How Law and Justice Major Keshawn Porter Stepped out of His Comfort Zone

Rowan University Law and Justice major Keshawn Porter stands in front of the Rowan arch.

Today we feature Keshawn Porter, a Law and Justice major from Essex County, who shares how joining on-campus clubs and organizations changed his Rowan experience for the better.

Could you tell us a few on-campus activities, clubs, sports or events that you’ve attended? What was your favorite, and why?

I am part of the Black Student Union, NAACP, Tri Alpha First Generation Honor Society, Office of Social Justice, and many more. 

Rowan University Law and Justice major Keshawn stands inside the SJICR office.

My favorite has been doing community service in the city of Camden, where we handed out packed bags of food, snacks, and toiletries. 

The ability to give back has been something that has been preached to me since I was a child. Camden and my hometown have similar qualities, such as poverty, so to see my own city through their lens motivates me even more to give back.

What are some ways you’ve made friends?

Joining different clubs has allowed me to step outside my comfort zone and have the ability to grow. Before college, I was an introvert, afraid to talk to new people, but coming to Rowan, the transition to becoming an extrovert is easy. Everyone is accepting of you and being cognizant that this place accepts everyone is important when trying to make friends and calling a new place home.

Rowan University Law and Justice major Keshawn stands outside with fall leaves in the background.

What is one thing about Rowan itself that you liked that encouraged you to enroll?

I liked the proximity to my hometown, the professors in the Law/Justice program, and the ability to take a leap of faith by coming to a new town not knowing anyone or anything.

Any advice for high school seniors about choosing a school?

Pick the school you feel the most home at! Don’t pick it for anyone else besides YOU! This is your journey! I’ve seen the results of someone going through this journey for someone else, it won’t turn out too good.

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