#PROFspective: Communications Studies Major Troi Foster

student ra room

Today we speak with Troi Foster, a senior communications studies major from East Orange, Essex County, who lives on campus as a resident assistant in Mimosa Hall. Troi will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. 

Name: Troi Fosterstudent Troi Foster stands in Mimosa Hall, wearing a brown Rowan shirt
Major: Communication Studies: Rhetoric and Cultural Criticism Specialization in the College of Communication & Creative Arts
Minor: Business Administration
Year: Senior

Hometown and County: East Orange, NJ (Essex County)

Resident: Yes, Mimosa Hall

Academic Clubs: Communication Studies Club

Social Clubs: Black Cultural League, Social Organization of Caribbean Awareness

Do you work on campus? Yes, I am a Resident Assistant in Mimosa Hall.

Why did you choose your major? When I first declared a major I picked entrepreneurship. I loved, and still love, the idea of owning my own business and being my own boss, but the core classes that I was taking at the time didn’t provide the level of creativity I was looking for in a career. I really didn’t want to settle for just anything. So after some extreme self-evaluating, I realized that I had a love for media, whether that was watching daily talk shows or radio interviews on YouTube, reading a magazine, or a blog post on a popular site. I changed my major to Communication Studies because it provided a way for me to elaborate on my love for media as well as gain a better understanding of people, messages and relationships. This major also allows me to think, speak, and write clearly and effectively—which makes me marketable to employers.

One Reason You Chose Rowan? I chose Rowan simply because it felt like home. During the tour, I thought how great the environment was and how different the culture was from my hometown.

student works on computer

My Typical Day as a Rowan Student

As a senior graduating in May, this semester is ever so hectic. My day-to-day activities vary depending on the day of the week.  This semester, my most busy days are Mondays and Wednesdays because I have most of my classes. I will typically start these days around 9:30 a.m. and have breakfast before my 11:00 a.m. Ethics In Communication class, which is in Bozorth Hall. After, I have lunch at 12:30p.m. and take a breather before my 2:00 p.m. Principles of Finance class and 3:30 p.m. Operations Management class, both of which are in the newly opened Business Hall. After these classes, I go to the Student Center cafeteria or Prof’s Place to eat dinner then go back to my room in Mimosa before my last class of the day: West Civilization to 1660, which is at 6:30 p.m. in Wilson Hall. Finally, when classes are done, I’ll typically grab a snack after class and finish any homework that is left over.

student sits outsideAlso, depending on the day, I may have a Communication Studies Club meeting. All of these club members network with professors and students in the major and meet to discuss things like events, courses to take (and with whom), and also advice on how to market your degree after you graduate. I also may go to a Black Cultural League or Social Organization for Caribbean Awareness meeting/event, depending on the date, because Mondays and Wednesdays are usually when they have their meeting times.

I also have an on-campus job as a resident assistant in Mimosa Hall. My job is to be a resource to students as well as to make sure they adhere to campus policies. I help students when they are locked out of their rooms and also provide advice on how to make college a success, such as visiting the Tutoring Center and Writing Center for academic help and information on how to get involved around campus. Furthermore, I work with the Resident Director to identity and solve any problems that residents may have. All in all, my job is to make sure that all residents are comfortable and well acclimated to campus life because for four years, as this will be their home away from home.

When this day is good and done, which is typically around 10:00 p.m., I’ll go back to my room, shower, and relax before I go to bed. I will work on something for my personal blog themusicbeatblog.com (feel free to check it out!) whether it is a blog post or something on social media and then I will usually listen to 90’s R&B, like Dru Hill and SWV, to relax. I’ll also watch Friends when it comes on Nick at Nite at 11:00 p.m. and go to sleep after.

Overall, I think this is all preparing me to graduate. I am taking seven classes during this last semester so I can graduate on time and be successful in my career. I am also taking necessary steps such as making sure I attend club meetings and participate in events because I feel it will help my future career. All in all, although I am busy most of my days, I am glad to have this experience at Rowan.

We are #RowanPROUD and we are Rowan Profs! Not exactly sure what a Prof is? It’s our owl mascot, Whoo RU. Read about him here

Story organized and photography by:
Jen Green, senior public relations major