Insanely Quick & Easy Way to Dress to Impress for $8!

Office of Career Advancement holds garments from the Career Closet

Ever heard the term “broke college student”? I bet you have. In fact, I hear it almost every day from someone. The truth is, we all go to school hoping to land that dream job one day. But how can a student on a tight budget afford to dress effectively to get that job?

Rowan Career Closet Offers over 60 Different Garments
Rowan Career Closet Holds Over 60 Different Garments

Today, I’m going to share with you how you can dress to impress for only $8!

Would you hire a person who shows up for an interview in ripped jeans and a shirt with a ketchup stain on it? No way! You have to dress professionally to show your true interest in a job. And that’s when Rowan’s Office of Career Advancement (OCA) comes to rescue.

All year round, OCA runs its “Suit Our Students” donation drive, collecting business appropriate attire. Any Rowan student can rent a whole suit for only $8, including shoes! In case you just need a bottom piece, or a professional-looking shirt, then you can rent a single item for a smaller fee.

Career Closet Offers a Variety of Shoes
Career Closet Offers a Variety of Women & Men Shoes


Here is even a little price breakdown for you:

◊ Suit – $8                 ◊ Shoes – $3

◊ Tie – $1                   ◊ Belt – $1

◊ Shirt – $2               ◊ Jacket – $4


Why is there a fee?

Well, it’s simple –  to cover the dry cleaning cost for clothing to be ready for a next person.

The OCA’s staff does a wonderful job in maintaining the Career Closet. It now has over 60 different garments for students to choose from. “In addition to offering business attire, we also offer resume-preparation and mock-interview preparation,” mentions Deniz Dennery, the OCA’s administrative assistant, talking about the importance of dressing professionally when meeting with a potential employer.

Deniz Dennery Shows Career Closet
Special thanks to Deniz Dennery for showing us the Career Closet!

I strongly encourage students to stop by Savitz Hall to take a look at the OCA’s Career Closet when preparing for job interviews or internship interviews. The OCA organizes multiple Career Fairs throughout the year. Many employers look for employees or interns. “So why not present yourself in a best way you can?,” Deniz encourages students.

And if you ever happen to stumble upon clothes that needlessly hang in your closet for a long time, please donate them to the OCA. Who knows, maybe your unused outfit will help someone to land a dream job.

But wait, there is more!

Every October, the OCA coordinates a free event with fashion consultants from Macy’s. Students spend two hours learning about latest trends in business attire and how to dress for success. “Extreme Makeover: Dress for Success Edition” takes place at the Cherry Hill Mall (transportation is provided). So keep your eyes open and don’t miss the next “Dress for Success” event.

So what are going to do next? Are you going to look for clothing to donate, or rent your first outfit to win over that interview? Let us know in the comments below!

Story organized by:
Natalia Panfilova, senior public relations major