#PROFspective: Elementary Education & English Major Lila Kelley

student preps for exam sitting at a table

Today we speak with Lila Kelley, a junior Elementary Education and English dual major from Sicklerville, Camden County, who commutes to Rowan. Lila will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. 

Name: Lila Kelleystudent portrait of education major standing with her hand on her hip
Major: Elementary Education and English within the College of Education and the College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Minor/Concentration: Reading Endorsement Certification
Year: Junior

Hometown and County: Sicklerville, NJ (Camden County)

Commuter: Yes!

Academic club: Kappa Delta Pi (Education Honor Society)

Do you work off campus?  Yes, as a sales associate at Pier 1 Imports and a substitute teacher

Why did you choose your major? I have wanted to be a teacher practically my entire life. My experiences in my elementary years were so wonderful that I hope to pass on my love for learning and encourage my students to be the change they want to see in the world. My classroom will be a place where all students will feel loved, appreciated, intelligent and capable. I want to fill the world with people who love one another and always strive to do and be their best.

One reason why you chose Rowan? Rowan is only 15 minutes from home and I knew I did not want to go far. For me, Rowan was affordable, close by, and established in their education department. Most teachers from New Jersey that I know and have conversations with went to Rowan for their degree and enjoyed it. Rowan was the perfect fit for me!

student gives presentation, turned toward screen

My Typical Day as a Rowan Student

After turning my alarm off at 6:20 a.m. on a Tuesday morning, naturally the first thing I want to do is eat. Being a commuter, the early bird gets the best parking spots, so I usually eat my breakfast while I get ready for class or on the way to Rowan to save myself some time. Luckily for me, Rowan is only 15-20 minutes from me, but I usually leave about 30 to 40 minutes early for my class to allow time for possible traffic problems. Plus, like I said, the earlier you get to Rowan as a commuter, the better the parking spot! Plus, the main parking lot is right behind James Hall, so I usually don’t have to walk too far either!

This semester, I have both my education classes on Tuesday in James Hall, so that helps keep my mind out of my English stuff for the day. Many education classes rely on a lot of participation—and I like doing that! I really enjoy talking with my classmates and professors during class. I love learning about different people’s experiences with education and how they plan on making a difference in the educational arena. Usually, the hour and twenty goes by quickly because there is always so much conversation going on.

I spend an hour and twenty minutes in Math Pedagogy, then have more than an hour student studies in lounge, reading a book sitting on a couchbefore Differentiated Literacy Instruction. I usually take that time in between to start/continue readings/note taking for my English classes, review the material for Differentiated Literacy Instruction or study for the Praxis II. Again, eating is essential, so I will usually bring some bagged snacks from home, or snag one of the donuts or bagels from the sweet lady at the food counter on the bottom floor of James (I swear by the donuts—they are soo good!).

Usually after my second class, I head home to beat any traffic that may stand in the way of me and my oh so comfortable sweat pants (and lunch!) waiting for me at home. But, if I really need to focus on school work, I will hang out in James for a couple of hours on the second floor on the couches.  But usually, I go home.

From there, I typically spend a couple of hours doing homework and organizing my thoughts and schedule for the rest of the week. I usually work on something for every class every day.  I’m very organized, so I prefer spending many, smallestudent in front of Dr Seuss reading sign, arms outstretchedr, shorter spans of time on multiple subjects. Having class 5 days a week requires me to plan and work on multiple things in one day. Plus, I usually have a lot of reading assignments to do—breaking them up makes it easier on me. Occasionally I will pick up a shift at work (Pier 1 Imports) if I can, but being and elementary education and English major, in addition to a reading endorsement certification, I usually leave work for the weekends!

One of the most important things I do for myself during the week is to STOP. I know myself well so I know that I am the type of person who won’t learn or retain anything I do (reading, studying, etc) after like 9 or 10 at night, especially after being up so early to make it to the 8a.m.!  So, after spending hours doing homework, I always leave some time at the end of the night to unwind and spend some time with my family (and catch up on Netflix, of course!).

We are #RowanPROUD and we are Rowan Profs! Not exactly sure what a Prof is? It’s our owl mascot, Whoo RU. Read about him here

Story organized and photography by: Jen Green