Six of Rowan’s sorority members talk with us about how Greek life brings women together and how they’ve positively changed as individuals.
What is it like being in a sorority?
Lesley Esteves, junior Accounting and Finance double major, and president of Rowan’s Delta Phi Epsilon chapter, says being in a sorority is very impactful. “Personally, I’ve definitely grown so much as an individual. I have a better understanding of people and understanding that not everyone is raised the same way. I’ve definitely become more confident in myself. Being in a sorority has given back to me so much more than even what I’ve put into it. I’ve become more organized, independent, and professional. It’s given me more than I can even explain.”

How do you think Greek life brings women together?
Kristin Jennings, a recent Public Relations and Advertising graduate and member of Rowan’s Alpha Sigma Alpha chapter, says Greek life helps to bring all of the people in your organization together. “Because you meet every single girl that you’re part of the sorority with, it helps you make friends with way more people than you’d probably ever be friends with otherwise. It’s so much togetherness because of all the events and bonding. It creates a sense of comfort within the sorority and brings us together that way.”

How important is sisterhood to you?
Lauren Marini, junior Finance major and member of Rowan’s Alpha Sigma Tau chapter, says sisterhood is really important. “Sisterhood is really important, especially within my close friend group, but it’s also nice to have that sense of sisterhood with girls I’m not as close with because no matter, if you need something there is always someone there for you and we all always have each other’s back.” Lauren also adds that sisterhood is supporting one another and that it’s a sense of bonding.

How does Greek life inspire you?
Jennifer Probert, a recent Public Relations and Advertising graduate and former president of Rowan’s Alpha Sigma Alpha chapter, says Greek life is inspiring because of the tradition that it holds. “Even with other ASA chapters throughout the country, we all hold the same values and it’s cool because sisters that I don’t even know still reach out and refer to me as a sister. It’s inspiring that one mutual thing bonds us and shows how much we respect that bond and each other.”

What’s your favorite aspect of your organization?
Shanell Mighty, junior Law and Justice Studies major and Mu Sigma Upsilon sister, says her favorite aspect is the support within the organization. “Regardless of anything, all of us are always here for each other. It doesn’t matter what happens, someone is always going to be there for you in our chapter. It’s like a home away from home.”

Do you have any advice for other students looking to rush next year?
Maura Jackson, senior Accounting major and president of Rowan’s Mu Sigma Upsilon chapter, advises students to remember why they wanted to rush in the first place. “I think the best way to find out what organization you like is to first, before you even pick an organization is to form what we like to call ‘the why you’re joining Greek life.’ Then, figure out what organization lines up with your whys. A lot of people do this backwards, which isn’t bad but you don’t want to form yourself to an organization, you want your organization to form to you.”

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Story by:
Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising graduate
Photos courtesy of:
Lesley Esteves, Kristin Jennings, Lauren Marini and Maura Jackson
Photo of Jennifer Probert by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major