Prioritize Your Wellness

Riya stands beside a tree, smiling.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

One of the biggest challenges as a college student is the workload of assignments, exams and other extracurricular involvements. Many college students are extremely busy and stressed, so they stop focusing on themselves and forget to practice self-care.

Self-care is very important for everyone to practice because it improves both physical and mental health. “A recent study reveals that anxiety, depression and stress levels among college students increase during their first semesters of college and remain elevated thereafter” (Sage Journals, 2018).

Every student should spend at least ten minutes practicing self care. There are many strategies and activities students can do to decrease stress and anxiety.

Three tips include:

Stay connected: Reach out to your friends or family who can provide emotional support or any sort of help. Rowan University offers many services and resources for students such as Stress and Anxiety Student Support (SASS), Chill N Chat, RAH movie nights, SUP off-campus trips and many more. The best way to practice self care in college is to network and stay involved.

Consider a hobby: Do things that you enjoy or make you happy. Some students may not have a hobby because they might spend most of their day studying, attending classes/meetings and completing assignments. But considering a hobby will allow students to practice self care and destress from the workload.

Practice gratitude: Remind yourself daily of things you are thankful and grateful for. Focus on positivity and identify and challenge your negative thoughts. Say positive affirmations daily to help you practice self-care.

Riya smiles in a gazebo.


Navigating the college years: Developmental … – sage journals. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2022, from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Caring for your mental health. National Institute of Mental Health. Retrieved September 23, 2022, from 

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Story by:
Riya Bhatt, junior biological science major, Wellness Center intern

Photos and production by:
Joseph Conte, junior community and environmental planning major