Surviving Holidays, College Style: Thanksgiving Edition

Thankful and grateful handwritten designIt’s the busiest time of the fall semester … final projects begin, tests get tough, and our work load gets heavy as our focus begins to fade off.

We get caught up in already planning next semester that we forget to be thankful for the moment we’re in right here, right now. Balancing classes, work, clubs, friends, family and a social life all while being a college student can be stressful. Thankfully, the holiday season is upon us and gives a great reason to take a step back from the chaos, and embrace all of the good around us. I mean hey, indulge in that piece of pie! Throw a Friendsgiving with your roomies or travel home to visit the family. No matter what it is that spikes your interest, now is the time to be thankful for how far you’ve come, and to get excited for the future. Here’s my Top Six Tips for having a successful holiday weekend…

  1. Treat Yourself. It’s okay to give yourself a pat on the back! You survived more than half the college semester. Keep working hard, but remember you deserve to treat yourself. Go get that massage, buy that jacket you really want, or bake your favorite dessert and relax with a chill night and your favorite movie.
  2. Show Appreciation. There’s no time like the present. The holidays can bring the best, but also the worst out of people. Take this time to embrace the good and give back to those you care about. Whether it be a surprise visit to an old friend, or a simple heart-filled text message, show your appreciation to who truly care for this holiday season.
    turkey saying "study!"
    3. Catch Up On Work. Finally, some days off! What better time to brace yourself for the final hectic weeks of the semester. Use this time to catch up on previous work, and get a head start on those final projects.
  3. Evaluate Your Progress. Has this semester been a success for you? Are there things you need to improve and work on? Set some new goals and finish 2018 strong.
  4. Fall Cleaning. Who said “Spring Cleaning” was the only time to reorganize? Refresh your dorm, clean your room, make space and declutter your areas to stay focused and driven for the final weeks of class.
  5. Surround Yourself with Positivity. Whether it be embracing your friends or family, or relaxing alone doing your favorite past-time activity, remember to stay positive and look at the all of the good surrounding your situation. Fill your weekend with love and support and just know that you got THIS!
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    Story by:
    Vanessa Vause, senior public relations and advertising major