Senior Reflects: Transfer Political Science Major Finds Her Fit

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Meet Morgan Golightly, a first-generation college student, transfer student and commuter from Belmar, NJ (Monmouth County) who just finished her time at Rowan with a Political Science degree. She reflects on her time at Rowan and tells us some of her favorite experiences and where she’s headed to next!

Morgan stands in front of the Eiffel Tower.
Do you have any favorite moments
with faculty or a favorite classroom experience?

“My favorite moments at Rowan were in Dr. Knight-Finley’s classroom during the midterm elections. We learned in depth about the state elections and created online quizzes to help voters find ideal candidates to vote for. This class sparked the moment when I knew that Political Science was the right major for me.”

What was your favorite or most meaningful personal moment at Portrait of Morgan Golightly.Rowan?

My favorite moment at Rowan was at transfer orientation when I made an abundance of new friendships with those of similar majors and goals as myself.” 

What are your career aspirations and how did the people or programs at Rowan help to support you with those aspirations?

With the encouraging words from many professors, I took my LSATS my junior year and am planning on attending law school in the fall of 2021. I hope to be a copyright lawyer while participating in local and state government.”

Shout outs:

“I want to thank Harold Thompson, my advisor who helped stay on track. I want to thank the professors that worked with me during some of the hardest times of my life. I want to thank the Gunderson family for their continuous support, love and guidance. I don’t know where I would have ended up without the Gunderson family supporting me through every hardship and struggle. Thank you to my aunt Christine and the select family members that offered their support. Lastly, thank you Tyler Terrribile for your continuous encouragement and praise.”

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