Connecting with Kids: An Elementary Education and Literacy Studies Student’s Story

Rowan College of Education student Isabella stands next to the Reading Clinic room inside James Hall.

Today we feature Isabella Muchler, a junior in Rowan University’s College of Education. Isabella, a dual major in Elementary Education and Literacy Studies, hails from Franklinville, NJ (Gloucester County). She enrolled as a transfer student, having attended Rowan College of South Jersey at Gloucester.

Could you share a few on-campus activities, clubs, or pre-professional activities you’ve been a part of? 

I just transferred to Rowan University last spring semester from RCSJ. I never realized how many clubs and organizations that Rowan’s campus offers. I have not joined any clubs or organizations yet at Rowan, but next year I would love to become a member of the Early Childhood Club

College of Education student Isabella poses outside in front of a large Rowan University sign.

Outside of campus, I have volunteered with my parish as a religious educator for preschool to Kindergarten students. I love spending my Sundays with the students, as it has been my favorite pre-professional activity. You learn so much from the students, and it feels great to be someone who can brighten their days.

What has been your favorite class within your major so far? What was interesting to you that you learned?

My favorite class within my major so far has been Literacy Pedagogy I. This was such a valuable course. I learned about various reading and writing learning strategies. My professor was knowledgeable in the content. She was an elementary teacher for many years and was able to implement her experience in the field into the curriculum. 

The most interesting thing I learned was that every child is unique. This was the first class that introduced me to an array of pedagogical strategies to meet the needs of various students. There is not just one way to learn. I loved this course, and I felt that the information in this course gave me another tool in my “tool belt.” I will always reflect on the content of this course in my future classroom.

College of Education student Isabella smiles and stands outside James Hall.

What are your professional goals?

I would love to start substituting next semester. Once I complete school, the goal is to become an Elementary school teacher (K-6), or become a reading teacher specialist.

What has been the most helpful aspect of your Rowan University education to help to prepare you for your career?

The professors. In all of my classes, the professors have been mentors and role models that I can look to for advice. Their past experiences guide me as a student. I love asking them questions and growing as an individual. It is always ok to ask questions — that is how you learn!

College of Education student Isabella works on her laptop inside James Hall.

Would you like to give a shout-out to a former professor or teacher of yours who impacted you the most? 

Katie Arnold, Gloucester County Institute of Technology. Mrs. Arnold was my cosmetology teacher in high school. She helped me grow both my academic and technical skills. Mrs. Arnold introduced many opportunities to me in the world of cosmetology. She saw my potential and worked with me to develop my skills. Without Mrs. Arnold, I would have never joined Skills USA and competed on a national level. Mrs. Arnold is a true role model of an excellent teacher. She cared for each of her students and inspired them to be their best selves!

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