#PROFspective: Life Behind the Camera with Sports Communication and Media Major Ashley Craven

Ashley holds a DSLR camera with a long lens inside Business Hall.

In this edition of #PROFspective we learn of junior Sports Communication and Media major Ashley Craven. Ashley is a transfer student from Camden County College who commutes from Sicklerville, NJ (Camden County). Showing great tenacity, Ashley is a single mother rising up to achieve her degree. Recently, Ashley was hired for Rowan Blog and exhibits a passion for photography. In this dialogue, we learn of Ashley’s own journey through academia as well as an inside look at her unique Rowan experience.

What drew you to your major? 

Being an athlete, I wanted a job in the sports industry. I was actually going to nursing school and when I got in, I realized it wasn’t for me; so, sports came to mind.

I recently discovered my passion for photography. I thought of connecting the two. Now, I am taking on more cinematography and production assignments for the Rowan Blog. It just feels right.

Ashley works on a laptop with her camera at her side inside Business Hall.

How does your field impact the world? What impact would you like to have on the world in your field?

Combining photography and cinematography is like conveying a story in silence, which I think is pretty powerful. It allows athletes to showcase their talents and emotions. Whether they’re winning a championship or so forth, I really want to emphasize the talents of other athletes. It is a form of storytelling, so those who weren’t at these events can see bit by bit.

On the professional side, I want to get a job with the NFL or WWE. I’d feel a big sense of accomplishment if I got to do that because I would see my photos being out there around the world. I want to be an asset to a company and provide them with quality pictures to benefit them as well. It’s cool to think that photos are one of the only ways you can actually look back at the past. 

Ashley sits and holds her knees on a bench inside Business Hall.

Describe for us an experience you’ve shared with a Rowan professor in which you felt like you were working with a visionary in your field. 

I have Neil Hartman to thank, without a doubt. I even kept in close contact with him even when I was still at Camden County College. It took me a year and a half to come here, and I still keep in touch with him. He has just been so influential. Neil Hartman provides all the students networking opportunities, keeps up to date with upcoming events and job fairs. He definitely wants me to succeed because he saw how passionate I was. He even reached out to ask me to do a lacrosse tournament just because he knew I was willing to do anything to succeed in the world of photography. He is definitely great with guidance and he is going to be the one I thank at my graduation speech.

What’s your fondest moment here at Rowan that involves your major?

The best would have to be when Brianna McCay, who is involved in The Whit, asked me to photograph the Brian Dawkins interview. Because of her, I was able to take some awesome photos of an icon. Two of my pictures made it into the newspaper, and I realized that I wanted to keep doing it.

I think photographing with the newspaper and seeing my photos published for the first time was one of the greatest moments. That was just an opening door to my future success. It’s still a new hobby of mine but it’s already got me here.

Ashley is smiling with her two kids around her.

Any words you want to give to someone interested in your major?

Really, when you talk about the sports industry it’s all about who you know. You have to network, you have to promote yourself, you have to preserve. Every no will lead to a better yes. Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is everything, it is the preview to life’s coming attractions.” That really resonates with me. What you put out into the universe is what’s going to attract to you.

How would you describe your academic journey so far? 

So I absolutely love school now. I actually did not complete high school. Then, about eight years later, it kind of just came to me that I wanted to go back to school again. I wanted to better my life my kids and for myself, so I got my GED. I have worked relentlessly ever since. I wanted to get the degree, and I’ve just been so motivated.

With my kids, it’s hard to get work done but I’ve always believed in self discipline and I think it’s huge. So I set up times where I wake up at five or six in the morning when they’re still sleeping just to get an assignment done. Or I’ll even get them to bed by 9:30 and stay up until midnight to do my work. It’s very challenging for sure.

Because of them and how I want to better myself as an individual, it encourages me to stay on top of my assignments, get things done and get good grades. I value that, especially from someone who originally hated school.

Ashley stands with her hand on her hip inside Business Hall.

Is there any specific club or organization that has helped welcome you here at Rowan? 

Pizza with the Pros, there you feel the togetherness. It’s just awesome the people that you get to meet. Everyone just wants to help — whether it’s a student, a professional in the industry or in my case, Neil Hartman. Those events are all about networking and hearing perspectives of people in the industry. The all give great advice. Those events really just make me feel welcomed and supported. 

What has been the biggest challenge in transitioning to Rowan? 

Learning where all of the buildings are located! I just think being new is the most challenging. Other than that, everything has been pretty easy to navigate, especially with Canvas. 

Any final words you would like to give? 

You’re never too old, and it’s never too late. Prioritize what’s most important to you and put self-discipline first. I’m huge on being mindful. I would also suggest writing everything down. It’s really important to write down all your thoughts and ideas just to reflect on them after. Don’t forget to date them as well!

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Story by:
Lucas Taylor, senior English education major

Photography by:
Valentina Giannattasio, first year dance and marketing double major

3 Sports Communication and Media Majors Share Why They Became Interested in Their Major

Center field at Wackar Stadium.

“This major combined my two biggest passions: sports and cameras. I’ve always been a huge sports fan, and I’ve always known I wanted to work in sports. During high school I knew I wanted to work around cameras doing photo/videography. So, when I found out about Sports CAM at Rowan, it was the perfect match.” […]

#MeetRowan2024: Sports Communication and Media Major Danny Collins

Danny holding up his acceptance letter from Rowan while laying on a pile of University pamphlets.

Meet #Rowan2024, Danny Collins! Danny is an incoming Sports Communications and Media major. He can’t wait to start his journey at Rowan. He tells us more about himself and why he chose Rowan.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan?

I am looking forward to meeting new friends, working hard in my classes and living on campus.

What is one activity, club, sport or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue with at Rowan?

I would love to continue working with the television crew and being a cameraman for sporting events.

Danny in front of the Rowan Prof statue on campus.

How or why did you choose your major?​

I chose Sports Communication and Media because I am a huge sports fan and I like doing camera work. I aspire to be an NFL cameraman one day.

How did you get to know campus?

I got to know campus by attending several open houses, some sporting events, and accepted students’ events.

What music do you like?

l like Elton John, Elvis, Billy Joel, 80s, and Hip Hop.

Night owl or morning person?

I am a morning person. I am looking forward to early morning campus walks to start off my day.

Why Rowan?

I chose Rowan because they have an excellent sports communication program and fantastic support with a tutoring center, writing center and support groups. It has the components for me to become a successful college student.

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Story by:
Bianca Torres, senior music industry major

Rowan at Home: Glassboro Native Builds Sports Career in Her “Own Backyard”

Kayla smiles and stands in front of Wackar Stadium

Welcome to Rowan at Home, our new series to give you a glimpse into Rowan University, our campus culture, and the lives of our students, while we’re practicing social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Today’s story features sophomore Kayla Santiago, and was captured by senior Nicole Cier, writing arts, before quarantine. 

Sophomore Kayla Santiago, of Glassboro, NJ (Gloucester County), had never considered applying to Rowan, though it was just a five-minute drive from home — “it’s practically in my backyard, and I didn’t want to commute.” She feared she would miss out on the typical college experience of living in a dorm, but soon discovered that Rowan was the perfect missing puzzle piece in the search for her future career. 

Kayla stands in front of the Prof statue by the Rowan University team house.“I originally didn’t even apply until the day of the [application] deadline, and then I found out about the Sports Communication and Media (Sports CAM) major, and realized it was perfect for me,” she reflects. “It brought me back to the passion I’ve had for sports since my childhood, when my dad would take me to the Phillies batting practice and I’d be chanting players’ names at three years old.”

Taking on the Sports CAM and Journalism majors, with a minor in Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Kayla dove into the world of Rowan athletics. She asked her advisor for advice on getting involved in the major as a freshman and found her place with Rowan Television Network right away as a football sideline reporter. 

“RTN allowed me to get experience right away. I mentioned that I was interested in sideline reporting, and they needed a sideline reporter that weekend for football and asked if I could do it,” she says. “I had never done it in my life, and it was a really great learning experience to just be thrown into it right away and have to figure it all out.”

Kayla commentates on a Rowan Athletics game.The following year was a whirlwind of experience, as Kayla found more ways to get involved with sports communications and strengthen her resume. She jumped into play-by-play, color commentating and sideline reporting for Rowan Athletics, as a TV broadcaster. She even broadcasted the first football game of the fall 2019 season against Widener by herself! “We usually don’t [broadcast without a partner], but we were first getting into a groove for the season and figuring out our roles. It was definitely difficult, but it was cool to have that pressure and experience to get me started,” Kayla recalls.

Since her first year as a Prof, Kayla has expanded her athletic commentating experience to include football, basketball, baseball, softball, soccer, lacrosse, hockey and more! Broadcasting allows her to study team rosters, examine player records and statistics and interview coaches — tasks that allow her to implement the journalism skills she learns from her second major. Kayla even made Rowan Athletics history as the first female play-by-play commentator for football and basketball on TV!

Kayla holds a microphone up for basketball coach Demetrius Poles during a sideline interview.
Kayla interviews head coach of the Rowan Women’s Basketball Team, Demetrius Poles.

“It’s not just about being a sports broadcaster; it’s also about making relationships with the coaches and players. You develop a gain of trust, and they want to give you good answers [to your interview questions] and tell you what’s going on as much as they can,” she says.

“For me, [Sports CAM] is more than just being a fan. I want to keep growing my knowledge and passion about sports and see where it can take me. Now, my whole course load is sports, and how could I not love that? It’s exactly what I wanted to do.”

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Story and photography by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

Journalism Student Paves the Way as First Female to Commentate a Rowan Football Game on Radio

Katie (in center) works with members of Rowan Radio

When Katie Francis, a junior Sports Communication & Media and Journalism double major from Swedesboro, NJ (Gloucester County), discovered the campus radio station her sophomore year, she “knew it was a good path to take.” An email in her student inbox with the subject line, “Are you Rowan’s new voice in Radio?” inspired her to take a leap into an area of journalism she had never considered before. “I knew that, being a transfer student, it might be difficult to meet people. So I signed up for training sessions for Rowan Radio,” she says.

Katie with Rowan Radio station manager Derek Jones and sports director Gary Erdelyi.

Katie’s family had introduced her to Philadelphia sports early, and she grew up watching the Flyers, but her interest in football picked up as the Eagles made their way toward the playoffs two years ago. “I started to think that I should really learn [football] so I could enjoy it more and fully understand what I was watching,” she recalls. She began to actively follow the games with her dad, learning more and more with each game.

Fast forward to one year later, and Katie is the assistant news director at Rowan Radio 89.7 WGLS-FM, and the first female broadcaster on Rowan Radio to cover a Rowan football game in the school’s history!

In November, Gary Erdelyi, the sports director, shared with her that there was an opportunity to cover a Rowan vs. Christopher Newport University football game in Virginia. With 10 years of experience playing soccer, Katie had done color commentating on two soccer games before, but football was a whole different game — literally. Derek Jones, the station manager and Katie’s sports broadcasting professor, provided the support she needed to succeed at this opportunity. Jones is a mentor and role model for Katie, having first trained her at the radio station and guided her through multiple classes at Rowan, so “from the beginning” she felt “comfortable asking questions as I learned the ropes of broadcasting.”

Katie with her co-host and classmate, Gary Erdelyi, on game day!

“I said, ‘if you need somebody to do this, I will step up and figure it out,’” Katie reflects.At first I was nervous, not sure if I was saying the right things, but the people that I had supporting me were really helpful. They validated me and made me feel like part of a good team there.”

She didn’t realize it at the time, but bravely stepping up and covering the game, despite her doubts, put her in a record-setting position. As the first female at the university to cover a football game, she is paving the way for other women in sports communications and journalism to follow her lead.

Katie is the only woman in both her Sports Broadcasting and Sports Journalism II classes, a field predominantly composed of male students.

Katie picks out a record for the daytime music show she hosts.

“There was never a time where I felt like I wasn’t included, whether in my classes or at the radio station, and I’m thankful for that,” she says. “Being a part of a team of people who are as passionate about something as I am, and being able to meet people through it is a really great experience. It can be weird at times, looking around and being the only girl in a room, but with every experience I’ve had, I’ve always felt like everybody was rooting for me.”

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Story and photography by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

#PROFspective: Radio, TV & Film Major Nasir Nichols

Nasir spinning the basketball on his finger at the courts

Today, we speak with Nasir Nichols, a freshman radio/TV/film major from Paterson (Passaic County), NJ, who lives on campus in Laurel Hall. Nasir will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Nasir Nichols […]