“Rowan was always in the back of my mind, since my mom went here for her undergrad and master’s,” says senior radio/television/film major Amanda Devers, from Gibbstown, NJ (Gloucester County). “We drove through campus all the time, so I was able to see it from a younger age.”
Amanda discovered at GCIT (Gloucester County Institute of Technology) vocational high school that she enjoyed working with film and audio, and kept that in mind as she began her college application process. She kept RTF in mind as she considered the universities she wanted to apply to, and discovered that Rowan met her needs.

“Rowan has a quality RTF program, and going [here] would allow me to mix that closeness to home with my passion for RTF,” she reflects.
Amanda’s acceptance letter to Rowan came with an option to participate in the Degree in 3 program, and RTF was one of the majors offered. “I talked it over with my parents, and we decided [Degree in 3] was a great idea. I wouldn’t have to pay for tuition, room and board, or dining for a whole additional year. I’d be saving a lot of money, and I could even live on campus,” she says, as a current resident of the Whitney Center apartments.
Upon entering campus as a freshman, Amanda was interested right away in becoming a part of Rowan’s radio station, WGLS-FM.
“I knew I’d regret it if I didn’t get involved immediately, so I could have the longest time to be [at the radio station] throughout college,” she recalls, “this time last year, i applied to be operations manager, the highest position for students, and I got it!
My responsibilities included helping the station manager and faculty-run Rowan Radio. It was such a professional environment, and I was surrounded by a lot of cool people who really love what they do. Rowan Radio was like my second dorm.”

Amanda, who has a minor in audio recording and an honors concentration, knew that an accelerated program such as Degree in 3 would be challenging, but she felt that the workload was worth the money and time she’d save in the long run.
“For the program, we’re encouraged to take six classes per semester, instead of the typical five for traditional four-year students. As the years went on, I got a job and became more involved with the radio station, and had to learn to balance everything in my life,” she says. “Time management was definitely something I struggled with during my busiest semesters, but support from friends and my parents helped get me through the challenges.”
To stay organized, Amanda started keeping a bullet journal her freshman year, where she wrote to-do lists to prioritize and keep track of her assignments.
“Being an RTF major, I had a lot of hands-on projects to do, so it helped to block off steps of each project for one day at a time. I would do a certain step one day, and another step the next. I looked at each part of the process as a separate task, instead of looking at the whole picture, to help me feel less overwhelmed.”
As Amanda wraps up her last year at Rowan, she recommends the Degree in 3 program for those who are interested. “It definitely has shaped the way I view my workload,” she says. “My whole mentality has changed when it comes to work, and I’m able to balance a lot of tasks and manage my time better. I feel like I work harder now and when it comes to my workload, I don’t have the same mindset anymore.”
And as for her future career plans? “I would like to continue work in RTF, especially radio and broadcasting. I’ve learned this past year that I like to manage people and projects, and would like a similar position at a radio station. I feel like I’m well-prepared for that now.”
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Story by:
Nicole Cier, senior writing arts major
Photos submitted by:
Amanda Devers, senior RTF major