Meet #Rowan2024: From First Open House, Rowan Felt Like Home For Music Education Major Morgan Blake

Meet Music Education major Morgan Blake from Riverside, NJ (Burlington County). Morgan is excited for new experiences and to be living on campus this coming fall.

What is something you’re looking forward to next year at Rowan? 

I’m looking forward to meeting new friends and trying out new clubs! I would love to step away from my comfort zone and join something I never would have thought of!

Morgan pictured in Rowan apparel with her admissions acceptance packet

What is one activity, club, sport, or hobby that you did in high school that you’d like to continue at Rowan?

I’ve participated in Drama Club all four years of high school, and I’m looking forward to auditioning for Rowan’s plays and musicals!

How did you choose your major? 

Freshman year I found my passion for music and performing. I wish I had realized this when I was younger, so naturally I decided to become a music education major.

My goal is to have the impact on upcoming generations to be true to who they are and what they love.

How did you get to know campus? 

I visited a Rowan open house my junior year.

What music do you like?

I’m a huge Grateful Dead fan! I also love Broadway soundtracks and even have a taste in classical music. 

Night owl or morning person?

I am definitely a morning person. I hate waking up late, so I usually go to bed quite early. 

Why Rowan? 

After my first open house, I realized Rowan’s community made me feel like I’m at home!

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