Meet Transfer Profs: Featuring Students from the Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts

Photo of 301 High Street on Rowan's Glassboro campus.

Today we feature two incoming transfer students: Karis Brady (she/her) and Meredith Deferro (she/her) from Gloucester County and Camden County respectively. The two tell us about their majors, why they’re excited to start classes at Rowan, and give advice to future transfer students.

Welcome to Rowan! Could you share with us one thing you are looking forward to at Rowan University?

Karis: I am mainly looking forward to being fully in-person for the first time since my senior year of high school. School is something that I really enjoy and I am excited to have more in-depth classes related to my major, while exploring more “fun,” elective style classes as well.

Meredith: Getting my bachelor’s degree, taking new kinds of classes I’ve never taken before, meeting new people, living away from home and finding out what I want my career and job to look like in the future.

Meredith poses for a picture.

Incoming transfer student Meredith Deferro

What is one hobby, activity, sport or club that you’re involved in that you’d like to continue at Rowan?

Meredith: I love to hike and be outdoors. This spring and summer I have been to several state parks in Pennsylvania and just went to a National Park in Virginia in July. I did lots of hiking and saw lots of water falls. I would consider myself a nature junkie. [I] would be interested in the clubs Rowan has to offer, especially involving psychology, which is my minor.

Is there anything you’re hoping to discover about yourself at Rowan? Grow a new skill? Try a new interest?

Karis: In 2020 I passed the New Jersey Biliteracy exam for Spanish language. However, in the midst of the craziness which was the past couple years, I have forgotten a lot of what I learned and haven’t practiced the language since high school. I would really love to take at least one Spanish class during my time at Rowan just to brush-up on my interpreting skills.

Meredith: I am hoping I discover more about what I want my career to be in life. I am a little lost right now with [what] I truly want to do, so I’m hoping taking classes at Rowan helps me get a clearer picture of what kind of career and job I want to have.

Please share an interest, hobby or like that you have!

Karis: Listening to music is my favorite hobby. I also love thrifting, hanging out with my boyfriend, and working out at Planet Fitness.

Meredith: My cats Jif, Harry and Gracie. I’m a huge cat person and a crazy cat lady if you will. I enjoy nature – hiking, water falls, kayaking, water tubing, etc.

What major are you pursuing and why?

Karis: I am pursuing Public Relations because I have always been what many call an “English-brain”(someone who is superior at English and humanities classes compared to maths and sciences). In high school I did well in AP Language and Composition and AP Literature. I was gearing up to become an English major, however, I reconsidered because I also love talking to people and find myself to be a good communicator. Also, I helped lead my school’s yearbook club and became familiar with graphic design. In these ways I figured that PR might be more lucrative for me personally, and that I will enjoy it more.

Meredith: I am majoring in Advertising/PR and minoring in Psychology. Advertising is something I am interested in, but I’m still on the fence on whether I will enjoy the classes and/or actually enjoy doing it as a real job. I hope by taking some advertising courses and related courses, it can help me decide if I truly like it. I also love psychology and have loved every college psychology course so far that I have taken, so if I do not like advertising, I may consider majoring in psychology.

Karis Brady poses for a picture.

Incoming transfer student Karis Brady

Do you have advice for other transfers who haven’t committed to a school yet?

Karis: Take your time and weigh out your options. Everybody has different situations and preferences. If you live close to Rowan, I would suggest doing what I am doing and saving money by commuting. To me Rowan was a no-brainer because of this, but I’m sure many NJ students are faced with [a difficult] choice, [with] so many great schools here and across the bridge in Philly. It really all comes down to what you want to get out of your college experience!

Meredith: I would say to take your time when committing to a school. Tour the campus and talk to past and present students as well as administrators who work at the school. It is a big choice, so do some research, ask lots of questions and learn as much as possible before making a decision.

Where are you going to live this upcoming year?

Karis: Commute from home.

Meredith: On campus.

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked that encouraged you to enroll?

Karis: The easy transfer from Rowan College of South Jersey and the low tuition rate. I am paying for college on my own so the cost is manageable. I am also lucky that I have grown up in the area and am already pretty familiar with Rowan’s campus.

Meredith: The atmosphere of the campus. It seemed lively and upbeat and like a place I would like to further my education and enjoy living at.

Like what you see?


Story by:
Joseph Conte, junior community and environmental planning major

Photos courtesy of:
Meredith Deferro, Karis Brady