Gaining Professional Skills Through On-Campus Experience

Field at Wackar Stadium

One of the biggest decisions that a student has to make when they come to college is what path they wish to take career wise. The classes and the extra curricular activities that students can join on Rowan’s campus can help boost them towards the overall goal of starting a career. 

The University offers countless amounts of clubs and internship opportunities that span across all majors and interests a student may have.

These organizations give students the opportunity to gain experience and knowledge for the fields that they might want to go into such as the Advertising Club, Writing Arts Club, and the Athletic Training Club. As we all know experience can mean everything when it comes to the end of your college career and the job search begins. 

This year I was given the opportunity to be an intern for Rowan University’s Center for Sports Communication & Social Impact. My job entailed with making graphics and promotional material for our social media pages and editing the website for the center. The center is a part of the Sports Communication major and the newly named Ric Edelman College of Communications & Creative Arts

A graphic of upcoming events that Mark produced during his internship

Internships through the school can be very rewarding to students. I gained experience in an office setting working with a team of students and university faculty. For someone working in graphic design such as myself, having to stick within the guidelines of an institution such as Rowan University gave me an experience I never had before. I never had to follow the rules of a company while designing; this would have been something I would learn the hard way if it wasn’t for the experience I gained through the internship. 

A graphic of an upcoming event that Mark produced during his internship

Though most of the internships at Rowan are not paid like a job on campus would be, a student can recieve class credits. This helped me make sure that each semester I had enough credits to reach the graduating goal of 120 credits while gaining extra knowledge outside of class time. 

Students listen to a professional in sports communication during a Pizza with the Pros event

Internships and club experiences can be very valuable to students. They can give students unforgettable memories for their college experience and give them something to pad their impressive resumes for the future. My internship is something I am very thankful for and every student should take the chance to experience it for themselves. You never know what it might give you in return.    

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Story and photos by:
Mark Baugh, senior radio/tv/film major