Innovative Scholarship Opportunities for High School Students

Welcome to high school. Here you are, ready to think about college. Wait. What? Already? Yes.

You might think your sophomore or junior years, even your freshman year, are way too early to think about college. Not so. As you live in the moment, don’t wait for the reality of college to hit you as you fill out college applications. Preparing early will lessen your stress, as you will be better prepared to face the financial commitment of college.

While you follow all of the application deadlines and submit necessary paperwork, you are likely to forget about the most important part: tuition.  Exactly how are you going to pay for college? It’s great if your parents are taking full financial responsibility. But what if you are a first-generation student and your parents cannot afford your tuition? Consulting with a financial aid adviser and admissions counselor might help, but our advice is to start ‘shopping’ for the right college now, in your freshman high school year, as the website comes to your rescue.

Essentially speaking, helps you to decide what college is right for you. targets 9-12th grade students and shows them the amount of micro-scholarships they will receive from the desired schools for their high school achievements. Of course, Rowan jumped on the opportunity to partninnovative-scholarship-opportunities-for-high-school-students-picture-1er with to offer you financial aid and make your college experience more affordable. Primarily, the website allows Rowan to reach freshmen high school students to help them earn the scholarships before they apply, rather than finding out later on.  On Rowan’s page you can see exactly what you are being awarded for.

Rowan does not solely focus on your academic progress, despite the 3.5 GPA requirement, but instead rewards students for non-academic ventures, like: becoming a member ($150 max) or a leader ($450) of a history club, volunteering ($3/hr.), visiting Rowan campus ($250), college fair ($25) or an off–campus event ($50). Rowan looks for students with good grades who are active members of the community. In addition, make sure you include all of your classes to meet the minimum 15 credits requirement, and once enrolled in Rowan maintain a 3.0 GPA.

And don’t forget to involve your parents! Let them help you build the profile reflecting all of your accomplishments. Following Rowan will earn you up to $6,000 in micro-scholarships per year, which Rowan will apply to your financial aid package. The University promises to award at least your scholarship total amount, if you meet all of the requirements. However, if you are eligible for a greater scholarship upon admission, then that scholarship award will include or replace micro-scholarships.  

Please share this post to let your high school friends know how a freshman can earn money to pay for Rowan. Click EARN TODAY to learn more.

By: Natalia Panfilova