but mostly, of time off. 

Without the week off, students have a semester that goes straight through — something that is new to most students. Even during fall semesters, we have a Thanksgiving break, which allows allotted time to decompress. Taking time away from school, a break from studying and worrying about deadlines is a huge component in maintaining mental health, motivation and minimizing your risk of burnout. 

Angela leans against a bridge outside on campus.

Taking a break doesn’t look the same for each individual. There are many ways to take a break, and many ways to manage time to take a break. Some people benefit from taking short, quick breaks throughout the day. Youki Terada from the George Lucas Educational Foundation found that “[s]tudents are easily distracted, but regular, short breaks can help them focus, increase their productivity, and reduce their stress.” Others would benefit from designating one day a week to doing something enjoyable — or doing nothing at all (which is also very enjoyable).

Another way to plan breaks is to set aside evenings to yourself and complete all work in the morning. Or, maybe one to two hours a day of self care is beneficial.

While there are several ways to manage relaxation time, there are also endless possibilities in which someone can take a break. With what should’ve been Spring Break around the corner, individuals may be scrambling to manage time as well as celebrate this college-beloved “holiday.”

Angela sits inside Business Hall.

An alternative spring break could be volunteering through a program at Rowan — the Alternative, Alternative Spring Break. It’s also fun to gather friends and take a trip to the beach, masked up and socially distant. Maybe roommates decide to have a movie weekend. A quiet weekend with a Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked, pajamas and a movie marathon may be exactly what some may need.

To plan ahead enjoying Spring Break, be sure to complete homework in ample time to minimize stress. 

Enjoying time off is important, and a dire need of students. Take some time to kick back, relax and leave worries about those modules at the logout button on Canvas. 

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Story by:
Angela Colo, junior psychology major, Wellness Center intern

Photos by:
Joe Gentempo, senior art major