The 5 College Application Tips You Need to Know

colorful fliers on a bulletin board

Applying to Rowan University can be easy once you know where to begin. With an organized plan and these tips you can be on your way into college in no time.Sr VP Jeff Hand strikes a pose with the Rowan Prof Whoo RU

There is a lot that needs to happen before you even submit your application. Assistant Director of Admissions Allison Wedell and Senior Vice President of Student Affairs Jeffrey Hand talk five tips to help you prepare for your college career. 

  1. Start Early: Allow time to submit your paperwork. Rowan uses the Common Application (available August 1) and acceptance is on a rolling basis so the sooner you submit, the sooner you get a response. There is no early decision, just get your application in as soon as possible so Rowan can get back to you and work out what you need.
  1. Do Your Research: Find out what requirements there are for each College at Rowan University. Will credits transfer from your high school or previous college? Visit the Undergraduate Advising Directory to find an advisor in your major who can evaluate your courses and goals and see where you can grow, need improvement or excel so the transition is seamless.
  1. Call and Confirm: After submitting your documents, call and make sure admissions received everything you sent. From SAT/ACT score to transcripts and supplemental documents, all documents are essential because they can make a significant difference on what financial aid you receive.
  1. Make a Connection: Make a point to connect with your Rowan admissions counselor, whether via email, phone, or at a Coffee with a Counselor meet and greet. Our counselors are dedicated to different geographic areas and majors, so you will talk to the right person for you. Their sole job is help to guide you through your process of becoming a Rowan Prof, so be sure to talk with them! An advisor will learn your individual situation, allowing them to guide you with scholarships, extracurricular clubs and activities and provide you with campus information you may not have known. 
  1. Look into Scholarships: Create a free account! This new program allows students to earn micro scholarships and accumulate money before they even start at Rowan. Students start as early as 9th grade and earn money through senior year of high school based on involvement and achievements. Perfect attendance? You earn money. Receive an A in a class? More savings. These unique scholarships allow students to earn up to $6,000 in-state, $9,000 out-of-state toward future tuition, and can be combined with studentseligibility for Rowan academic merit scholarships. Traditional scholarships are not revealed to students until after theyve been accepted into a school, but with you can see the scholarship build while youre still in high school, helping you plan your financial aid package at Rowan. Join here.

How has your Rowan admissions counselor helped you during the admissions process? Share in the comments below. 

By: Jen Green