#PROFspective: Biomedical Art & Visualization Major Veronica Cava

Veronica sitting on the floor in Westby

Today, we speak with Veronica Cava, a freshman Biomedical Art and Visualization major who lives on campus in Mimosa Hall. Veronica will share her #PROFspective with us on what it’s like to be a Rowan University student and how she’s getting the most out of her college experience as a Rowan Prof.

Veronica on the patio outside of Westby Hall, where she spends most of her time on campus.

Name: Veronica Cava
Major: Biomedical Art and Visualization
Minor: Biology (goes along with major)
Year: Freshman
Hometown and County: Marlton, NJ (Burlington County)
Resident: Yes, I live in Mimosa Hall
Academic clubs: BMAV (Biomedical Art and Visualization) Club
Athletic clubs: Women’s Club Volleyball team. I am a setter.

Share an “a ha!” moment you’ve had within your major that made you feel passionate about your intended field.

I’ve always wanted to help people by using the things that I love, both art and science, so I sought out to find something where I could do just that. I remember coming to information sessions at Rowan as a junior and senior in high school to learn more about biomedical art and visualization and seeing all of the incredible work that the students at the time were working on. Since then I knew that BMAV was for me. Specializing in medical illustration can help me do what I always wanted, by mixing in the things I love while also doing something important with what I’m most passionate about.

Describe an experience you’ve shared with a professor in which you felt like you were working with a visionary in your field.

In my Drawing class my first semester, we worked on sketching each part of the body up to the point where we had a model come in and pose for us. My professor helped to strengthen my knowledge on how to perceive how the body connects, while also giving me new outlooks on how to correctly and proportionally draw the human form. Working with the human body is something I want to do in the future as a part of BMAV, so this class was definitely significant to me.

Sunny days mean Veronica can draw or paint outside!

Describe for us an on-campus experience in which you felt that your future goals are supported.

At my very first meeting with the BMAV club, I knew that I was around people that shared the same goals and supported each other from the very beginning. We’re a small major, but we are all passionate about what we want to do. The professors and upperclassmen are such a big help in so many ways. I realized that being a BMAV major makes me a part of an incredibly unique community of students and professors that all share the common goal of sharing our art in ways that benefit others. We all have many opportunities to seek out our intended field whether it be zoological illustration, medical illustration, biological illustration, or whatever it may be, with the vast amounts of classes offered here at Rowan.

Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you?

I realized how welcoming Rowan really is when I first joined the club volleyball team. Every single girl I met made me feel welcome as a part of the team and we all became great friends quickly. I was intimidated at first, but I was immediately welcomed with open arms by the upperclassmen. We all formed into a great group of girls and I can’t imagine going to Rowan without them.

Why did you choose Rowan?

I chose Rowan mainly because of how rare and unique the Biomedical Art and Visualization major is. There aren’t many other schools that offer it as an undergraduate major, and I just loved it so much I couldn’t stay away. It’s all my favorite things in one and all the things I’m most interested in pursuing in the future. Rowan also has so many admirable qualities including the vast range of clubs to join, frequent weekly events, and friendly and safe campus swarming with the most welcoming students.

What’s your favorite thing about your typical Monday at Rowan?

My favorite thing about a typical Monday at Rowan is getting back into the swing of things after a lazy weekend. I enjoy getting to see everyone who returns from home and getting to see my commuter friends as well. Getting back to work while also getting to see all my friends again is always a great feeling.

When she’s not in Westby, Veronica spends the rest of her class time taking biology courses in Science Hall.

On your busiest day, what academic, non-academic and social responsibilities are you juggling?

My busiest day is a Tuesday. I have three classes ranging from 8 am to 7:30 pm, two of them being 2 ½ hrs,  and club volleyball practice starting at 7:30 pm. Luckily I have a great president who lets me show up just a few minutes late, coming from class. Those days I’m usually running around a bit, but when you love everything you do nothing is a hassle.

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Story by: Veronica Cava, freshman biomedical art and visualization major
Photography by: Nicole Cier, junior writing arts major