Trevor Ditullio, a recently graduated senior Entrepreneurship major, talks about his experience in the program and the work he has experienced in the field to help to build the foundation for his post-graduation life. With a long work history already, graduating senior Trevor Ditullio reflects: “I work at one of the largest collision repair centers […]
senior reflects
Finishing His College Career Strong With a Summer BioChem Class

Today, we meet Jonathan Philip, a senior biological sciences major from Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County), here to talk about his experience with taking summer classes at Rowan and how it’s been beneficial to him. Jonathan enrolled in Intro to Biochemistry this summer at Rowan. As it relates to his experiences in the class, Jonathan […]
Accelerating Graduation and Building Stronger Connections Through Rowan’s Summer Classes

Today, we meet Richard Ricks, a senior biological sciences major on a pre-vet track, from Burlington, NJ (Burlington County), here to talk about his experience with taking summer classes at Rowan and how it’s been beneficial to him. This summer Richard completed Organic Chemistry, Physics II, (both online) and Plant Diversity (in person) summer […]
Maximizing Summer: Interning at Campbell’s Soup Company and Taking Summer Classes at Rowan University

A glimpse into hands-on learning for a finance and management information systems major Landon Nicholson, a senior double major in management information systems and finance from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County), gives some insight into his experience taking summer classes at Rowan and his summer internship at Campbell’s Soup Company. Landon wrapped up two online […]
Senior Reflects: Chemical Engineering Major and Future Ph.D. Candidate, Dylan Snyder

Who was your favorite professor and what class did you take with them? Oh, I can’t call favorites. Everyone in chemical engineering is a character but especially the professors. Everyone is diverse yet has so much to teach both in the style of thinking and technical expertise. The department is my second family, and I […]
Making the Most of Student Leadership: Admissions Ambassador, President of National Honor Fraternity, and Student Government Association Member Reflects

What is your favorite part of the program? My favorite part of the program is the connections that I have made with people. I have made some of my best friends, but also so many connections with the professional staff at Rowan. I know so many people on this campus, and a lot of it […]
Senior Reflects on Discovering a Passion for Working in Higher Education

Why did you choose to study English? I chose to study English because, when I applied to Rowan, all education majors had to pick a dual major to go along with their education major. I had a lot of trouble with reading comprehension and was in lower-level English until high school. Then, I worked my […]
Senior Reflects: Carly Morton and the Power of Music Education

Carly Morton, a recent Music Education graduate from Burlington County, shares her meditation on her passion for music and the value of her student teaching experience at Washington Township High School. Carly Morton’s inclination for music has always been a prevalent aspect in her life. During elementary school, Carly began playing the flute; however, it […]
Senior Reflects: Ella Emmer on Being PRISM President

Ella Emmer, a senior Psychology major with a minor in German from Somerset County, NJ, reflects on her experience as the PRISM club president and the legacy she hopes to leave on the organization.
Ella has made her mark on Rowan University’s community. Her impact can be attributed to her efforts as PRISM president, an LGBTQ+ organization on campus.
“PRISM provides a safe space for members of the LQBTQ+ community to socialize, form friendships and be their true selves,” she says.
Ella stumbled across PRISM… literally.
“I got lost going to a study abroad meeting and I wandered into JoAnna Murphy’s office in the SJICR office. After we got to talking, she introduced me to PRISM. The meeting times fit with my schedule, so I started going to meetings regularly. I became really close with members of the e-board and passionate about activism, so I decided to run as secretary my sophomore year. After serving as secretary, I ran for president and have served in that role ever since,” Ella explains.
As president of PRISM, Ella manages a lot of events for the organization. “So much goes into planning and executing events for the club. I have to pick a venue, contract any guest speakers or entertainers that come out, and spearhead any fundraising necessary for the event.”
Ella was especially proud of PRISM’s role in the university’s Lavender Graduation ceremony, which recognizes and celebrates LGBTQ+ students and allies ahead of their respective college commencement ceremonies.
“Lavender Graduation is very special to me. Since legal names have to be put on your diploma for graduation, it can oftentimes not reflect a person’s true identity. PRISM helps host a graduation that uses the person’s preferred name — their real name, to be recognized and honored for graduating as their true selves. I am speaking at the event and I could not be more proud to be a part of it.”

Along with hosting events, Ella leads e-board meetings as PRISM President. “During meetings, aside from preparing for events or upcoming fundraisers, we have an educational portion about LGBTQ+ history. Since LGBTQ+ history is not taught in schools, it is so important to learn about our history and all of the activists who got us here today,” she says.
As she reflects on her experience in the club, Ella looks back fondly on the memories she has made.
“I am really happy I got to be involved in an organization that makes a difference. Since I have been in PRISM, we have raised over $2,500 for LGBTQ+ organizations. This money has gone to not only big organizations, like The Trevor Project, but smaller organizations that aren’t as popular or advertised as well,” she says. “Aside from fundraising, I also worked with JoAnna Murphy with the SJICR to create a map for gender-neutral bathrooms on campus. This was a really important project to help others feel more comfortable on campus.”
Ella hopes the club continues to advance and do great things after she graduates.
“I hope the future of PRISM is bright and continues to make a positive impact for people in the community. Now that Covid is slowing down, I hope the new e-board can hold more events and partner with other organizations in the surrounding area for our members.”
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Story by:
Loredonna Fiore, public relations and advertising graduate
Photos courtesy of:
Ella Emmer
Desire Forman
Senior Reflects: Finance Major, Soccer Team Captain Bethany Sansone on Leadership and Mentorship

Today we speak with Bethany Sansone, who recently graduated with a degree in Finance and a minor in Marketing. Bethany is from Roxbury, NJ (Morris County) and is involved around campus as a member of the Women in Business Club, member of Rowan Athletics’ OWL (Outstanding Women Leaders) Group and as captain of the Women’s Soccer Team. She discusses her experiences within her major, her career aspirations, and she shares details on the job she will be starting this fall.
Why did you choose to study Finance? Have you always wanted to pursue a career in this field?
The reason why I choose to major in Finance is because it’s challenging, fast-paced and exciting! I’ve always loved and excelled in working with numbers and math in general. Finance seemed to be the perfect fit for me. My parents are both in the accounting and finance field, so from high school I’ve always known I would be going into the business field in some way.
Why did you choose Rowan to study Finance? How did Rowan stand out to you in your college search?
I ultimately chose to go to Rowan to play soccer. Luckily enough, Rowan happened to be a great school for business and my academic aspirations! Rowan’s campus and atmosphere also stood out to me compared to all of my other college visits.
Who was your favorite professor and what class did you take with them?
Professor Singkamanand is my favorite professor at Rowan. I [took] Advanced Excel Applications with him. He truly cares about all of his students and wants them all to do well in school and at their workplace upon graduation.

What advice would you give to incoming first year students and transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
Advice I would give to incoming first year students is to go out and experience everything! Rowan has so many different events where you can truly discover what you’re passionate about. Not only that, but at these events you can meet new people, form new connections, and explore different things about yourself. Overall, Rowan offers so many clubs and activities that you should take advantage of and can lead to a whirlwind of opportunities — whether it’s a job connection, a new passion, new friendships, etc.
Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
I’ve had many great experiences in all of my classes at Rowan, but a time that truly took a turn for the better was when we were able to go back to in-person class opposed to learning remotely over the computer. All of my professors were amazing during the pandemic, but nothing compares to being able to learn face-to-face in a classroom with your peers.
What are your career aspirations? How do you think Rowan has prepared you for your future endeavors?
I aspire to become a CFA or CPA in the future. One way Rowan really prepared me for my future is with the Finance Mentorship program it provided. I am so thankful for this program, as I believe it was the best thing to help prepare me for my career post graduation. My mentor helped guide me through everything I needed; through resume help, interview prep, to choosing what industry in finance fit me the best.
Can you talk about being a female in a predominantly male field of study? What are some challenges you have faced? What do you believe your biggest strengths are as a student within this major?
Being a female student in a predominantly male field of study definitely had its challenges. First and foremost, I questioned whether this field was a fit for me personally and professionally and how I was viewed by my peers especially when working in group projects since I was typically the only female in the group. This definitely made me introverted and shy at first.
As I grew as a person over the years, I became more comfortable and confident in myself. One of my biggest strengths as a student is that I am always on top of my work; I make sure the quality of my work is high and I make sure that I have everything done before the deadline.
Why is finance the best suitable major for the goals you would like to accomplish in your future?
Finance is the best suitable role for me because I enjoy problem solving in creative ways. My goal is to help the company that I work with in planning how to grow their revenue and maintain profitability.
Can you talk about the position you have accepted post graduation? Can you talk about the process of applying and then accepting this position?
I accepted a full-time offer as an Analyst with WithumSmith+Brown upon graduation. My process for applying to this position started with a referral from a friend; from there I attended the career fairs that the firm was going to, and had multiple interviews with different people from the firm to then be able to accept the position.
Do you have advice or tips, in particular for females, that are trying to stand out within the job search and interview process? What do you believe were your biggest attributes to obtaining this position?
My advice for the interview process is to be yourself and don’t let your nerves get to you! Along with that, I suggest that you do a good amount of research on the company and to prepare questions to ask at the end of it. Additionally, make sure to mention your strengths and share previous professional experiences like internships. For me, I think I stood out in the interview process by highlighting my leadership roles in college, like being captain of the Rowan Women’s Soccer Team, along with sharing the clubs I am a part of. I also think my previous internship experience helped showcase my skills and knowledge.
Is there anything else you would like to look back on and reflect on regarding your time at Rowan?
I am so thankful to have had a great college experience at Rowan. I gained so much knowledge, met so many great people, and explored many different interests. Rowan gave me all the tools and resources to be successful while in school and preparing for the real world post graduation.
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Story by:
Natalie DePersia, junior public relations major
Photos courtesy of:
Bethany Sansone
Senior Reflects: Engineering Major Danielly DeMiranda Ribeiro on the Campus Opportunities that Shaped her Rowan Experience

Peer Tutor. Women in Engineering Club Treasurer. AIChE student chapter class representative. Chemical Engineering major Danielly DeMiranda Ribeiro stayed active on campus and online as Covid-19 surged through her college career. Now, with her degree in hand and a position with the pharmaceutical company Merck, Daneilly shares her best Rowan memories and her words of […]
Senior Reflects: Last Hollybash Experience

Senior year is full of lots of “lasts” — your last first day of college, your last Homecoming week, your last exams, etc. Today, Rowan Blog Contributor Loredonna Fiore reflects on her last Hollybash event experience.
This spring, Rowan University hosted its annual Hollybash event. For those who don’t know, Hollybash is a festival that Rowan After Hours and Student University Programmers host as an end-of-the-year celebration for students. The event has food vendors, carnival games, and a live performance by a musical guest.
As a senior, it was bittersweet to come to my last Hollybash event, but it ended up being my favorite one yet. At check-in, everyone was given reusable Hollybash bags and $10 worth of food vouchers to use at the various food truck vendors at the event. After checking in, my friends and I went straight to the inflatable obstacle course.
The fun continued as we headed to the mechanical bull and bubble-blowing station. As you can see, the weather was beautiful and the good vibes were high.
We then headed to the axe-throwing station, where a representative from Primitive Axe helped us aim and throw the axe right on the bullseye.
Later on in the evening, we came back to check out the live performers. Performers included a band called Earth on Fire, Yung Joc, and the headliner, Noah Cyrus. My friends and I ended up getting a spot right in the front row, so we got to be up close to all of the performers. Noah by far was my favorite.
This event really made me feel connected to the Rowan University community. Seeing everyone come together to play games and listen to live music made the campus seem so small and unified. Getting to attend this event for free made me feel so lucky and #RowanPROUD.
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Story and photos by:
Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major
#PROFspective: A Dialogue with English Education Major Lucas Taylor

With Rowan Blog’s latest release of #PROFspective, we converse with Lucas Taylor, a commuting senior English education major from West Deptford (Gloucester County). In our discussion with Lucas, we learn of his unique Rowan experience with his new job as a producer for Rowan Blog as well as his own motivation for pursuing higher education in English.
What inspired you to choose your major?
I originally didn’t want to be an English major; I didn’t really find it all too interesting until my senior year of high school. I was always good at writing and analyzing texts but never really took an interest in it until my teacher at the time had seen how proficient I was at it. She saw through me being lazy, and I suppose in a sense, that resonated with me. I wanted to do well to make her proud and at the end of the year I kind of realized that teaching was something I could spend my life doing. I owe a lot of my college career to that teacher and hope she’s doing well with her own life.
How does your field impact the world? What impact would you like to have on the world in your field?
I think teaching is a very admirable occupation. My mother is an art teacher herself, and I learned all of the different tribulations that she goes through with teaching almost hundreds of kids a year. Yet, she’s always so happy and proud to teach all of them. Mainly, I want to be able to reach out to kids like me who really didn’t have an ideal path for the future and show them the different paths that they could take.
How are you involved on campus?
I’m a newly hired producer for Rowan Blog and I have to say it’s pretty exciting. With Covid indirectly wiping out 2-3 years of my college career, I really haven’t spent all that much time on campus. I’m a commuter so I don’t really get around to traveling so much around campus. So far, this job has had me go into buildings that I’ve never even seen and meet with people. It almost makes you feel like a first year all over again.
Could you share a moment you’ve experienced in which you have felt that Rowan is a welcoming environment for you?
Coming into Rowan, I already knew that I had a lot of really close friends that were also going to be attending. I wouldn’t say that there is a specific moment but I guess you could call it a collection of experiences. Whether it was my buddies and myself going to grab a pizza and goofing off in one of the buildings at Holly Pointe or just meeting different people with every new class I take, it’s a different ordeal every time which I find pretty fascinating.
Tell us about one moment that made you feel like Rowan was the right fit for you.
Honestly, there was this one moment where I had just bought a new car to start off my first year here at Rowan. If I remember right, it was like a 1998 Camaro and I had thought it was the coolest thing, especially since it had that retro looking t-roof. I was going to pick up my friends and grab something to eat as a first trip with the car and it didn’t start for some reason. While I was calmly freaking out I was surprised over the amount of students that actually were coming up and asking me if everything with the car was alright. It was a very humbling experience but something that made me feel really included with the entire population.
What would you share with a future student interested in your major?
You really have to appreciate the different classes that are offered in the major. There are so many different welcoming professors such as Professors Falck, Meadowsong and Tucker that really make you invested in what you’re learning. I think with English there’s always something new to learn or even just interpret based on what you think a source is trying to convey which makes it almost tailored to however you want to believe. All in all, I would just say to keep up with reading and not to slack off too much.
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Story and Photography: by Ashley Craven, junior sports communication and media major
Produced by: Lucas Taylor, senior English Education major
Senior Reflects: RTF Major Riel Dioquino on Finding True Friends

Today we speak with Riel Marc Dioquino (he/him) who recently graduated with a degree in Radio/Television/Film (RTF) and a concentration in Production. Riel hails from Burlington Township and is a first-generation college student. He also participated in Cinema Workshop and earned recognition for this short documentary, Beyond His Closet, in the Edelman College of Communications & Creative Arts Student Showcase. Beyond His Closet follows Adam Kowalski in his journey after coming out. Riel also earned recognition for his narrative film, Lost & Found, at the 7th Annual RTF Media Festival.
What was your favorite social memory?
I did a photoshoot the other week with my Ate [meaning older sister in Tagalog] Rizza on the [Glassboro] campus. I was feeling very nostalgic because walking around there for the last time reminded me of my first year at Rowan. In my first semester, I was only friends with Kyle Foor and Sam LaFlamme. It was just the three of us at the time because we knew each other from RCBC (Rowan College of Burlington County) and we transferred at the same time.
In between classes, we had 3-hour long breaks before he had to go to our next class together. We would hang out by this big tree on Bunce Green. Kyle and I would climb in the tree and just chill there while Sam sat in the huge yellow Rowan beach chair next to us.
I don’t mean to sound all emo but it was just nice and cool because it kind of hit me that, “Wow, I have friends.” Back in high school, I had one best friend Vishali Patel who I’m still very close to today. I had, still have, really bad social anxiety and I thought I would never have friends, especially going into college. I never really had that experience of, “I’m going to go hang out or get an iced coffee with my friends before class.” I think that’s what makes the best of my college experience. Once I allowed myself to let people in my life and be myself, I was able to find people that I can truly be comfortable with.

Who was your favorite professor and what class did you take with them?
I love Jenny Drumgoole! I had her for Video Art. It was one of the first classes where I was able to express myself and do whatever I wanted for all of my projects. She’s very unfiltered and open about anything. She pushes us to be comfortable with being uncomfortable because it helps a lot with discovering our self-identity. It’s more about exploring the possibilities of how you can express yourself. I think she helped me and my classmates with that.
Usually, when we have classes, I don’t talk to a lot of people because of my social anxiety. Jenny helped me to let loose in the projects that I wanted to make and share them with the class. They were very accepting of me. Jenny Drumgoole is an amazing person overall.

Do you want to give a thank-you shout-out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
Shout out to Sam LaFlamme, my best friend, because we’ve been through a lot together these last few years. I met her sophomore year of college at RCBC through a documentary class where we had to produce the film together. Our group won a few awards and had screenings in a few film festivals such as New York, Florida, Australia and more. We got closer because we happened to share classes every semester until my senior year. We then worked at this internship together later that year and transferred to Rowan at the same time! We talked about everything in our lives the closer we got and that was that. I always say I couldn’t imagine going through college without her because we’ve gone through so much together.

What advice would you give to incoming first year students and transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
Coming from my experience, it sounds very simple, but don’t be too scared. This applies to everything that your anxiety tells you to be anxious about. You can’t control anything that you can’t control. Everything is going to be ok. Everything will fall into place as long as you follow your gut feeling on how you want your future to look. My mindset was that I’m just there to take my classes and get my college degree. Then I can start my life and do whatever I want after.
Yes, you can start planning for the long term, but also take care of yourself mentally and physically because it’s going to be a wild ride for the next four years.
Also having your friends and your family close will help you through it mentally and physically. Keeping that drive and motivation in your gut aflame will help push you to be whatever you want to be in the future. Also, don’t forget to drink lots of water and take care of yourself because some people like me would forget to do the most simplest yet important thing in the world!
Check out more of Riel’s work at:
Instagram – @rmarc99
Portfolio Website –
Like what you see?
Story by:
Marian Suganob, public relations and advertising graduate
Photos by:
Riel Dioquino, radio television film graduate
Senior Reflects: Recent Writing Arts Graduate Kassidy Tirelli Heads to Law School

Today we speak to Kassidy Tirelli, a recent Writing Arts graduate with concentrations in Creative Writing and Publishing and Writing for the Public. Kassidy is a first-generation student from Pittsgrove, NJ (Salem County).
Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My favorite experience in one of my classes was in a Self-Publishing course I took during the Fall of 2019 with Professor Jason Luther. He’s the coolest professor ever. One of our assignments was to create a zine, which we then produced and sold at the Collingswood Book Festival! It was such an awesome experience!
Could you share your favorite social memory?
My favorite social memories were Hollybash and RoGlow during my freshman year! The Chamberlain Student Center and Campus Activities put on both programs.
What are your career aspirations?
I will start school at Rutgers Law School this fall. I hope to work as a family law attorney after graduating from law school, particularly in the realm of divorce and custody disputes.
Do you want to give a thank-you shout-out to your family, friends, advisors, or mentors?
Absolutely! I can’t thank my parents enough for everything they’ve done for me not just in the last four years, but throughout my life. Their support absolutely made it possible for me to earn my degree!
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? Why is this person your favorite?
My favorite professor was Professor Jade Jones. I took her for Creative Writing I. She’s my favorite because she was one of the kindest and most supportive people I’ve ever met. She was also such an incredible professor and truly went above and beyond for her students!
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
The advice I would offer is that it’s absolutely fine and probably even normal to not know what you want to do after graduation when you start college. I changed my major three times during my freshman year before finding something that I loved. Other than that, just enjoy your college experience and get involved in everything you can. It really goes by incredibly fast, and you’ll be graduating before you know it!
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Story by:
Rachel Rumsby, junior communication studies and public relations double major
Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major
Why Psychology Major Leah Boyle Chose to Study Close to Home

Today we speak with Leah Boyle, who recently graduated with a degree in Psychology. Leah comes from Haddonfield, NJ in Camden County and is a first-generation college student. She had been an on-campus resident all four years and worked as an RA (Resident Assistant) for the LGBTQIA+ Learning Community in Holly Pointe for the last two years.
Why did you choose a university close to home?
My sister went [to Rowan]. She’s a year older than me and she graduated last year. We are very, very close and when she went to Rowan, I knew that they had a great psychology program. We were roommates in Holly Pointe my freshman year. We had an apartment together with our friends. She’s one of my best friends. That was why I chose [Rowan] and it ended up being a great opportunity. Everything about it has been awesome. It was more for family.
How do you carve out an identity for yourself if you are with a sibling in the same place?
Shannon, my older sister, specifically was an Art major. She was working on that, and I became interested in the Social Justice office. [I] started working at the office of Social Justice Inclusion and Conflict Resolution (SJICR). I worked on their programming and it got me thinking about what we do for our queer students, which got me to becoming an RA. She ended up making a club for women in our arts programs (Women of Westby, W.O.W). I was able to get my residence to come to W.O.W. events and she was able to bring the arts to my residence. So we were able to connect a lot [that way]. She was really successful in her art. I was doing my psychology and social justice stuff. We started out the same but went in different directions.

Did you ever feel overshadowed by having a sibling here?
Well, I’m not an artist! I didn’t really know much about how Shannon is such a good artist until I would meet with her in the art building. [We’d] go get food together, see her stuff and [witness] people talk about her and her art. She is an incredible oil painter. So I didn’t [feel] overshadowed because I don’t do a lot in the arts. I took an oil painting class last semester on Zoom and had to call her every day to get tips. We had our own things that we specialized in. It was good to see her grow in her art. She got a lot of involvement in social justice too.
What was it like to live with your sister in a university location after living together for your whole life?
It was much messier because we had bigger rooms now. We’ve shared a room since I was seven. I say everything that is hers is mine. She lives in Maryland now. It’s a lot more arguments about where things should be put, but it was great. My sophomore year we had an apartment with four other friends in university housing. It was really great because there’s no one you could be more honest with than your sister. I could say, “I can’t be around you right now.” I can be honest with my roommate because she is my sister.
Rowan was really accommodating to [me] living with a sophomore my freshman year. They had no problems and they were so happy for us. I’m happy we were able to do it because now she’s doing her own thing. I’m moving after this. I’m going to grad school at Montclair State University.

Do you have any other majors, minors or CUGs?
I took Child Life courses at University of California Santa Barbara, where I study hospitalization. I’m going to Montclair State for Child Psychology.
What is it like not living with your sister?
In the beginning, it was kind of a bummer. I’m happy I didn’t have to go live with someone who wasn’t her. I got used to it. It’s a little far (I’m up near New York) so we make weekends to see each other. She calls me and I call her probably a little too much. It’s not so bad, we’re [still] in constant contact.
Like what you see?
Story by:
Marian Suganob, public relations and advertising graduate
Photos by:
Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major
#PROFspective: Biomedical Engineering Major Danny Tepper Reflects on College

Today we speak with Danny Tepper of Atlantic County, who recently earned his degree in Biomedical Engineering. Danny transferred to Rowan his sophomore year from Atlantic County Community College and will be going onto his master’s in engineering at Rowan next year. He is an off-campus resident. Danny was homeschooled until he attended ACCC at 17 years old.
What has been your favorite class at Rowan?
That’s hard to pick! I’ve taken a few interesting ones, mostly technical ones. One of my favorite ones that were different from the rest was a class on regulatory practices of the FDA. For example, learning the details about how to get through the FDA approval process of new drugs. This is a topic in some engineering and medical courses that is not covered very well. It’s not a required class but it should be. Dr. Erik Brewer, a BME professor, taught this class. I took this course last fall.

What excites you about your major?
The idea of being at the front of research really excites me and sort of creating the future to some extent and really helping people. I’ve always had some interest in medicine, but I’ve also never wanted to be a nurse or doctor working with people like that. I like the concept of being on the back end and making the things that doctors use. Also, both my parents have master’s degrees in engineering. It’s only appropriate that I go into something within engineering. My brother also has a bachelor’s in engineering!
If there was anything you wish you knew beforehand about your major, what would you share?
It is a lot of work, but it is even more than I expected. There were some weeks where you had absolutely no social life if you wanted to get any of your homework done. It’s unfortunate, but it happens. You learn a lot though.

Do you have any internships or clubs you are involved in?
I have not had any internships, but I’m involved in some club sports here. I’m on the frisbee team. I’m also on the e-board of the Rowan University College Republican Club.
What did your activities add to your college experience?
The sports club definitely added a lot to my friendships. I met my first friend group as a first-year in intramural frisbee. One of those friends became my best friend and we still hang out together a lot. I still talk to all of them periodically.
What’s the last song you listened to?
“All the Way Up” by David Guetta
What are you looking forward to this summer?
Graduating, for one thing, and being back in Wildwood. Hopefully, with fewer restrictions than last year. I’ve been in Wildwood the past five summers working at a waterpark. Last summer, I turned 21 but everything was closed. Hopefully, we don’t have that again.
Like what you see?
Story by:
Marian Suganob, public relations and advertising graduate
#PROFspective: History Major Anthony Raisley on Living On Campus

Today we speak with recent graduate Anthony Raisley, who majored in History with a concentration in U.S. History and multiple minors in Entrepreneurship, New Media, International Studies as well as a CUGS (Certificate of Undergraduate Studies) in Italian! Anthony comes from Middletown, NJ in Monmouth County and has lived on campus all four years of college. Anthony graduated this past May.
Advice for incoming transfers or freshmen who want to live on campus?
It’s very exciting to see all the facilities Rowan has to offer and the new things that Rowan is developing. There’s great housing and great options for everybody. I’d definitely say to live on campus if you can because the experiences you get are certainly unique to being an on-campus resident. I very much enjoyed my time living on campus all four years.
What are some of the advantages of living on campus?
It’s much easier to walk to class and to visit friends in other residence halls. Also if I have to meet up with other classmates to work on projects, it’s easy to meet in one of the academic buildings or in one of the resident lounges.

What about practical tips for packing? Tips on what to leave at home?
Each year you get better and better with picking and knowing what you need to bring. To be honest, I never bring enough (lol). There are things where I’m like, “Oh, you really don’t need this.” But you can never have too many sweatshirts if it gets chilly on certain days. Don’t forget the rain boots or rain jacket. Those are things you forget because it’s a beautiful August day when you move onto campus and then you realize once it’s October: “Oh yeah, I need my boots and rain jacket!” Definitely prepare for all of the elements, but it’s great to see the campus change through all of the seasons!
How did you make friends as a resident?
My freshman year, when I moved in, I started off running cross country and track. I was able to move in early. I met the guys on the team. Everyone from Rowan Athletics is fantastic, makes you feel welcome, and helps you with your transition from moving from home into college. My sophomore year I was still running. I [also] started working in admissions as an ambassador. Being able to meet a lot of my fellow ambassadors as a sophomore, junior, and senior, you get a great idea of what Rowan represents as far as all of the different backgrounds and different majors. It’s a great way to meet people that way. It’s a great environment to work in. In my junior year, I started working for the social media team, another great way to meet people and professional staff as well.

How did you get connected with Rowan Social Media?
I saw an email or announcement online. Immediately, I was interested in it because on the side I take photos. Being able to be part of this environment, taking photos of campus, and getting to meet so many people has been fantastic.
What do you want to do professionally after graduation?
After graduation, I’m actually going to Georgetown for grad school. I’m moving to Washington, D.C. because the program I got into was the Master of Arts in Communication, Culture, and Technology. It’s exactly what I love, all those subject areas even with the minors that I have here and also my major. It all fits together. I’m so glad I’m able to pursue that next year. It’s nice because you can pick what you want to focus on. That’s what’s in store for me this fall.
Like what you see?
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Marian Suganob, public relations and advertising graduate
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Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major
Senior Reflects: Public Relations and Advertising Double Major Marian Suganob

Today we speak to recent graduate Marian Suganob, a Public Relations and Advertising double major with a minor in theatre. Marian, a first-generation college student from Mantua, NJ (Gloucester County), lived on campus all four years of her college career.
Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
I didn’t come to Rowan as a theater minor. I took Intro to Acting to fill a Rowan Core requirement. The adjunct professor that was teaching the course, Professor Rachel O’Hanlon-Rodriguez, saw that I had a creative mind. She could see that the major that I had declared at the time wasn’t the right one for me. She recommended I sign up to be a theatre major or minor. That experience really helped me feel welcome at Rowan. She didn’t just treat me like I was one of the thousands of students that she taught. She saw me and made the effort to talk to me during class and after class. That was definitely one class that made me feel I was at the right school.
Could you share your favorite social memory?
A lot of my memories come from my time with the Rowan University Philippine American Coalition (RUPAC), the Filipino club on campus, and also being an RA.
I’m a bit of an introvert, so I’m not always hanging out with people, but the only way I could survive being an RA and also do well in school was by sticking together with the other RAs. Often, the other RAs and I would study together, while we were on duty we’d study from 8 p.m. until around 2 a.m. It was really fun. We also bonded over having crazy experiences being RAs.
When I joined RUPAC my freshman year, I felt welcome at Rowan. We performed a play that was run, created, written and directed by students. It was an adaptation of Mulan. I got to play the lead role, and that was really, really fun. It broke me out of my shell and I met a lot of friends because of it. The experience was great for me.
What are your career aspirations?
Right now I would like to find what I am passionate about. However, I would really like to go into advertising one day.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
Being at Rowan helped me build my work ethic. Rowan has also helped me explore my career aspirations by letting me ask questions and be curious. The people at Rowan helped me open my mind to more creative fields. All of my relatives are in some part of the medical field, so nobody in my family has ever gone into the creative field. Rowan supported me in my exploration to find my career aspirations.
Do you want to give a thank-you shout-out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
Thank you to RUPAC for giving me a home on-campus. Thank you to my professors and advisors for helping me grow and helping me enjoy my education, even though it was challenging. Thank you to the Office of Events and Conferences for the many professional opportunities they have given me. The Office of Events and Conferences led me to my current job at the Rowan Blog. Thank you to those who created and passed the Student Health fee my sophomore year. You saved my life and countless others. Please continue to advocate for these issues and fight for change. Thank you to my boyfriend for being my study partner and my best friend. Thank you to my parents for supporting me throughout college.
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?
I loved taking Public Opinion with Dr. Novak, and I also really enjoyed taking PR Practicum with Professor Shoenstein.
Public Opinion helped me understand why PR and Advertising are so important. It’s not just about promoting a business or promoting your own efforts. Your work helps create social change. PR and advertising are grounded in actual psychology. Also, understanding your audience is really powerful.
In PR Practicum, I was able to practice my skills in social media and graphic creation. I mostly used those skills for clubs on the side, or for myself, but to practice with a team and a professor for a good cause was really fun.
What advice would you give to incoming first-year students or transfer students about making the most out of their college experience?
Try to find a balance between exploring your career aspirations and keeping mentally healthy. I wish I had done more internships and explored more, but it was good for my mental health to limit myself to one per year.
Is there anything else you would like to look back on and reflect on regarding your time at Rowan?
College helped me grow as a person, especially in public speaking. At the beginning of college, I absolutely hated public speaking. I never wanted to volunteer, I never thought I was good at it. But after the countless presentations I have given for classes, and papers I have had to write, I am a better communicator. I would have never thought that I’d actually like presenting and that I would want to present with my team at the end of my senior year. Thank you, Rowan, for helping me become better and changing me.
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Rachel Rumsby, rising junior communication studies and public relations double major
Photography by:
Joe Gentempo, art graduate
#PROFPRIDE: Filmmaker Riel Dioquino on “Beyond His Closet”

Today we speak with Riel Marc Dioquino (he/him), who recently graduated with a degree in Radio/Television/Film (RTF) and a concentration in Production. Riel hails from Burlington Township and is a first-generation college student. He also participated in Cinema Workshop and earned recognition for this short documentary, Beyond His Closet, in the Edelman College of Communications & Creative Arts Student Showcase. Beyond His Closet follows Adam Kowalski in his journey after coming out. Riel also earned recognition for his narrative film, Lost & Found, at the 7th Annual RTF Media Festival.
Why is this a relevant story to share?
Anyone that’s in the LGBTQ+ community, we hear a lot of stories of people coming out, but little do we hear stories of what happens after. There are a lot of inner demons you still have to work with maybe your whole life you’ve closeted yourself and you’ve hidden your identity for so long. That affects your way of living and you have to find a way to find yourself again.
This goes back to the concept of coming in, which is what Adam talks about [in the documentary]. The concept of coming out is that you tell everyone, your friends and your family that you’re gay or bi, or whoever you are. Coming in is just as important because it means you’re coming into yourself. You’re starting to explore the good and bad sides of yourself and become more comfortable in your own skin. That’s what this whole story of Adam and this documentary focuses on, not just the process of coming out, but going through life afterward and finding yourself again.
Is there anything else you want viewers to realize or feel after watching the film?
Coming from my personal struggles, I think from what Adam says at the end to keep going through life and keep moving forward, I think that makes us stronger.
I just hope anyone that watches this feels the hopefulness and the strength Adam shows. I think Adam is a really strong person, and having that film in mind kind of helped me mentally prepare for my surgery [Riel currently has a broken arm that required surgery]. I feel like we should just appreciate life as it is, not take life too seriously and just continue on regardless of whatever you’re are going through, I think that’s what’s going to make your life the fullest.

How did you prepare Adam to be your documentary subject?
I did a pre-interview with Adam before we started shooting for the film. We met up and talked about his life for a few hours that first day. After I knew a little bit about him, I had my questions lined up so that he could talk about: his childhood, his process of coming out, what happened after he came out and then a wrap-up of what he thinks about his life.
How long did it take to film the documentary?
On all phases of production, it took a whole semester. This film was for my TV Documentary Field Production class. I had Professor Jonathan Olshefski and I chose to do it independently, which was a tough job to carry but it wasn’t too bad. Thankfully, I had Prof. Olshefski to guide me.
Surprisingly, it took four days to film the documentary. Before and during those film days throughout the semester, I had to find a subject, pre-plan the shoot, plan all the equipment, then commute to get all of the equipment from the RTF room. Once production was done, I edited everything at home.

In the future, what kind of films do you want to make?
I’ve honestly never really thought of that because I’m always thinking about what’s the next job to do. I just graduated and I always get asked, “What’s your plan? Do you have any jobs lined up?” It’s the pressure of “What is next?” or “You have to keep going even though you have no idea where to go” that kind of scares me.
I always thought about maybe doing freelancing or production assistant jobs. Personally, I never thought of making a documentary or a huge film because it’s not usually my thing. But, if anyone asked me to join their project, I would!
For my Instagram posts, I play around with a lot of lighting and smoke on concepts for my photo/video shoots. Recently, I’ve been wanting to get out of my basement to do more photo/video shoots in nature for a change. The way I work with projects on Instagram or non-jobs is more about expressing myself, what I feel in the moment, and what I need to get out of my chest into visuals. Then I’m onto my next project.
I used to make a lot of dark, emo, Billie-Eilish-inspired projects where I’m in this dark void, but recently I want to make more projects where I feel free with the use of outside nature.
Going back to the making of my documentary, it can be hard for filmmakers to create a documentary if you don’t understand the energy of the person. That’s what brings life to it, showing compassion and deep feelings about it. Not just the way people talked in the interview but the way you edit it, the way you shoot b-roll, and how you use lighting. Everything influences how you want to portray this person’s life on screen.

Is there anything else you want to share about the film?
I just thought it was cool how I was able to be comfortable enough to dive deep in this subject of being a part of the LGBTQ+ community and exploring someone’s life through that. I definitely would give credit to my production classes especially my Video Art class because I was able to express myself and be open about being gay through projects where I was given the freedom to make whatever I want. From that, I felt open to doing the documentary on Adam which I am very grateful for.
What’s your message to people during Pride Month or are you keeping anything in mind during Pride Month? I feel like I’m a newbie at being openly gay because this is the first year where I’m actively expressing my identity through projects where I’m able to tell people my struggles with being gay.
I have social anxiety, I’m very introverted, and I’m Asian. My advice for people is that there’s always going to be a group for you even if you think there’s not.
Keeping that fire or spark alive is so important. Do what makes you happy. When I grow up, I don’t want to regret not doing the things I wanted to do. I don’t want to have an unfulfilled life when my time comes. Having that mindset helps me move forward and blocks out all the negativity. Letting go of all the tension in your chest and just doing whatever you want helps bring a lot more meaning to your life. I know it won’t be easy but I think it’d be worth the shot if you tried.
Check out more of Riel’s work at:
Instagram – @rmarc99
Portfolio Website –
Like what you see?
Story by:
Marian Suganob, public relations and advertising graduate
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Riel Dioquino, radio television film graduate
Senior Reflects: 4+1 Student Mia Fondacaro

Mia Fondacaro recently graduated with a degree in Biological Sciences through the Combined Advanced Degree 4+1 program (CADP) along with minors in Sustainable Studies and Psychology. She is now working toward her master’s degree in STEM education. She reflects on her time at Rowan and offers some advice to incoming students.
Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
Not sure if this counts but I had this one professor who was super connected with her students. If you missed a class but did not inform you, she would check in on you to make sure you’re ok. She was/is a great professor, and her class was always really fun.
Could you please share your favorite social memory?
My favorite moment as a student has to be my junior year Homecoming. This is where I really went out of my comfort zone and met a lot of new people.
What are your career aspirations?
Finish my +1 year, work in a high-need school, get my doctorate, work in higher ed.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
My program is unique. For your three years as an undergrad you are only taking classes for your subject matter (for me it is biology) then in your fourth and +1 year you are taking graduate courses for education. With this set up I feel like it makes getting certified being a teacher easy because I do not have to double major in my subject matter and then education, here it is a program that is already set up.
Also with this accelerated program, yes I graduate a year later than my peers, but I graduate with a MA, which will have me entering the job market with higher income. To employers I think I will look like a valuable employee based on this program and my education from Rowan.
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?
Dr. Courtney Richmond, Intro to Marine Biology, connected with her students, really knew how to teach, and was well educated in the subject.
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
With me being a senior and having Covid take away my last year at Rowan, I’m thinking back to all the amazing memories I had at Rowan and wish I could have been able to make more this year with my friends and professors.
To the incoming students at Rowan, please make the most out of your time here. Join clubs, go to events, live in a resident hall, eat on campus, sit in the student center pit, sunbathe at Bunce Green, go to the REC center. Be an active student on campus because you never know when it is all going to be taken away. What seems like a normal day on campus might end up being your last, so appreciate every moment here.
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Bianca Torres, music industry graduate
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Brian Seay, junior sports communication and media major
#PROFPRIDE: Leah Boyle, RA for the LGBTQIA+ Learning Community

Today we speak with Leah Boyle, who graduated this May with a degree in Psychology. Leah comes from Haddonfield, NJ in Camden County and is a first-generation college student. She has been an on-campus resident all four years and worked as an RA (Resident Assistant) for the LGBTQIA+ Learning Community in Holly Pointe for the last two years.
What has it been like being an RA?
It’s been so good. I love everything about it. I’ve gotten so many opportunities through it. I am the RA for the LGBTQIA+ Learning Community. I make programs and oversee all of our students as they transition into Rowan.
Is there a moment that stands out to you as particularly meaningful being the RA of this pod?
Making programs [focused] on helping people introduce themselves and finding footing in a completely safe space for the first time has been the most impactful to me. Just having people refer friends to me if they have questions. Knowing that I myself am a resource has been my favorite thing about it.
Do you get a lot of first years?
Yes, it’s only first-years. I’m so happy I was able to do it. It’s been the happiest job I’ve had. It’s been so positive and a great environment.
Can you tell me more about the programming that you’ve offered?
Because of Covid, it’s a little bit different. This semester I taught American Sign Language every month on Zoom. Last year I did Coming Out parties and LGBTQIA+ History Trivia Nights (showing the names and faces of people who are really important to our history). We have certain events for people who were celebrating their one-year anniversary since transitioning. It was so great, we had so much fun.
It’s a little different with Covid. I had a Diversity Movie Club, where everyone would watch the movie on their own time and then we would get together later on and discuss whether it was reflective of our experiences. It’s more flexible, but last year I had a lot more [spontaneous yet purposeful] events.

What feedback have you gotten from residents in comparing this community to where they originally come from?
I’ve had people tell me that this is the first time that they have had people refer to them by the name that they always wanted to be referred to by. [I’ve been told], “You’re the first person to ask me what my pronouns are and if I’m comfortable” or “I was nervous about my roommate but because I’m part of the LGBTQIA+ Learning Community, we’ve had the same experiences and I feel validated.” It’s so important that we have this space for people to meet other people. They all go off and join clubs together and lead together through Rowan. Having people show up to events that don’t even live in my pod and knowing more people around campus is so great. This has been great too. If people are happy within the community, it will continue to grow and grow.
When you talk about your job with people who are not directly part of the campus community, such as parents or relatives, do they embrace it or do you find yourself having to explain its importance?
One of my favorite things about coming to college has been that everyone comes from a different understanding of the community. It’s a bit confusing for people who are older than me or don’t really understand [why] I work specifically with this community. [It] also means that sometimes my job is more difficult than the people who live in neighboring pods because it comes with more difficult conversations. Sometimes I have to explain that, “Yeah, I have fun programs but sometimes it can be really intense.”
It’s a bit different from a typical resident assistant but a lot of times my friends would always want to show up to these events, meet people, and get people involved. I think it’s important to talk about it and learning communities at Rowan are so important. They’re really, really successful. I hope that the more we talk about it, maybe we could have learning communities in one or two other buildings. I like to spread the good word and let people know it’s a really great space.

Have you ever encountered any hate towards you as being the RA or towards people who live in your pod?
I think with having a diverse community living in a space, people can make the decision to come through and be judgmental or defacing property. In those situations, we have a lot of things in place to make sure that students are feeling supported. It’s not very common. I’ve been in this position for two years and very few times have I had to sit down with someone and say “Let’s talk about why you’ve done this thing.”
It doesn’t really happen that often. A lot of the time we get people who didn’t sign up for it but they’re really just happy at the end of the experience because they were able to learn. I’ve had a lot of people grow and learn more. It helps not only our community but the people around us. Yes, we’ve had situations where people have not been accepting, but Rowan has a very strict policy for any of that behavior. It’s always been taken care of.
For people coming into the university, do they have to share who they are to be able to qualify for this pod in terms of identifiers?
We don’t want anyone to feel like they have to out themselves to their family or friends when they’re coming to Rowan. So, what they can do is when they sign up for housing there will be boxes of all of our learning communities. You can select that you want to be with first-gen people or social justice people. Then you can have information sent to your personal email about the LGBTQIA+ community and find out if you were able to be placed.
I don’t get a list of [how] people identify. You can join if you’d like to and it’s not shared with a lot of different people. So I go into my job [thinking] that maybe this person signed up or maybe they didn’t. It’s more of an educational experience. A lot of people will come in letting me know that they’re so excited and share their past experiences. This year is different because we have different numbers than usual. I have people who don’t identify as LGBTQIA+. They have the complete same housing experience as everybody else. They just get more resources. It’s a win-win.
Like what you see?
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Marian Suganob, public relations and advertising graduate
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Stephanie Batista, junior music industry major
Senior Reflects: Anderson Chumpitaz on Mentorship and His Rowan Legacy

Today we feature first-generation college student Anderson Chumpitaz, who will graduate this summer. Anderson majors in Health Promotion and Wellness Management and is from Newark, NJ (Essex County). He gives advice and tells us about his involvement on campus. Do you have any advice for people who are moving to campus for the first time […]
Senior Reflects: Student Leader Cam Hadley

Cam Hadley, a Public Relations and Advertising major with minors in New Media and Journalism, reflects on her time at Rowan.
Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My favorite memory in class was participating in mock interviews with Professor Rodilico in Portfolio Prep! We got to be the interviewer and interviewees which really helped us get good practice. He gave me questions that he thought would stump me and was so proud I was able to answer them.
Could you share your favorite social memory?
My favorite social memory was working Hollybash each year with SUP. As the Vice President of SUP, I had so much fun being next to the artist who performed and interacting with students throughout the set.
What are your career aspirations?
I am looking to earn my Doctorate in Public Relations and then own a PR agency named JB Communications after my dad. I’d also love to become a professor after I retire because I can’t stop working!
How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
I was able to learn about each aspect of PR and learn how to lead others to success. All of my involvement in SUP, SGA, PRSSA and PRaction helped me realize that you’re always working towards your team’s goal, not just a personal goal.
Do you want to give a thank-you shout-out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I want to shout out Melissa Ulmer from SUP. She is the best advisor ever and always willing to hear us out!
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?
My favorite professor has to be Lou Rodilico, who I had for Advertising Copywriting and Portfolio Preparation. He is one of the funniest and most passionate professors who truly wants us to succeed.
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
I would say to get involved early and attend as many events as you can! Try to get involved in leadership positions as soon as possible. Climbing up those leadership ranks will lead to personal and professional growth.
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Loredonna Fiore, senior public relations and advertising major
Photography by:
Joe Gentempo, art graduate
Senior Reflects: Radio/TV/Film Major Joshua Hedum

Today we feature senior Radio/Television/Film (RTF) major Joshua Hedum. Joshua was a transfer from Atlantic Cape Community College and is from Cape May, NJ (Cape May County). He shares with us his journey to becoming a RTF major and his club, internship and class experiences. What is it like having a parent who went here? […]
Senior Reflects: Biomedical Engineering Major Hannah Doyle

Today we speak with Hannah, a graduating senior Biomedical Engineering major from Seaford, Delaware. She tells us more about her time at Rowan and provides some advice for incoming students.
Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
Working with my classmates to all get through a semester together that was really tough. We shared notes, studied together, and even though it was one of my hardest semesters, it is something I am fond of and will cherish.
Could you share your favorite social memory?
Hanging out with my friends in the Holly Pointe dorms and having bonfires with my friends when they moved off-campus.
What are your career aspirations?
I want to do research and development in industry with nanomedicine.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
The BME program at Rowan helped me find out that I was interested in drug delivery. The faculty also helped me write my personal statement, and helped me fill out my applications to graduate school.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
Thanks Mom and Dad and Dr. Brewer!
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?
Dr. Brewer was my favorite professor. I took him for three classes, and he was always down to help with coursework at any time of the day, even weekends. He was also a good teacher and willing to help and advise in any way he could. His personality was great and class was never boring. He really cares about the students here.
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
Stay out of your dorm room as much as you can, spend as much time with your friends as possible.
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Bianca Torres, music industry graduate
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Brian Seay, junior sports communication and media major
Senior Reflects: Biomedical Art and Visualization Major Emily Higgins

Emily Higgins is a senior Biomedical Art and Visualization major, with minors in Art History and Biological Sciences, from Randolph, NJ in Morris County.
Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
One of my favorite class experiences was going to the cadaver lab at Cooper Medical School in Camden. I was able to draw from in-person observations, as well as being exposed to a professional medical setting as a freshman.
Could you please share your favorite social memory?
Some of my favorite memories come from Outdoors Club, like going camping for the first time, to seeing wild horses at Assateague Island, to eventually joining the executive board and helping plan club trips.
What are your career aspirations?
Medical Legal Illustrator.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
I had several professors over the years offer practical advice for entering the workforce, and professors who went out of their way to help support their students’ professional growth and personal well being.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I would like to say thank you to my parents, my sister Trish, and my partner Danny for their continuous love and support over the past four years. I’d also like to give a big shout out to the friends I have made while at Rowan, including the BMAV crew + co., friends from freshman year D-Pod, and countless others who I hold very near and dear to my heart.
Who is your favorite professor and what class did you take them for?
My favorite professor was Ron Mathias, who I had for a few classes within my major including Introduction to Figure Anatomy for the Artist and Digital Rendering Techniques. Ron no longer works as a professor here, but keeps in touch with former students and is always available to give us advice about our art and practical advice for our futures as well.
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
Join some clubs and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Everyone else is just as nervous about making friends as you are, so reach out to others with compassion. You can reinvent yourself into whoever you want to be, and can choose to take a step in the right direction at any point, no matter how many mistakes you have made in the past.
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Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising major
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Brian Seay, sophomore sports communication and media major
Senior Reflects: Leadership and Social Innovation Major Sarah Niles

Sarah Niles is a senior Leadership and Social Innovation major, with a Dance minor and a CUGS in Adventure Education Leadership, from Haddonfield, NJ.
Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My favorite class experience was in my Wilderness First Responder class when we went out into the woods behind Rowan Hall and pretended we were injured or sick and had to fake rescue our classmates using what we learned in class. We learned how to make tents out of sticks and leaves, how to administer emergency first aid, and how to survive in the elements. It was the most fun I’ve ever had in a class!
Could you please share your favorite social memory?
My favorite memory is my freshman year Homecoming Lip Sync competition! I was on the Student Center and Campus Activities team and we ended up winning first place! That’s where I truly felt like I found a home at Rowan and with the SCCA. That’s also where I met some of my closest friends. Full circle, I actually oversaw that event in Fall 2020 as the student director!
What are your career aspirations?
I hope to become a professional in Student Affairs in a higher education setting. I want to oversee college students that have a passion for being involved in student activities and being campus leaders. I’ll be attending University of South Florida for the M.Ed College Student Affairs program and will be the new graduate assistant for Student Support Services there.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help or support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
My mentor, Megan McHugh, guided me to be as involved as I am today, as well as my best friend, Mia Nardone, who basically made me join clubs with her so I would be involved. Through my work with the names above, as well as the SCCA, the Orientation team, and Admissions, I have found my love for student affairs in higher education and I’m determined to continue to do this in my future.
Do you want to give a thank you or shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
Shout-out to my dad, who is my best friend and does everything he can to support me. I got my work ethic and drive from him and hope someday I can be as amazing as him. Also, I’d like to shout-out Maria Arbizo, Melissa Ulmer, Megan McHugh, Serafina Genise, Mia Nardone, Dylan Regan, Ayala Gedeon and Arielle Gedeon for supporting me and loving me unconditionally.
Who is your favorite professor and what class did you take them for?
My favorite professor is Shari Willis, who I completed my Adventure Education Leadership CUGS with. She is my favorite because she cares about her students as both people and students and is willing to help you do anything to accomplish your goals.
What advice would you give to incoming freshman or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
I would say get involved! Don’t sit in your dorm all day long, get an on-campus job. Get the most out of the money you’re paying for student activities fees. Go to events and get free food and t-shirts (you’ll want to make a t-shirt blanket when you graduate).
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Caitlyn Dickinson, senior public relations and advertising major
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Brian Seay, sophomore sports communication and media major
Senior Reflects: Biomedical Art & Visualization Major Hannah Knight

Today, we speak to graduating senior Hannah Knight. Hannah is a Biomedical Art and Visualization major with minors in Art History and Biology from Shamong, NJ (Burlington County). She transferred from Rowan College of Burlington County and currently lives off campus. She shares more about her experience at Rowan and gives advice to incoming students.

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
Being in and working thoughout the night in Westby Hall, specifically painting in the studio after mourning a death.
Could you share your favorite social memory?
Going to bingo or The Pit for events. Walking down the Boulevard and to the High Street Gallery.
What are your career aspirations?
Help the future of health care and science via biomedical arts.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
I work with professionals in the field who can give me real-world advice.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
To Doc for keeping me in high spirits, Ryan Berardi for always understanding, and Amanda Almon for starting BMAV here at Rowan.
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?
Nancy Ohana. She teaches figure drawing and constantly reinforced freedom, diligence and the process of art.
What advice would you give to incoming first years or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
Take an art class that you’ll actually enjoy, not just the “easy” ones. Go to RAH events because they’re pretty cool most times, and be kind to everyone.
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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
Senior Reflects: Esther Dede, Health Promotion and Wellness Management Major

Today we speak with Esther Dede, a graduating senior Health Promotion and Wellness Management (HPWM) major from the island of St. Maarten. Esther transferred from Rowan College of South Jersey (RCSJ) at Gloucester County and is a first-generation college student.
Tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes!
My favorite moment with a faculty member was when I told her that I planned to take three summer courses as prerequisites for dental school, and she looked at me and said that I was very ambitious and that it’ll take me far in life, and that she was happy for me and to continue being great.
Could you please share your favorite social memory?
S.O.C.A. (Students Organization for Caribbean Awareness), which I was a part of, held a SOCA gala, which was amazing. We had amazing food, music and art where different cultures were showcased. It was so fun to dance to different Caribbean music and overall have a great time.
What are your career aspirations?
My goal is to become a dentist and specialize in either orthodontics or cosmetics.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
They motivated me to keep on excelling in life. After having events with S.O.C.A. and doing community service work such as Back to the Boro, they made me realize that I can do so much to give back to the community, especially in my career.
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?
Dr. Robert Weaver (Practicum in HPWM) and Dr. Leslie Spencer (Foundations of HPWM) are my favorite professors because they always remind me how great I can be in life. This really helps me because sometimes I can be so hard on myself, and the fact that they always remind me that due to my ambition I can go far in life is really helpful. Also, they show me that they truly care for my future, and make time to meet with me when I need it.
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
To create a list of goals they’d like to accomplish and to be willing to make sacrifices to accomplish those goals. Also, remember to always be kind to others and themselves.
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Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major
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Brian Seay, junior sports communication and media major
Senior Reflects: Marketing Major Jessica Russo Aspires to Work in the Fashion Industry

Today we speak with Jessica Russo, a senior Marketing major and Economics minor from Westwood, NJ. Jessica is a first-generation college student and an off-campus resident.
Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My favorite memory is when Professor Pontes told me that in the past two years he has had over 180 students and I have been the first to have completed the Salesforce Assignment so early. He praised me for my abilities and that being a “pre-crastinator” is a great quality to have.
Could you please share your favorite social memory?
My favorite social memory is being the Treasurer of the American Marketing Association as we meet every Friday at 12 pm.
What are your career aspirations?
I want to go into the fashion industry where I would be conducting B2B activities on a global scale as I would be purchasing products from different brands to distribute to consumers at the company I would work for.

How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
By developing personal relationships with my professors, they were more inclined to recommend me for opportunities presented by Rowan alumni. They have taught me important key characteristics for job interviews and how to professionally present myself.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
Shout out to the lovely ladies on West High Street!
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?
My favorite professor is Dr. Nina Krey, who I had for Advanced Marketing Research Methods, since she has real-world experience. She was able to teach me skills that I can bring into the professional world. She is a great person to go to if you need advice as she is very honest and helpful.
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
Get involved in extracurricular activities! It’s always a great idea to increase your network!
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Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major
Senior Reflects: Art Education Major Bianca Fusaro

Today, we speak to graduating senior Bianca Fusaro. Bianca is an Art Education major from Randolph, NJ (Morris County). She shares more about her favorite times at Rowan and offers some advice to incoming students.
Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My favorite moment with a faculty member is with Doc Appelson in Printmaking. He made the class fun to be in and I learned so much. Almost everything in printmaking I know because of him. he also helped me become a better teacher by giving me tips and tricks on how to create printmaking lesson for little kids!
Could you please share your favorite social memory?
My favorite memories I have with clubs is every year TRAC, or The Rowan Arts Collective, participated in Homecoming Banner Competition. It was so fun and exciting to complete a banner in a matter of a couple of hours.
What are your career aspirations?
I want to become an elementary art teacher. I love little children, their love to learn and their drive to want to create.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
The Art Education program is very small here, but that smallness created a family. Everyone in the program helps each other when it comes to teaching, even our senior project, which is presenting at the Art Educators of New Jersey conference. The professors in the program have been art teachers throughout their life. They know what you’re going to go through when you get a job. They want you to succeed and they share stories to help you become the best art teacher you can be.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I want to thank everyone in the Art Education program. These professors helped my classmates and I become who we are today as teachers. We learned from the best, and I hope that I can be an amazing art teacher like they are.
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?
Fred Adelson is my favorite professor at Rowan University. I took his Art History classes during my time at Rowan. He is so knowledgable about everything he teaches. He makes art history fun to learn about because he is so energetic and passionate about everything he teaches.
What advice would you give to incoming first years or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
Make friends with the people in and outside of your major. Get out there and join clubs that you are interested in. You may make lifelong friends!
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Bianca Torres, music industry graduate
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Brian Seay, Brian Seay, junior sports communication and media major
Senior Reflects: Dyone Payne, PR Major, Reflects on the Joys of College

Today we speak with Dyone Payne, who will be graduating this May with a degree in Public Relations and two minors in Journalism and Strategic Communication. Dyone is from Glassboro, NJ (Gloucester County) and is part of the Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) sorority.
Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My favorite class memory was with Dr. Schoenstein during IMC. Every week we would give a presentation about a product or company we created. From start to finish, we created the logos, company brand, position statement, and most importantly the presentation. She actually wanted us to be prepared for the real world. She wanted us to be able to present a brand in a short amount of time.
Could you share your favorite social memory?
Meet the Greeks is one of my favorites. To see all of the organizations come together, perform, have a good time, and most importantly inform students about who they are.
What are your career aspirations?
I aspire to work in the marketing and advertising space. I would love to contribute to storytelling, especially in this environment.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
The EOF program is how I got admitted into Rowan. They have been a major support system to and for me throughout the past four years! Shout out to everyone in that office.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
Shout out to my advisors and professors, Mr. Morton, Ms. Brucker, Mrs. Mummert, Prof. Farney, and Prof. Rodolico. From beginning to end, all of you have pushed me to grow beyond boundaries, ask questions, and go beyond what is expected of a student, person, and most importantly, a professional. I value each lesson I learned from every one of you.
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?
Professor Royek! I believe I took Composition Writing I or II with him my freshman year. Professor Royek taught me so many lessons, but most importantly he taught me to always ask questions, be patient, and learn something from what others have to offer. I’ll never forget he helped me with my paper and as we did the mock interview he taught me how to be conversational rather than sticking to the script.
I then applied that to my life by always having a plan and if the plan fails, improvise! Want to learn from people. Want to be friendly. And most importantly take your time!!
What advice would you give to incoming first years or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
Incoming freshmen, take your time. Whatever you want to do, do it and don’t let anyone stop you! You’ll learn so many things once you just live life outside the classroom. At the end of the day, JUST DO YOU!
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Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major
Senior Reflects: Civil Engineering Major Liam Cutri-French

Today, we speak to senior Civil Engineering major Liam Cutri-French from Glen Gardner, NJ (Hunterdon County). He tells us more about his time at Rowan and provides some advice for incoming students.

Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My favorite moment from a class was freshman engineering clinic, where I had to trade up from a paperclip to a backpack.
Could you please share your favorite social memory?
My favorite memory from Rowan was probably my time spent in the Holly Pointe. I was able to meet so many great friends while working together to pass freshman year courses.
What are your career aspirations?
I plan on attaining my M.S. in Engineering and Public Policy, and after that I hope to work on designing major infrastructure projects with a focus on how infrastructure impacts the public.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
My work with interdisciplinary courses as well as extracurriculars helped me to grow as an engineer. I was able to gain valuable project management skills through Engineers Without Borders. I was also able to learn about the intersection of engineering and policy while working as the AVP of Facilities and Operations for SGA.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I would like to give a shoutout to my roommates Augie Scorzo, Sam Mardini, Chris Contos and Matt Cangemi for always helping me be the best student I could be.
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?
My favorite professor is Dr. Jagadish Torlapati, who was my advisor for the Engineers Without Borders Clinic. Dr. Torlapati was extremely helpful for us to complete our projects and has been an excellent mentor.
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
I would recommend that freshmen and transfers should get involved as quickly as possible. Don’t turn down any opportunity, as you never know where it could lead you.
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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
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Stephanie Batista, sophomore music industry major
Senior Reflects: Sarah Dixon, Law & Justice Studies Major Thanks Outstanding Professors

Today we speak with Sarah Dixon, a graduating senior Law & Justice Studies major from Philadelphia. Sarah is a commuter who transferred from Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC).
Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
In my Public Speaking class, the professor was 9 months pregnant. Each class, she would tell stories at the beginning of class about her life. She had four kids already, and the way she told the stories was so funny and real! I loved her class!
What are your career aspirations?
I aim to be a public defender.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
The Law & Justice Studies program really helped shape me in the way I think and view things now.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I wanna give a huge shout out to Professor Buie who teachers Law Seminar because he is the best professor on earth!
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?
My favorite professor is Buie. I have him for Law Seminar. He is the most intelligent, down-to-earth professor I ever had!
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
Be yourself and follow your own path! Everything happens for a reason and as long as you choose good over evil you will succeed in college and in life!
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Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major
Senior Reflects: Lucinda Lau, Accomplished Engineering and Future Med Student

Today we speak with Lucinda Lau from Parlin, NJ (Middlesex County). Lucinda will be graduating this May with a Biomedical Engineering (BME) degree. She is part of the 3+4 BS/MD program.
Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
In one of my core BME courses, I had the opportunity to work with an industry professional to discuss the validity and feasibility of a design project that I was working on with a group of students. This gave me better insight into what I could expect outside of my undergraduate career.
Could you please share your favorite social memory?
I made most of my close friends in the Holly Pointe study rooms [my first] year. We would study together, watch movies, and just spend most of our free time in those public spaces. It was a great way to meet new people as well. I was also the Assistant VP for Habitat for Humanity. This gave me an opportunity to help the organization build houses with the families that were going to live there in the future.
What are your career aspirations?
I am planning on attending medical school after graduation. Some fields I am interested in include pediatrics, orthopedics and surgery.
How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with your professional growth or career aspirations?
My advisor, Dr. Staehle, was a great resource all throughout my time at Rowan for both biomedical engineering and the steps needed for me to prepare for medical school.
Do you want to give a shout-out to your family, friends, advisors, or mentors?
I want to thank all the amazing people that I have met through my time in the Society of Women Engineers, Admissions Ambassadors, and just the Biomedical Engineering Department in general.
Who is your favorite professor? What class did you take them for? And why is this person your favorite?
Dr. Ik Jae Lee! I took him for Math for Engineering Analysis, and he was probably the best professor I have ever had. He would stay up the night before an exam with us in the library to hold study sessions. He was also just a great professor who made us interested in learning difficult engineering math.
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience?
Make sure to join clubs that you are truly interested in and don’t be afraid to go up to people and just introduce yourself. It seems daunting at first but most freshmen have that same social anxiety because everyone is in a new environment.
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Marian Suganob, senior public relations and advertising double major
#PROFspective: Music Industry Senior Mackenzie Huston

Today we feature senior Mackenzie Huston, a Music Industry student with a concentration in Technology from Basking Ridge, NJ (Somerset County). Mackenzie talks to us about her time at Rowan and her Senior Capstone Project RU Rewind . Why did you choose your major? I have known since a very young age that music was […]
Senior Reflects: Subject Matter Education And English Major Christina Bharda

Today, we speak to senior Subject Matter Education and English dual major Christina Bharda from Middletown, NJ (Monmouth County). She tells us more about her Greek life involvement and what she looks forward to doing with her degree.

Are you in any campus involvement or clubs?
I’m in a sorority! I’m the vice president of programming and ritual for Alpha Sigma Alpha.
What do you want to do with your degree once you graduate?
I want to teach middle school or high school English. Eventually, I want to teach students with learning disabilities.
What favorite class experience or professor have you had so far?
I would say Dr. Glazer is the most amazing Education professor. I’m also student teaching right now, too so that’s pretty cool! I’m teaching at Millville Memorial High School.
How would you rate your Rowan experience as a whole?
Ten out of 10. It has been the best. I definitely picked the right place!
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Bianca Torres, senior music industry major
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Rachel Rumbsy, sophomore communication studies and public relations double major
Senior Reflects: Sociology Major Peterson Dossous Strives to “Never Stop Thinking and Learning” in His Field

Today we feature Peterson Dossous, a recent Rowan graduate who studied Sociology from Jersey City, NJ (Hudson County). Peterson reflects on his experience as a Prof and how he made the most out of his college experience.
Did you have an on-campus job?
I worked for the Office of Career Advancement, which consisted of filing documents, answering phones, managing meetings, preparing career fairs, engaging and interacting with students. It was a great opportunity to acquire well-rounded skills to apply in an office setting post-grad. It enhanced my customer service, Excel sheet and interpersonal communication skills.
Do you have any mentors at Rowan?
Mr. Richard Jones, [Vice President of Student Engagement], has been a mentor of mine. I was part of a new program he was starting up to best interact with students and increase student participation on campus, which helped to broaden my horizon.
What is your favorite academic or professional accomplishment?
That I graduated and am in the position I’m in. Not everyone gets the opportunity or finds the motivation to go to college where I’m from.
What got you interested in your intended field?
I was always interested in finding the reasons why people do the things they do. Originally, I was a psych major but changed due to the amount of school you need to go through and knowing how much money people pay psychologists to receive help. I want to figure out the common problem a group of people have and create a space for them to relate and resolve the problem.
Sociology keeps the mind running and I love it. I will never stop thinking and learning in my field. I get to live and learn through everybody else. I will use their testimonies for future experiences.
Eventually, I’d love to help traumatized soldiers transition into society. Every group of people is institutionalized in their own way. Students in school, inmates in prison, soldiers in combat. Soldiers don’t have an accessible outlet. Most people can call a friend, parent, or mentor to mellow you out; but as a soldier, not many people can relate to the suffering or they have difficulty opening up. Talking to a counselor engages everyone in the discussion. It teaches them the tools to reclaim a “normal” lifestyle and how to handle and cope with certain environments.
What knowledge or skills have you developed through your time at Rowan that you will take into you for future endeavors?
The most important lesson I’ve learned at Rowan is exercising social skills — articulating a conversation, guiding important discussions, interacting in the corporate world … being punctual, organized and accountable.
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Alyssa Bauer, public relations graduate
Photos courtesy of:
Peterson Dossous
Senior Reflects: Bio Major Aaron Krivchenia Prepares for a Career in Ecology

Today we feature recent Biological Sciences graduate Aaron Krivchenia. Aaron is from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County) and shares his research experience during his time at Rowan.
Are you involved in any academic or social clubs?
I am a Brother of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity. We do not have many brothers who study biology, but they are always there to extend a helping hand and aid in networking. I’ve done plenty of mock presentations in front of them, which helped me prepare for conferences I’ve attended.
What got you interested in your intended field?
I’ve always been interested in ecology. I grew up in the woods and would always search for stream beds. It grew my passion.
What is your favorite accomplishment?
When I presented a poster at the ESA International Conference in Kentucky summer of 2019. The poster covered a high-resolution spatial survey of cyanobacterial indicators: phycocyanin and chlorophyll in a small reservoir, Dow Lake, in Athens, Ohio. The data was from Dr. Ruhl’s dissertation, so old data but new questions. For ESA, about seven of us presented and for AAAS it was just me and Dr. Ruhl in attendance. For these, I mostly went to panels where people discussed their research. I’m more interested in the science being done. I wish I tried doing some more professional development, but now I have a better idea of what to do for next time.
What did your research beyond the classroom entail?
I worked in environmental conservation, which I started in second semester sophomore year. Professor Dr. Richmond of Bio 4: Intro to Ecology promoted the position and I immediately showed interest. My work at the lab includes seasonal sampling of small polymictic reservoirs for: seasonal zooplankton community composition, environmental tests, water quality tests, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids, ph level, nitrogen, and phosphorus. For seasonal sampling, we went out weekly during the summer, typically on Mondays, to five reservoirs in South Jersey: Malaga, Elmer, Palantine, Parvin, and Rainbow, of which the latter four are in a series meaning they are a part of the same watershed, kind of like Russian nesting dolls. At each site we would toss buckets into the damn and outfall, collecting the data using a variety of probes and chemicals. We also ran 10L of water from each site through a mesh strainer to collect zooplankton for subsequent taxonomic identification in the lab.
We have a variety of projects being done with the data we collect. My specific project involved conducting a study with an ultimate goal of creating a predictive model for cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (cHABs) across South Jersey. I surveyed 26 small reservoirs collecting data for various environmental variables and photo indicators phycocyanin and chlorophyll. We also took raw water samples back to Science Hall and with the help of Dr. Carone, developed a qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction) to account for cyanobacterial cell densities. This was also done for the weekly sampling which gave us temporal data — how the cyanobacterial composition varies across the season.
What knowledge or skills have you developed through this opportunity that you will take with you for future endeavors?
Everything I’ve done is applicable to my future in ecology. I learned GIS, analysis software, and my writing and public speaking abilities have improved. I’m more confident talking about science and my work in a way people outside of my industry can understand. I’ve also learned how to conduct good science, be diligent about methods and materials I’m working with.
What are your next steps or goals?
Right now, I’m searching for jobs in wildlife, private entries and eventually will attend graduate school.
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Senior Reflects: Biological Sciences Major Brenden Finley on the Outdoors Club, Fossils and His Future

Today we feature Brenden Finley from Glassboro, NJ (Gloucester County) who recently graduated with a degree in Biological Sciences. Here, Brenden shares his favorite Rowan memories and his plans for the future.
Could you please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
A favorite moment of mine happened in the course Edelman Fossil Park Experience with Dr. Voegele. Having the opportunity to uncover fossils in the research pit was incredible. I’ll never forget the first fossil I unearthed. It was especially memorable when I was able to record and map my finds in the log book.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
I couldn’t pick just one moment at Rowan, so I have to say sitting around the campfire on every camping trip with the Rowan Outdoors Club. Serving on the e-board of the outdoors club has been a favorite part of my Rowan experience by far. Giving Rowan students a chance to escape and enjoy nature is incredibly rewarding. The friends I’ve met through the club will surely be lifelong.
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
I plan on becoming a surgical technician first, then going to physician’s assistant school. Dr. Supplee and Dr. Grinias helped me when I was having second thoughts about my original plan and helped me see that plans can change. This allowed me to rethink and make a new plan about my future.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I want to thank my family and friends for always supporting my decisions and for keeping me grounded, Katie Huber and Kristin Henderson at the Rec Center for always being there to help and listen, and Dr. Grinias and Dr. Jonnalagadda for inspiring me to continue when I felt like giving up.
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Header photo: Brenden Finley (left) with friends
Senior Reflects: From Military to Music Industry, Travis Keiser Thanks Faculty, Family, Friends

Today we feature Travis Keiser, a Music Industry: Technology major from Washington, NJ (Warren County). He transferred and was commuting to Rowan before COVID-19 shut down campus.
Could you please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
One of my favorite moments was when my professor Barb Adams told me that I looked exhausted and I joked saying, “It must be from all the exhaustion I’ve been getting.” We both chuckled. She pulled me aside after and asked if I was okay and was genuinely concerned about my lack of sleep due to school. It’s that level of caring that is truly amazing.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
During Public Speaking, I was giving my first speech and completely froze up in the middle of my speech. Instead of the class quietly giggling, I was greeted with “You’ve got this” and “It’s all good dude!” [There was] a lot of positivity that I was not used to.
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
I would love to work in post-production for a music/movie studio, as well as become a movie/tv show score composer. The Music Industry department faculty have really given me the expertise and knowledge that I need to pursue these careers.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I want to give a huge thank you to Beth and Connie at the Military Service office for all of their help during my time at Rowan. Transitioning from military to college life was difficult, but they made it easy. They seriously are the best and deserve a raise!
Also a HUUUUUUGE thank you to Jeff Hiatt, Barb Adams, Jeff Otto, and Mat Gendreau for all of their mentoring and teaching. And one last shoutout to Matt, Emma, Stella, Mike, my mom, sister and my girlfriend Katie for all of their amazing support and love throughout this journey!
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Senior Reflects: Psychology Major Nicole Byrne Shares Her Favorite Rowan Moments

Today we feature senior Nicole Byrne, a psychology major and neuroscience minor from Brick, New Jersey (Ocean County) who used to walk to campus everyday from her home she called “Lil Bed.” She originally transferred from Stockton University.
Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? My favorite experience with a faculty member during my time at Rowan was being Dr. Martinez’s learning assistant (LA) for an entire semester. I had her as a professor and I loved how she taught. When I became her LA, our relationship expanded to something more. She was there for me through graduate school applications and through bumps in the road. I learned so much from her and I am beyond grateful for the relationship we established. She was a mentor that listened to me whenever I needed it. I loved hearing her hilarious stories about her kids and she loved my crazy stories about my family. It was an amazing experience to be able to open up to my professor.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? I was able to volunteer and be a ref at the Unified Sports this last semester. I had a blast. Being able to hangout and ref my favorite sport was one of the most memorable moments that I was able to receive while my time here at Rowan. The Green Team thought I was hilarious with the random and weird moves I would do with the basketball during time outs. It was the purest and the most fun I have had in a long time!
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? I was fortunate enough to be a student researcher at Rowan University’s Schizophrenia-Spectrum research lab. My fellow classmates, graduate students and Dr. Dinzeo taught me so much and helped me realize that I have a passion for research. I wouldn’t have gotten the necessary tools to get into my dream graduate program if it wasn’t for that lab and the members in it. They will always have a special place in my heart!
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? I want to give a HUGE shout out to my little sister Brittany who is still at Rowan University and my other sister Chelsea who has inspired me every single day. I want to thank my friends, teammates, my “B-Town” longtime friends and Jeremy Brown. Without the love and support they all give me each and every day, I wouldn’t be where I am today!
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Senior Reflects: Health and Exercise Science Major Ciani Eugene on Her Way to “Dream Career”

Today we feature Ciani Eugene, a Health and Exercise Science major and Psychology minor from Mount Holly, New Jersey (Burlington County) who transferred from the University of Maryland. After the transfer, she commuted to Rowan University.
Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes. My favorite experience in one of my classes was when I realized there are other students just like me! I had just started the fall semester and I was pregnant. I was nervous people would not want to be friends with the “pregnant girl.” That was not the case at all! Everyone was so excited for me to have my son and always looked out for me. Interestingly enough, another student walked into the class, sat next me, and she was pregnant too! We were due five days apart and she ended up becoming one of my closest friends at Rowan! Love you Autumn and Halo!
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? My most meaningful personal moment at Rowan was being chosen to speak at commencement. Even though I won’t be able to give my speech in person, Rowan made sure my speech was heard anyway. They featured my speech on the CSM [College of Science and Mathematics] and SPH [School of Health Professions] students’ awards and recognition page. It is such a nice feeling when others recognize the hard work and dedication you put into obtaining your degree.

What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? My career aspirations are to become an occupational therapist. Before I transferred to Rowan, I didn’t know anything about occupational therapy. I thought I wanted to become a physical therapist. After taking the course “Foundations of Human Performance in Clinical Settings,” I learned about occupational therapy and realized it was my dream career. I even completed a 400-hour internship shadowing a phenomenal occupational therapist, who taught me so much.
- My mom and my Oma for always being my guardian angels, I love and miss you both more than words can describe.
- My dad, for making sure I followed through with my promise to my mom and my Oma.
- My boyfriend Isaiah for always pushing me to be the best mother to our son as well as best student possible. I can’t wait to spend forever with you.
- My son Izeem for keeping me on my toes no matter what and always giving mommy your lovely hugs and kisses.
- My aunt Tayana and my best friend Kellie, for always reminding me that I can do this, even if I was upset and doubting myself.
- My Rowan family! Brianna, Candy, Nicole, Anthony, Lizzy, Brennan, and Gianna! You all made transferring to Rowan one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. WE DID IT, WE ARE GRADUATING!
- Also a big shout out to Dr. Biren, Dr. Evrenoglou, and Professor Gibb for always being there for me and all of your students. You all are amazing role models! I will miss you all dearly!
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Senior Reflects: History Major Catherine Dunn

Today we feature senior Catherine Dunn, a History major from Audubon, NJ (Camden County). Catherine transferred to Rowan from RCGC.
Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? My favorite moment with a faculty member was over the summer in my Historical Methods course with Professor Aksel.
What was your favorite moment at Rowan? I really enjoyed being able to broaden my education.
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? My career aspirations are becoming a history teacher at the high school level. Rowan helped me get to this point by making sure I finished on time!
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? I would like to thank my family and friends for being by my side when times got tough. College isn’t easy, and believe me there were many times I wanted to just stop, but without them I wouldn’t be here today.
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Senior Reflects: PR Grad Jasmine Dennis Shares Her Favorite Rowan Memories

Today we feature Jasmine Dennis, a 2020 graduate who earned her degree in Public Relations with minors in Communication Studies and Strategic Communication. Jasmine is from Sayreville, NJ (Middlesex County), and lived on campus all four years.
The experiences and memories I’ve made at Rowan will last a lifetime. To begin a new life in an unknown place felt overwhelming at first, but looking back now I’m truly grateful I attended an amazing university that helped me to evolve as a person. Rowan became my home away from home.
I want to thank my parents and sister because they’ve been an incredible support through this whole process. Next, thank you to all of my friends for the endless support and memories. Lastly, thank you to everyone else who’s supported me along the way, it means the world.
I’m proud to say I have achieved many of my goals in a such a short period of time here. To name a few, my junior year I was selected for the Resident Assistant position at Holly Pointe Commons. Later in my junior year, I was awarded the Silver Certification Leadership award. My favorite part about being in a leadership position was serving as a role model and helping others.
Next, the fall of my senior year, I attended the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) National Conference trip to San Diego, California with the Rowan PRSSA chapter. This was my first real business trip, and I made great connections, gaining helpful insight about the real world. By the end of the fall of my senior year I was sworn into Rowan’s PRSSA chapter. Finally, in the fall of my senior year, I landed two on-campus jobs and completed an internship at a PR firm located in Marlton, NJ.
I loved being active at Rowan, and it was truly the best thing I could have done. Each opportunity built on and prepared me for the next one. Rowan helped me to step outside my comfort zone and gain exposure to a large variety of rewarding experiences.
One of my favorite things about Rowan was its ability to provide what feels like an endless number of social events. Rowan goes above and beyond to offer a variety of opportunities and engaging, hands-on activities.
Thank you, Rowan, for an incredible journey. I’m looking forward to the next chapter that awaits. Congrats to all of the class of 2020, and best of luck to everyone! The world is yours.
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Senior Reflects: Future Elementary School Teacher Kimberly Hanson

Today we feature Elementary Education and History dual major and recent graduate Kimberly Hanson. Before campus closed due to COVID-19, she commuted from her home in Williamstown, NJ (Gloucester County). Kimberly transferred to Rowan from Camden County College.
What is your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? My favorite moments are when I spent one-on-one time with my professors. It gave me the chance to ask questions that I didn’t feel comfortable asking in class. I’ve had some pretty amazing professors!
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? I’m a full-time mom and live off campus, but a while back I had joined club swimming. I had left because it didn’t fit my schedule anymore. But while I was there, it was a great experience! It was great to get back into the sport and to meet some new people!
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? My overall aspiration is to become an elementary teacher. All my professors have been helpful but my advisor, April Ellerbe, has been so helpful will my class choices and giving me all the tools I need to succeed!
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? Thank you to my family and friends for supporting me through this, but a huge thanks to my boyfriend who has been a huge support system for me. He has been so understanding and helpful when it comes to school, work and our daughter.
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Senior Reflects: Multi-Talented Artist, New Grad Leann Carlson

Meet Leann Carlson, a recent graduate, studio art major and art history minor from Vineland, New Jersey (Cumberland County) who commuted during her time as a student here at Rowan University. Rowan Blog featured Leann after her semester abroad on a prestigious art scholarship.
Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes. My favorite memories in the classroom were when the printmaking students would have Dusk ’til Dawn every semester. It’s one night where we students stay in the building from 6 p.m. – 6 a.m. and make art/prepare for finals. We take a big group picture at midnight and I always had a great time participating in it.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? The most meaningful moment to me during my time in college was the opening reception night of my senior thesis exhibition. I spent the entire day setting up for it and so many of my friends, family and faculty members came out to support me. It made me feel really loved and I’ll honestly never forget it.

What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? I love being an artist so much, and there’s so many different things that I want to do throughout the course of my life with it. One thing, in particular, is that I’d like to work for a museum and become a curator. I realized this through my job at the Rowan University Art Gallery, where I got to work behind the scenes and learn the ins and outs of how a gallery operates.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? I’d really like to thank all of my close friends, my dad, sister, my aunt Leslie, my uncle Dewey and my Grandmom. I also want to thank my bosses at the Gallery, Mary and Jillian, my advisor and print professor, Dave Vaccaro, and my professors, Doc Appelson, Dr. Adelson, Adam Gustavson, Amanda Almon, and children’s book author, DyAnne DiSalvo! I feel so blessed and loved. You have all had such a positive impact on my life as an artist and as a person in general. Thank you so much for everything!

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Senior Reflects: First-Generation Law & Justice Major Ashley Bermudez-Villacis

Today we feature first-generation senior Ashley Bermudez-Villacis, a Law & Justice major from Lyndhurst, NJ (Bergen County). Before leaving campus due to COVID-19, Ashley lived in the 220 Rowan Blvd Apartments.
Could you tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? My favorite moment with a faculty member was this past February with Penny McPherson Myers and Amy Ruymann and the rest of the Flying First committee, preparing for the Annual First Generation Symposium. I had the opportunity to meet everyone, and they helped me practice for my welcome speech that I had the chance to give this year.

What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? Besides all the amazing moments and great friends I made these last four years, my most meaningful personal moment at Rowan was being a part of the club swim team. I had so much fun being a part of a great team that loved to get competitive but also have fun. Swimming was a sport I’ve done since I was very little, and I’m happy I was able to continue it in college.

What are your career aspirations, and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? I plan on working at a prosecutor’s office to eventually become a detective in the SVU unit. My advisor Rachel Budmen was a huge help in guiding me into the right direction. I’m the type of person who has many questions and I was able to get the answers thanks to Rachel.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? Most importantly I would like to thank my parents and family for always supporting me throughout my college career. As a first-generation student I faced many battles, but I was able to overcome them thanks to my loved ones. I would like to thank my advisor once again for always helping me and make me understand that sometimes plans can change and that’s okay. Lastly I would like to thank my friends I’ve made throughout the years. I had the opportunity to create so many memories that I will forever be grateful for, along with lessons that will help me be a better person in the future.

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Senior Reflects: Early Childhood Education Major Already Making a Difference

Meet Candice Gavin, a first-generation college student, transfer student, commuter and Early Childhood Education and Literacy Studies major from Mount Ephraim, NJ (Camden County). She reflects on her time at Rowan and tells us some of her favorite experiences and where she’s headed to next!
Tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes:
“I would have to say that my favorite experience was tutoring in the Reading Clinic during School Reading Problems and Supervised Clinical for Reading. I would tutor students in reading and writing who were struggling. It was rewarding to see such progress from the students. They would come in struggling and by the time the semester was over they had made great strides. I wasn’t expecting my student to master every topic because it was a short time spent with each other. Knowing that I made a little difference was a great feeling! It was fun to come up with engaging lessons and activities to use. It was just a great way to practice what I have learned and a great feeling to help students.”
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
“I have had many moments that had a significant meaning to me during my time at Rowan. One of my favorites was when I participated with the Early Childhood Club for the Haunted Student Center. This was where I really connected with a lot of club members and had a lot of fun! We transformed a classroom into a circus theme and children would walk through and have a chance to do different activities. It was nice to have an opportunity to do something for children and have a lot of fun with club members while doing it.”
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
“I hope to be a kindergarten or first grade teacher. Rowan has given me many opportunities to go out into the field and interact with students and teachers. It was a great way to network and learn hands on. In teaching we can read and study, but you really get the full experience when you are in the classroom actually teaching and working with students.”
Shout outs:
“I want to give a shout out to my mom, dad, and sister who have been there since day one. It has been a long ride, but they stuck by my side giving me support and encouragement when I needed it the most! I also want to give a shout out to Brandi White (the former Praxis Lab Coordinator) for helping me during this journey. She was always there as a mentor and friend! My group of friends all deserve a shout out too. They have experienced all the highs and lows of this journey with me too, so thanks for all your help! Lastly, my professors and advisor deserve recognition. They always wanted what was best for me and guided me in the right direction to get to this opportunity. I wouldn’t have made it this far without having the best support system, thank you all!”
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Senior Reflects: Transfer Political Science Major Finds Her Fit

Meet Morgan Golightly, a first-generation college student, transfer student and commuter from Belmar, NJ (Monmouth County) who just finished her time at Rowan with a Political Science degree. She reflects on her time at Rowan and tells us some of her favorite experiences and where she’s headed to next!

Do you have any favorite moments with faculty or a favorite classroom experience?
“My favorite moments at Rowan were in Dr. Knight-Finley’s classroom during the midterm elections. We learned in depth about the state elections and created online quizzes to help voters find ideal candidates to vote for. This class sparked the moment when I knew that Political Science was the right major for me.”
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
“My favorite moment at Rowan was at transfer orientation when I made an abundance of new friendships with those of similar majors and goals as myself.”
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
“With the encouraging words from many professors, I took my LSATS my junior year and am planning on attending law school in the fall of 2021. I hope to be a copyright lawyer while participating in local and state government.”
“I want to thank Harold Thompson, my advisor who helped stay on track. I want to thank the professors that worked with me during some of the hardest times of my life. I want to thank the Gunderson family for their continuous support, love and guidance. I don’t know where I would have ended up without the Gunderson family supporting me through every hardship and struggle. Thank you to my aunt Christine and the select family members that offered their support. Lastly, thank you Tyler Terrribile for your continuous encouragement and praise.”
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Senior Reflects: Health Promotion and Wellness Management Major Eric Chen

Meet Eric Chen, a first-generation graduating senior from Cape May, NJ (Cape May County) who majored in Health Promotion and Wellness Management.
Favorite Class: My favorite class experience was my Public Speaking class with Mr. Paul Viggiano, he always made class interesting and he made that class very comfortable. The best moments were when he would split the class into different teams and we would have little competitions.
Experience with Alpha Chi Rho- Iota Chi Phi Chapter: Over the past couple years, I have been fundraiser, bursar, and postulant educator. My proudest experience was being able to do “Alpha Chi Rhoses,” a yearly fundraiser in which people around the Rowan community can purchase flowers and send notes to each other. The proceeds have gone to the American Cancer Society and to our local chapter of Camp Kesem.
Career Aspirations: My career goal is to become a nurse and to work in cardiac rehab.
Shout outs: Thank you to my brothers in Alpha Chi Rho and to thank you to the professional staff and student staff at Rowan Rec Center. Thank you for believing in me!!!!
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Senior Reflects: Changing Majors to Find Passion

Meet Genna Gaskill, a first-generation college student and Elementary Education and Liberal Studies Dual Major with sequences in Writing Arts and English. She is from Egg Harbor Township, NJ (Atlantic County). In her time at Rowan she spent half of her time living on campus and the other half in a house off-campus. She reflects on her time at Rowan and tells us some of her favorite experiences and where she’s headed to next!
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
“I had some trouble when I first came to Rowan figuring out what I wanted to be. I started off as a Civil Engineering major, then I went into Music Education, and eventually Elementary Education and Liberal Studies. It took me a while, but through taking all of these different classes, I was able to realize my passion for education. I want to be an elementary school teacher and, one day, an administrator in a public school district.
The first professor who helped me realize this passion of mine was Dr. Adrian Barnes in my Music Education classes. He showed me a passion for education that I learned from and took with me in my future education classes and I will forever be grateful for his teachings. My other professors in my Education classes, such as Nancy Pagliughi, Arlene Stampa, and Gary Dentino, are who took that passion I had for teaching and shaped me into a real teacher. I will always remember their teachings when I have a classroom of my own. I would be remiss if I did not also mention my Writing Arts and English professors who helped me realize my talent for writing and showed me how to use that to make me into a better teacher. My professors Keri Mikulski, Dr. Jennifer Courtney, Amanda Haruch, and Dr. Yvonne Hammond, all saw my potential and shaped me into the writer and educator I am today. I have had so many amazing professors at Rowan that have given me knowledge and skills that I will be forever grateful for!”
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
“My most meaningful moments at Rowan were when I was President of my sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha. I met so many of my greatest friends there and almost every one of my good memories comes from them. Going to Greek Week, volunteering at the Special Olympics, and recruitment are just a few things that I will always remember and treasure from my time with ASA. My roommates, Rachael, Sara, and Nicole, were with me through three years of being at Rowan and they were the reason I called Rowan my home. Looking back at my time in college in the future, I know I will fondly remember the times I spent with them the most.”
Tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes:
“One memory I have of my experience in the College of Education that I think I will always remember was being in Professor Gary Dentino’s class. Almost every single day, he would email us a whole letter telling us how proud he was of us and how we will change the world. He took the time out of his day to handwrite personal letters to us as a class almost daily. Even when my classes were getting tough and I felt like I was falling behind, I would read his daily email and feel like I truly had someone in my corner. His dedication to forming a positive and uplifting relationship with his students is something I hope to carry with me when I become a teacher someday.”
Shout outs:
“I’d like to give a special shoutout to my best friends in the entire world: Sara Riegel, Nicole Traeger, and Rachael Kolmins. Thank you for always being there for me through it all. Another special shoutout to all of my ladies at Alpha Sigma Alpha, especially my big Rosie Nanfara and my little Emily Fishman. Keep on joyously living each day to its ultimate good! Shoutouts to other amazing people I met at Rowan like Hersh and Fraidy Loschak from Chabad at Rowan, Celeste DelRusso and Donna Mehalchick-Opal from the Rowan Writing Center, and all of my fellow Edgewood RAs. Thank you for making a difference in my life! One more shoutout goes to my boyfriend, Mark Kozak, for being my rock throughout my years at Rowan. My biggest thanks will go to my parents, who are the reason that I am where I am. Thank you Mom and Dad for everything, I love you!”
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Senior Reflects: Chemistry Major Mia Meola

Today we feature senior Mia Meola, a chemistry major from Hackettstown, New Jersey (Warren County) who lived on campus in Whitney Center. She plans to further her education at Rowan next spring.
Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? The faculty at Rowan University is incredible. One of the greatest people I have had the pleasure of knowing at Rowan is Philosophy and World Religions Professor Dr. Whitney Cox. I have been able to take classes with Dr. Cox for the last three consecutive semesters. I have learned so much from Dr. Cox and had a lot of fun in her classes. Her office door was always open, and she was willing to listen and provide guidance no matter what it was about. She would never rush us or show any sort of disinterest in our thoughts or ideas. Even if I came to her office to vent for an hour about my life being a mess, she was there to listen, give snacks, and let me hang out with her dogs.
There was not a day I left her class or office without a smile on my face and a huge sense of fulfillment. She helped me in so many ways and fostered my passion for World Religions (I added it as a minor this year!). Dr. Cox is not only an amazing educator, but an amazing person. She truly cares about her students and it was refreshing to feel so validated. I have grown so much in my time at Rowan University, and Dr. Cox played a key part in that.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? I had the privilege of being involved in Women Inspiring a New Generation of Scientists (W.I.N.G.S.) since my freshman year, serving as an e-board member the last two years. We had the opportunity to go to different schools around Glassboro to teach lessons and conduct experiments with students. We also held events for the local Girl Scouts. My favorite personal moments at Rowan are when I have gotten to work with these children and young adults. I will never forget the times that I have seen an interest or love for S.T.E.M. be born firsthand. Getting to play a role in this and being able to show young girls that they can be scientists too, has been so meaningful.
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? After finishing this degree, I plan to continue my graduate studies at Rowan. I will be pursuing a master’s in S.T.E.M. Education starting next spring. My goal is to become a high school chemistry teacher. The people and programs at Rowan have been crucial to helping with these goals and aspirations. From being an e-board member, a learning assistant for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, working as an undergraduate research assistant, and to every class, club and event in between. Rowan has afforded me so many incredible opportunities to pursue my passions. There is nowhere in the world I would rather continue my education!
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? I would have never made it to this day without all the amazing people in my life. I’d like to thank my family, who have never stopped supporting me for a second. Every time I fell, they were right there to pick me back up again. And they have always celebrated even the little victories. I would also like to thank every professor, advisor, and faculty member I have had the chance to cross paths with at Rowan University. These people have pushed and inspired me in ways I never thought possible. I am forever grateful for every person, memory, and opportunity Rowan has blessed me with.
A huge shout out to the College of Science and Mathematics and the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, (especially Dr. Gregory Caputo, Dr. Timothy Vaden, The Vaden Lab, Dr. Matthew Pilarz, and the ladies of W.I.N.G.S.). Lastly, to all the friends I have made along the way. You all have made me the person I am today. You have become my family and made Rowan my second home. Thank you for all the memories! The last four years have been a rollercoaster, but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Congrats to the rest of the Class of 2020. Things might not have turned out the way we pictured it, but we did it.
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Senior Reflects: Biological Sciences Major, Future Veterinarian Kimberly Zullo

Today we feature senior Kimberly Zullo, a biological sciences major from Rockaway, NJ (Morris County) with an honors concentration.
Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? Working in Admissions, I’ve had the opportunity to get to know a lot of the professional staff in the Admissions department. Dr. Jessica Syed oversees the Admissions Ambassador program, and through my years at Rowan, I think my favorite moments were the conversations and meetings I had in her office. As a Coordinator, we have a LOT of meetings, but we always have fun and I will always cherish the time that I got to spend working with JP.

What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? I think my favorite personal moments at Rowan were spent with my service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. We have been able to participate in service projects both on campus and in the community, and the bond that I’ve created with my APO brothers is something that will last a lifetime.
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? I have dreamed of becoming a veterinarian since I was a child, and next year, I will be able to pursue that dream at Cornell University! I think the programs at Rowan have definitely helped me pursue this dream because they’ve given me endless opportunities both within my field and in extracurriculars. The programs at Rowan have allowed me to hone my skills in the sciences but also remain well-rounded by staying involved in clubs and music!
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? Thank you to my parents and grandparents for always believing me and supporting me in everything that I do. Thank you to all of my campus family: Admissions Ambassadors, APO, Pre-Vet Club, the Hecht Research Group, and my Holly Pointe A-Pod squad, for keeping me sane and making life at Rowan something I’ll never forget. I would also like to thank all of my professors, especially Dr. Hecht, for pushing me to be my best.
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Senior Reflects: New Grad Molly Worek Seeks to Teach Across the Globe

Today we feature senior Molly Worek, an English major from Mullica Hill, NJ (Gloucester County). Molly, who commuted to campus, transferred to Rowan from Bloomsburg University & RCGC.
Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? My favorite moment can’t be defined because there are simply too many to speak of. I think my favorite thing that happens in class is when I make references to something from outside of class that I am passionate about, and find out that my professors are either just as passionate, or super interested and want to learn more from me.
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? I aspire to be a TEFL/TESL high school or corporate level teacher abroad in Japan. I have been on the CADP BA-MS program to become certified as a teacher in NJ, and I have also pursued the international studies minor to become more culturally aware of the world, my future students and myself. I also will have a certificate in Japanese, as well as TEFL. I hope to acquire the NJ substitute teacher endorsement as well as an exceptional education endorsement.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? My favorite personal moments are showing on the Rowan Equestrian Team at away shows competing against several other schools at the same time as a team and as an individual.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? I want to thank all of my friends, near and far, for making this journey not only possible, but enjoyable. I consider my professors, advisors and mentors to be my friends, not just Rowan employees.
This spring break I had the incredible opportunity to travel to South Africa while riding horses and learning about international culture. Two years before, I did the same in Japan. Everyone at Rowan has helped me learn that I can never stop learning, no matter where I am in the world or what I am doing.
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Senior Reflects: Accounting and Finance Double Major Stephanie Revas

Meet Stephanie Revas, an accounting and finance double major with a human resources management minor for her CPA from Bellmawr, NJ (Camden County). Stephanie is a member of Beta Alpha Psi, the international honor organization for financial information students and professionals, and lived on campus during her time at Rowan.
Favorite experience: One of my favorite experiences was working with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program for four years. By volunteering with the program, it opened up so many doors and connections that truly shaped my experience in college.
How did you meet your closest friends: One of my closest friends I met during summer orientation, and then our paths kept crossing. I met others through our residence halls or clubs.
Career Aspirations: I’m currently studying for my CPA exam, and eventually I plan on working as an auditor.
Shout outs: I couldn’t have gotten through university without the support of my parents, friends, and the business faculty specifically those in the Dean’s Office, Accounting and Finance Department, and Human Resource Department.
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Senior Reflects: Health & Physical Education Medallion Winner Angela Lakatos

Today we speak to Health and Physical Education major Angela Lakatos, a new alumna from Pennsville, NJ (Salem County)! Angela is a transfer from Georgian Court University who lived off campus. Angela is a first-generation college graduate.
What was your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? There are so many favorite experiences I’ve had at Rowan. Some of my favorite memories and moments are from my Physical Education classes! My group of classmates are so competitive and every class was so much fun!
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan? One of my most meaningful moments was when I was told that I was not only nominated but I was awarded the Cone Award Medallion for Teaching Students with Disabilities. This award means so much to me because I have learned so much from teaching the students with disabilities at my elementary student teaching location and my passion for Health and Physical Education grew even more because of those students.

What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations? I hope to become a Health and Physical Education teacher! Every professor has helped me get to where I am today, along with a few of my fellow classmates.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? Shout out to Professor McCall and Professor Lieberman! These two awesome humans have taught me so much as a future educator. They are the best, and I know that all of my fellow classmates would agree with me on that!!! Also, of course shout out to my parents! If it wasn’t for them, I don’t know where I’d be or what I would be doing. They have always supported me and have been my back bone. I believe I have the best parents in the whole wide world (I might be biased)!!!
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Rachel Rumsby, freshman communication studies and public relations double major
Senior Reflects: Studio Art Major Carlo Martines

Today we feature Carlo Martines, a Studio Art graduating senior from Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County). Carlo transferred to Rowan from Chestnut Hill College, and before social distancing, he commuted to campus.
Could you please share your favorite social memory? My favorite social memory was becoming acquainted with all peers from Cross Country/Track and Field. Another funny one (before I was even officially a Prof) was going to a summer party/kick-back and asking an AEPhi girl if she was in DPhiE. My buddy, who had brought me to this social event, thought it was hysterical.
Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes? My favorite moment with a faculty member was answering a handful of questions correctly in a row for a final review for Macro-economics. I wasn’t sure why I was so strong in that class but I received a B and that was my best mark all semester.
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience while choosing a university close to home? Stay grounded by doing your best academically. Social life will come no matter what. But if you are doing poorly in class it will affect all aspects of your life as a Prof.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors? Shout-out to André Baldarrago, Paulo Nascimento, Kenny Stetser, Joe Paolini, Jan Conradi, Herr Schmidt, Joe Finoochiaro, Eric Dubois, Coach Dimit, Nick Neville, Jenna Pumphrey, Tyler Kline, Adam Lovitz, Rowan Club Soccer, Stephen Kümmer, Michael Schillo, David Vaccaro, Joey Baldarrago, and Zach Bruno, as well as my family, all of my professors from my time at Rowan, and all Profs involved with extra-curricular activities.
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Senior Reflects: Kelly Auletto Gives a Shout Out to Favorite Professor

Today we feature senior Kelly Auletto, a Human Services major from Maple Shade, NJ (Burlington County). Kelly transferred to Rowan from Rowan College of Burlington County, and commuted to campus. She is a first generation college graduate.
Please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
I truly enjoyed Prof. McCann’s lectures, she always had us thinking outside of the box. One night during class she had us work as a group drawing the steps to make toast, who knew there were so many steps involved. She had the class laughing and engaged and even with this simple task, she had us thinking on a whole different level. She always pushed us to be our best.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
Working with the Human Services Club, brainstorming ideas and ways to give back to the community. I will miss this amazing group!!
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
Working my three field placements during my time at Rowan University has assisted me in my professional development. I was able to move up to a managerial position within my agency and entered a program that I never thought I would if it wasn’t for my field placement. Working as a vocational specialist with adults with mental health has been an amazing experience. Watching my clients grow and become integrated into the community is so rewarding, I am thankfully to have been given this opportunity.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
YES… Professor McCann – you have been my rock!!! Thank you for all your support (personal and professional), guidance, words of wisdom and putting up with my insanity. I never would have made it without you. You are an amazing person and thanks for being you. My human service people… I will miss all of you. We did it!!! Thanks to my family for putting up with my never ending journey, love you guys.
Senior Reflects: Computer Science Major Looks Forward To Her Career in Cyber Forensics

Meet Monica Mahon, a graduating senior from Northfield, NJ (Atlantic County) who majored in computer science and plans to continue her studies at Rowan with a master’s in computer science. Monica lived on campus since sophomore year, and Glassboro has been a home to her family before as her father attended Rowan University when it was Glassboro State.
Favorite moment with a faculty member: There are so many moments that stood out in my computer science classes, but one of my most memorable classroom experiences happened during my freshman year in Biology 1. My professor brought her two pet birds, a parrot and a pigeon, to class on the last day. The pigeon wore a diaper, and they flew around the classroom the whole time. It was a great last day of class.
How you met your closest friends: I met my best friend, Michael, in one of my classes my freshman year. We didn’t know each other, but we

just picked seats next to each other anyway. We became best friends. One of my favorite memories was waiting in the rain for Hollybash last year. It was pouring, and Michael and a bunch of our friends were all huddled together under a tent waiting for the free cheesesteaks that we ordered to be finished. The absurdity of 20-ish college kids huddled together under a 10×10 tent for free food in a thunderstorm makes this stick out.
Career Aspirations: My ultimate goal is to become a cyber forensics investigator in law enforcement. They’re the people who investigate criminals’ computers for digital evidence. My next step is an internship with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency as an Information Technology Specialist, and then completing my master’s in computer science here at Rowan next May.
Shout Outs: I want to shout out all of the computer science professors and advisors; they’ve all helped me along my journey and I wouldn’t be where I am today without their guidance. I also want to shout out my parents for being my #1 supporters throughout college.
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Senior Reflects: Aspiring Elementary Ed Teacher Shares Her Story

Meet Casey Urion, a graduating senior from Pilesgrove, NJ (Salem County) who double majored in elementary education and literacy studies. Casey looks forward to a career as a second grade teacher and thanks her mentors and friends for years of support.
Favorite moment with a faculty member: I can’t think of a favorite moment or experience but I do know that one of my favorite professors and classes taken at Rowan was Principles and Pedagogies with Corine Brown. Through this course, I was able to explore different topics centered around multicultural education and student diversity within the classroom. Corine Brown was always welcoming and engaging and her approach to teaching the material was eye-opening. I left that class with a greater appreciation for student diversity and more knowledge on how to create and develop an inclusive, safe, and nurturing learning environment for all students.
How did you meet your closest friends at Rowan? I actually met my two best friends, Julia Barr and Karlyn Harlow, prior to attending Rowan through a program called RUTA (Rowan Urban Teacher Academy). We attended this program the summer of our junior year in high school and I was lucky enough to come back the following summer, along with Karlyn, to be mentors for the program. Before coming into my freshman year at Rowan University, I signed up for the Freshman Connection Adventure program in order to meet new people and make my transition a little easier. Before official move-in day, the Freshman Connection groups held a picnic and that is where I reunited with Julia as she was in the Leadership program. I was so surprised but happy to see a familiar face and we hung out for the rest of the day. When school started, I bumped into Karlyn on campus and asked her to hang out with Julia and I and from that day forward, we grew to become best friends, roommates for 3 years, and sisters in Theta Phi Alpha. They are a huge part of what made my college experience so memorable and I’m so lucky to have them in my life.
Career aspirations: My career aspirations are to become an elementary school teacher (preferably second grade) and go back to school to receive my master’s in education. I hope to get involved as much as possible within the school community and eventually become a dean of students at an elementary school.
Shout outs! I want to give a special shoutout to my grandparents, Earl and Eileen Urion, for supporting me all these years and giving me the opportunity to achieve my dream in becoming a future educator. I want to thank all of my Rowan professors and advisors, Achieving the Dream Program, and the LLSC Department for the guidance and support. I want to thank Theta Phi Alpha Fraternity for the opportunity to grow as an individual and the amazing people and friendships I’ve made through this organization. I want to thank my cooperating teacher, Elizabeth Schneider, for being so welcoming, kind, and willing to help me succeed in every way possible. I appreciate all of your feedback and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you. Thanks to my best friends, Dana Terry and Sarah McGoldrick, for always sticking by my side and being my biggest fans since we were in Elementary School. Without you two, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I want to thank my other best friends, Julia Barr and Karlyn Harlow, for being my rocks throughout college. You are both so inspiring and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Last but not least, I want to thank my amazing, hard-working, and caring boyfriend, Brandon Bedilion. You have given me endless amount of support in everything I do and you push me to be a better person. I wouldn’t want to continue on this journey with anyone else by my side.
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Senior Reflects: History Major Christine Katherine Elizabeth Ellis

Today we feature senior Christine Katherine Elizabeth Ellis, a History major from Sicklerville, NJ (Camden County). Christine, who commuted to campus, transferred to Rowan from Camden County College.
Could you please share your favorite social memory?
Among my favorite memories are my watercolor class, History of Photography class, my Modern Latin America class, and every history class I took that encouraged discussion among the students.
Could you please share a favorite experience in one of your classes?
Being able to present my poster for the President’s Day Poster Session Event (pictured below).

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
Thank you so much to my Mom and Dad for putting me through college and thank you also to both my grandmas for their help and support. Thank you to my Aunt Darlene and my cousin Dontrell for supporting me at my event. And thank you to everyone else who has encouraged me with my schooling.
Senior Psychology Major Says Young Son Was “Motivation” For Her Degree

Today we feature Ashley D. Steever, a Psychology major from Atco, NJ (Camden County). A first-generation college student, she transferred to Rowan from Camden County College. Ashley shares her favorite Rowan moments and thanks those who encouraged her as she worked full-time and raised a family while studying at Rowan.
Tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or favorite experience in one of your classes.
My favorite moment was from last semester while taking the course Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco (which is my career field). The professor was very real and down-to-earth and seemed to really engage the students. She and I chatted often after class about relevant topics and our personal experiences. She actually asked me to do a Narcan presentation/training for the class. I was really excited to educate my fellow classmates and was really appreciative of the opportunity. She was a great professor and made a great listener.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
Honestly, bringing my young son to Mommy’s school was a pretty meaningful moment. He was only about a year old, but it meant a lot to show him around campus. After all, he is my motivation for getting my degree and starting my career.
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
I am a Psychology major and did not know much about it when I first started. Rowan, and especially the Psychology as a Profession and Practice course, helped me to understand exactly what I could get out of a career and not just a degree. I am working toward my bachelor’s and then eventually my CADC to become a drug and alcohol counselor.
I’d like to give a shoutout to my family for all of their support through my very long educational journey. With working full-time and raising a family I have only been able to attend 2-3 classes a semester at Rowan. So it has taken me longer than expected to finish. My mom and my husband have supported me through it all and never gave up on me. I also want to thank my counselors, Megan Kately and Talia Musero, for always being there with answers, advice and feedback to keep me on track. It feels great to be so close to the finish line.

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Senior Reflects: Future Middle School Teacher Jessica Lynn Heady

Meet Jessica Lynn Heady, a first-generation college student and graduating senior who commuted from her home in Mantua, NJ (Gloucester County). Jessica, who majors in Subject Matter English Education and minors in Psychology, transferred from Rowan College at Gloucester County (now RCSJ). Here, Jessica shares her favorite moments from Rowan and thanks those who helped her as she pursued her teaching education path.
Tell us about your favorite classroom experience.
One of my favorite experiences was in Dr. Viator’s Shakespeare class. The class was held in Winans Hall in a room with paper-thin walls, and the class next door was always loud. So one day he was not having it and decided to give them a taste of their own medicine. He shouted as loud as he could at the dividing wall to tell them to stop laughing. Ironically our class howled with laughter. Once we were all settled down Dr. Viator said, “You won’t remember anything from today’s lesson, but you’ll remember your crazy professor yelling at a wall.” And he was absolutely right.
What was your favorite moment at Rowan?
One of my favorite personal moments at Rowan is when I would hang out with my friends after class in the pit or on the third floor of the student center. We would always say we would get together to do homework, but we would really just sit there and people watch, laughing way too loud and way too hard.
What are your career aspirations? How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
My career goal is to become a middle school English teacher to inspire students to learn. The professors and the staff members of The College of Education have supported me to do so. My professors have modeled excellent teaching strategies that I can use in my classroom and created learning environments that encourage and motivate me to do my best. The staff members of The College of Education have given me the guidance and support that I needed to succeed in my journey at Rowan University. Without them, I would not have the resources I need to have a successful future.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I’d like to thank my mom, my dad, my sister, and my grandma. Thank you for all the love and support you have given me throughout my college career. Thank you for being there for me when I thought my best wasn’t good enough. Thank you for staying up late with me as I wrote my essay after essay. And thank you for always encouraging me. I love you.
I would like to thank my cooperating teacher and mentor, Christine Neri. Thank you for all your support and guidance during my student teaching journey. Thank you for having faith and confidence in me when I did not have it in myself. I have learned so much from you. And I appreciate all that you have done for me. You’re the best.
I would like to thank Dr. Timothy Viator. Thank you for creating classes that are both educational and meaningful. Thank you for all your teaching and life advice. But most importantly thank you for continued support even in your time of retirement. I am forever grateful for that.
I’d like to thank my friends. Thank you for the laughter and the tears we have shared. Thank you for our late-night study sessions that would always get us sidetracked. And thank you for not letting me be the only person who would jokingly say I was going to drop out at the smallest inconvenience. Without all of you, my college career would have been extremely boring.
Lastly, I would like to thank my advisor, Nadia Rahin. Thank you for all the support you have provided me during my college career. Through all the ups and downs you were always there to help me keep my eye on my goals. And thank you for introducing me to classes that I would have never thought of taking. Because of you, my original goals have expanded from being an English teacher to being an English teacher who loves history, psychology, and women and gender Studies. Thank you for all that you have done for me.
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Senior Reflects: Political Science Major Jacob Haulenbeek

Today we feature Jacob Haulenbeek, a senior Political Science major and International Studies minor from Fieldsboro, NJ (Burlington County). Before leaving campus because of social distancing to protect society from the spread of COVID-19, Jacob lived in 220 Rowan Boulevard. He transferred to Rowan from Rowan College at Burlington County.
Tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My favorite moment in a class at Rowan might just be the Model UN trip to New York City last April. Spending time with the whole class, experiencing the city, and feeling the important weight of being in the United Nations — interacting with student leaders from around the world. It was enlightening and a blast.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
Getting close to everyone in the Rowan Democrats was an amazing experience for me. I built lasting friendships in that club that I hope to carry with me throughout my life. The work we did and the experiences we had (such as inter club debates, volunteering) will remain in my memory for years.
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
I am not sure of exactly what I want to do with my whole life yet. I’m sure that isn’t unique among college graduates. I plan to start my professional career this month working for International SOS. I will work for them in government services for at least a year and then attend law school. I would like to specifically and emphatically thank Dr. Dworkin and the Rowan Institute for Public Policy and Citizenship (RIPPAC) for all of the incredibly enriching events and activities they hosted on campus. RIPPAC stressed to all students the importance of internships and they provided the skills and resources to students in order to get their career aspirations off the ground: to get that internship, find that job, to write a professional resume.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I want to thank my whole family for supporting me throughout my academic career. I want to thank my friends and my instructors for standing by me when I needed them most and pushing me to achieve what they knew I was able to. Rowan is a special place, and I am grateful for everyone I’ve had the pleasure to meet and grow with.
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Senior Reflects: Radio/TV/Film Major Nicolas Matteo

Today we feature Nicolas Matteo, a senior Radio, Television & Film major from Washington Township, NJ (Gloucester County). Nicolas transferred to Rowan from Rowan College at Gloucester County (now RCSJ), and commuted to campus prior to temporary shutdowns in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. He is a first-generation college student.
Could you share your favorite moment or experience in one of your classes?
My favorite moment was getting my hands on the Black Magic 4k cameras in my Film Production 2 class.
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience while choosing a university close to home?
Join and participate in the Cinema Workshop. I haven’t been able to, but I hear it’s totally worth it.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I want to thank my parents, my sister Sophia, my beautiful girlfriend Destiny, and my brother-from-another-mother Jeremy, for sticking by me and helping me along the path of greatness.
Senior Reflects: Geographical Information Science Major Jonathan Sharp

Today we feature Jonathan Sharp, a Geographical Information Science major from Pilesgrove, NJ (Salem County). Jonathan transferred to Rowan from Anne Arundel Community College, and before social distancing in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, he commuted to campus.
Could you share your favorite social memory?
Socially the place to be in the department is our GIS lab. This where everyone comes to print off their stuff, work on their projects, and find GIS help from the mentors. I go here to get my work done and sometimes to hang out with the other people in the department getting ready to graduate, looking for help with their resumes, or just grabbing a bite to eat. I also always had a blast on the GeoClub hikes.

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
The Department of Geography, Planning, and Sustainability has the best faculty by far. Most have an open door policy and always have time to work through a hard problem or just check in with how you are doing. They also fill the department with extracurricular activities like the GeoClub and Planning Club so that even on the weekends they are giving their time and attention to the students. Even during the quarantine, it seemed like I’d talk to the faculty every day as I attended class online or was looking for help on a project.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
My biggest mentors: Dr. Ashley York, Prof. Richard Federman, and Dr. Zachary Christman and Kristina Wallace. They got me through this last semester. My sister Becky got me through the last two years. She’s my favorite sister by far.
Senior Reflects: #RowanPROUD Political Science Major Kazi Hafiza

Today we feature Kazi Hafiza, a graduating senior from Gloucester Township (Camden County). Kazi, who majored in Political Science and minored in Sociology, shares her favorite Rowan memories, including becoming an organization’s founding member and future leader.
Tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes.
I would say my favorite class was my sociology classes with Dr. Rich. We had so many great discussions in those classes. She really made me want to go to class each week.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
I was a founding member of the Rowan Democrats since freshman year and the President the past two years. Joining the Rowan Dems and helping build this club to where it is now was the best thing I experienced at Rowan University. Not only did it give me friends for a lifetime, I loved being at Rowan because of it. I was always told to join activities at college and it was the best decision ever. I learned so much from the events and the networks the club provided. I am sad that I am graduating and not being able to be a part of the Rowan Dems anymore but I am so happy that I created great memories throughout my four years and wish the club the best luck in the future.
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
I am not sure where I want to end up in the long run, but I know I want to stay in politics if I can. During my junior year, Rowan brought in its Institute of Public Policy and Citizenship (RIPPAC). Dr. Ben Dworkin really made being a poli sci student at Rowan so much better with his events and internship guides. He really cares about his students and it shows every time he checks in with you about future aspirations. Thank you, Dr. Dworkin, for all the help these past two years and for helping me find a better passion in a field I love.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I want to sincerely thank my family for supporting my dreams since I was a child. To all my friends thank you, college was tough for all of us but you all made my life at college enjoyable and I will never forget all the great times we had and hope to have in the future. To all the professors and faculty I’ve met over the years, thank you for all the support and pushing me to the best I could be. Thank you Rowan for being my home for the past four years. I am so proud to be a Prof!
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Senior Reflects: Literacy Studies Graduate Jodi Lynn Heady

Meet Jodi Lynn Heady, a graduating senior concentrating in literacy studies under subject-matter education with two minors in education and psychology. Jodi commuted to Rowan during her last semester from her home in Mantua, NJ (Gloucester County). She’s a first-generation college student who transferred here from Rowan College of Gloucester County.
Favorite Classes at Rowan: My favorite experiences at Rowan with my classes would have to be School Reading Problems and Supervised Clinical Practice in Reading. In those classes, I got to tutor children, seeing how much they grew from the beginning to end of tutoring was wonderful. They were the best classes to look forward to each week.
Favorite Memory: My favorite moment at Rowan was working at Rowan University Early Childhood Demonstration Center. The children and staff there were all so sweet, and it was the best way to either start or end my school day!
Career Aspirations: My career aspiration is to teach and shape young minds and get them ready for the years ahead of them. The College of Education supported me throughout my journey. They have provided wonderful classes with great professors.
Shout outs! I would like to give a shout out to my family (my mom, my dad, my sister, and my grandma), my friends, the children I babysit and their families, Rowan University Early Childhood Demonstration Center, my advisor (April Ellerbe), and my favorite professors at Rowan (Dr. Lee, and Professor Atwood).
Senior Reflects On Finding Herself

Today we feature Rumaysa Asim, a senior graduating with a bachelor’s in psychology with a Certificate of Undergraduate Study (CUGS) in Japanese. She completed her Rowan career as a commuter, but previously lived on campus. Rumaysa’s hometown is Cherry Hill, NJ (Camden County.)
What are some of your favorite social memories of your time at Rowan?
My favorite social memory was going to the Office of Social Justice after my classes. At first I was on a pre-med track and I struggled a lot in those courses. The Office of Social Justice was my safe space and a well needed break from these difficult classes. Though I did my work there, I especially enjoyed talking with the staff. They empowered me to be myself and to talk about the issues that I was facing as a minority. I further went on to execute ideas I had for different events such as a fundraiser and I created a program with the Office of Social Justice as a resident assistant. In my early years at Rowan I had struggled with my identity. I felt empowered in the space the Office of Social Justice made for me, and because of this I became more confident and proud of my identity. It was also a great stepping stone for me as it encouraged me to get involved in other programs as well.
Could you please share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My favorite memory with a faculty member was being in my Composition 2 class. My professor gave us the opportunity to pick any topic we wanted for our assignments. As someone who lacked representation while growing up I wanted to research it more and present it to my class. I was feeling a bit nervous about it because it can sometimes come off as controversial however, when I discussed it with my professor he encouraged me to continue with the topic as it was interesting and provided a new perspective. He also encouraged my class to research and present topics that we were passionate about no matter how “controversial” they were. I really liked this as it made me feel as though my opinions mattered even if others didn’t agree with me. He gave me a space to express myself and talk about things I wanted to see in the future.
What advice would you give to incoming freshmen or transfers about making the most out of their college experience while choosing a university close to home?
For incoming students I would say that you have to remember your individuality is your strength. I struggled feeling like I didn’t belong or feeling like there were others who were better than me in the roles I took as a leader on campus. Eventually though I met people who encouraged me to stay true to who I was and within that I was able to become more capable and confident. If you are unsure about yourself it can be harder to form relationships with others. That’s why it’s important to take time to understand yourself. You need to figure out out what you want from this experience and remember that your being different is an asset. It may feel like you don’t belong but in actuality you may have to “make” a place for yourself. It is important to empower yourself at the end of the day.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank?
Thank you to the people who have constantly supported me through these last four years. Thank you to my family, friends, advisors, faculty, and the university for helping me reach my goals and graduate!
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Senior Reflects: Elementary Ed/Mathematic Dual Major Thanks Professors

Meet Jacob Kauffman, an elementary education/mathematics dual major who commuted from Glassboro, NJ (Gloucester County.)
Favorite moment: A number of favorite moments come to mind so with that in mind I’d like to take this time to thank the entire mathematics department in Robinson Hall for always being there and willing to answer any questions that I had about my math courses!
Most Meaningful Moment: The most meaningful personal moment that I had at Rowan has to be the friends I made while student teaching. I never would have made it through it all without them! You know who you are!
Career Aspirations: I finished my degree in mathematics and it was one of the most difficult things I had ever done. Once I finally start teaching, I can’t wait to help my students overcome the obstacles that I struggled with for so long. None of this would have been possible without a select number of extremely helpful and kind math professors.
Shout outs! I’d like to thank my family for supporting me all through my college career and I’d also like to give a special thanks to Dr. Charalampos (Babis) Papachristou and Dr. Edward Dougherty both from the Rowan mathematics department who always went above and beyond whenever I asked for help.
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Future In Holocaust Education for History Grad

Today we feature first generation college student Sylvia Hogue, a graduating history major who transferred to Rowan from Camden County College. Sylvia commuted to campus from home, in Pine Hill, NJ (Camden County.)
Could you please tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
I’d have to say my favorite moment experience at Rowan was my second visit to the South Jersey Tech Park to work on the Warsaw VR Project. That day I got to experience the VR project inside of the CAVE and I knew then that the Warsaw Project was going to be very special and would be worth all other time and effort our multidisciplinary team puts into it.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
Last semester, I went to the New York Jewish Heritage Museum with the Rowan Center for the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights (RCHGHR) to see the first traveling exhibit about Auschwitz outside of Europe. Being there and seeing the remnants of the atrocities of the Holocaust solidified my desire to pursue a career in Holocaust education.
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
It is my goal to work in public history, helping to educate others on the horrors of genocide so that hopefully, one day, such tragedies no longer occur. I also wish to help design a federal Holocaust curriculum and develop teaching resources for public schools. The entire history department is endlessly supportive of its students. However, I personally own much to Jennifer Rich, Stephen Hague, and Jody Russell Manning.
Dr. Rich brought me onto the Warsaw Project with open arms and never misses an opportunity to lift up her students and makes them feel like they can do anything. Dr. Hague always pushes back, challenging me to do better and to look at things from a different perspective. Professor Manning, apart from always adding into my personal reading list, always makes me ask the bigger questions and never accept the easy answers as true. Such skills not only serve to make me a better historian in general but also give me a wider lens to see the world.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I never would have made it this far without the endless support from my parents (Pat and Ken), my fiance (Phillip), and my best friend (Steve) who have spent the last 4 years being the most patient and understanding people on the planet. I would also like to give a shout out to my friend Gina Torres who’s been stuck proofreading my papers since we met in Historical Methods.
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Senior Reflects: Law & Justice Major Emilyann Colbert

Meet Emilyann Colbert, a graduating senior from Sickerville, NJ (Camden County) who majored in Law & Justice and minored in Psychology. Emilyann graduated in Dec. 2019 and celebrates during the 2020 commencement.
Favorite moment with faculty: The professor who has made the biggest impact on me during my time at Rowan would be Dr. Kimberly Houser. She is an amazing professor. During my sophomore year of college I lost my uncle and it was a very difficult time in my life. Dr. Houser truly went above and beyond for me.
Favorite Rowan memory: Rowan University has been full of great memories, one of my favorites would be taking a tour of the Borgata Casino in Atlantic City for my Casino Crime class during my junior year.
Career Aspirations: In the future I hope to pursue a career within probation or parole. During the summer of 2019 I had the opportunity to intern with the New Jersey State Parole Board, where I was assigned to the Sex Offender Management Unit. My internship allowed me to observe parole board hearings and tour the New Jersey State Prison. It was a great experience.
Shout outs! I want to thank all of my family and friends for always being so supportive. Throughout my life my mother, brother and grandparents have always been there for me. They have taught me how to be strong, determined and hard-working. My boyfriend, Dominic, and best friend, Samantha, have also been a strong support system for me.
I will forever be appreciative of them. I love you all.
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Senior Reflects: Jonathan DeLair Celebrates Commencement with Fellow Engineers — from a Safe Distance

Meet Jonathan DeLair, a graduating senior from Piscataway, NJ (Middlesex County) who majored in mechanical engineering. He and his closest engineering friends met at Bunce Hall for a social distancing graduation farewell.
Favorite Class Memory: My favorite moment would have to be when my partner and I got the air engine we built from scratch to run great after a real bad failure in Dr. Bhatia’s TFS II class.
How did you meet your closest friends: I met Matt my freshman year on GroupMe. We were both searching for a roommate and we decided to be roommates because we both loved cranberry juice and cold rooms. We’ve been roommates/apartment mates for 4 years.

Career Aspirations: I aspire to be a successful engineer in my professional life and maybe even secure higher management roles in the future.
Shout outs: I first want to thank my parents, without them I wouldn’t be where I am or who I am today. I also would like to thank the rest of my family and friends I’ve met for believing in me and being there along the way. Lastly, I’d like to thank all the staff at Rowan for bringing love and hard work to class and for giving us the tools we need to handle the professional world.
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Senior Mechanical Engineering Major Launches Career, Looks Back on Rowan Experience

Meet Jason Fisch, a graduating senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering from Camden County, NJ who lives on campus on Rowan Boulevard. Jason shares a few highlights from his Rowan career and has several people to thank along the way.
Tell us about a favorite experience in one of your classes.
My favorite memory in one of my classes would be the Air Engine Project in my junior year TFS [Thermal-Fluid Sciences] class. Over two semesters, mechanical engineering students work in groups to fabricate their own engine, which runs on compressed air. It was a very challenging but rewarding project.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
My most meaningful moment at Rowan was being elected as the SGA [Student Government Association] Executive Vice President by the student body. It was such an honor to serve the undergraduate population, clubs, and organizations this past year, and I learned a lot along the way.
What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
Upon graduation, I will be working as a strategy analyst at Accenture. Rowan’s interdisciplinary and project-based learning allowed me to grow into the leader I am today and build critical thinking and problem solving skills, which I will use throughout my career.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I’d like to thank my parents and my brother Jared for supporting me and pushing me to achieve my goals and aspirations at Rowan. I have had many amazing professors and got to know some fantastic administrators.
While I cannot thank them all individually here, I’d like to give a shout out to Dr. Lowman, Dr. Tinnin, Professor Amadoro, Dr. Jha, Dr. Ik Jae Lee and Dr. Krchnavek. Every faculty member at Rowan that I have had the chance to interact with over my four amazing years has had a positive impact on my life.

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Senior Reflects: Health & Physical Major J Renee Collazo

Meet J Renee Collazo a health and physical education major from Burlington County who transferred after 15 years at Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC). Before COVID-19 she commuted to campus.
Favorite Experience: I have to say, my favorite experience was completing the crate stacking/climbing in Adventure Learning class!
Favorite Personal Moment: My most meaningful, personal moment was my first day starting at Rowan! I went back to school after 15 years from graduating from RCBC.
Career Aspirations: I want to teach people the tools it takes to live a healthy, active, and meaningful life. The programs at Rowan were an inspiration to learning the methods I can use to accomplish this goal of mine!
Shout Outs! Shout out to my family for always supporting me, my friends helping me along the way, Dr. Willis, Professor Lieberman, Dr. McCall, and many more were such a great inspiration to the success of my time at Rowan! Thank you so much everyone!
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Liberal Studies, 3+1 Program Senior Reflects

Meet Chinasa N. Nwankwo, a senior liberal studies major graduating this semester as part of the 3+1 program, in which students attend classes at community college for three years and at Rowan University for one year. Chinasa, from Cinnaminson, NJ (Burlington County) attended 3+1 through Rowan College at Burlington County.
Could you share your favorite memory?
I joined the Philosophy Club of Rowan University, for me it’s very exciting. I was very honored when I got an invite to join. Unfortunately the season we are witnessing has limited our club activities. I look forward to keeping in touch with the club since Phi Kappa Tau stands for everything I believe.

Could you share your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My experience with the academic advisors for the 3+1 program was impressive. I encountered my advisor Allie when I was looking to transfer to a four-year college from RCBC. She is an amazing individual whose professionalism is second to none. She followed up with me, and her attitude convinced me to complete my degree program through the 3+1 initiative.

Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I want to thank my husband, who assisted me all the way without complaining. He stood by me and encouraged me that I could do this and be proud of myself. My son Zee, who believed that “Mommy is smart,” I want to say thank you. I missed out on your soccer games, volleyball and other activities because of my evening classes. I love you, son. You make me proud. I celebrate you as you go to college in the Fall of 2020.
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Senior Reflects: Athletic Training Major Phil Brenner

Meet Phil Brenner, a graduating senior from Westville, NJ (Gloucester County) who majored in athletic training. Phil lived on campus in Evergreen, on Rowan Boulevard and in off-campus campus during his time at Rowan.
Favorite Class: One of my favorite moments in a class was during Mr. Christy’s therapeutic exercise class when our class had to go into the cold whirlpool for 20 minutes at 8 a.m. in the morning. It was definitely better than the effect of any coffee.
Most Meaningful Memory: One of my most meaningful experiences at Rowan was joining the Unified Sports Club my freshman year. I had so much fun competing with all of the athletes and partners. It was one of the things I looked forward to most on the weekend when it was soccer or basketball season.
Career Aspirations: My career aspirations are to continue in the athletic training program at Rowan so I can get my master’s in athletic training. I aspire to be an athletic trainer for a high school. I got to learn alongside two of the best high-school athletic trainers (shoutout Mr. Evans at Woodstown and KB at Delsea Regional High School). They taught me the ins and outs of what it takes to be a high-school athletic trainer and I’m very grateful for their mentorship. Also, the professors and educators of the athletic training major helped me reach where I am. They have challenged me and pushed me to be the best I could be. It was definitely a lot of work but without their guidance, I wouldn’t be where I am at right now.

Shout outs! I want to give a shout out to my mom, sisters (Jenna and Kristina), my brother Chris, my girlfriend Grace, and my close friends who have supported me throughout my academic journey. I also want to give a shoutout to Colleen Grugan, Dr. Sterner, Dr. Mann, Dr. Pletcher, Dr. Bullard, Mr. Christy, KB, Mr. Evans, Steve Shultz, and Chris Pantellere for being educators and preceptors for me throughout my courses and residencies. My knowledge base is a cumulation of these high quality educators and I could not be more grateful for that.
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Senior Reflects: My Favorite Memories at Rowan

Today’s story features Julia McAleavey, a senior from Monmouth County, NJ, graduating with a bachelor’s in advertising. Julia transferred to Rowan her sophomore year, from Eastern University in Pennsylvania.
My time as a Rowan student is coming to a close. I will be finished with my degree as of the spring semester and it just doesn’t feel real. I am sad to leave, but I am so grateful for all of the friends memories I made along the way.
I transferred into Rowan as a spring semester sophomore. I remember moving into my Rowan Boulevard apartment, pleasantly surprised that I had a kitchen and my own bedroom. The university I attended beforehand wasn’t a good fit, so I was nervous and excited to see what Rowan had to offer for me.
Before attending Rowan, I had not declared a major. All I knew was that I wanted a career where I could be creative. I then found out that Rowan offered a major in advertising, and after some meetings and taking my Introduction to Advertising class, I knew it was the perfect fit for me. I have made so many memories in my advertising classes and met so many great students and professors.
I did not have a job at my old school and I knew I wanted one here to make some extra money. Being that I am a certified lifeguard and swim instructor, I walked over to the Student Recreation Center where we have our campus pools. I got an interview and excitedly accepted the job. Upon being hired, I knew that I would be in a better state financially, but what I didn’t know was how awesome everyone was on the aquatics staff. They made me feel welcome as a new transfer, and I consider many of them to be good friends today.

I think my all-time favorite memory from Rowan is being part of the club swim team. I swam competitively my whole life, but stopped at my old school. I figured joining the club at Rowan would help me to build

friendships and stay active. It was so much fun having water polo practices and competing at meets, and of course the team meals after the meets. I even got to be a leader and build my professional development as the team secretary and social media chair. My favorite part of club swim, however, was the friendships I made that will last a lifetime. We get together regularly outside of practice and I still see friends that graduated almost every week. This is how I know that this bond we have is lifelong.
In short, I could not have asked for a better experience at Rowan. I made some many great memories and friends, and also really grew and developed as an individual.
I’d like to thank all of my friends, advisors, and professors that made this journey so special. To all future and returning Profs: get involved and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! You might change your life in the process.
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Julia McAleavey, senior advertising major
Senior Reflects: Sports Communication Major Austin Michael Jones Graduates with Pro Team Aspirations

Today we feature Austin Michael Jones, a Sports Communication and Media major from Franklinville, NJ (Gloucester County). This first-generation senior, who transferred from Rowan College of New Jersey, lives off campus. Austin shares his future plans and favorite Rowan moments, including meeting a basketball Hall of Famer.
Tell us about your favorite moment with a faculty member or a favorite experience in one of your classes?
My favorite moment with a faculty moment was going to Atlanta, Georgia for the NCAA Inclusion Forum with Professor Yannick Kluch. Rowan students Thomas Cardona, Kayla Santiago and Alexandra Brooks also attended the event. We got to learn and make connections with fellow professor and students who are devoted to make a cultural change about diversity.
What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Rowan?
When I got to meet basketball Hall of Famer Charles Barkley. He gave us students such great advice about life and the obstacles he had to overcome. The coolest thing was I was literally sitting next to Barkley.
What are your career aspirations? How did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?
My career aspiration is to work front office with an NFL or NBA team. The Pizza with the Pros helped me because I got to make some connections that have been able to help me with my future career. Also, speaking with Yannick Kluch and Neil Hartman have allowed me search for positions that best fit me.
Do you want to give a thank you shout out to your family, friends, advisors or mentors?
I want to give thanks to my family, friends and all the faculty members that have helped me through my educational path. I also want to say thank you to my late mother who has been watching above me. Lastly, thank you Rowan University for being part of my life.
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Senior Reflects: Friendship & Greek Life

Today’s story is from Melanie Sbaraglio, a senior public relations and advertising major social-distancing from her house in Nutley, NJ (Essex County). Melanie joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Ace Screen Printing in Glassboro was cut short due to COVID-19 affecting business.
I have made a lot of memories throughout my four years here at Rowan. My experiences have shaped me into the person that I am today in so many ways.
When I think back to the first day that I moved into my freshman dorm, I had no idea what the next few years would have in store. Now as a senior who is almost reaching the point of graduation, I want to share some of my favorite moments from the past four years.

The first memory I have is moving into my freshman dorm and meeting my first friend at Rowan, Emily. Emily and I have experienced everything together at Rowan because we have been roommates since freshman year. We even ended up both joining the same sorority during our sophomore year, Alpha Sigma Tau. Joining my sorority brought me to so many amazing friends that I continue to make memories with all the time.
Moving into 114 Victoria junior year was definitely one of the best times. My roommates and I were all just starting to meet new people since joining Greek Life. I’d have to say this was my favorite year of college. It was when everything started to finally fall into place for me, and I realized that I loved this school.

I came out of my shell a lot junior year and did things that I never thought I would do. From participating in Greek Life pageants to dancing on stage with my sorority for lip sync during Homecoming and Greek Week, I was finally having the college experience I’d always hoped for. I gained so much confidence after joining a sorority because it got me involved on campus and recruitment pushed me out of my comfort zone. Finally finding the friends/roommates who I still live with this year also gave me so much confidence because I finally felt like I belonged here.
The start to senior year will also always remain one of the best times of my life. My five roommates and I moved into our off-campus house together, which was another new and exciting experience. Although senior year was unfortunately cut short, I will always have the best memories from Rowan. I will always have the friends that I made along the way as well and will continue to keep making amazing memories with them.
The time spent at this school brought so much good into my life, and I would not change a thing about how it all came together.
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Story and photos by:
Melanie Sbaraglio, senior public relations and advertising major
Senior Reflects: Law & Justice Major Tylar E. Bradley Looks Forward to Practicing Law

Meet Tylar E. Bradley, a law and justice graduating senior from Delran, NJ (Burlington County) who transferred here from Howard University. Tylar shares her favorite memories, professors and her plan for law school. Tylar commutes to Rowan.
Favorite Memory with a Professor: I do remember having a very good conversation with Dr. Stanley Yeldell. I took his victimology course, which was a great class. We exchanged stories about our respective times in Washington D.C. where he went to college and where I transferred from. I also had great conversations with Professor James Jones. You can just tell he’s very passionate and knowledgeable about his job. I always loved hearing him speak.
Club Involvement: I had high hopes of getting involved in more clubs/organizations this upcoming semester but COVID-19 messed up those plans. Making friends as a busy transfer student is harder, but I can say that every person that I came in contact with was very nice.
Career Aspirations: I aspire to go to law school and practice law before ultimately becoming a judge or getting involved somehow with the FBI orCIA. I haven’t decided yet, but I plan on taking the LSAT regardless. One professor that supported me with my aspirations was Professor Hoerner. She was very informative on certain aspects about entering that field and was always very encouraging.
Shout outs! I want to thank my family, friends and professors for helping me through this transition as a transfer student while also being a single mother to a 2-year-old boy. It’s been very difficult but with my family and friends’ help and understanding professors– I’ve managed to not only succeed but excel in all of my courses.
Senior Reflects: Aspiring Music Educator Kayode Gloster

Meet Kayode G, a graduating senior majoring in vocal music education who lives on campus on Rowan Boulevard. Kayode commuted to Rowan during his last semester, from his home in Pine Hill, NJ (Camden County). Kayode shares his favorite memories as president of the Table Tennis Club and as a performing arts student.
Favorite Memory with a Professor:
My favorite moment with a faculty member was when Professor Art McKenzie, my high school and Rowan men’s choir director, asked me to choreograph/stage one of the men’s choir concerts. He had a brilliant vision and he believed in me to help bring it to life.
We had many creative meetings on the order of the music for the program, lighting & staging ideas, transitions, and choreography. He allowed me to have a voice in the process, and he didn’t have to. He is one of the most selfless, egoless, and talented people I have ever met. I learned so much from this experience. I felt honored to be able to work on this huge project with one of my inspirations.
Favorite Rowan Memory:
My personal favorite moment at Rowan was when I was the President of the Table Tennis Club. My goal for the club was to get the history of the club to 100 members on Proflink. When I was elected president, there were about 40 students in the history, and by the end of my term, the club had over 100 members! That was a very ambitious goal, but I exceeded that goal. This accomplishment stands out for me because this club allowed me to meet and connect with many great students on campus.
My motto for the club was: It’s more about collaboration than it is competition!

What are Your Career Aspirations:
I aspire to be a music educator and work in all areas of performing arts. I love to sing, dance/choreograph, play the piano, write music & poetry, and of course teach and inspire others to get involved in music. I have had many opportunities to teach and showcase my gifts whether it was front stage (singing solo/duets, piano recital) or behind the scenes (choreographing, staging and lighting). I thank all of the teachers who allowed me to share my love of music in a variety of ways.
Shout outs! I would love to say thank you to my family and friends who have been there during this long journey. All of the love, laughter, support, and meaningful moments have truly kept me alive.
Thank you to my table tennis friends. You will never truly understand how much this group has helped me through some of the hardest times at Rowan.
Huge thank you to Mr. McKenzie for all of your love and support! Thanks to Dr. Christopher Thomas and the choir who sang at my mother’s funeral. I will never forget that moment. Lastly, a huge shout out to Professor Karen Brager!!!!!! You truly mean so much to me! You are a huge reason why I made it to graduation. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Much love to you all.
Senior Reflects: My Most Interesting Classes at Rowan

Today’s story is from Devon Graf, a senior communications studies major self-distancing from her house in Camden County, NJ. Devon joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Enchanted Celebrations was cut short prematurely due to COVID-19 affecting business.
Coming to an ending of my college experience, I get to reflect on the little things and the big things. From the amazing memories I have had at Rowan University I reflect a lot on my friends, as well as my professors and peers.
One of my favorite classes I have taken as a Communication Studies major is Integrated Communication Marketing. Although I would have to say a number of my classes became my “most” interesting one, as each course brought me different knowledge within my field.
My coursework at Rowan provided me with an excellent foundation and allowed me to put my skill sets into practice. Courses such as Participatory Media helped my skills in social media strategy. I helped to kickstart The Daily Challenge Social Media Campaign through regular posts and interact with users on multiple platforms, analysis of analytics and observing marketing trends. This provided great insight into the likes and dislikes of college students.

My Integrated Marketing Communication class allowed me to create a product and marketing plan for a specialized portable solar charger. The last course I will highlight is Public Relations of Law and Ethics. Upon learning about the theory of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, in its relevance to marketing, I was able to understand and tend to my client’s needs on a higher level during my internship at Enchanted Celebrations in West Creek, NJ.
I believe a college course is what you make of it. Sometimes we students have to take courses we don’t want to, or we don’t think we need, but those courses can pay off. Trust me. Down the line, you might actually refer to something you learned in Art Appreciation or American Government. Not all majors need to stick with one specific course load. Broaden your knowledge! Take each course you are signed up for with a positive attitude.
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Story and photography by:
Devon Graf, senior communication studies major
Senior Prepares for Last Year of 4+1 Program, Gives Advice to Future Educators

Today we speak with Jacob Emig, a senior chemistry major pursuing a master’s degree in education as part of a five-year program at Rowan. Jacob transferred to Rowan from Rowan College at Burlington County and commutes to campus from his home in Marlton, NJ (Burlington County).
Why did you choose Rowan?
I went to Rowan College at Burlington County, and I knew a lot of my courses would automatically transfer over to Rowan, which made the financial aspect much better. I commute from home, which isn’t too far from Rowan, which makes it easier. My drive is usually around 30 to 40 minutes. I try to schedule my classes for two or three days a week, and stay on campus pretty much all day. This allows me to also work on the days when I don’t have classes.
What inspired you to choose chemistry and education?
I went into the chemistry major directly set on teaching — the end goal was to become a chemistry teacher the whole time. I studied autobody at a trade school, and I loved that, but I also had a love for chemistry and teaching in high school. Teaching came naturally to me, and I thought it could be a very rewarding career.
I am in the Combined Advanced Degree Program (CADP) with a BA in science for chemistry and a master’s in education, part of the five-year program. Over the past four years, I’ve been taking chemistry courses with some education classes mixed in, and next year I’ll be student teaching as part of the requirements for my master’s degree. I’ll be student teaching at a high school with students in the class probably ranging from freshmen to seniors.
How do you think your Rowan education will benefit your student teaching experience?
What I learned at Rowan will definitely benefit me. You usually don’t get the chance to understand teaching until you’re actually in the classroom environment. A lot of my courses explain how students learn information and the most beneficial ways of teaching, and it’s all helpful information. I was talking to one of my old high school teachers, and she suggested definitely going for a master’s and gaining that student-teaching experience. It’s very helpful to have a teacher guiding you as you learn your way through navigating the classroom and its challenges.
Tell us about your favorite class in your major that might have had an impact on your studies.
I had a lot of fun chemistry classes because I just find [chemistry] interesting. A lot of them go into in-depth studies, and my professors are great. My favorite is the one I am wrapping up this semester, STEM Teaching and Research Methods. I was disappointed it was transitioned to an online format because of Covid-19, because it’s a very discussion-based class. We talk about how students learn and the things to keep in mind while teaching. It’s given me a perspective that people wouldn’t normally think about while teaching, like the way you approach a lesson, and the ways you can answer a question. I got to see the opinions of not only my professor but also my classmates.
Have you had any mentors or faculty role models to guide you?
Professors can really influence your experience as a future educator. Professor Trevor Smith is always encouraging to us as students and seems to genuinely enjoy his job. He’s passionate about his subject matter, and being in his class and seeing the way he teaches and seeing how excited he was about teaching was inspiring.
Any advice for future educators?
When you get into the higher level STEM courses, they can become pretty difficult. If you’re in the field more for the teaching side, it can seem like more work than necessary to become a teacher. But if you’re passionate and genuinely care about helping students and making an impact in their lives, it’s definitely worth it in the end. You just have to put in the work to get you there.
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Senior Reflects: My Experiences that Made the Most of Rowan

Today’s story is from Devon Graf, a senior communications studies major self-distancing from her house in Camden County, NJ. Devon joined the Rowan Blog team to wrap up her remaining internship hours, after her internship with Enchanted Celebrations was cut short prematurely due to COVID-19 affecting business.
One of my favorite memories is studying abroad with my Theories of Crime class my freshman year. Not only was I able to create amazing friendships with my classmates and professor, but we got to travel Italy together! We went to many cities and learned so much. I highly recommend taking Theories of Crime, or any other course at Rowan that gives the opportunity to travel. We spent a week in Italy and had the best time.
Another great memory at Rowan University is experiencing RoGlow. Student Center & Campus Activities hosts this super fun event at a location near campus. My freshman year my roommates and a couple of my friends went, not expecting what went down! We were all put in a big tent with a super loud DJ playing top hits and strobe lights. We got paint to throw at each other while being shot by paint shooters up on stage. It was such a fun night to start my college year.
Back to the Boro was also a super fun experience all while giving back to the Glassboro community. My friends and I in my Communication Studies Club volunteered to do this event. We were given a location, rakes, gloves, and trash bags to help give back to the local homes around campus. We all got together to help clean up, plant flowers, and get to know some of our friendly neighbors.
Rowan’s Homecoming Football Game my senior year was another great memory. My friends and I all got together to attend this fun event. We dressed in our best in Rowan colors and showed off our spirit. Before the game we all met in the parking lot to tailgate with hundreds of students. They were giving away free food and drinks as well!
There are so many memories created at Rowan University looking back as a senior now. These were the fastest four years of my life and I am honestly so sad it’s over. Cherish these times while you can. You’re going to look back when you’re graduated and living your adult lifestyle and wish you could go back and do it all over again. I’m proud to say I created such a wonderful life going to Rowan and have created the best friendships and made the best times.
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Senior Reflects: Samantha Maynard Shares How Her Double Major Supports Her Aspirations

Meet Samantha Maynard, a graduating senior who double majored in disaster preparedness and emergency management, and community health. Samantha lived on campus and is originally from West Milford (Passaic County.)
Favorite Faculty Memory: My favorite moment with a faculty member is when Dr. Willis helped me plan my big trip to Europe. Thank you!
Favorite Personal Memory: My favorite personal moments were the nights my roommates and I, from this past year, would hang out and just talk about random things, and have a blast doing it. We would talk about anything and everything and have the best conversations that we somehow never remembered the next day, but were amazing to be a part of when they happened.
Career Aspirations: My career aspirations are to work in communities that often need the most help, whether they are or have been underserved for some time, lack health foods, are not safe or accessible. I want to support people who are often neglected due to racism or other prejudicial acts. I am also open to working in a position where I can help underserved communities better recover after a disaster and finding ways to help them get back on their feet. Being able to work in both the community health and emergency management field is a dream.
The professors at Rowan helped to support my ideas by just having experience working in both fields and seeing how beneficial having both backgrounds can be for jobs, or even just or educational components. Whenever I would remind my professors of this other major I was pursuing, they would always include it as something to consider when making a plan. I learnt that we shouldn’t exclude ourselves from the most obvious answers or career paths but that we have to consider everything that can effect this one thing.
Shout Outs! I want to say thank you to Dr. Willis, Dr. Vaughn, Dr. Miller, and Professor Kneeshaw-Price because they were the ones who helped me out the most, were there to answer all my questions, and were the ones who really helped me to push myself and do the best I could.
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Senior Reflects: Law & Justice Major Thanks Family & Faculty

Meet Shira Helena, a Law & Justice major from Camden, NJ (Camden County.) Shira shares her favorite Rowan memories and thanks faculty and her family for all their support during her college career.
Favorite Experience: My favorite experience at Rowan was being able to meet my counselor Dr. Lesley Mateo, who along my college journey became a friend.
Most Meaningful Moment: My favorite meaningful moment is meeting friends who supported me along the way, and helped me overcome all my obstacles.
Career Aspirations: My career aspiration is to become a DEA agent. I had several professors who shared their experience and have helped me get me on track to accomplish my dreams step by step.
Shout Outs! I will like to thanks my counselor Dr.Lesley Mateo who helped me not to quit. My family for supporting me all this time. My mom Jackeline Oquendo Who teach to fight for what I want and teach values that got me where I am today. Odesta Harrow and Melissa Harrow for always being there for me and giving me support. Bethairy Rosario And Rosanna For being supportive all the time. My daughter Alayza Ocasio because you motivated me to become the woman that I am today. The Upward Bound program that helped me to get into Rowan University and helped me to be ready for college Waldemar Ocasio I will like to thank you for supporting me when I need the most.
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