Senior Reflects: Early Childhood Education Major Already Making a Difference

Stock image of close up of adult hands guiding child's hands drawing.

Meet Candice Gavin, a first-generation college student, transfer student, commuter and Early Childhood Education and Literacy Studies major from Mount Ephraim, NJ (Camden County). She reflects on her time at Rowan and tells us some of her favorite experiences and where she’s headed to next!

Tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes:

I would have to say that my favorite experience was tutoring in the Reading Clinic during School Reading Problems and Supervised Clinical for Reading. I would tutor students in reading and writing who were struggling. It was rewarding to see such progress from the students. They would come in struggling and by the time the semester was over they had made great strides. I wasn’t expecting my student to master every topic because it was a short time spent with each other. Knowing that I made a little difference was a great feeling! It was fun to come up with engaging lessons and activities to use. It was just a great way to practice what I have learned and a great feeling to help students.”Candice Gavin stands with hands on her hips, on a sunny day.

What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?

I have had many moments that had a significant meaning to me during my time at Rowan. One of my favorites was when I participated with the Early Childhood Club for the Haunted Student Center. This was where I really connected with a lot of club members and had a lot of fun! We transformed a classroom into a circus theme and children would walk through and have a chance to do different activities. It was nice to have an opportunity to do something for children and have a lot of fun with club members while doing it.”

What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?

I hope to be a kindergarten or first grade teacher. Rowan has given me many opportunities to go out into the field and interact with students and teachers. It was a great way to network and learn hands on. In teaching we can read and study, but you really get the full experience when you are in the classroom actually teaching and working with students.”

Shout outs:

“I want to give a shout out to my mom, dad, and sister who have been there since day one. It has been a long ride, but they stuck by my side giving me support and encouragement when I needed it the most! I also want to give a shout out to Brandi White (the former Praxis Lab Coordinator) for helping me during this journey. She was always there as a mentor and friend! My group of friends all deserve a shout out too. They have experienced all the highs and lows of this journey with me too, so thanks for all your help! Lastly, my professors and advisor deserve recognition. They always wanted what was best for me and guided me in the right direction to get to this opportunity. I wouldn’t have made it this far without having the best support system, thank you all!”

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