#PROFspective: Business Administration Major Anthony Ramos

student with SUP banner

Today we speak with Anthony Ramos, a junior business administration major from Oxford, Warren County, who lives on campus in Rowan townhouses. Anthony will share his #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how he’s getting the most out of his college experience as a Rowan Prof. 

Name: Anthony Ramosstudent portrait, Anthony Ramos smiles while wearing a #RowanPROUD tshirt
Major: Business Administration within the  Rohrer College of Business
Year: Junior
Hometown and County: Oxford, NJ (Warren County)

Resident: Yes, Rowan Townhouses
Athletic clubs: Unified Sports partner
Social clubs: Alpha Chi Rho fraternity, Student University Programmers (SUP)
Do you work on campus? Yes, as vice president of Student University Programmers
Do you have an off-campus job? If so, where/what do you do? I worked at Walgreens over the summer as their community management intern.
Why did you choose your major?: I wanted the freedom to be able to choose what industry to be in. Every business needs someone to run it.
One reason why you chose Rowan?: I chose Rowan because its business school is growing and I liked how close it was to Philadelphia.

Anthony Ramos wears his Greek AXP letters outside his front door at Rowan Townhouses

My Typical Day as a Rowan Student

Wednesdays are my favorite days. I start my day with a 12:30 p.m. class, Leadership and Supervision for Managers. We learn what motivates people and what makes a good leader. You would probably think you can’t learn these skills in the classroom, but when you apply theories to your daily life and see positive results, it’s awesome.

Then from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. I go to my office hours for SUP where I currently serve as vice president. I love SUP. I have been involved with it since my first week of school freshman year, and next year things will come full circle with me because I am the incoming president. I love the work I do–being able to provide fun events for students to do when they are not in class brings joy to me.

I spend a lot of time helping the rest of e-board with their events. I meet with them to discuss any catering order they need done because we love to have food at our events. Also I usually have a couple one on one meetings. I have time to sit down alone with other e-board members and check in to see how they are doing. I love this time because it builds relationships and trust. We express any opinions or ideas that may need discretion to be discussed. These are important because sometimes people need to vent about what’s bothering them and I love being the person listening. Also, another one of my responsibilities is setting up meetings with other clubs to see if they want to co-sponsor a movie night. I like that we provide this service to other clubs that maybe aren’t sure how to market their club to get more members. I had a student tell me they joined a club that was at a movie night and it was their favorite thing they’ve done at Rowan. Providing students with experiences like this makes it worthwhile for me. During my office hours I usually grab lunch at Soon in the food court. I usually go for a burrito bowl because my mom makes rice and beans pretty often when I’m home so this is the second best thing.

Also on Wednesdays we have our lead team meeting for SUP. That’s when the president, VP, graduate advisor and advisor sit down as a team and discuss how the e-board is going and how we can help with their growth or work better as a team. After that I usually have an appointment for physical therapy. I hurt my shoulder working out last summer. But this is a doctor’s appointment I love going to. The people who work there are so friendly. They push me what I can do but know when I’m about to reach my limit.

student in business hall studying Another class that I love is my Thursdays Managing International Business. This gives me insight on the cultural differences within each country. Every time I step out of the class I go “Wow, I can’t believe I learned that today.” The information is really fascinating. People all across the world do business with each other, but if you go about the wrong way doing it you can accidentally upset the same person you are trying to make a deal with.

I’m also involved with the fraternity of Alpha Chi Rho. Since joining last semester, it’s really opened my eyes to the different people on campus. Since going Greek I have made relationships with people that will last the rest of student in fraternity lettersmy life. I haven’t done any huge events with everyone yet since I’m so new but I’m really excited for Relay for Life and THON. Both events raise money for great causes and you can do it basically by having fun with everyone the whole night. Every Sunday we have a meeting and talk about what’s coming up . I think that’s my favorite time because everyone has different ideas of stuff we can do together or how to fix issues we are having. We occasionally will get together and have Brother Builders. This is a time we just decide to all get together and hang out as a group. I am still fairly new to Greek life but I love it.

Lastly after a long day I usually spend time with my girlfriend Nikki doing homework. We have been dating for five months but I’ve known her for almost three years now. We’re best friends and love doing things together. She really gets me and motivates me especially when I don’t feel like doing work. I know I can come to her after a long day and she will listen to me or give me advice on anything.

My days here at Rowan are always jam packed running from meetings to class to group projects but I wouldn’t change one thing about my experience. Each thing I have done or class I have taken has made me who I am today. I am saddened to think one day I will have to leave this place but I think it has taught me so much I can take these skills and experiences to any job I have in the world.

We are #RowanPROUD and we are Rowan Profs! Not exactly sure what a Prof is? It’s our owl mascot, Whoo RU. Read about him here

Story organized and photography by:
Jen Green, senior public relations major

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