Living Close to Rowan

Today’s story is from Mark Baugh, a senior radio/TV/film major with a specific interest in graphics and production. Mark is from Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County) and rents a home off-campus. 

Many students when looking at college might think “that’s way too close to home. I wanna go further.” I would say there is nothing too close to home. Choose the school that you believe fits you best whether it is on the other side of town or the other side of the country and make the most of whatever that school is offering – because in the long run it will make your college experience that much better. A drone image of the town of Glassboro and the horizon beyond the town.

In my case I chose the school right down the road from me. I am from Washington Township, which borders Glassboro. When it came time for me to pick a school I had a few options to choose from, the furthest being a little over two hours away. So you may be asking what made me choose Rowan with it being only about 10 minutes from my house, when I had other options further from home. 

There are a few things that went into it, much like other decisions in life. I read about Rowan’s amazing programs and the opportunities that students can take part in within their major. I was familiar with the campus as I have been going to Rowan since I was 6 years old as a part of their Kidz Rule summer camp. Rowan also has a rather large number of Greek life organizations, which was something I really wanted.

Mark and his fraternity brothers stand in a line shoulder to shoulder.
The executive board for my fraternity, Tau Delta Phi, when I was on e-board. I’m on the far right.

Thankfully I was able to live on/off campus all four years of my college career, instead of at home with my family. Some people may wonder why I would do that when I already lived close enough to commute. I wanted that “college experience” that everyone talks about. I think it can be rewarding for someone to live on their own or with friends while going to Rowan. It gives you that opportunity to meet more people and get involved in more on campus activities. I was also able to stop home from time to time if I needed that little break away from the craziness that can pop up during a college school year.

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