My Favorite Class: Animation

Kevin in front of Bunce Arch

This story is a part of the “My Favorite Class” series.

Today we speak with Kevin Clee, a recent Computer Science graduate from Voorhees, NJ (Camden County) who shares with us some of his favorite classes within the Computer Science department.

What was your favorite class at Rowan?

I took Animation, just for fun. It was a lot of math, which I didn’t expect. I took it because I thought it would be cool, but I had no idea it was under Computer Science, which worked out for me. 

Kevin smiling on Bunce Green.

Who taught the course when you took it?

Dr. Bo Sun

Could you tell us a little bit about the course?

The first half of the semester is using Java to give motion to shapes. The second half of the semester we used Blendr, which is a 3D modeling and animating software. We’d make animals and make them move around and walk. 

What was the coolest thing you’ve made in that class?

There was one project that dealt with programming. We’d make a UFO with a beam going down, and when it went over certain objects, they’d go up into the UFO.

Kevin in front of greenery with Bunce Hall in the background.

Was there anything about this class that made it impactful to you?

I always wanted to know how to use Blendr, so I learned that software. 

Was the professor outstanding or did the professor make the class great?

Yes, the professor is very friendly. I [had] her again for another class. It’s called Data Visualization, it’s like a cross between business and computer science.

Kevin wearing sunglasses outside near Bunce Green.

What are your professional goals?

I will be working as a software developer associate at ASRC Federal. I was very lucky because I worked with them in my sophomore engineering class. The way the class was set up, it was almost an internship. They had a project in mind and what they specifically wanted and tasked us to create it and check in and give us pointers about it during the process. At the end of the semester, they had said to keep in touch and when I emailed them they really pulled through and I was able to get a job. But I’d like to do something with data analytics in the future, since that’s my focus.

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major