Rowan University Entrepreneurship Majors Share Their Professional Goals

A student stands in front of a wall with the word "Idea" behind him, with his arms crossed across his chest.

What internships, clubs, networking, etc. are you involved in and how do they support your goals? “I currently sell cars at a local Ford dealership, which helps with developing a stronger understanding of how the business industry works.” – Brendan Liebenow “Networking with other students and professors at Rowan has helped me realize how much […]

Paving Her Own Path: Breanna Kiger’s Experience as a First-Generation Student

Exterior shot of James Hall.

Today, we introduce you to first-year student Breanna Kiger, who hails from Cape May County, NJ and majors in Elementary Education. Breanna is not only the first of her family to attend college, she is a first-generation high school graduate as well. She shares her first impressions of the campus community in her first year […]

Beyond the Classroom: Finance Major Annabella Halbruner’s Summer Internship “Everything I Could Have Asked for to Prepare for Future Career”

Annabella is standing in front of the Rohrer College of Business.

Internships provide a glimpse of what to expect out of the specific field one might be interested in as well as providing a hands-on experience that wouldn’t be possible anywhere else. For senior Finance major Annabella Halbruner from Cape May, NJ, we discussed her experience so far as an intern at HFM Financial Advising as well as how her direct involvement has shifted her perspective with her career. 

I see that you’re a transfer student, how was your transition from your previous school? 

It was very smooth even though it was during Covid. I transferred after my freshman year ended in 2020. So coming in, there was no one on campus.  Rowan was pretty much all online. But I got a federal work study on campus and that integrated me really well. I was really able to see how many resources Rowan has to offer, which ultimately led me to choosing my major and deciding what I wanted to do.

I chose Rowan because of it not being too far from home, the price being right, and it still being a decent-sized school. When I came into Rowan, I still wasn’t sure of what I wanted to do, but Rowan provided me with a plethora of different opportunities to choose from.

What made you decide to transfer to Rowan? 

I honestly think the student body really affected my choice. I have a close friend who had been going to Rowan for a while, so I had been on campus quite a bit already. The student body is probably my number one reason. Just seeing the diversity and knowing that you can be friends with people that are so different from you is really inspiring. There are so many different opportunities to meet all of these different people that you really just have to give it a chance.

Annabella is leaning on the Business Hall sign and smiling.

What’s been your experience like at Rowan?

I’ve seen that there are a lot of different opportunities. I’ve said this already, but it’s something that I really harp on for Rowan. At Rowan, there’s always going to be something that you’re going to be interested in as long as you open your eyes and look for it. For example, if you take a look there are a lot of adjunct professors that share similar sentiments where they might be totally different things than what they originally majored in for school. There are so many different unique perspectives and stories at Rowan it’s very telling that not everything is what you expect. 

I’m also a part of the Rowan Real Estate Group; that group of students has been great for me. The students have been so helpful with just reaching out and trying to get more people involved on a daily basis. I feel like being a part of that club has really helped me branch out and meet new people. It’s great to hear you’re doing a great job from professors, but getting to hear it from another student is something else entirely.

I’m also a part of the Rowan Equestrian Team. I think that a lot of my confidence has come from that team just because it really is such a supportive group of people. It’s a club sports team, so we’re all competing on a daily basis. It’s not just a group of friends hanging out — we do have our moments of just having a good time, but at the end of the day we always have each other’s back. The sport itself, horseback riding, is also just tough and hard on your heart. You have to accept the days where you’re not doing your best. Eventually though, all of the hard work pays off.  

Annabella is turning her body towards the camera and smiling.

What drew you to finance? 

I transferred into Rowan not really knowing what I wanted to do. Even with that, I still had an idea and knew that the business world would be a good safety net with the many different avenues that it has. In my opinion, I think that business is in every industry in a sense. I started off in pre-business and worked my way from there. I started exploring the different classes that were offered that I would be intrigued in. I started to narrow into Finance because of how interesting it was. I’ve always been good with money, and I thoroughly enjoy math. Accounting was also an option I was thinking of pursuing. For the Finance major you have to take a course called Statistics 2. I had a professor that I had in another class that was great for me and if I was able to take the course with her, Mrs. Catherine Dickinson, I figured it was meant to be. I’m really glad I went through with it.

I’ve been able to attend the Finance and Accounting Expo that happens every fall. I was able to talk to employers to see what the world was like. The department that I’m a part of right now is responsible for helping people achieve their financial goals and find satisfaction in life. I really like helping people, especially with money, because of how many people don’t know what it means to manage wealth.

Why did you select your current internship? 

The final thing that really drew me in was that they had a woman as the head of financial advisors. They also had a bit of a younger crowd; my direct supervisor is only 24 years old. We have two other full time employees who are both 22. Both of them are graduates from Rowan. There is also another intern who came shortly after me who is 20. From there we have a bit of a diverse crowd from 30 to 60 years old. I think that is what drew me in the most; it’s not just going to be people who have been in the industry for 30-40 years and then me. It was definitely a good balance for learning.

Can you describe in detail what your internship entails? 

It’s a smaller company so the day-to-day does change a little bit. A typical day means to come in and catch up with how everyone is doing personally and work wise. For me, I do a lot of the background work for clients so we’ll have a client come in that day for a review meeting and I have to do all of the prep work. So ahead of time, I’ll go through notes from previous meetings to see if there was anything left open and that we should bring up during the meeting. We’ll also see if there are any documents that we need to request ahead of time, so I’ll send an email around a week or two in advance of the meeting. For example, I’ll send an email inquiring about a document that deals with taxes for the year.

All of this prep work is done so that hopefully, if they send all that stuff, I can bring it all to the financial advisor before the meeting to see if there is anything else left to do. We show them how investments are doing and keep them heavily involved through the entirety of the process. We always make sure to ask them if they have any questions or need any help with understanding what is going on, which I really appreciate, it’s a very confusing subject but making sure everyone is on the same page is something you won’t find at most places. 

Annabella is in front of the Rohrer College of Business giving a slight smile at the camera.
Annabella Halbruner is a senior Finance major from Cape May, New Jersey.

I also do a ton of recapping and follow up afterwards. So a lot of the time clients will come in with inquiries like “I’m thinking of buying a house, what is feasible for that?” or even “We just had a kid, do we need life insurance now?” Whatever it may be, I do the research on what they might want to do and then present it to the financial advisor. I then draft up the follow up email and if they approve of it, I can send it out. We also do a lot of retirement funds and 401ks. It deals with answering questions and presenting all of the different options that they have.

With being so heavily involved even as just an intern, it makes me feel extremely excited, and I appreciate the company so much for it. A lot of internships wouldn’t get you facing clients as quickly as mine did. I’ve learned a lot and I think that they do it because you can learn from watching and paying attention in those meetings and doing all the follow ups. You’re going to have a ton of questions mainly because you don’t know everything. 

What have you taken away so far from your experience as a financial advisor intern?

The biggest thing is that you’re always going to be learning. You do not know everything and you will not know everything. It’s ok to say that to a client; they appreciate honesty more than you would expect. For example, “I’m not 100% sure off the top of my head, I know a couple of things but let me do a bit more research before I give you a final answer”. It’s completely appropriate and not even just for clients, to your bosses or anyone. It’s okay to be wrong or admit that you don’t know everything but still have the motivation to do the necessary research. HFM (HFM Financial Advising) is such an empathetic and understanding company, and I’m so grateful that I’m in an environment like this. 

Annabella has her head down and studiously writing.

How do you think this internship will help you prepare for your future career? 

I think it’s absolutely everything that I could have asked for to prepare for my future career. I do want to go into financial advising, so I plan on taking the CFP exam after graduation. There are a couple of courses I want to take for it as well but Rowan doesn’t necessarily have it. At HFM, there are three or four advisors that have already passed it and gone through it, so I’m really relishing the idea of picking their brains about it. Getting the knowledge that I’ve learned while doing the career so far has been great.

What words of advice would you give to another student looking for an internship and the expectations that come along with it? 

My biggest advice for coming into an internship is to not only be on ProfJobs, Indeed or LinkedIn. You can actually go around locally and make phone calls to smaller businesses that you’d be interested in learning about. You can still pick their brain even if an internship doesn’t fall through. You’re allowed to ask questions from people about their career and take advice that might resonate with you. Networking is an essential part of any career in my opinion, but sometimes you have to get off the beaten path of applying.

Annabella is leaning on the railing at the Rohrer College of Business,

Being proactive with your search and creating the opportunity is such a big thing with internships. A lot of the time these companies don’t even realize how big of a help having an intern on the team does. Once you’re starting, my biggest advice is to have a notebook and digest everything that is going around you. You might think you’ll remember what’s going on at the moment, but everything is complicated. Write down everything now because it’ll help separate you from others.

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Story by:
Lucas Taylor, graduate English education major 

Photography by:
Ashley Craven, sports communication and media major

Samantha Midili and Bianca Jeremiah: Two Women Leaders in a Male-dominated Industry

Samantha and Bianca ride their bikes outside the Rowan Tech Park area.

Samantha Midili, a senior Mechanical Engineering major from Ocean City, NJ (Cape May County), and Bianca Jeremiah, a junior Mechanical Engineering major with minors in Physics and Music from Bridgewater, NJ (Somerset County), share their experiences as women in the Society of Automotive Engineers Club at Rowan University. 

Samantha and Bianca are not just women in STEM: they are leaders and trailblazers in the engineering field.

Both are on the e-board of the Society of Automotive Engineers club on campus. Bianca describes the club as “an opportunity to not only do research and create designs but actually manufacture cars and bring those designs to life.”

She adds, “We get the opportunity to compete in an annual global competition. There are different areas of competition that your car can get judged on: the acceleration test, suspension test, maneuverability, endurance, and a business component that delves into the cost of building the car. This year, the competition is in Rochester NY, so we will have the opportunity to compete against other colleges in the area.”

Society of Automotive Engineers club photo
The Society of Automotive Engineers Club at a recent event.

Samantha, the leader of the Baja competition team, talks about her first experience when joining the club. “When I walked in, there was only me and one other girl in the room. It was intimidating and I felt out of place at first, but I stuck with it and I started driving cars. I am so glad I did because now I actually feel like I belong and that there’s a space for me here at Rowan. I can do something I love and feel empowered that I am one of few women that do it.” 

Bianca had a similar experience. “I joined the club as a freshman because I knew other people in the program recommended it. I remember my first project was to build a trebuchet for a pumpkin-chucking competition. After that, I was hooked. I started working on cars and began learning about machining, problem-solving and the importance of working with a team. The club has taught me how to work in intense situations and how to learn/think on the spot.” 

Bianca Jeremiah posing in front of car
Bianca Jeremiah

The Society of Automotive Engineers Club has given Samantha and Bianca the opportunity to learn in the classroom and then apply it. Samantha says, “Rowan is so unique because the program is so hands-on. In many other schools, you don’t get past conceptualizing a design or reading about it in a textbook. Here, you almost always get to create the design and make it come to life by manufacturing it.” 

Samantha Midili driving car
Samantha Midili

Bianca shares the same sentiment.

“Being a mechanical engineer means designing to manufacture. At Rowan, you get to go through the entire process of research, design, and implementation; just like in the industry. It is so interesting to get to execute every angle from start to finish and actually create something,” she says.

Although it may be difficult at times, both Samantha and Bianca are happy and proud to be leaders in a male-dominated industry. Samantha says, “My teammates respect me, look out for me, and have my back. We have a great sense of camaraderie, and we are always together. I really feel like we all come together as a team, regardless of our differences, because we just want to build a winning car.”

“I feel fortunate to be a part of a community where I feel accepted regardless of my identity,” Bianca says. “Sometimes I might be the only girl in my classes and that is overwhelming, but I always try and tell myself that if I made it here, I belong here. I want to be that inspiration for other women in the program, too. I want to know they are accepted and belong. Creating that space and opportunity for everyone is important to me.”

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, junior business management major

#PROFspective: Civil/Environmental Engineering Major, Rowan CHAARG Ambassador Trinity Good

Trinity sits on a rock in front of trees.

Today, transfer student Trinity Good shares her #PROFspective of being a junior Civil/Environmental Engineering major from Upper Township, NJ (Cape May County). Trinity is the Rowan Ambassador for CHAARG, a college health and fitness community. She works as a cook at Kirk’s Pizza in Upper Township, as well as serving at Brown’s in Ocean City. […]

Senior Reflects: Radio/TV/Film Major Joshua Hedum

Josh walking with his cap and gown.

Today we feature senior Radio/Television/Film (RTF) major Joshua Hedum. Joshua was a transfer from Atlantic Cape Community College and is from Cape May, NJ (Cape May County). He shares with us his journey to becoming a RTF major and his club, internship and class experiences. What is it like having a parent who went here? […]

Beyond the Classroom: Senior Emergency Medical Technician Maribeth Novsak

Maribeth stands in front of an EMT vehicle.

Maribeth Novsak, a senior Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Management major from Cape May Courthouse, NJ (Cape May County), talks about her experience as an EMT with Rowan’s Emergency Medical Services squad. Maribeth shared her #PROFspective with Rowan Blog in an earlier post; read that story here

What got you interested in becoming an EMT?

Growing up, my dad was a law enforcement officer and I watched him throughout his career. He actually got an injury in the line of duty. Through that whole experience, I saw how much he appreciated the help of the EMTs who responded. This really inspired me to want to be in public service. I always wanted to be in the medical field as well, so when I found out Rowan had an EMS squad, I took a shot and applied. I ended up getting hired and they paid for me to go to EMT school. 

Maribeth in front of a Rowan EMS vehicle.

Was there an influential person who has helped you throughout your experience as an EMT?

Chief Vern is really here for all of us. At some point, he has given us all advice along the way. There have also been a few upperclassmen who have moved on and graduated but were so helpful, too. Rowan EMS is a family and once you’re in, we all look out for each other. 

What has been the most meaningful experience you’ve had at your position so far?

In this job, you are really seeing students on their worst day. It’s meaningful to try to make them laugh or smile and try to make the situation even a little better for them.

Maribeth at the EMS station.

What is your favorite accomplishment as an EMT thus far?

In June 2019, one of the crews I was working with was rewarded with a life-saving award from the New Jersey College and University Public Safety Association for a call we responded to in February 2019. We had a life-threatening call and had no advanced life-support available, but the actions we took were able to keep the patient out of critical care and the patient was discharged from the emergency room just a few hours later. In that moment we thought it was just another crazy call and had no idea we would be recognized. When we got that email that we were invited to an award ceremony to be recognized for our work, it was a really great accomplishment. 

Maribeth in uniform on campus.

What knowledge or skills have you developed through this opportunity that you will take with you for future endeavors?

I have definitely developed great communication skills and have learned to communicate with different types of people. This job has also taught me to have empathy, time management. Another big skill is time management, we’re all balancing a 15-credit course load plus putting in a ton of hours to EMS each week.

Maribeth plans on working as a full-time EMT in Wildwood Crest after graduating from Rowan in hopes to get a position in the Emergency Management department there. 

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Photography by: Joe Gentempo, senior art major

Valentine’s Day Birthdays

Red gift box with bow.

Valentine’s Day is not reserved for strictly couples. Here are some Rowan students who feel some extra love on their birthday. 

Mackenzie Campbell, a sophomore Law and Justice major from Great Falls, Virginia, was meant to be born on the holiday. “My mom actually had a scheduled labor for Valentine’s Day, but her water broke that morning and she had me and my twin brother naturally.” To celebrate, even though they go to different schools, Mackenzie and her brother always make it a point to call each other to wish each other a happy birthday. 

Mackenzie Campbell sitting inside on her phone looking at the camera.

Senior Emily Johnson, also a Law and Justice major, from Menifee, California, says holiday birthdays are common in her family. “I was born two weeks early, my sister’s birthday is two days after Christmas and my dad’s birthday falls on Easter some years!” Emily embraces the uniqueness of her special day. “Having a birthday on a holiday is unique but double the fun! I absolutely love everything heart-shaped and enjoy the traditions of Valentine’s Day! I typically celebrate my birthday on the 14th and celebrate a “Valentine’s Day” dinner with my boyfriend the following day.” 

Emily Johnson poses for a selfie.

Ashley Edwards, a Law and Justice major, says having a birthday on Valentine’s Day is “actually pretty nice. Haven’t come across anyone who has tried to jip me of a birthday present so that’s a good thing! The only con is that I can never make last-minute dinner plans … it’s nearly impossible.” The junior from Central Jersey came early and surprised her parents “with the most romantic gift … childbirth.”

Ashley Edwards sitting on a couch.

Emma Knoll, a dual major in Early Childhood Education and American Studies, embraces her unique birthdate to the fullest. “I always loved having my birthday on Valentine’s Day, even more so because I am also a twin! When I was a child, my twin and I never felt like the holiday was taking over our birthday. My parents and family always made it a point to celebrate our birthday as well as Valentine’s Day. As an adult, my boyfriend continues to shower my birthday with love and presents but still celebrating Valentine’s Day, so I get extra treated on my birthday!” The senior from Cape May County, NJ would recommend “celebrating the birthday as well as the holiday. Your birthday is something worth celebrating even if it is on a holiday!” 

Selfie of Emma Knoll.

Senior Anthony Sokolowski, a Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management major from Berlin, NJ (Camden County) has mixed feelings about having a birthday on Valentine’s Day. “A pro is that it’s unique since no one that I know has a birthday on a holiday, let alone Valentine’s Day, and when I was a child I sometimes got both Valentine’s cards and birthday cards at school. A con is that my birthday is on a holiday that’s meant to be about love and relationships, so I feel like that can take away from my birthday sometimes.” His advice for having a birthday on a holiday would be “to ask that person whether they enjoy having their birthday on a holiday and if they would like it to be celebrated on the day or would prefer that it be celebrated before/after.” 

Selfie of Anthony Sokolowski in a green hoodie and glasses.

Audry Feltner, a junior Biological Science major with a concentration in pre-med and minors in Chemistry and Spanish, is from Chesapeake, Virginia and she loves having her birthday on Valentine’s Day. “You get lots of candy when your birthday is on Valentine’s Day, mostly chocolate. When I was a kid I would walk into the store and see the Valentine’s Day stuff for sale and I would tell my mom that they were decorating for my birthday because I didn’t understand Valentine’s Day. Scheduling dates now is actually easier for me because it’s a birthday and Valentine’s.” To celebrate, Audry “usually has a birthday party just like anyone else. I’ve had a few Valentine’s Day-themed parties just because it’s easy with all the decorations in the store (pre-Covid of course).” 

Selfie of Audry Feltner.

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

11 Art Majors Share Artists Who Inspire Them

Studio art major's artwork.

Some are famous; others, just under the radar. Today, 11 Art majors from Rowan’s Ric Edelman College of Communication and Creative Arts reveal artists whom they admire — perhaps they will inspire you!

Lotta Nieminen, submitted by Marysa Naiduk.
Lotta Nieminen

Marysa Naiduk is a senior, first-generation college student with a specialization in Graphic Design who transferred from Ocean County Community College. She appreciates the graphic design and modern unique style of artist Lotta Nieminen. “Through her work, Nieminen does an exceptional job of bringing visual identities to life. If you have any interest in art, Nieminen’s work is certainly worth checking out!”

Paul Rand Exhibit (credit: Catherine Cronin via Creative Commons).
Paul Rand

Artist Paul Rand is a favorite of Micah Husk, a senior with a specialization in Graphic Design and transfer from Camden County College. “As a chief of design, he made a difference to convert the publicizing industry by emphasizing the significance of realistic plans and visuals over composing. He created logos for huge companies, now recognizable ones, such as ABC, IBM and UPS. Paul Rand succeeded in changing the American commerce scene through his work. When it comes to style and vision, Paul Rand is certainly a master at it.”

Joe Gentempo wears a design by Justin "Fvller" Fuller.
Joe Gentempo wears a design by Justin “Fvller” Fuller.

Joe Gentempo, a senior from Monmouth County, NJ, Brookdale Community College transfer and first-generation college student, values the work of artist Justin “Fvller” Fuller. “He’s one of the most hardworking artists I’ve seen, always making stuff all around the clock. I have a few of the pieces of clothing he’s made and it’s all hand painted. I think a lot more people need to know about him and see what he’s creating,” Joe explains.

Maya Barton's art.
Maya Barton

Jessica Hedum (featured in this video), a Cape May County, NJ senior and Atlantic Cape Community College transfer, recognizes artist Maya Barton. “Maya is a truly talented person. She does everything from screen printing her own etchings, lino cuts and t-shirts for the Women of Westby to any graphic design work. She has created business cards, websites, flyers and more! Maya is a wonderful artist that produces beautiful work in a timely manner with flawless digital layouts and designs.”

Giovanna Eley's work.
Giovanna Eley

Giovanna Eley, a senior, Law and Justice Studies minor and Rutgers transfer from Union County, NJ, shares her own work. “The artist is me and this is part of the work I’ve done at Rowan University and my art and talent have grown so much since studying here. So, I want to share my art with others.” 

Paula Scher (credit: Ben Terrett via Creative Commons).
Paula Scher

Senior Jana Jackstis, a Rowan College of South Jersey transfer student from Gloucester County, NJ, admires artist Paula Scher. “Paula Scher is one of the most influential graphic designers alive. She’s created so much recognizable stuff, like the Microsoft Windows 8 logo and the Citi logo, for example. She was also one of the first female principals at Pentagram, one of the biggest design firms in the world.”

Mucha (credit: Sofi via Creative Commons).
Alphonse Mucha

Senior Abigail MacNeill of Cumberland County, NJ, who transferred from  Rowan College of South Jersey, and also majors in French, values artist Alphonse Mucha. “He had a revolutionary treatment of subject matter and style that defined art nouveau as a movement and ushered Paris into the golden age of poster art.”

Meg Lemieur.
Meg Lemieur

Melissa Powell, a senior, from Mt. Laurel, NJ (Burlington County), Camden County Community College transfer and first-generation college student, respects artist Meg Lemieur. “Meg Lemieur creates beautiful illustrations that carry powerful messages. I always look forward to what she will represent next.”

Friday Kahlo (credit: Steven Zucker via Creative Commons).
Frida Kahlo

Kaitlyn Davis, a Gloucester County, NJ senior and transfer student from Winthrop University who specializes in graphic design, admires artist Frida Kahlo. “I believe Kahlo to be the definition of perseverance. She is an inspiration and through her pain she created many beautiful paintings.”

Hayao Miyazaki (credit: Domenica Vescio via Creative Commons).
Hayao Miyazaki

Senior Chelsea Herrmann, of Gloucester County, NJ appreciates artist Hayao Miyazaki. “He is a mastermind of storytelling through his art of these movies. He incorporates traditional art with animated art and his stories are so beautiful.”

Keith Haring (credit: Heinz Bunse via Creative Commons).
Keith Haring

Charlotte Steinman, junior, Art major, Washington Township/Gloucester County, Rowan College South Jersey transfer, admires artist Keith Haring. She explains: “Keith Haring was an influential pop artist in the 80’s that started out drawing graffiti in New York City subways and grew in popularity until he became an influential public figure. His work commented on relevant social and political themes like homosexuality and AIDS. Not only is his art beautiful and striking, it also conveys important messages.”

Like what you see? 


Story by:
Max M. Morgan, senior radio/television/film major

#PROFspective: Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management Major Maribeth Novsak

Marybeth sits outside on campus.

Maribeth Novsak, a senior Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management major from Cape May Court House, NJ (Cape May County), shares some highlights of her Rowan experience. 

What inspired you to choose your major?

I actually started as an Athletic Training student here at Rowan. After my sophomore year, I realized I wasn’t happy in the classroom but I was happy working as an EMT and learning about mass casualty and shelter operations, that’s what really drew me to switch my major to Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management, as well as a great group of friends and family.

How are you involved on campus? How does it fulfill you or support your future goals?

I currently volunteer with Rowan EMS as well as hold one of their two student worker positions. When I am there as a student worker I coordinate non-emergency transports for students to doctors’ offices. When I am there in a volunteer capacity, I answer 911 calls, assist in the training of EMTs as well as help with the driver training program. I’m usually at the squad about 48 hours a week.

Marybeth stands outside on campus.

Could you share with us one moment that made you feel inspired or confident that you’re in the right field for you?

Every interaction that I have with my classmates and professors as well as every time I hand in a quality paper or project shows me that this is where I am meant to be and I made the right choice in changing my major.

Describe for us an experience you’ve shared with a Rowan professor in which you felt like you were working with a visionary in your field.

All of our professors in our program are great. There is one professor in particular that I have connected with, and she has become a great mentor to me. Not only have I had her for multiple classes she has helped me with career advising and has let me talk through all of the different scenarios with her.

The thing with my field is, I feel like learning the curriculum is important but learning the networking and building capital for yourself is even more important because one day you are going to need to use it.

maribeth in front of prof statue

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Photography by:
Quintin Stinney, radio/television/film major 

Seniors Share How They Have Grown From Their Freshman Year Mistakes

Rowan Prof outside of Savitz Hall

Rowan seniors Stephania Bocanegra, Alexander Brown and Aaron Lee reveal how their freshmen year mistakes helped them grow into the student leaders they are today.  

Stephania Bocanegra, a Civil and Environmental Engineering major from Cape May, NJ (Cape May County), currently lives on campus as a Resident Assistant at Victoria Apartments. Stephania started off at a community college and transferred to Rowan.

“I wish I kept the work ethic I had as an honors student in high school to my first year of college,” she says. “By the time I transferred, I didn’t feel as prepared because I slacked off a bit in community college. My grades were good, but I didn’t need to work as hard. When I got to Rowan, I needed to start working harder because the classes were very different.”

Stephania quickly got into a groove at Rowan and began to flourish in the college environment. She is the Student Government Association officer for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the United Latinos Association.

Stephania poses with flowers in background.
Stephania Bocanegra

Alexander Brown is a Music Industry Business Major with minors in  Africana Studies, Music, and a Vocal Concentration. He is originally from Montego Bay, Jamaica and currently lives on campus as a Resident Assistant in Chestnut Hall. He shared that as a freshman, he didn’t take advantage of all of the extracurricular options that are available at Rowan. “I was more focused on adjusting myself to college life, so I was nervous to try too many new things. As I continued to grow, I tried to join organizations and clubs to put myself out there and get involved to meet new people,” he says.

As a senior, Alex is now the President of Profecy Acapella Club and the Treasurer of music fraternity Phi Mu Alpha.

Alexander Brown stands near Wilson Hall.
Alexander Brown

Aaron Lee is a Chemistry and Public Relations double major from Portsmouth, Virginia. “A mistake I made my freshman year was not tapping into the resources around me,” he says. “Coming out of high school, I thought I had everything figured out, so I didn’t take advantage of a lot of things. Whether that was the tutoring services or even just sitting in the library to do my work instead of my room, I assumed that I could handle things the same way I always did. But college is very different. As I got older, I grew a lot by using what’s available on campus.” 

Aaron is now the Assistant Resident Director of Evergreen and Magnolia Halls, an Orientation Leader and the President of both the Anime and Improv Clubs.

Aaron Lee in front of library columns.
Aaron Lee

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, junior public relations and advertising major

Photography by:
Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major 

Senior Reflects: Health Promotion and Wellness Management Major Eric Chen

Health promotion and wellness management major Eric Chen posing on the Rowan Proud yellow chair.

Meet Eric Chen, a first-generation graduating senior from Cape May, Health promotion and wellness management major Eric Chen posing in front of Bunce Hall.NJ (Cape May County) who majored in Health Promotion and Wellness Management

Favorite Class: My favorite class experience was my Public Speaking class with Mr. Paul Viggiano, he always made class interesting and he made that class very comfortable. The best moments were when he would split the class into different teams and we would have little competitions.

Experience with Alpha Chi Rho- Iota Chi Phi Chapter: Over the past couple years, I have been fundraiser, bursar, and postulant educator. My proudest experience was being able to do “Alpha Chi Rhoses,” a yearly fundraiser in which people around the Rowan community can purchase flowers and send notes to each other. The proceeds have gone to the American Cancer Society and to our local chapter of Camp Kesem.

Career Aspirations: My career goal is to become a nurse and to work in cardiac rehab.

Shout outs: Thank you to my brothers in Alpha Chi Rho and to thank you to the professional staff and student staff at Rowan Rec Center. Thank you for believing in me!!!!

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Studio Art Major Helps Heal with Sensory Paintings

Jessica wears a yellow shirt while holding a paintbrush to her canvas, a nature painting of koi fish.

Jessica Hedum, a senior studio art major from Cape May, NJ (Cape May County), has always been fascinated with art.

In high school, Jessica spent most of her time in the art studio, learning the fundamentals of painting and developing her love for it. Her teacher was a mentor, opening her eyes to many careers in art and ultimately, suggesting she look into art therapy based on her experience and values.

When her dad and sister — both Rowan alumni — recommended she transfer to the art program at Rowan after community college, she took their suggestion to heart. “I checked out Rutgers and Temple too, but everything seemed big and overwhelming, and nothing really felt like home to me,” she says. “But I walked into the painting studio [in Westby Hall at Rowan] and just felt at ease. That was the moment when I thought, ‘Okay, I want to keep this family tradition going.’”

Jessica leans over a canvas with lily pads, holding a paintbrush with a paint pallette in front of her. Based on a suggestion from her high school art teacher and mentor, Jessica is working toward a career as an art therapist at a nearby hospital or cancer center. “[Art therapy is] really important for me to pursue. My sister had cancer, so it’s something that definitely hits home for me. And the possibility of working with little kids or anyone on the spectrum is something that’s so rewarding for everyone,” she says. “Art doesn’t have to be perfect; it doesn’t have to come out like you expected it to. Just the act of physically [making art] is so much more impactful than people might realize.”

Jessica reflects these values of helping people through art in her own work, too. A mixture of glass beads and modeling paste, applied to the canvas, dries hard and allows her to sculpt shapes onto the flat surface of her paintings. Her paintings contain 3D sensory details that viewers can touch, and she invites them to do so, because of the soothing effects of feeling the different textures in her art.

Jessica with her series of textured paintings hanging in Westby Hall, inspired by her hometown of Cape May, NJ.

“I started doing this because I heard how successful and engaging the Please Touch Museum is in Philadelphia. Giving people a sensory experience is my goal. Especially for people that have learning disabilities or are on the spectrum, they have something to feel and touch that engages and connects them with the painting more. As a child, you are always yelled at in museums “Do not touch the art!” but my pieces invite children to explore and feel the art. Physically feeling the art can be very appealing to those that struggle to understand art; maybe they do not grasp the concept of the visual but they are pleased by the experience they get from running their fingers along the shape. It’s kind of like Braille for the blind, but in shapes for recognizing the texture and objects in paintings for children or adults that may struggle to understand fine art concepts and subject matter.”

When it comes to dealing with the personal hardships and mental health challenges that many college students face in some form, Jessica turns to art for healing and relief. “I’ve just been painting through it and believing in art therapy. Even just physically getting out of bed, and being in the [art] building and absorbing the environment helps. It’s been a dramatic shift in my life, but I feel like my artwork speaks for it in a way.”

“It’s a really powerful thing, to be able to touch people through art, with PTSD, Alzheimers or anyone on the spectrum. It’s really a premise to how art has helped me through a lot of personal struggles,” Jessica explains. “Whenever anything was going on that gave me trouble, I found so much peace and relief in painting, so that’s where I started to really get involved with art therapy. I just want to help people through art the same way it’s helped me.”

Jessica wears a Women of Westby t-shirt and stands with her peers in Westby Hall, as they prepare an installation.
Jessica and her peers recently set up an installation in Westby Hall to call attention to underrepresented artists and women (from the @womenofwestby Instagram).

Jessica expresses her love for art on her Instagram page through behind-the-scenes looks at her painting process and personal captions about her adventures in Westby. “A lot of people like when I post art videos of me physically painting. It’s very therapeutic and I’m just trying to imitate that calming feeling you see in YouTube videos where people play with sand or cut soap. I feel like recording myself painting gives people a more personal look into the layering process of painting with oils.”

She also runs Women of Westby with her colleagues in the art building, to draw attention to underrepresented artists. To learn more about Women of Westby, and how you can get involved, follow @WomenOfWestby. Everyone of all genders and majors is welcome!

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Story and photos by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major


Rowan University junior Abby Broschard sitting outside.

This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Wellness Center. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options. For further updates, follow @RowanUWellness on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.

Abby Broschard sits under the Magnolia Gazebo.Meet Abby Broschard, junior Nutrition & Dietetics major from Ocean City, NJ (Cape May County). Abby hopes after reading the article,”The reader feels a bit of hope that the struggles they face and handle are not in vain. Instead, I hope it can feel reassuring to know our struggles are rather a fundamental process for character growth and development.”

No matter what circumstances, when faced with disappointment, pain or hardship, our response ultimately comes down to one of two choices: to open, or close. The things we experience are often out of our control, but we regain our autonomy in whether we allow ourselves to be pried open to the world around us, or if we, in quite understandable fear, close. I made a promise to myself that afternoon that no matter the unknowns that headed my way, I would be someone who opened.”

This quote is from a letter written as a parting gift from a high school English teacher. She was one of the first who helped me understand how to perceive my circumstances and take on challenges within my life. Referring to our natural responses to circumstances as ‘to open or close’ resembles closely to research conducted by Carol Dweck, who has introduced the concept of identifying the traits of a “fixed or growth” mindset. In “Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives,” Maria Popova explains Dweck’s research:

“A ‘fixed mindset’ assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static givens which we can’t change in any meaningful way, and success is the affirmation of that inherent intelligence, an assessment of how those givens measure up against an equally fixed standard; striving for success and avoiding failure at all costs become a way of maintaining the sense of being smart or skilled. A ‘growth mindset,’ on the other hand, thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of unintelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities,” (Dweck, Popova, 2014).

We are all amid one of the greatest unknowns in our lives thus far, and navigating our lives everyday is an incredible feat within itself. We must take ownership in our direction, even if it means dancing along in the shadows of our uncertainties. Further, in order to heal, grow and thrive under any circumstances, we must acknowledge our hardships, learn from these experiences and go on to try again.  By trusting the process and honoring the progression of our lives, it is certain that we will be able to foresee light. ♡

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Story by:
Abby Broschard, junior nutrition & dietetics major, Wellness Center intern

Photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major


Dweck, C., Popova, M. Fixed vs. growth: the two basic mindsets that shape our lives. January 2014. Retrieved from

#PROFspective: International Student Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang

Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang stands outside Science Hall

Today, we speak with Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang, a junior Nutrition major from Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam who commutes from Cape May. Nam Phuong will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang poses outside in front of the Rowan owl statueYour name: Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang

Your major(s): Nutrition

Are you a first-generation college student? No

Your year: Junior

Transfer student: Yes. I transferred my credits from Atlantic Cape Community College.

Hometown: Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam

Where do you live? Cape May, NJ (Cape May County)

Commuter: Yes, this [fall] semester I [commuted] 5 days a week from Cape May.

Academic clubs you are a part of:  Nutrition Care Club, student member of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Social clubs you are a part of: Volunteer for the Community Foodbank of New Jersey, Social Media Volunteer for Clinical Nutrition Management Dietetic Practice Group.

Share an “aha!” moment you’ve had within your major that made you feel passionate about your intended field.

This is my first semester at Rowan as a Dietetics student. I have to say that the Department of Health Sciences keeps me excited every week with weekly emails about different opportunities for internship/jobs/volunteer experiences for Rowan students in our field. Recently, I received an email about an internship for students who are interested in attending the Health Promotion Conference in South Carolina. The chapter will cover the transportation and hotel fee for the accepted interns, and the conference fee is waived for interns. How cool is that!

Nam Phuong’s laptop stickers are Keith Haring designs. “His work just speaks to me and makes me happy!” she says.

Describe for us an experience you’ve shared with a professor in which you felt like you were working with a visionary in your field.

I really enjoy my Intro to Nutrition Profession class with Dr. [Christina] Riccardo. In this class, we are encouraged to develop our professional philosophies, making connections, identify both professional and personal future goals, as well as build positive growth mindset. As we are still in the preparation for the program, I think it is very important for each of us to reflect and know what we really want to do in the future, as we don’t want to enter the program and realize it’s not what we thought it to be, right?  

Describe for us an on-campus experience (academic or non-academic) in which you felt that your future goals are supported.

The Office of Career Advancement (OCA) in Savitz Hall is very helpful and valuable for me as well as anyone who is a current Rowan student. Most of the time a good GPA is not enough to get the job that we want; it is also about how we present ourselves in person and on paper. It is sometimes quite intimidating for many students to create a professional resume, prepare for an interview or search for job opportunities. The OCA helps students learn how to write a proper cover letter, résumé, do mock interviews and find jobs and internships. I think this service is absolutely amazing. I received a lot of help and I am very grateful for all the feedback and suggestions from the faculty in this office.

Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you?

Rowan has a diverse college environment where people with different backgrounds, personalities and perspectives come together. The diversity is a great opportunity for students to learn and grow from each other. In the midst of diversity, there are associations for students with particular interests, and that made me feel like I belong. The second week at Rowan, at the Fall Festival, I met the Vietnamese Student Association. That made me feel so happy when there is diversity and ethnic integrity.  

Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang listens to podcasts on her commute to Rowan's campus
“I listen to podcasts that explain topics that I find particularly challenging in my classes.”

Why did you choose Rowan?

I want to be a Registered Dietitian and the first thing to do to become one is to get my education at an accredited institution. I did my research and found that Rowan is one of the 62 accredited colleges in America that offers the program I am pursuing, which I think is so awesome. I had a chance to talk to my current academic advisor, Ms. Dwyer, a year before I applied to Rowan. She helped me with what I should expect and what I should do to prepare for the program. As I learn more about the program, I am so excited to see Rowan expanding the opportunities for Dietetics students.

What’s your favorite thing about your typical Monday at Rowan?

I am taking 17 credits this semester, plus 15 hours commuting per week, so currently my favorite thing to do during the week is enjoy my coffee and podcast as I drive to campus. Some days I listen to Spotify, and other days I listen to podcasts. One of my favorite things about my days at Rowan is my studying time at the Campbell Library between classes. The staff is very friendly, and there are a lot of quiet study spaces for individual use as well as group use. Also, the printers at Rowan are awesome. 

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Story by:

Nam Phuong Nguyen Hoang, junior nutrition major

Photography by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

#PROFspective: Music Industry Major Jeff McConnell

Music Industry major Jeff McConnell stands outside Wilson Hall

Jeff McConnell posing in the SUP office.Name: Jeff McConnell 

Major: Music Industry  

Year: Senior 

Hometown and County: Marmora, NJ (Cape May County)

Commuter: Off-campus 

Social clubs you are a part of: E-board member for Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship 

Do you work on campus? Director of Live Events for the Student University Programmers (SUP) and Building Manager at Rowan Rec Center

Jeff playing the piano in Wilson Hall.Share an “aha!” moment you’ve had within your major that made you feel passionate about your intended field. The first class I took for my major was Business of Music 1, and as soon as the class started and we got into the course material I knew I had made the right choice.

We started learning about the “ins and outs” of the music industry, and all of my professors experiences while working in the music industry with some of the biggest names in music. Once this class started in addition to the other classes I was taking once I transferred into this major, nothing felt like homework anymore and I just wanted to know more about everything we were learning. Ever since then, I have loved every class I have taken and each one has made me more excited to get a job and start doing everything my professors have been telling me about the past three years. 

Describe an on-campus experience (academic or non-academic) in which you felt that your future goals are supported. I think getting my job as the Director of Live Events for the Student University Programmers really helped support my goals. I’ve had the opportunity to plan and execute events, concerts, comedy events and committee meetings. 

Jeff McConnell (left) discussing future SUP plans with his coworkers.
Jeff McConnell (left) discussing future SUP plans with his coworkers.

In addition to that, I’ve been able to work with so many graduate students and professional staff members who have helped me so much on my path with encouragement and insight. Lastly, this position has afforded me the opportunity to work with outside companies for my events and I have made so many good on-campus and off-campus connections that I will definitely keep up, even after graduation.

Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you? Honestly, as cliché as it may sound, I think I have always felt welcome and as if Rowan was a home for me. With being involved in so many clubs in my time here, as well as working many different jobs on campus, I feel like I have always had a space to feel at home and a group of people that I know Music Industry major Jeff McConnell stands in front of a hallway displayare always going to be there for me. I think one club that has really done this for me above any other has been Chi Alpha. I have been a part of Chi Alpha for the past four years and it has given me so many lifelong friends and amazing memories and experiences. I will be forever grateful for the people that are in my life now that I met through my undergraduate time in Chi Alpha. 

And lastly, why Rowan? My freshman orientation leaders were the ones who told me that college was going to be what you make of it: “You will get out what you put in,” they told me. Since then, I took that and ran with it, working in three different offices in my undergraduate time, as well as being a part of about 10 clubs. Rowan had so much to offer and I really think I took advantage of it.

As a senior headed into my last semester, I look back so fondly on my time at Rowan and am so grateful for a school that has so much to offer. I have loved my time here and made so many friendships with students and professional staff members and it makes me sad to think about leaving. But I am so grateful for everything I have learned and truly feel as though Rowan has prepared me well to be successful in whatever I decide to pursue post graduation.

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Story and photography by:
Alyssa Bauer, senior public relations major

One Month In: Taylor Negelski’s Transfer Story

Transfer student Taylor in her dorm room at Holly Pointe

Taylor Nagelski, a sophomore Communications Studies major from Ocean City, NJ (Cape May County), is one of Rowan’s newest transfer students. She previously attended Atlantic Cape Community College. Today, she will share her experiences on her first month at Rowan University. 

Name: Taylor NagelskiTaylor Negalaski

Major: Communications Studies

Year: Sophomore

Hometown and county: Ocean City, NJ (Cape May County)

Off-campus resident? No, I live in Holly Pointe Commons

First-generation college student? No

Tell us about your first month at Rowan!

It’s been really fun! I’m with all my friends now, I like all my classes and I like the college life instead of going to community college and commuting. I really like living here.”

What was it like transitioning from community college to Rowan?

It wasn’t that different because I visited here a lot so I kind of knew what was happening and knew what it was all like but classes are pretty much the same. I guess I’m just adjusting to not being around my family all the time.”

Why did you choose your major?

“My aunt was a communications major in college and she kind of sat me down and said, ‘Listen, I just see you doing this’ and I looked into it. This was early high school and then I looked into it and I really enjoyed it. That’s why I chose it.”

Taylor Negalaski at her deskWhat’s your favorite thing about Rowan?

“Just all my friends and being in a place where everyone is just like me!”

Why did you choose Rowan?

“Because I had visited a few times last year and I really enjoyed it and I could imagine myself being successful here.”

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Story by Enzo Ronchi, junior public relations major
Photography by Adam Goskowsky, junior advertising major

What Profs Are Listening To: Gianna Witasick

Psychology major Gianna Witasick photographed outside on Rowan's campus

Psychology major Gianna Witasick, photographed outside on Rowan's campus, shares what she's listening to at the moment

Name: Gianna Witasick

Major: Psychology with a Pre-Med concentration, might pick up an Anthropology major!

Year: Junior

Hometown and county: Ocean City, NJ (Cape May County)

Off-campus resident? Yes

First-generation college student? No

What are you listening to right now?

“I chose five songs that remind me of this time of year for the whole fall vibe. I chose “Petulia” by The Kooks, “Livewire” by Oh Wonder, “Mykonos” by Fleet Foxes, “Pale Blue Eyes” by The Velvet Underground and “Heavenly” by Shoobies, which is a new song they just released!

Why did you pick these songs?

“I think that they all have a very similar fall-type vibe, like when you’re walking down the street and it’s starting to get colder outside and there’s all the colorful leaves on the ground. These are the songs I want to be listening to to put myself in the mood for this time of year. It’s a very specific type of mellowness that’s a little bit more calm than the summer. I have playlists for every time of year!”

Psychology major Gianna Witasick, photographed outside on Rowan's campus, shares what she's listening to at the moment

Do you have a favorite from those five songs you picked?

That’s a really good question! I really like ‘Petulia,’ I think it’s upbeat for a fall song. I think a lot of fall songs tend to be on the sad side for some reason because I guess it’s the end of the summer season. It makes me happy, it’s a really good feeling. Also the new Shoobies song ‘Heavenly’ is so good. It’s a bit different from their other music and their old sound but in a really good way. Shoobies are a local band from the Asbury Park area and they rock! Shameless plug, they’re the best band in New Jersey and the world.”

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Story and photography by:
Enzo Ronchi, senior public relations major

Passing the Torch: Commuter Grad’s Advice to New Students

Cheyenne wears her graduation gown, posing with Rowan University diploma holder in front of owl statue

Cheyenne stands in front of owl statue at Rowan University, wearing an open graduation gown and holding a brown diploma holderCommuter and first-generation college student (now graduate!) Cheyenne Rickabaugh of Cape May, NJ (Cape May County) says the best way to make friends at college is, “Show up to things! Talk in class! Not during lecture, though.” She also says that the best way to get the most out of your college experience is to, “Just get out there and do things! Have fun.” Congrats, Cheyenne, on earning your geography degree from the School of Earth & Environment!

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Pokémon Go Community Days Create New Friends On Campus

a close-up of a student holding a phone with the pokemon go app open.

If you’re ever walking through campus and see a huge crowd gathered, have no fear — it’s not an angry mob or a protest, it’s a Pokémon Go hotspot! Though it’s been a while since anyone has mentioned the once-popular game, recent updates and additions have spiked its popularity again, sending Profs out and about […]

#PROFspective: Athletic Training Major Maribeth Novsak

Maribeth outside the Rowan field

Today, we speak with Maribeth Novsak, a freshman athletic training major from Cape May Court House (Cape May County), NJ, who lives on campus in Willow Hall. Maribeth will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience […]

#PROFspective PROS Edition: Engineering Entrepreneurship and Music Industry Major Jeff McConnell Jr.

unified sports club

Today, we speak with Jeff McConnell Jr., a sophomore engineering entrepreneurship and music industry double major from Marmora, NJ, who will live on campus in Whitney Center this year. Jeff will give us insight on his career as being a member of Rowan PROS and will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like […]