Empowering Dreams: Meet Sreypich Heng, A Rowan University International Computer Science Senior Pursuing a Career in UX/UI Design

A close up of Sreypich with Bunce behind her.

This story is the first in a multi-part series highlighting the aspirations, hopes and dreams of a few of Rowan University’s international students. Read the other stories.  What is your long-term professional goal or dream career? “My long-term professional goal, or dream career, is to become a skilled UX/UI designer. I wouldn’t have thought that […]

Past Student Government President’s Mom Shares Insight on Transitioning to Parenting a College Student

Paige and her mom walking down Rowan Boulevard.

Today we hear from Lori Bathurst, a Rowan mom from Gloucester County, NJ. Lori’s daughter Paige will enter her senior year this fall as a supply chain and logistics major through the Rohrer College of Business, and holds the distinction of being a past president of Student Government Association (SGA). 

As an experienced Rowan parent, Lori shares her thoughts and insight to help new Rowan University parents as they navigate the transition from parenting a child at home to parenting a young adult embarking on their college experience. 

Paige sits formally on a rock ledge with pink flowers around her.
Paige, as a pre-first year student, visiting campus.

What are some first year essentials parents should know about what to bring, if their student is living on campus?

As a result of the pandemic, Paige moved on to campus as a sophomore and lived in an apartment her first year. Some items she utilized that were helpful was a foam mattress topper to help make her bed extra comfortable, along with a variety of pillows since dorm beds are beds and sofas depending on the time of the day. I think clever storage containers to help stay organized are extremely helpful. A drying rack for extra space for towels was something she needed once she was used to living on campus. Ikea was a great place for shopping. Target and Amazon were both very useful. If a student is staying in an apartment, it would be wise to start with basic kitchen items before shopping, instead of shopping as if the students will be cooking gourmet meals. Once they are settled in their apartment, they’ll discover if they need additional kitchen items depending on how much they actually cook.

How involved were you in facilitating a relationship between your student and their roommate, if at all? How involved were you in the decorating process?

I was not involved in facilitating identifying a roommate or determining a decorating process. That’s best left to the Rowan student as they discover themself.

Paige and her mom stand on Rowan Blvd.

How did you adjust to an ’empty nest’? How did you manage the emotions of drop off/move in?

Paige has younger twin brothers so we didn’t have to adjust to an ’empty nest’. Rowan was the perfect fit for Paige because she is close to her brothers and us, along with our extended family who all live in Gloucester County. She was able to live on campus and do her college thing, while connecting with her family when there was a special occasion or holiday. Her brothers were freshmen when she was a senior in high school so they experienced Spring 2020 together. She supported them through their high school careers and always made it a point to attend a marching band competition, fall play or spring musical performance, or tennis match at some point during the year to cheer them on like they had cheered her on during high school. As Paige’s parents, we are grateful that Rowan allows her to explore so many different avenues while still being able to easily connect with home when she was able. We also loved that we could attend events on campus when asked because she was nearby.

What is your stance on home visits? Do you limit them, to nudge your student toward making the most of the on campus experience?

We didn’t need to limit them because Paige wasn’t interest in staying at our house for entire weekends when she moved onto campus. She makes the most of her on campus experience by getting involved in a variety of activities so her schedule is always pretty filled outside of her class meetings. I think if my child was leaning toward coming home for entire weekends frequently in the beginning, I would encourage my child to try to commit to staying on campus during the weekends. The way I would do this would be to support them in finding out which activities are sponsored for the weekend. The first way a parent can do this is by encouraging them to check out Rowan After Hours (RAH) which sponsors activities at the Student Center on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 9 pm-1 am. The activities are student-centered, change daily, and are designed to be no pressure and fun. Your student could invite another student they met in a class, in their dorm, or in a club to go to a RAH event and see how they like it. There are also special events at Wilson Hall, plenty of athletic programs, the Recreation Center, and annual events like Homecoming and Hollybash. These are all good reasons to stay on campus more often during the school year. There are so many ways to get involved and make connections. If a student goes home too often, they might not get to fully experience these events, which will really help them balance their challenging coursework with a the reward of developing relationships with others and getting involved with their community.

Paige stands confidently with her arm on the rail behind Business Hall.

How did you support your student through homesickness?

Our family lives close enough to campus that it was probably hard to imagine our student feeling “homesick.” If that did happen, however, I would probably use some of the following strategies – send encouraging texts at different times during the day, have a set time or times to check in during the week with different formats – maybe a phone call, FaceTime, or Zoom. I would do this a couple times a week if needed, but I would work with my student to set a schedule ahead of time that meets his or her needs. It would be beneficial to not be having check-ins every day, but instead to help them be able to stretch them out. Maybe once a day, if they are struggling at first, and then move to every other day, then to every three days , and so on to help them become more independent. If they are living on Rowan’s campus, approaching their Community Assistant would be a great step because the Community Assistant can share some strategies for coping with homesickness and share some activity ideas to help them get more involved and feel more connected with campus activities. There are a lot of volunteer opportunities on campus and that’s always a great way to meet new people and to do something that helps you feel good and stay busy resulting in less homesickness.

How did you support your student through illness and/or mental health needs?

Teach your child that the Health Center and Counseling Center are their resources that are there to help them. When they are ill, they can visit the Health Center before urgent care or the emergency room depending on the severity of their illness and the hour of the day. The counseling center provides a variety of services and the counselors are interacting with many other students who are experiencing similar challenges. The counselors are specially trained to help them. Students should follow their gut, and reach out for help when that’s needed – to a friend, professor, community assistant, doctor at the health center or counselor at the counseling center, etc. Let them know that you will always be there to support them and that you always hope for open, transparent communication so they don’t have to be afraid of letting you know if they are struggling. Make sure they know about the 988 Crisis & Suicide Hotline that operates nationally. Additionally, there is a pet therapy facility on campus. There are spirituality and religious services available on campus. There are multiple religious affiliations in Glassboro and surrounding towns eager to support Rowan students. No matter the physical illness or mental health need, there are services available. Always reach out when help is needed.

An over the shoulder shot of Paige and her mom.

How do you balance fostering independence vs. safety concerns – aka, do you require check-ins with parents? What’s your stance on Life360?

We don’t have Life360 on our phones. We can track through our phones to see where a phone is, but we recognize it’s possible for young people to disable that feature. We have talked to our daughter via text, phone, or FaceTime a couple times a week throughout her time at Rowan. She also attends special events with us because we live so near to the campus. I personally think it’s healthy to give more freedom and independence to our young people. Thinking back to when we were kids, our parents couldn’t track us, check our grades online, etc. They trusted us to be responsible and tell the truth. For the most part, young people do that. It’s natural that they might be leaving “a small part” out of the story as they grow and mature. Parents know their students best and should follow the students lead to a certain degree. Determine where the happy place is for your relationship between safety and independence. Have the conversations early and often and make sure you are on the same page. Regular, clear communication early and often can help prevent a feeling of being caught off guard later on.

How do you approach spending money – is your student 100% on their own for ‘fun money’? Did you nudge your student to get a job locally or on campus? Did you prepare your student for budgeting?

Our student has a job on campus for spending money. That money is her budget to use for things that she wants or thinks she needs. She has worked really hard obtaining scholarships and works as a community assistant to cover her room and board. My husband and I gave her a car, pay for its insurance, and maintenance. We pay for medical insurance and cover all medical costs. We help toward the cost of travel, some purchases, and some things that are unexpected. When she is with us meals are covered, tickets to events, etc. If she is going out with friends to events, she typically covers those costs herself. Occasionally, I look over her spending to make sure it’s reasonable. She has a savings account and an account for her bank card. It’s good to obtain a credit card in the latter half of college to begin to establish credit.

Paige sits on Bunce Hall's marble steps.

What is your stance on grades – do you ask your student to show you their grades, or do you log into their Canvas yourself for updates? Why does your approach work for you?

We verbally check in with our student about grades a couple times a semester. She usually shows her grades to us after semesters, but we haven’t always been formal about that step. We have never logged onto Canvas ourselves to check her grades. Again, when I was a student at Rowan, our grades came in the mail. I would open the envelope and share my grades with my parents because I was proud of my hard work not because I had to. My parents gave me a thousand dollars toward college, but other than that I paid for my college education by working throughout the four years and choosing to commute. I never could have done it by myself if my parents didn’t allow me to live at home rent free and help me out if I had an emergency with an unexpected cost. Our goal for our children is that they will do the right thing due to their internal motivation, not fully as a result of their external motivation centered on me.

What conversations did you have around safety and socializing before your student started college?

We have talked about our hopes and expectations surrounding drugs and alcohol. We discuss sexual relationships and safety on campus. Sadly, gun violence prevention and response is a conversation that parents have to have with their young person. Students should review the safety resources with their community assistants and ask additional questions when they have them. Parents can sign up for a texting service to let you know if a safety or security concern has occurred on campus. Mental health discussions should also be part of the conversations you have this summer before arriving on campus. If your child responds that they are fine and don’t need the information when you bring it up this summer, tell them it’s okay, you still want to talk because it might be something they remember in the future when they need some help and might be a conversation they can refer back to when they are trying to help another person.

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Randy Bushman: A Rowan Global Student Starting a Career in Computer Science

Randy bushman header photo

Randy Bushman, a Rowan University alumnus who graduated with a degree in Computer Science, decided his alma mater would be a great fit to pursue his master’s degree. Now, this Rowan Global student is poised to begin his career at a world-renowned research institution just a few hours from campus. Read on to learn how Randy’s education and internships prepared him for his next chapter.

Randy gained a lot of valuable research experience while earning his undergraduate degree. Along with his coursework, he developed relationships with his professors that turned into opportunities.

“The computer science department has a collaboration with Bristol Myers Squibb, a pharmaceutical industrial company,” he explains. “A professor recommended me for an open research position during my undergrad, and I got a position designing software analysis for nuclear chemistry.” 

His momentum did not stop there. Randy learned of a scholarship opportunity called SFS: Scholarship for Service.

Randy sitting outside Rowan Hall.

“Basically, SFS is a program that offers tuition remission in exchange for employment with the government. My professor recommended me for the scholarship, I interviewed for the position, and I landed it. I was actually able to start taking graduate-level courses my senior year of undergrad and got them paid for.” 

This summer, Randy fulfilled his part of the deal and worked for ACE (Advance Course Engineering). ACE is a military-oriented internship that focuses heavily on cybersecurity, cyber warfare, teamwork and leadership.

“Through ACE, I got to work with people in the Air Force. I learned a lot about cybersecurity and cyber defense. I was able to apply a lot of what I learned in class throughout that experience,” he says. Now, Randy is pursuing his master’s in Computer Science, completely funded by the SFS.

Randy standing outside Rowan Hall.

“Grad school is definitely challenging. The major difference is that there is a lot less work, but it is a lot more difficult. I really try to keep on top of studying all of the material to make sure I don’t get off-track,” he says.

Although the program is challenging, Randy spoke about how supported he felt by professors in the department. “The faculty here are just great. They introduced me to so many opportunities that I didn’t know existed,” he says. “What I learned in class also really prepared me and gave me a solid foundation that I applied to each internship.” 

Looking ahead, Randy already has a job lined up after he graduates this spring.

Randy sitting on steps inside Rowan Hall.

“I got a job offer at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab doing cyber defense. I am so happy to start this new chapter with so much experience that I gained from Rowan University and my prior internship opportunities.” 

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

Photos by:
Ashley Craven, junior sports communication and media major

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Matt smiles outdoors in front of fall foliage on Rowan's campus.

Matt Ruiz, a CPT Exercise Planning Officer, used his Armed Services Assistance ROTC Scholarship to earn a liberal studies degree, which helped him build life skills that he now uses as an office in the United States Army. “I would say that the biggest thing, getting the scholarship and doing the ROTC program here, it […]

Alumni Success: Dr. Janelle Alexander, Director of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Belonging at Washington Township Public Schools

Today we feature Dr. Janelle Alexander, a Rowan alumna who earned a bachelor of arts in Special Education in 2001 and a doctor of philosophy in Education and Disability Studies in 2020. Dr. Alexander was selected as the Washington Township Public School Distict’s first-ever Director of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Belonging this 2021-2022 academic year. 

Why did you choose Rowan to study Special Education? In other words, Why did Rowan stand out to you in your college search?

I initially did not want to attend Rowan to pursue my academic career because my mom went to school there when it was Glassboro State. I felt that I have always been reflective in the mindset that “if Harvard was in my backyard, would I not go?”

When looking at the major I wanted to study and understanding that Rowan was known for education, I quickly realized that not going to Rowan simply because of how close it was to home and because my mom attended the University was foolish.

At the end of the day, I knew Rowan produced quality educators and I saw the impact that Rowan’s education had on others, particularly like my mother who has been an amazing educator who taught in the Camden City School District for many years. I decided Rowan was a good fit for me to pursue my academic goals and to prepare me for my future endeavors in the education field. 

Why did you decide to go back to Rowan to obtain your Ph.D.? 

I always aspired to earn a terminal degree. I had a conversation with Dr. Monika Williams Shealey, who was extremely helpful in guiding me and sharing the positives and negatives of the different paths I could take in furthering my education at Rowan. I learned that obtaining a Ph.D. provided more opportunities in my eyes to being a practitioner from a research perspective.

To obtain and earn a Ph.D. that focused on access, success and equity was appealing to me. Within the Ph.D. program at Rowan, there was something called HOLMES Scholars, and within this component of the Ph.D. program you are connected with doctoral students of color nationally. In particular, there is a small percentage of females of color who have their Ph.D.’s. This created another network in which these scholars can be supported from and attracted me to this program. I wanted to be impactful in this area and grow my skill sets to be able to make a change, and Rowan gave me the resources, support and mentorships to do so. 

Janelle in her doctoral regalia.
Janelle in her doctoral regalia.

When did you know you wanted to study disability studies for your Ph.D.?

My undergraduate degree was in special education. I found that there was not a place that critiqued education. Educators and administration do not always get it right. Disability studies allowed me to question how we socially construct ability. I like to educate those into understanding how everyone learns differently, engage in the world differently, and therefore can learn from each other’s differences. I believe ability is socially constructed and that we have created and put barriers in place. This study allowed me to not only critique but have a voice.

How did you find out about the position for the first-ever Director of DEIB for Washington Township Schools?

The position was posted by … it honestly was not a position that was on my radar. I was recommended by two colleagues of mine that work in the school district and that were familiar with my work. 

Janelle in her doctoral regalia with Ph.D superman shirt.

What does this position entail for you? What does a typical day look like for you?

Because I am the inaugural director, I am currently on a listening and learning tour where I engage with administrators, community members and families, and over the next few weeks I will be shadowing students in the classroom. There are 13 schools in the school district in which I work and will be spending a day with one or two students in each respective school. During this time I will be going to lunch with them, going to the bus stop, sitting in on their classes and learning through experiencing school life with the kids. I believe there is no better way to learn on how to do things better in a school than to actually sit down with the kids, observe and start conversations with them. 

From this experience I will gather all my data, along with some general demographic data, propose a strategy plan, and then use all the work that is happening now to propel goals and objectives to the district to move closer to the goals of being more diverse, inclusive, equitable, and a place where everyone feels they belong. 

What is your overall goal as working in this position? What do you hope to gain from this experience?

Overall my goal is to set the ripple. I want to set the ripple of a space where students, staff, administrators and all people in education feel seen, valued, and heard. I say “set the ripple” because a ripple starts a wave and a wave leads to a tsunami. As the first director of Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Belonging, I want to make a difference and influence others to make a difference as well. 

Janelle Alexander.

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Story by:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major

Photos courtesy of:
Janelle Alexander

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Alumni Success: Catherine Chambers ‘16, Where My Music Education Degree Has Taken Me

Rowan Global Student Makes History as First to Earn Diversity and Inclusion Certificate of Graduate Study

Cyreelle Cruz, RIPPAC Member and Scholarship Recipient, Shares Her Story

Exterior shot of the top of Bunce Hall.

Rowan Institute for Public Policy & Citizenship (RIPPAC) member and recent scholarship recipient Cyreelle Cruz, a junior History major from Camden County, shares how the connections she has made with Rowan faculty have taken her to the next level. 

What got you interested in your major?

Since I was a freshman in high school, I was always really good at history. Everyone else dreaded history classes, but I always felt cool knowing I did well in the classes. Since I had a really good AP history test score, I was able to bypass a college course.

I started as a Computer Science major because that’s what I thought I wanted to do, but when it came down to it, I decided to change it to something I knew I loved and I was good at.

How did you find out about the RIPPAC internship scholarships? [editor’s note: these scholarships help offset the costs of taking on an unpaid internship]

I was lucky enough to have Professor Dworkin in class, who happens to be the head of RIPPAC. He talked non-stop in the class about the scholarship and how to apply for it. I was hesitant at first because I work two jobs and didn’t know if I could take on another commitment. But after hearing about all of the benefits of the opportunity, I started to ask myself, “What if this would be more beneficial to my future than working two jobs?”

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to apply for the James P. Fox Memorial Fund. 

Cyreelle sitting while looking at her phone.

Describe your internship and the work you do.

I intern with the Addiego, Natale and Eckel campaign for State Senate and Assembly. The people are really great and I never feel overwhelmed or pressured with the workload. We do a lot of event research and will even start to attend events in the future. We are in the process of recruiting more members and making lots of phone calls. It’s been an awesome experience so far!

What is your advice for other students who want to apply for internships?

I would say it’s so important to utilize the connections with professors. I don’t know how I would have done it without the guidance and encouragement from Professor Dworkin. I remember I would try to find internships/jobs on Indeed and other external websites, but it would never work out. But your professors are there to help you and get you the opportunities you want, so don’t be afraid to ask for that help.

A selfie of Cyreelle

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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major

Header photo by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major

Other photos courtesy of:
Cyreelle Cruz

Andrew Slowinski, 2021 Rick Rosenberg Jr. Memorial Scholarship Recipient

Exterior shot of Robinson Hall.

Today we feature Andrew Slowinski, a junior Political Science major. Andrew also minors in Economics and is from Toms River, NJ (Ocean County). Andrew shares his internship experience this past summer as a recipient of the 2021 Rick Rosenberg Jr. Memorial Scholarship.  

According to the Rowan Institute of Public Policy and Citizenship (RIPPAC), the scholarship awards $2,500 for a student to take an unpaid summer internship “and aspire to pursue a future political career like the late Rick Rosenberg, Jr., the Republican political operative.”

    What got you interested in political science?

    Back in my junior year of high school I took a class called Political and Legal Education because the class I originally wanted to take was not available. I decided to take this class after having a few options to choose from. I quickly realized that I really liked learning about the political science field and I thoroughly enjoyed taking the class.

    During the class there was a legal chapter where we had to do a mock trial, which I thought was very fun. After that class I decided to make a career out of it.

    Andrew Slowinski.
    Andrew Slowinski

    How did you find out about the Rosenberg scholarship?

    Professor Dworkin introduced me to this scholarship and internship opportunity. I met Professor Dworkin through a club I am part of called the Rowan Institute for Public Policy & Citizenship (RIPPAC). He told me to check out the RIPPAC internship scholarships available, and that is how I found the Rick Rosenberg, Jr. Memorial Scholarship.

    What are your responsibilities in your internship?

    I interned at the New Jersey Office of the Public Defender, and I had several responsibilities for the summer. First off, my supervisor would send me documents, court reports and testimonies to look over and prepare for upcoming court that we had. I would outline key sections that would be of value to us, write questions for cross-examination and write memos. An example of a memo I have written was a memo for reconsideration and I would apply it to a case we currently have because the judge ruled it not the way we hoped … therefore we ask for reconsideration.

    The internship took place over the whole summer, and we had court at least five times a week.

    Andrew (left)with friends Brandon, Tyler, and Joey at Joey's sisters wedding.
    Andrew (left) with friends Brandon, Tyler, and Joey at Joey’s sister’s wedding.

    What are your professional goals?

    After undergrad I will be attending law school; I am not sure on where I want to get my law degree from yet. From there I am still deciding on whether I want to become a lawyer or a judge for my future profession. 

    What advice do you have for other students seeking political science internships?

    Networking is imperative when it comes to seeking out any internship or scholarship opportunities. I reached out to Professor Dworkin, and he helped me build a well-written resume. In high school I interned for a U.S. congressman because my mom’s friend is a supervisor and she assisted in helping me get that internship at such an early age.

    Networking and reaching out to friends or family that may work in your area of interest is huge when starting out. 

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    Story by:
    Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major

    Photos courtesy of:
    Andrew Slowinski

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    University Publications

    Rowan Foundation Scholarships: Which Ones To Apply To and Where To Find Them

    Rowan Owl Statue

    Today a member of our Rowan Blog team, Rachel Rumsby, shares advice about Rowan’s Foundation Scholarships. Rachel is a junior Communication Studies and Public Relations double major. Rachel is an on-campus resident from River Edge, NJ (Bergen County).  Paying for school is a struggle for some. Applying to scholarships is a great way to help […]

    In Case You Missed It: Top 10 Most Popular Blog Posts This School Year!

    Today, we will share our top 10 most popular stories from the blog for the 2020-21 school year. If you missed any of these great stories, be sure to check them out! 

    1. Alumni Success: New Jersey State Police Sergeant Danyel Barnes

    Headshot of Danyel in uniform wearing a mask.

    “Danyel Barnes, a 1994 alumnus, shares his Rowan story and how it shaped his life today as a Sergeant with the New Jersey State Police.”

    2. How to Apply for Scholarships at Rowan University

    Wide exterior shot of Bunce Hall.

    “Admissions counselor Amanda Kuster explains how scholarships work at Rowan and shares how prospective students can earn more money for college. “

    3. TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Future Chemistry Teacher Trevor Jones

    Trevor smiles outside of Science Hall wearing a white T-shirt.

    “In this story, we feature Trevor Jones, a senior first-generation college student majoring in chemistry education. Trevor transferred his junior year and is from Trenton, NJ (Mercer County). He is a resident assistant at the Nexus apartments and is involved with various clubs such as rugby, Men of Color Alliance (MOCA), and Student Organization for Caribbean Awareness.”

    4. Alumni Success: Teacher and Soror Kathleen Gordy-Mathis

    Kathleen smiles wearing a black leather jacket outside her home.

    “Kathleen Gordy-Mathis, an alumna and current preschool teacher, tells us about her amazing experiences since graduating. Kathleen graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in Communications with a specialization in Public Relations in 1990.”

    5. TRANSFERmation Tuesday: Studio Art Major Christine Stewart

    Christine smiles while seated outside on campus.

    “In this story, we welcome Christine Stewart, a transfer student from Cumberland County College. They are a junior majoring in Studio Art with a specialization in Graphic Design from Pennsauken, NJ (Camden County). They are also involved in Prism, Queer People of Color (QPOC), and Women of Westby.”

    6. Faculty PROFile: Journey into the Entrepreneurial Mindset with Dr. Susana C. Santos, Rohrer College of Business

    Dr. Susana stands by a railing inside Business Hall.

    “Meet Dr. Susana C. Santos, assistant professor of Management and Entrepreneurship within the Rohrer College of Business. Rowan Global Learning and Partnerships awarded Dr. Santos its Excellence in Online Learning faculty award last year. Learn more about Dr. Santos, her teaching, and how she created an inventive, daily exercise to build online engagement with her students.”

    7. Alumni Success: Student-Athlete, Trailblazer Brad K. Leak

    Rowan alumnus Brad Leak poses by the Shady Rest Clubhouse sign.

    “In this story, we feature alumnus Brad K. Leak ’94, who earned a bachelor of science degree in Business with a specialization in Accounting. He also led the men’s Track & Field team as captain from 1991 to 94. As a three-time all-American champion, Brad wisely balanced the many responsibilities of being a student, an athlete, and a leader.”

    8. The Importance of Unstructured Time

    Landyn posing outside Bunce Hall while wearing a Rowan jacket.

    “This article is part of a running series with Rowan University’s Healthy Campus Initiatives. This collaboration aims to educate students about personal well-being options.” Landyn Bacanskas, a Biomedical Engineering major, wrote this piece on the power of a “mental recess break.”

    9. 7 Dance Majors Share How Their Degree Supports Their Dreams and Goals 

    Grace dancing in a dance studio in Memorial Hall.

    “Seven Dance majors share how they’re dreaming big and how their degree is going to get them there.”

    10.  Leadership #PROFspective: Yashaswi Parikh, Uplifting Leader, Cofounder, and Copresident of Rowan SASA

    Yashaswi sitting on a Gazebo outside near Bunce.

    “In this article, we speak with Yashaswi Parikh, cofounder, and co-president of the Rowan South Asian Students Association as well as sunshine chair of Alpha Phi Omega (APO). As sunshine chair, she works to bring joy and happiness to the organization! Yashaswi is a senior Biological Sciences major and Spanish minor who is part of the 3+4 BS/DO program and the Bantivoglio Honors Concentration. She calls Monroe Township in Middlesex County her hometown.”

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    Stories and Photos by: 
    Various Digital Content Contributors from the Rowan Blog

    Post by:
    Rachel Rumsby, junior communication studies and public relations double major

    Yes, Mama, YOU CAN DO IT!

    Alexis holds her son outside on campus.

    Alexis Houck is a junior Advertising major and a certificate of undergraduate study (CUGS) in graphic design student from Ocean County, NJ. She shares her first-person perspective, tips and advice for the mom going back to college.  

    Two years ago, I was at a dead-end job being paid minimum wage not feeling very fulfilled with my life. I was married, and my husband worked hard to take care of us. I had always thought about going to college, but unfortunately, I could not afford the luxury of it straight out of high school. I also lacked the support, guidance and help to get into one.

    Portrait of author Alexis on campus.

    Well, that all changed July 2018 when I saw two pink lines and I knew. It was time to go back to school. I understood the challenges I was about to face being a new mom and now a [first year student] in college. Yet, I knew the importance of an education.

    The second I saw the positive pregnancy test I knew I wanted, I needed, to do more for my baby. He needed parents who were not too stressed out about money and bills to enjoy life and parenthood. I wanted to make sure we could live comfortably on two incomes not just one. I wanted to make sure my child knew how important an education and hard work is.

    I made the right choice to go back to college, and I started that fall. Of course, when my son was born, I took one semester off and then jumped right back into it. I now have my associate degree and am currently working on my bachelor’s in advertising and undergraduate study in graphic design here at Rowan University.

    Alexis, her son and husband walk through the Rowan welcome gate.

    I could not be prouder of being a Rowan Prof even at 30 years old with a 2-year-old at home. If I can do it so, can you. I hope I can inspire some hope and encourage you to further your education here at Rowan University.

    Stop asking how and why? Stop questioning if you could do it because yes, Mama, YOU CAN DO IT!                          

    Here are a few tips and advice for the mama starting your college education journey here at Rowan University:

    • Talk to an advisor and be realistic.

    This is a big one. You need to be honest, talk about what you want to do. If you are unsure this is where you and your advisor discuss your strengths and what you have a particular interest in. I changed my major three times before I finally found the one I love. Ask your advisor about the courses you need to take and how much time you will need to delegate to your studies. Rowan offers full-time and part-time enrollment. I prefer full-time, but do what you can. Certain degree programs only have day classes; making a schedule that is realistic and works for you and your family is crucial. College and being a parent are hard enough; do not stress yourself out any more than you need to.

    • Financial aid, grants and other scholarships are available!

    Financial aid and grants have been super helpful! Make sure to apply in time and get that situated ASAP. Scholarships are available as well. Make sure to do your research so you know you will be prepared and financially stable during your time at Rowan.

    Alexis holds her son and poses with her husband on campus.

    • Rowan supports parents with a family-friendly campus!

    Rowan has on-campus childcare. It is called the “Early Childhood Demonstration Center,” home of the Little Owls! They are parenting friendly at Rowan — they even have a Lactation Center and Nursing Mothers’ Room available, which is open Monday through Friday, they even provide storage for your milk! 

    Rowan is a “family-friendly campus.” Rowan offers resources and events for all students who are parents. Rowan CCAMPIS Program (Child Care Access Means Parents In School), offers free or low-cost tuition for eligible students’ children at the Early Childhood Demonstration Center as well as social and academic services designed just for college student parents. Rowan also has events for student parents who attend the university! Join in! You will meet others going through exactly what you are, and you can really lean on each other.

    • Stay organized and keep your family on a schedule.

    Make sure you have an area in your home you can designate to your studies, a nice, quiet and organized place where you can store all your school supplies that is away from any distractions. Due to COVID I know it is tough to find places nearby, luckily Rowan has some great on-campus options including the library. When you are going back to college, you need to pick out a regular time each week to get the work done. I personally make evenings a time to get my work done. I cook dinner and then my husband takes over for bath and bed time while I get my work done. Once you schedule your time for your assignments, treat it like you would a doctor appointment for your child(ren). You and your work are important, too. Let the rest of the family know that you are unavailable at these times.

    • Let your support system help you.

    Thankfully, I have an amazing husband and family who support me in my goals and help as much as they can. There will be days when unexpected things happen, I mean, come on, we are parents!!! It’s important to acknowledge that you will need some help to get it all done. Make sure to let your support system help when they can. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, it takes a village.

    Alexis smiles with her son and husband.

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    Alexis Houck, junior advertising major

    Beyond The Classroom: Senior Liam Cutri-French On Engineering Opportunities

    Liam sitting outside on the Engineering steps.

    Today we feature Liam Cutri-French, a senior Civil and Environmental major with an Honors concentration. Liam is from Glen Gardner, NJ (Hunterdon County). He is the local project lead for Engineers Without Borders, a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and a member of the Engineering Honors Society. He also stays active on […]

    How to Apply for Scholarships at Rowan University

    Admissions counselor Amanda Marcks explains how scholarships work at Rowan and shares how prospective students can earn more money for college. Are you a continuing Rowan student? Check out our other story on scholarships for current students here

    Reviewed for accuracy and updated October 2023. 

    You’re probably asking yourself, “Why can’t I find a scholarship application for Rowan?!” At Rowan, we do not have a separate scholarship application. 

    If you apply to Rowan before January 31, you will be reviewed for both admission and for a potential scholarship at the same time. We are test optional, meaning we are not going to be using SAT or ACT to determine merit scholarship eligibility. Instead, we will be taking a close look at your high school transcript and evaluating courses taken, grades received for those courses, and your overall GPA to determine if you are eligible for a merit scholarship.

    A student works on his laptop in the Student Center.

    Our merit scholarships range from $3,500 to $9,000, and they are annual as long as you maintain a 2.5 GPA while here at Rowan. When reviewing different packages from other colleges and universities, you always want to read the fine print to see if a scholarship is annual or a one-time transaction. 

    Along with merit scholarships, we are also on RaiseMe, which is a microscholarship platform that awards students for their achievements. If you are a high school freshman, sophomore or junior, I encourage you to check the site out and put a profile together! By doing the things you’re already doing, you can earn scholarship money for taking an honors course, getting an A in a college prep class, volunteering, visiting Rowan, and many more. 

    Two students walk on campus.

    Merit scholarships and RaiseMe scholarships are not stackable; it is one or the other. At Rowan, we will always award you the most amount of money. So, if you earned a $9,000 merit scholarship, and you are getting $5,000 from RaiseMe, you will not get a total of $14,000, you will get $9,000 since that is the highest amount. 

    Scholarships are a great way to help reduce the cost of attending Rowan. Read more about the scholarships and awards we offer here. If you have any questions regarding scholarships, please feel free to contact our office at admissions@rowan.edu.

    Headshot of Amanda Marcks.
    Author Amanda Marcks, Assistant Director of Admissions

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    Story by:
    Amanda Marcks, Assistant Director of Admissions

    Header photo by:
    Anthony Raisley, senior history major

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    College Admissions Glossary

    I’m Not Sure What to Major in, is That Normal?

    Senior Reflects: Multi-Talented Artist, New Grad Leann Carlson

    Meet Leann Carlson, a recent graduate, studio art major and art history minor from Vineland, New Jersey (Cumberland County) who commuted during her time as a student here at Rowan University. Rowan Blog featured Leann after her semester abroad on a prestigious art scholarship

    Leann Carlson at an artist's exhibition

    Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes. My favorite memories in the classroom were when the printmaking students would have Dusk ’til Dawn every semester. It’s one night where we students stay in the building from 6 p.m. – 6 a.m. and make art/prepare for finals. We take a big group picture at midnight and I always had a great time participating in it. 

    What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? The most meaningful moment to me during my time in college was the opening reception night of my senior thesis exhibition. I spent the entire day setting up for it and so many of my friends, family and faculty members came out to support me. It made me feel really loved and I’ll honestly never forget it. 

    Leann working on a screen printing in the studio at Westby Hall on campus.

    What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? I love being an artist so much, and there’s so many different things that I want to do throughout the course of my life with it. One thing, in particular, is that I’d like to work for a museum and become a curator. I realized this through my job at the Rowan University Art Gallery, where I got to work behind the scenes and learn the ins and outs of how a gallery operates.

    Leann Carlson inside the Rowan Art Gallery

    Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? I’d really like to thank all of my close friends, my dad, sister, my aunt Leslie, my uncle Dewey and my Grandmom. I also want to thank my bosses at the Gallery, Mary and Jillian, my advisor and print professor, Dave Vaccaro, and my professors, Doc Appelson, Dr. Adelson, Adam Gustavson, Amanda Almon, and children’s book author, DyAnne DiSalvo!  I feel so blessed and loved. You have all had such a positive impact on my life as an artist and as a person in general. Thank you so much for everything! 

    Leann with fellow students inside Westby Hall

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    #PROFspective: Junior Reflects on Leaving Campus, Hopes to be “Back in Glassboro Soon”

    Today, we feature Alexander Weisberger, a junior Biochemistry major from Fair Lawn, NJ (Bergen County). We were able to speak to Alexander just before he was getting ready to leave campus because of social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19. Next year he will live off campus, after living on campus in the Townhouses this year. 

    How do you feel about leaving Rowan in the middle of the year?
    I am definitely disappointed that we all had to leave Rowan in the middle of the year. I had a lot of personal and academic plans that ended up being cancelled due to the pandemic. What gives me some comfort though is knowing that we’re all in the same boat and that we’ll hopefully be back in Glassboro soon.”

    Alexander walks down Route 322 with a box

    What’s inside that box?
    “The box I was carrying had supplies for the Pre-Health Society’s station at the Haunted Student Center event. Every year, the Pre-Health Society participates in a big Halloween event in the student center called “The Haunted Student Center,” where all of the clubs either decorate a stand or a room and hand out candy to some of the children in Glassboro in a safe and fun environment. It’s a fun event for the kids, and our club is happy to participate in it.”

    What clubs are you a part of?
    “This year I was part of the Rowan Pre-Health Society, Ambassadors, RUSSS (Rowan Student Scholar Symposium) and the Honors Problem Based Learning group.”
    Alexander carrying a box outside
    What fun things are you missing on campus right now?
    “I’d say the biggest thing I am missing on campus is the Pre-Health Society Cooper Rowan Clinic Gala. The Gala is a charity event that we host yearly to benefit the Cooper Rowan Clinic that’s run by medical students at CMSRU. It’s a free clinic that gives medical treatment to the underserved population in Camden, and we host the event to raise money to assist them in buying supplies. Our second annual Gala was supposed to take place in early April, but we had to cancel it. My fellow executive board members and I had been working on setting the event up since mid-last year, so it was unfortunate that it ended this way.”

    Any advice or words of encouragement to those missing school right now?
    “I’d say that it’s important to recognize that we’re all in the same boat right now and the best thing to do is work on improving yourself with all of the free time we have. We’re not going to be stuck in quarantine forever, so it would be really cool to come out of quarantine in good physical health, with a few new hobbies, or even some new knowledge.”

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    Story by:
    Bianca Torres, junior music industry major

    5 Financial Tips to Help You Graduate Debt Free

    Scattered dollar bills.

    This spring, I will graduate with no college loan debt, but I was kind of dealt the financial aid jackpot when I applied for college. I live with a single mom who had two other kids in college. Due to my situation, I was eligible for multiple grants and scholarships at any college I picked.

    Public relations major Maria Mancini at her Glassboro home
    Public relations major Maria Mancini will graduate this spring debt free.

    Although I got a lot of help through financial aid, here are some tips for high school and college students for saving money and graduating debt free. 

    • Take advantage of high school classes that can earn you college credits.

    In high school I was able to take advanced placement (AP) courses such as AP calculus AB and BC. At the end of the marking period, I then took AP tests to earn college credit for those classes. Taking advantage of these classes allowed me to graduate with a whole semester worth of college credits.

    There was also a course called High School Option. This meant you had a period or two free, but you attended a college course at your local community college. Both of these options allow high school students to receive college credits at low costs. Now, there are even more opportunities for high school students to receive college credits. My cousin attended GCIT, where she graduated with almost a full year of college finished. 

    • Apply for grants and scholarships and don’t miss the deadlines.

    Another way to lessen your student debt is to apply to all grants and scholarships that are available to you. Local businesses and organizations in my town gave out scholarships to high school students. I was able to take advantage of these and although it may not have been tens of thousands of dollars, I was able to use that scholarship money and pay for books for two years of college.

    Each state also gives out grants and financial aid, but there are deadlines for both of these. It is very important that you do not miss these deadlines. Missing these deadlines can result in you not getting the full financial aid you are eligible for. 

    • Consider going to your community college for 2 years. 

    While you may not get the full college experience, going to community college allows you to finish your first 2 years of college at a third of the cost, possibly even less. Going to a community college cuts down the cost because you only pay for the classes that you are taking. You don’t have to pay for room and board, a meal plan or all the additional expenses that a 4-year college charges you. Attending a community college also allows you to work part time or possibly full time. This can help you pay out of pocket for your classes you are taking or it will give you an income to help save money for when you transfer to a 4-year college. Either way, attending a community college will help you cut expenses and college costs in the long run.  

    • Create a budget and stick to it!

    The first step to creating a budget is calculating all of your monthly expenses. This means going through your bank statements and receipts and figuring out how much you spend and what you spend it on each month. Next, calculate your monthly income. Once this is all determined, you can figure out how much money you are left with each month. In order to save or pay off debt, you must create a budget. It can be to save $100 every week or $200 a month. Whatever you determine your budget will be, it is important to stick to it!

    • Apply for a work-study or to be an RA.

    Another option for college students is applying for a work-study on campus or applying to become a resident assistant (RA). Work studies are a great way to gain experience with on-campus jobs and can also connect you with a lot of resourceful connections for after you graduate. R.A’s get free housing, but also a lot of responsibility that may leave you not gaining the full college experience, if that is what you are looking for. Both of these options allow college students to lessen the cost of college or allow you to make money while attending college. 

    Using these 5 tips can help you towards graduating with little to no debt. 

    Public relations senior Maria Mancini at her home

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    Maria Mancini, senior public relations major

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    #PROFspective: International Engineering Student Thai Nghiem

    Thai Nghiem stands on the steps inside the Engineering Hall lobby

    Name: Thai Nghiem

    Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Minor: Computer Science

    Year: Senior

    Are you a first-generation college student? No

    Hometown and county: Hanoi, Vietnam

    Commuter: Yes. I’m commuting from Franklinville, NJ (Gloucester County)

    Academic clubs you are a part of: Bantivoglio Honors Concentration, Tau Beta Pi – Engineering Honor Society

    Social clubs you are a part of: Rowan Cru – Secretary

    Thai sits in a round orange chair in the bridge connecting the two engineering buildings at Rowan University.Do you work on campus? I worked in the library as a Technology Desk Specialist for a year.

    Share an “aha!” moment you’ve had within your major that made you feel passionate about your intended field. I was always good at math and physics in high school, and since Rowan offered an outstanding engineering program, I did not hesitate to choose engineering as my major. 

    Describe an on-campus experience (academic or non-academic) in which you felt that your future goals are supported. I found the Career Fair on-campus very helpful, as I landed many interviews and two internships. The two engineering internships were with Ellenby Technologies and American Water. Both of them offered me competitive pay and treated me as a regular employee; they trusted and assigned me with great responsibilities. I had a great time interning with them and gained a great deal of practical knowledge and industrial experience. I would recommend everybody of all majors attend the Rowan Career Fair. 

    Thai is pictured behind a handrail as he walks up the steps holding a red and black toolbox .
    On a typical day, Thai brings his toolbox with him to work on projects in Engineering Hall.

    Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you? My freshman year (2015), Rowan Cru held a Halloween party at the International House, where I used to live. As an international student, I did not have a lot of friends back then, especially those who are American. The event was a great deal to me, as I got to meet and talk to new people who were very friendly and helpful. Since it’s hard for an international student to get a car and a driving licence, many of them offered me rides to ShopRite whenever I needed. Furthermore, they invited me to be a part of their club — Rowan Cru, where I continued to make new wonderful relationships and great memories.

    Why did you choose Rowan? Actually, Rowan found and chose me. I uploaded my resume on a merit-aid website, and Rowan officials contacted me. Due to the generous international scholarship, I was able to attend Henry Rowan College of Engineering. 

    Thai works on a project in the Engineering Hall lobby between classes.

    On your busiest day, what academic, non-academic and social responsibilities are you juggling? On my busiest day, I am juggling between exams, my part-time job at the library, and leading a Bible study session at Rowan Cru. There are tough times, but those are what make us a better person. My friends in Cru, as well as my classmates, help each other through stressful times. I really appreciate these people and always enjoy spending time with them. 

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    Story by:
    Thai Nghiem, senior electrical and computer engineering major

    Photography by:
    Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

    Studio Art Major Earns Scholarship Opportunity of a Lifetime

    Senior Studio Art major Leann Carlson had always stayed close to her home in Vineland, NJ (Cumberland County). But when the opportunity of a lifetime popped into her Rowan email inbox last year, she took it as a sign to step out of her comfort zone and explore all that the world of art has to offer. Little did she know that one semester later, she’d be traveling solo to several countries, making lifelong memories and friends, and enhancing her art skills in Florence, Italy!

    Leann arranges tubs of colorful paint on a table in the studio at Westby Hall
    Leann arranges her paints to work on a screen printing project

    Leann applied to the Seward Johnson Artist Development Travel Scholarship on a whim last winter, remembering how fascinated she was with the award after hearing about it during her freshman year. And when her best friend, Joe Cimino, received the award last year, she was so excited to hear all of his stories and see his work from the trip. It is a prestigious art scholarship for upperclassmen in the Art Department to study at Studio Art College International (SACI) in Florence, Italy for a whole semester, covering tuition, transportation, housing and more.

    When I first applied, I wasn’t 100% sure I would be right for the opportunity, but I knew I would regret it if I didn’t at least try,” she reflects. “And when they told me I got it, I knew I couldn’t give it up, no matter how nervous I was.”

    Leann spent the next weeks preparing for the trip any way that she could. She studied Italian using apps such as Duolingo and Babble, and received translation books for Christmas. Joe told her stories of his time in Italy, and advised her on what to pack for the trip. He even shared a list of recommendations for restaurants, cafés and attractions to visit while she was there!

    Leann standing in front of the Eiffel Tower.“It was terrifying at first. To travel alone, it takes a lot of courage and confidence. You have to be smart about what you’re doing and consider the language barrier,” Leann says. “This was a big jump for me. I didn’t even know who my roommates were until the day I moved in!” 

    Even in such a beautiful country, being thousands of miles away from the campus she grew to love was not always easy. “I have a lot of friends on campus at Rowan and know all of the faculty, since we’re a relatively small department we all get to know each other very quickly. I have a network of people at Rowan, so when I got to SACI it felt like I was starting from scratch, which was a little intimidating,” Leann recalls.

    Luckily, Leann’s roommates at SACI quickly became her good friends, exploring and traveling with her during their time off from classes. They spent their free days visiting local museums, trying out the restaurants nearby and planning weekend getaways. Together, they even visited many places students dream of going, including Ravenna, Rome, Venice, Paris, Budapest, Dublin and more! “Once I got used to [being away from home], I couldn’t believe there was even a time when I was unsure about doing this.”  

    Leann and her friends posing at the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland
    Leann and her classmates visiting the Cliffs of Moher on a weekend trip to Ireland.

    And even while she was enrolled at a university across the world from her home base, she found ways to incorporate her #RowanPROUD attitude into her experiences abroad: “There were times where I’d be walking through Florence and the buildings would remind me of Philadelphia, so it was a nice little piece of home while I was so far away.”

    Leann’s art classes at SACI helped her stray from her comfort zone once more, introducing her to new materials and techniques she had never used before in her work. She learned the arts of etching, serigraphy (screenprinting), book making and batik, but her love of printmaking only increased with her exposure to new techniques. She returned to Glassboro at the end of the semester with a mental list of classes she wanted to get into at Rowan because of her experimentation with different media at SACI. 

    A scarf that Leann painted with yellow owls
    Even Leann’s artwork was #RowanPROUD from thousands of miles away!

    “This scholarship opportunity changed me as an artist and as a person,” Leann reflects. “I met a lot of different types of artists while I was away, like printmakers, which influenced me to get a lot more into printmaking myself. My roommate was a ceramicist, and I don’t know many ceramicists at Rowan, so it was interesting to hear about something I previously have not had a lot of expertise in. She even made me a mug!”

    Leann credits her “incredible” experience abroad to the skills she developed through her four years at Rowan. “I learned how to network and socialize at Rowan, how to get to know my professors and classmates by going to events and speaking to as many different people as I can. My time in Italy would not have been the same without the ability to meet new people that I’ve gained here.”

    Leann also works at the Rowan University Art Gallery.

    Networking is also the reason Leann secured a job at the Rowan University Art Gallery on campus! “I started going to events and talking to people to get involved more in the Art Department. I learned to make it a point to get myself out there even though it’s really scary,” she says. “If you could just go out of your way to have one conversation or make one friend a day, your goal will be completed.”

    Though Leann’s time abroad is over, the memories she made will stay with her for years to come, and she is looking forward to seeing who receives the Seward Johnson Artist Development Travel Scholarship this year. 

    Leann using art supplies to make a screen printing in the studio at Westby Hall at Rowan University.
    Working on a screen printing in the studio at Westby Hall on campus.

    “I can’t wait to just bombard them with information and advice like I was so lucky to get from Joe. I just want to pass along that information to somebody, because I definitely needed a lot of help with packing for the trip, finding my way around, learning the culture. I hope I can help the next person as well and keep that tradition going for future winners of this opportunity.”

    Like what you see, come visit us!


    Story and photography by:
    Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major

    Additional photos courtesy of:
    Leann Carlson

    Political Science Major Joins NJ Assembly Republican Office in Exciting Internship

    Rowan political science major Jason Brooks inside Business Hall

    Jason Brooks, a rising junior from Monroe Township (Middlesex County), is a Political Science major. Ever since he was a little kid, everyone told him that he’d grow up to be the president. Jason was always carrying around an American flag and has always had an interest in the inner workings of politics. He came to Rowan and joined the Rowan Institute for Public Policy and Citizenship (RIPPAC), where he met Dr. Ben Dworkin, the head of the program.

    Rowan student Jason Brooks standing in the Rowan Business HallThrough RIPPAC, Jason applied for the Rick Rosenberg Junior Memorial Scholarship, which allows students to take unpaid political internships. Most political internships are unpaid, meaning that most students can’t afford to take these important experiences. Through the generosity of the Rosenberg family, students who are awarded the scholarship are provided with the financial cushion that will allow them to further their careers.

    Jason won the scholarship, allowing him to be a legislative intern in the New Jersey Assembly’s Republican office. He says the internship is a humbling experience, walking through the front doors of the statehouse with the massive golden dome, a building in which hundreds of thousands of people’s lives are impacted. Jason particularly enjoys seeing all the moving parts of state government and how everyone has to work together to complete their common goals. This has been a huge learning experience for him as he’s in the office during the busiest part of the year, the time that budgets are finalized.

    Rowan political science major Jason Brooks on the steps of Business Hall

    Jason’s favorite part of this internship is being able to see all of the inner workings of state government live and in person, instead of just through the news in video or print. Being in the room while this is happening provides a stronger learning experience and opens up crucial networking opportunities that will allow Jason to speak with the people he needs to help further his career.

    Overall, this is an amazing opportunity for Jason, and he’s able to full take advantage of it thanks to the Rick Rosenberg Junior Memorial Scholarship. This will provide him with opportunities that will push him forward, as a person and as a politician.

    Rowan political science major Jason Brooks inside Business Hall

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    Story and photography by:
    Dean Powers, sophomore radio/television/film major

    Scholarships 101: Why Your Freshman Should Apply for Continuing Scholarships at Rowan

    Three Rowan students jumping in front of the Chamberlain Student Center

    Once the celebratory clapping has drifted away at the high school senior awards ceremony, you might be thinking, “How am I going to make up the difference once this freshman-year only scholarship from our community disappears?”

    Once your son or daughter is a Rowan University student, they are eligible to apply for Rowan University Foundation and Continuing Student Scholarships

    Applications generally open in the beginning of the fall semester and close in mid-December, around final exam time. 

    Screech to a halt. Sear that in your brain. Yes — once you kiss your darling freshman goodbye as they head out the door to live on campus or commute, it’s around that time of year that you need to plan for the upcoming year of scholarships. 

    Mom and Dad, we know your student is an adult, but my advice is to be on top of this. New adults are still fine-tuning their time management skills — throw into the mix getting used to college, making new friends and having a whole new routine, and something is bound to slip through the cracks. Do NOT let it be your student’s scholarship opportunity. 

    More than 200 scholarships are available, all funded through private donations (not tuition). To get these scholarships, students need to … apply! You would be surprised at how many students do not! Last year over $2 million in support was awarded. Get a piece of that!

    Rowan student looking at form

    Check in with your student to make sure they are setting the time aside to complete the application. It requires three letters of recommendation and, yes, it can be super awkward to ask someone for a letter of recommendation — especially a new teacher or academic advisor who you recently met. Reassure your student that this happens all the time. Literally, all the time. Tell them they can’t push off asking for letters — the people they are approaching may not say it, but I will: “A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.”

    Encourage your student to develop a relationship with faculty and advisors. They are people too! Visit during scheduled office hours or schedule an appointment, stand out in class by participating in group discussions and … for many faculty and advisors, December is a busy month. It’s simply not possible to say yes to a scholarship applicant looking for a letter of recommendation with a deadline of tomorrow. 

    Rowan's Brandi Blanton standing near Savitz Hall
                 Brandi Blanton

    One last helpful hint: encourage your student to get involved on campus. Community service and school involvement weren’t just to bolster their chances at getting into college. In addition the social, emotional and health benefits, many scholarships consider campus leadership and participation in on-campus and community activities.

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    Story By: Brandi Blanton, financial literacy expert

    Have a Ball with Financial Aid at Rowan University

    Brandi from Financial Aid holds a multi colored beach ball while in front of Science Hall at Rowan University

    These financial aid officers are a hoot! Learn about the nine steps it takes to navigate seamlessly through your financial aid application at Rowan University. Like what you see? LEARN MORE Related stories: RISE: Helping Financially or Academically Disadvantaged Students with Dawn Singleton Sweltering Winter at Rowan University [Video] 5 Creative Ways to Reduce Student […]

    #PROFspective: Writing Arts Major Nicole Cier

    Today, we speak with Nicole Cier, a sophomore writing arts major from East Brunswick (Middlesex County), NJ, who lives on campus in Rowan Boulevard. Nicole will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan […]

    #PROFspective: Art Education Major Melissa Glenn

    Rowan student Melissa holding her drawing outside Westby art building

    Today, we speak with Melissa Glenn, a recent graduate this fall with a bachelor’s degree in art education from Randolph (Morris County), NJ, who lives in a rental house off campus. Melissa will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she got the most out […]

    Sweltering Winter at Rowan University

    Rowan student stands next to the prof holding hot sauce

    Vanessa Vause, a junior at Rowan University, reports live, covering the student experience here at Rowan. Today’s big story is the weather forecast expected at Rowan University this winter. Hot! Hot! Hot! That’s right, folks, thanks to President Houshmand’s hot sauce flying off shelves to support student scholarships, Rowan predicts having a sweltering winter. We […]

    #PROFspective PROS Edition: Chemical Engineering Major Steven Schwartz

    hands up in front of Holly Pointe

    Today, we speak with Steven Schwartz, a senior chemical engineering major from Manahawkin, NJ, who resides on campus in Holly Pointe Commons as a resident assistant. Steven will give us insight on his career as being a member of Rowan PROS and will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University […]

    Rowan Students Receive Prestigious National Awards [VIDEO]

    bronze sculpture Knowledge is Power outside of James Hall

    This spring Rowan University has had the extraordinary distinction of seven of our students being selected for highly competitive, national awards. We currently have two Fulbright Scholar winners and one alternate, as well as two summer Fulbrights. Fulbright is considered one of the most prestigious scholarships in the world and offers merit-based grants for international educational […]

    Incredible Tuition Discounts for South Jersey High School Students

    Rowan Students at the Orientation

    Did you know that the earlier you start preparing yourself for college the more money and time you can save? Let me explain. Here’s a blog post about Raise.me micro-scholarships that a future college student can start earning while still in high school. But, wait, there’s more! Rowan offers another great program for high school students to […]

    #PROFspective: Chemical Engineering Major Nick Testa

    student inside whitney center

    Today we speak with Nick Testa, a sophomore chemical engineering major from Hainesport, Burlington County, who lives on campus in Whitney Center. Nick will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. Name: Nick Testa Major: Chemical […]

    Rowan Prof Sweethearts Share Tales of Love, Lifelong Friendships

    cloud in shape of a heart in a blue sky

    Rowan alumni Bernard (‘94) and Julie Creache (nee Santoloci, ‘97) are the type of couple that will remind you of the various definitions of love this Valentine’s Day. Besides the usual love that is shared between swooning couples each Valentine’s season, Bernard and Julie beam with the love of friendship as well, both for their lifelong […]

    9 Things to Know About Rowan’s International Center

    Dr. Li Yang, Katelyn Sullivan and Arthur Bautista at the International Center

    Dr. Li Yang, the Director of the International Center and the Intensive English Language Program, and Katelyn Sullivan, the administrative assistant, share with us 9 things we need to know about the International Center here at Rowan.  1. Rowan hosts 170 international students The International Center assures that our international students have a smooth transition coming from abroad […]

    #PROFspective: Law & Justice Major Anthony Young

    student sits at desk

    Today we speak with Anthony Young, a sophomore law and justice major from Sicklerville, Camden County, who lives on campus in Edgewood Apartments. Anthony will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.  […]

    #PROFspective: Music Industry Major Ricardo Oropeza

    student sits at soundboard

    Today we speak with Ricardo Oropeza, a sophomore music industry major originally from Caracas, Venezuela, who now calls Randolph, Morris County, home when he’s not living in Edgewood Apartments at Rowan. Ricardo will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out […]

    4 Rowan Scholarship Awardees Share Their Stories

    Back in November I had a pleasure to meet with Steven C. Farney, Ed.D., senior director of administration from the Division of Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM), who shared information every Rowan student needs to know when applying for scholarships. If you had a chance to read that post, then you should be an expert in […]

    #PROFspective: Biology Pre-Medicine Major Emeli Valdez

    student works on club website

    Today we speak with Emeli Valdez, a sophomore biology major on a pre-med track, from Cherry Hill, Camden County, who lives on campus in Edgewood Apartments. Emeli will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a […]

    #PROFspective: Communication Studies Major Maria Rivero

    Today we speak with Maria Rivero, a junior communication studies major from North Bergen, Hudson County, who lives on campus in Holly Pointe Commons residence hall. Maria will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as […]

    #PROFspective: Chemical Engineering Major John Schneider

    Today we speak with John Schneider, a senior chemical engineering major from Glassboro, Gloucester County, who lives on campus in Whitney Center apartments. John will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof.  […]

    #PROFspective: Biomedical Engineering Major Shanna Davidson

    Student stands in front of dorms

    Today we speak with Shanna Davidson, a junior biomedical engineering major from Pretoria, South Africa, who lives on campus in residence hall Laurel Hall. Shanna will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan […]

    How SEM Helps You Minimize Debt

     Think about why you’re considering joining the Rowan family. Is it affordability, location, safety or maybe something else? Whatever your answer is, you’re making the right choice. Rowan, particularly the Division of Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) within Student Affairs, is here to help you achieve your dreams, build your future and reach success. For the past […]