Today, we hear from three Mechanical Engineering majors on how their major is getting them ready for their professional goals.

“I’d love for my career to improve the relationship between humanity and the planet, and have an impact on the way and efficiency with which we carry out our daily lives.” – Caroline Thistle, Senior, Mechanical Engineering major with an honors concentration, Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County)

“My major helps tremendously with what I want to go into after I graduate. I want to be an aerospace engineer. It has been a goal of mine for a few years now. Getting a degree in mechanical engineering will bring me closer to my goal since mechanical and aerospace engineering can go hand-in-hand.” – Nicholas Mastropolo, Senior, First-generation college student, Mechanical Engineering major with a minor in Mathematics, Transfer from RCSJ, Hamilton, NJ (Mercer County)

“My professional goal is to work at Stryker Corp. I have learned that one of my goals in life is for my work to have a positive impact on others. One way for a mechanical engineer to have a positive impact is through designing medical devices. And Stryker’s philosophies and goals completely align with my own.” – Lia Mahoney, Senior, Mechanical Engineering major, Pequannock, NJ (Morris County)
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Story by: Bianca Torres, senior, music industry major