#PROFspective: Psychology Major Cassandra Cabrera

student works in SUP office

Today we speak with Cassandra Cabrera, a sophomore psychology major from Woodlynne, Camden County, who lives on campus on Rowan Boulevard, more commonly known as RoBo. Cassandra will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof. 

Name: Cassandra Cabrerastudent portrait
Major: Psychology in the College of Science & Mathematics
Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Woodlynne, NJ (Camden County)

Resident: Yes, Rowan Boulevard Apts

Social clubs: Student University Programmers– Director of Marketing

Do you work on campus? Yes, Rowan After Hours (RAH)

Why did you choose your major? Being I have always been interested in why people do what they do I thought this major was a good choice!

One reason why you chose Rowan? I originally chose Rowan because my brother went here.

student in student center with Staff shirt

My Typical Day as a Rowan Student

As the Director of Marketing for the Student University Programmers and a staff member at Rowan After Hours, my typical day is naturally busy. I take on various roles and commitments on campus, but as each semester goes by, I become better at prioritizing and scheduling out my day. Juggling office hours, meetings, making posters for the Student Center Pit, working RAH, supporting my co workers, all while on top of classes, I try to schedule my day so that I remember to take a break every once in awhile.

My earliest day starts at 7:00 a.m., and my latest at 9:00 a.m. Wednesdays are my longeststudent in the office of student affairs day, which consist of three classes in a row, office hours for SUP, and two more classes right after. As Director of Marketing, I am required to have six hours of office hours, as well as attend three mandatory meetings which include a weekly marketing meeting, SUP E-Board meeting, and the DIY meeting as RAH staff. On top of this, RAH requires me to work two days a weekend from 7:30 p.m.-1:00 a.m. Even though I have an extremely busy collegiate life, what you don’t see is the countless moments that make it all worthwhile.

The Office of Student Activities has been a home for me ever since I discovered it my freshman year. My love for the office is what I strives me to keep going and give back all it has given to me. student with SUP signFor those who don’t know, the office has two sub-sections, which are RAH and SUP. I have the honor of working for both jobs, which give me similar, but different valuable transitional skills. SUP is programming events for students, by students, and has encouraged me to be myself and pushed me to realize my leadership potential on campus. Directors are given the freedom to create and run their own events, and seeing that come into fruition is an amazing experience you don’t get anywhere else.

The look of enjoyment of a student’s face, or watching your committee members grow and flourish is what really makes it worthwhile. As a RAH staff member, it is a paid position, but you don’t do it for the money. You do the job because you see the enjoyment of a student’s face when they can in fact get three helpings of the food bar, or watching someone new meet a potential friend. Working with a crew that shares the same values and goals is extremely fulfilling, and makes the job that much easier. You aren’t just a staff, you’re working with a family. Although I do live a busy life, the experiences that I get are some that I wouldn’t trade for the world and what makes it all worthwhile. When I inevitably collapse in bed from exhaustion, it is always with a smile on my face and happy thoughts on my mind. My takeaway for you all is to get involved on campus, you never know where it will lead and who you will meet.

We are #RowanPROUD and we are Rowan Profs! Not exactly sure what a Prof is? It’s our owl mascot, Whoo RU. Read about him here

Story organized and photography by:
Jen Green, senior public relations major