#PROFspective: Art Education Major Melissa Glenn

Rowan student Melissa holding her drawing outside Westby art building

Today, we speak with Melissa Glenn, a recent graduate this fall with a bachelor’s degree in art education from Randolph (Morris County), NJ, who lives in a rental house off campus. Melissa will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she got the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Rowan student Melissa with College of Education bag outside Student CenterName: Melissa Glenn
Major: BA in Art and Education
Year: December 2017 graduate
Transfer Student: Yes, I transferred from CCM (County College of Morris)
Hometown and County: Randolph, NJ (Morris County)

Off-Campus resident: I live in a rental house off campus

Academic clubs: I am president of NAEA student chapter (National Art Education Association)

Athletic clubs: I am on the competitive archery team at Rowan.

Do you work on campus? Over the summer I worked for the Kidz Rule day camp and the EDUadventures day camp.

Rowan student Melissa drawing outside Westby art building Do you have an off-campus job? I was a substitute teacher last semester, but because I am student teaching this semester I don’t have a job.

Why did you choose your major? I chose my major because my parents told me photography was a risky major. They were right. I told them I would be an art teacher and teach photography. I love every second I am in the classroom and teaching, even when I am not teaching photography. Being a teacher is a dream I didn’t realize I had right away, but had been all my life. Once while I was at Wendy’s with my mom and dad I told them about how the wall art the installed reminded me of Roy Liechtenstein’s style of pop art. My mom told me that things like that are why she thinks I should be a teacher. Even outside of a classroom setting I want to teach. I want people to know different things, especially about art.

Rowan student Melissa in archery shirt holding position of bow and arrow outside of Westby

One reason why you chose Rowan? Rowan offered me a scholarship and a four-year university local to me did not. That’s only a small part of my decision. Rowan was a whole new world. South Jersey was my chance to get away from home after going to county college for two years. After living at home and continuing to go to school with nearly the same kids I went to high school with I wanted to get away, but not too far. Rowan was the perfect distance. Far enough away, but still close enough to home.

I moved into a house off campus right away and missed the dorm experience, but it worked out for the better because my parents moved to Florida shortly after I started at Rowan.

Rowan student Melissa Glenn- art education major

My typical day as a Rowan student:

I wake up and leave the house before any of my roommates. I am student teaching and I have to be at school by 7:10 am. Sure, it’s an early morning, but my day frees up at 2 pm. Some days (usually Mondays and Wednesdays) I go straight to Bob’s Little Sport Shop and shoot a practice round of archery which normally takes until nearly 5 pm when they close for dinner. I am preparing for a local competition and hoping to come in first in my division.

Rowan student Melissa in #ROWANproud tee shirt knitting

On other days I go to the Rowan Rec Center and get a workout in. I normally focus on legs and core at the gym. I get dinner on campus 1-2 days a week either after a workout or before my seminar class. Roughly every other Wednesday evening NAEA has a meeting. Meetings are fun and pretty laid back, but there are so many professional development opportunities as an NAEA member for art educators. We’ve recently been working on service projects.

Rowan student Melissa in art room inside Westby art gallery What is left of my evenings I spend at my house off campus, which I just call home. I write lesson plans and hang out with with my boyfriend, Joel, who I met at Rowan. I also try to make time to crochet, read, and write. I go to Rowan After Hours (RAH) when I can, mostly Friday or Saturday nights, because Thursday is a school night for me.

On weekends I take time and clean my room and house and take some me time and relax from a long busy week. I also attend church on Sundays and go to a young adult bible study with a group of people that has become like family.

Related stories:
Alumni PROFile: Kari Janisse, Creative Juices by Kari
The Kid Behind the Rowan Video [Video]
What I Wish I Knew: Students Share Their Experiences [Video]

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Story organized and photography by:
Vanessa Vause, junior public relations major and advertising minor