Rowan University Engineering Alum Shares Advice for Graduating Seniors

Jennifer in front of a sign.

Jennifer Roddy has had a flourishing career since graduating from Rowan University with a degree in Chemical Engineering in 2008. Profiled here for Rowan Blog, she currently serves as Director of GPS Business Development for Bristol Myers Squibb. As we celebrate this year’s graduates, Jennifer offers words of wisdom for future and fellow chemical engineers as they begin their professional journeys.

Jennifer stands in front of the Engineering Bridge.

Do you have any advice for Chemical Engineering majors who are nearing graduation?

1.     You’ve got this! Beginnings are scary. The fear and anxiety you are likely experiencing are normal, especially during periods of major transition such as graduating and starting your career.  I would love to tell you that the fear and anxiety goes away … it doesn’t. To grow, both professionally and personally, you will need to continue to push yourself outside of your comfort zones.  The good news is that the more you do this, the easier it is to push through your fear and go after what you really want!  Remember – you are about to receive your engineering degree; if you can achieve that, you can achieve anything!

2.     Invest in YOU! Engineering degrees always land on the Top Professions or Highest Paying Bachelor’s Degrees lists. You are starting out in a great position but don’t stop now. It is important to keep investing in yourself whether that’s through continuing your formal education, staying healthy, establishing good financial habits, or traveling. The more you invest in you, the better your life will be.

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Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, junior business management major