9 Things to Know About Rowan’s International Center

Dr. Li Yang, Katelyn Sullivan and Arthur Bautista at the International Center

Dr. Li Yang, the Director of the International Center and the Intensive English Language Program, and Katelyn Sullivan, the administrative assistant, share with us 9 things we need to know about the International Center here at Rowan.  1. Rowan hosts 170 international students The International Center assures that our international students have a smooth transition coming from abroad […]

#PROFspective: Secondary Education & History Major Joseph Bittmann

student poses for honor society

Today we meet Joseph Bittmann, a senior secondary education and history double major from Washington Township, Gloucester County. Joe talks about his #PROFspective on his final year at Rowan and how he’s successfully balancing being a club president, honor student, and Rowan Prof! Name: Joseph Bittmann Major: Dual major in Secondary Education and History within the College of Education […]

The Best of Both Worlds: Introducing Rowan Choice

Rowan University’s premier partnership with local community college Rowan College at Gloucester County (RCGC) is an innovative collaboration that offers a variety of pathways to earning a college education. One such pathway is Rowan Choice, a program that a few hundred students enroll in each year, with the goal of making college more accessible to South Jersey […]

The Rowan Connection: Community College Partners & You

Part of Rowan University’s commitment to affordability includes welcoming in thousands of transfer students each year. These students arrive at Rowan from as close as statewide community colleges and as far as from across the country. But, for those from two local nearby community colleges, there are serious perks to transferring into the Rowan family. Rowan currently has two […]