#PROFspective: Marketing & Management Major Kylie Kieffer

Kylie standing on soccer field, picture taken from bleachers

Today, we speak with Kylie Kieffer, a senior marketing and management major from Hamilton, NJ (Mercer County) who lives off campus in a house with Rowan athletes. Kylie will share her#PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she got the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Kylie in her #ROWANproud shirt sitting inside on bleachers Name: Kylie Kieffer
Majors: Rohrer College of Business Marketing and  Management
Year: Senior
Hometown and County: Hamilton, NJ (Mercer County)
Off-Campus resident: Yes, I live in a house with soccer and volleyball girls!
Academic clubs: President, Society for Advancement of Management; Vice President, Business of Bureau Association; Chair of Idea Challenge; Previous role Vice President of Communications for American Marketing Association; Previous member of Student Athletic Advisory Committee; Previous member of Outstanding Women Leaders (OWL group)
Athletic clubs: 3 year member of Rowan University Women’s Soccer team
Do you work on campus? Yes, for Rohrer College of Business Center for Professional Development

Do you have an off-campus job? Currently a coach for soccer. Will start my full time job with KPMG in Summer 2019 in NYC as a management consultant associate.Kylie outside on soccer field in front of Rowan Soccer sign
Why did you choose your major?
I chose my majors because I love being a part of a team and working with others and both marketing and management is handling and working with people. I like solving problems and working interactively with others to provide service and business to other people and businesses.

One reason why you chose Rowan? I chose Rowan because of the growth and opportunities Rowan could provide me. I wanted to be in New Jersey and not to far from home and knew that Rowan had a great soccer program and a great business school. I liked that the largest class size is only 40 students and from that it has really allowed me to build great relationships with my professors and peers. Everyone who I knew went to Rowan loved it and can honestly say after 4 years it has been the best decision. It is the perfect fit for me!Kylie sitting on bench outside Rowan Wilson Hall

My typical day as a Rowan student: A day at Rowan for me begins around 8:30 am and most days end around 6:00pm and my Tuesdays I end at 9:15. I have a VERY busy schedule. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays I start work around 8:30-9:00 am at the Center for Professional Development (RCPD) in the Business School. There, I help plan for Industry Nights for certain business majors, welcome employers to our school, help students with their resumes and cover letters, and provide other tasks that can help business students receive an internship or full time job and enhance their professional career. I also help with industry workshops and other special events that are held in the business school.

Kylie outside of Rowan Business Building standing next to business hall sign I work til about 12 and before my 12:30 class I will order food through Tapingo and eat in the cafeteria for lunch. I then go to class from 12:30-3:30 and back to work until about 5:00-530 pm. It is very nice to have my work and class all in the same building! On Mondays I coach soccer boys and girls from 5:30 to 8:00 pm at Gloucester Park with girls on the Rowan Soccer team. We do it Monday and Friday nights and is always the highlight of my week.

Kylie outside on soccer field at RowanMy Tuesdays are my busiest days as my day starts from 9:00am and I don’t stop until 9:15 pm as I have a double 6:30 pm class. On Wednesdays I don’t work and just have two classes so I make sure I go to the gym and get homework done. I also go and support my housemates and friends as I watch their soccer game on Wednesday nights. I was on the team for three years and not able to play anymore due to injuries but I always make sure I support them! Any athletic event or game I will attend as I live with a volleyball girl as well and all the athletes at Rowan are very close and very supportive of each other! It is a great environment and being an athlete at Rowan has been amazing. So since I am unable to play I was fortunate enough to be able to work for the University now.

Kylie inside business building at the Professional Development centerOn Fridays I have all my meetings for the clubs I am involved in. I sometimes will have meetings starting at 7:00 am and other days at 12:00 pm depending on the week and the events happening. Most Fridays my first meeting will be for the Idea Challenge where I co-run with a finance major (Rob O’Leary) and engineering major (Jason Fisch.) After the Idea Challenge, The Society for Advancement of Management will have a meeting that I am president of where we will either have a guest speaker or go off campus to learn about careers in management. I then either have another meeting for AMA or for RCPD and then head to coaching at 5.

When I’m not in the business school you’ll see me with my friends. I have lived with the same 4 girls since sophomore year and were all in Mimosa our freshman year. We love our movies and going out with our friends. On Sundays I love to go home and have Sunday family dinner and work on homework for the upcoming week. My schedule is very crazy and always am very busy but I make sure I still have a good balance of relaxing and work. I can say that all the work I have put in has allowed me to get my dream job after college. I am working with KPMG in NYC as a management consultant. Even though I am so excited to start my career I am not ready to leave Rowan just yet. It has been the best four years of my life and been so grateful for all the opportunities that Rowan has provided me. I have met my best friends because of Rowan and have made the best memories here!

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Story by: Kylie Kieffer, senior marketing and management major
Photography by: Vanessa Vause, senior public relations and advertising major