6 Reasons to Study Abroad

Florence, Italy at the sunset

Senior Vivian Wang talk to us about her study abroad experience

Many Rowan students contemplate studying abroad for a semester, but are often too nervous to actually go through with it. Learning a new language, immersing yourself in a different culture and making new friends can seem intimidating. But as intimidating as it sounds, the experience you gain is so worth it! By the way, did I mention that Rowan will accept all college credits you earned discovering a new country? Seriously, take it from someone who spent an amazing semester in Florence, Italy, and would relive it all in a heartbeat. If you’re still on the fence, here are six reasons why you should jet off to your study abroad adventure now.

Study abroad friends on a boat trip in Italy

1. Because You Will Make Lifelong Friends

You have a great friend group at school now and you don’t want to leave them. But don’t worry, they’ll still be here when you get back! Making new friends during your semester abroad will be the single greatest thing about your trip. Nothing brings people closer than spending a weekend exploring and eating their way through new places together. And traveling together won’t end once you’re back in the States. You’ll be flying from one place to the next just to catch up with your study abroad friends.

2. Because You Will Experience a Different Culture

Studying abroad isn’t like any other trip you’ll ever take because you’re not a tourist in the city, you’re making the city your home. You won’t be that tourist with a selfie-stick, travel guide opened in one hand while your tour guide shouts random facts at you through an earpiece. No, you’ll be living among the locals, ordering meals in the native language, shopping at the local markets, attending the holiday events and absolutely loving every moment in your new country.

Italian gelato on the panorama of Florence, Italy3. Because You Will Eat So Much Great Food

Food is such an important experience of studying abroad that it deserves its own section. Be adventurous with your nation’s cuisine because you won’t regret it. I studied abroad in Italy and from the authentic pastas, pizzas, paninis to the gelato, classic wines, and fresh-brewed cappuccinos, not a single food item disappointed. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that I gained 10 pounds in my three months abroad.

4. Because You Will Be Completely Independent

Life at Rowan will help you become self-reliant, but studying abroad will make you independent. One suitcase, a backpack and spotty Wi-Fi service because you are no longer in your comfort zone. Be alert, as you are in another country surrounded by a different language. You will have to learn everything on your own, but along the way you’ll find things about yourself that you wouldn’t have known otherwise. The freedom you taste while living abroad leads to growing as an individual and becoming completely independent.

5. Because You Will Have an Endless Amount of Amazing Stories

By the time you get back to the States, you will have countless unforgettable memories to share with friends and family. So many that they will get sick of listening to you even though they haven’t seen you in three months. From stories of you nearly passing out while climbing the Duomo (Florence’s Cathedral), to plexiglass shattering on you while riding a tour bus through a snowstorm in Slovenia. Your crazy experiences will make for great stories. (These things may or may not have happened to me while abroad).

Vivian Wang explores Italian nature sights while studying abroad6. Because Now Is the Perfect Time

Lastly, now is the absolute perfect time for you to go abroad. Don’t think to yourself, “Oh, I can go in a few years” or “I’ll go after I graduate” because the truth is you never know when a job opportunity pops up, or if you get into that dream grad school. Go and travel now while you aren’t tied down to anything. Study abroad programs can be very affordable through and traveling as a student provides many great deals.

So what are you waiting for?! Put all your worries aside and start looking into study abroad programs today! Rowan has many great programs that work in affiliation with the school. This means that your credits will transfer and the financial aid you usually receive can go towards your semester abroad. Take the next steps toward your new adventure and visit the Education Abroad page or stop by its office located in the University Advising Center (Savitz 3rd floor).

So where are you heading for your next adventure?

By: Vivian Wang