Senior Reflects: Sociology Major Peterson Dossous Strives to “Never Stop Thinking and Learning” in His Field

Sociology graduate Peterson stands outside wearing a suit

Today we feature Peterson Dossous, a recent Rowan graduate who studied Sociology from Jersey City, NJ (Hudson County). Peterson reflects on his experience as a Prof and how he made the most out of his college experience.

Peterson celebrates his commencement with family

Did you have an on-campus job?

I worked for the Office of Career Advancement, which consisted of filing documents, answering phones, managing meetings, preparing career fairs, engaging and interacting with students. It was a great opportunity to acquire well-rounded skills to apply in an office setting post-grad. It enhanced my customer service, Excel sheet and interpersonal communication skills. 

Do you have any mentors at Rowan?

Mr. Richard Jones, [Vice President of Student Engagement], has been a mentor of mine. I was part of a new program he was starting up to best interact with students and increase student participation on campus, which helped to broaden my horizon.

What is your favorite academic or professional accomplishment?

That I graduated and am in the position I’m in. Not everyone gets the opportunity or finds the motivation to go to college where I’m from.

Peterson stands outside wearing a business suit

What got you interested in your intended field?

I was always interested in finding the reasons why people do the things they do. Originally, I was a psych major but changed due to the amount of school you need to go through and knowing how much money people pay psychologists to receive help. I want to figure out the common problem a group of people have and create a space for them to relate and resolve the problem.

Sociology keeps the mind running and I love it. I will never stop thinking and learning in my field. I get to live and learn through everybody else. I will use their testimonies for future experiences.

Eventually, I’d love to help traumatized soldiers transition into society. Every group of people is institutionalized in their own way. Students in school, inmates in prison, soldiers in combat. Soldiers don’t have an accessible outlet. Most people can call a friend, parent, or mentor to mellow you out; but as a soldier, not many people can relate to the suffering or they have difficulty opening up. Talking to a counselor engages everyone in the discussion. It teaches them the tools to reclaim a “normal” lifestyle and how to handle and cope with certain environments. 

Peterson stands outside wearing a business suit

What knowledge or skills have you developed through your time at Rowan that you will take into you for future endeavors?

The most important lesson I’ve learned at Rowan is exercising social skills — articulating a conversation, guiding important discussions, interacting in the corporate world … being punctual, organized and accountable.

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Story by:
Alyssa Bauer, public relations graduate

Photos courtesy of:
Peterson Dossous