#PROFspective: Law & Justice Major Anthony Young

student sits at desk

Today we speak with Anthony Young, a sophomore law and justice major from Sicklerville, Camden County, who lives on campus in Edgewood Apartments. Anthony will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. 

student poses for portrait

Name: Anthony Young
Major: Law & Justice within the College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Hometown and County: Sicklerville, NJ (Camden County)

On-Campus Resident: Yes, Edgewood Park Apartments

Athletic clubs: Mixed Martial Arts club

Do you work on campus? I work at the Office of the President as an office assistant.

Why did you choose your major? I like history a lot, especially the history of the subject of law and justice. Plus, I want a job where I don’t have to sit behind the desk for the rest of my life. I want to be proactive and I want to do something.

One reason why you chose Rowan? My mom works at the university and I have an opportunity to receive a scholarship because of that. I also wanted to stay close to home.

student sits in student center

My Typical Day as a Rowan Student

On Tuesdays I like to wake up two hours before my class, around 9 a.m. And during that time I catch up on things: do laundry, study or just relax. About 10:40 a.m. I leave my on campus apartment and head to Robinson Hall for my morning class. I have my Elementary French II class at 11 a.m. Learning the French language is challenging and I don’t think I really advanced in it, but it’s been interesting to discover a new culture. However, my favorite class this semester is my Friday class – Essentials of Psychology with Professor James Ney. We learn different ideas and theories about how human brain and behavior work. It’s useful to know how my mind works according to the mind of others.   

student poses near major signAt 12:15 p.m. when my French class finishes, I have some personal time to study, or go back to my dorm at Edgewood and do some errands. At 2 p.m. I head to Winans Hall for my major class, American Police, with Professor Terrence Buie. The class is about the role of police in our society. We talk about basic procedures of police work and problems that police force have to deal with today.

But on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays instead of my morning classes, I work at the President’s Office from 11 to 4. There I work as an office assistant. My usual duties are to make copies, print necessary paperwork and organize some documents. While I don’t directly work with Rowan’s President Ali Houshmand, I see him almost every day.

But back to my typical Tuesday. After all of my classes are done, I again enjoy some spare time before I head to my workout at the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) club. I spend a lot of my free time at the eatery the Profs, which is on the first floor of the Student Center. Grill Nation is one of my top places to eat, and I especially like its cheeseburgers. And sometimes I like to go to the lake that is by Holly Pointe Commons to read, and enjoy fresh air and great inspiring views.

I like reading a lot. But don’t mistake me for a bookworm that sits in the library all day long. I like reading self-help books, or as you may call them self-improvement books. The recent one I read is the Unfettered Mind by Takuan Soho. This interesting work was written by a Japanese monk in the 17th century and touches upon Buddhist philosophy and martial arts. I recommend it to anyone interested in martial arts.

Anyway, around 4:30 p.m. I go to my MMA club. Our club meets twice per week this semester, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. During the trainings we practice skills of boxing, Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiujutsu. I like that I can clear my mind and work out without having to leave the campus.

When my MMA training is over, I get back to my dorm or sometimes hang out with a couple of friends at the Profs to complete my Tuesday. When I made my fall semester school schedule, I allowed myself lots of free time, so I can study more and read books that can really prepare me for my future career. After graduation, I would like to work for FBI. I know that there is a military career in front of me, as well. I would like to pursue both opportunities. I want a career where I don’t have to spend all of my time behind the office desk, but rather take initiative and make a difference.  

We are #RowanPROUD and we are Rowan Profs! Not exactly sure what a Prof is? It’s our owl mascot, Whoo RU. Read about him here.

Story organized by: Jen Green and Natalia Panfilova