Rowan Students Receive Prestigious National Awards [VIDEO]

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This spring Rowan University has had the extraordinary distinction of seven of our students being selected for highly competitive, national awards.

We currently have two Fulbright Scholar winners and one alternate, as well as two summer Fulbrights. Fulbright is considered one of the most prestigious scholarships in the world and offers merit-based grants for international educational experiences.

One student received a Goldwater Scholar award, and one student was recognized by Goldwater Honorable Mention. Goldwater is considered the most prestigious award in the country for undergraduate students in STEM disciplines, with just 240 sophomores or juniors across the country chosen for the distinction.

These honors would be extraordinary at any institution, let alone a mid-size state school like ours. These seven scholars are from five different Colleges within Rowan, representing a variety of disciplines, including communication, education, humanities and social sciences, engineering, science and math, and our honors concentration.

In  this video, Dr. Jeff Hand, senior vice president for the Division Student Affairs, shares how Rowan supports student success.

These awards exemplify our commitment to quality and excellence. With Rowan’s explosion of growth over the past five years, we have added a focus on strategic enrollment management, meaning the recruitment and support of high caliber students spanning their entire academic career at Rowan University.

Strategic enrollment management encompasses a few areas that are key to student success. One area of particular importance to students and their parents is making higher education affordable and accessible.

Rowan is proud to recognize the potential of each of these seven scholars early in their academic careers. Each routinely earned scholarships from Rowan. Scholarships lessen the financial burden on students and their families, and ensure that students graduate and start their careers with less student loan debt. Last year alone, Rowan University offered just under $18 million in scholarships to over 3,000 students.

The University will continue to expand its scholarship offerings, making the education even more affordable and accessible to future generations of students, likely including additional future Fulbright and Goldwater scholars.

Video by:
Natalia Panfilova, senior public relations major

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